Democrats facing Wipeout in midterm elections


3 (100%)

Evidence is mounting that Democrats are facing a midterm wipeout: Hopes for an [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]economic [COLOR=blue ! important]recovery[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
to save Democrats from voter punishment this November are quickly fading as an already high unemployment rate inched up. A new poll shows voters favor Republican newcomers. And political analyst Larry Sabato is predicting that the GOP will win control of the House this fall and come within a couple of seats of winning the Senate.
"There's absolutely no doubt at this point it's a Republican year and very probably a very big Republican year," Sabato told Fox News. "This particular year has been mischaracterized as an anti-incumbent year. In fact, it's becoming increasingly obvious that it's an anti-Democratic year."

What does /vs/ think about this? Makes sense or wtf how did this happen?
People somehow think republicans will wave their magic wand and the economy will improve. I'm just pissed that the democratic majority we've had these last few years has basically been wasted.
Good. This is just like 1982 and 1994. The Republicans will get the blame comes 2012 and Obama will easily get reelected. This is all part of the plan.
As long as Pelosi, Boxer and Feinstein go away I couldn't care less what else happens on a national level. Being a resident of California i'm more concerned with our future governor as both of the women running are horrible choices. Our state legislature isn't much better either. They're notorious for trying to punish the law abiding citizen and it needs to stop.
[quote name='IRHari']

What does /vs/ think about this? Makes sense or wtf how did this happen?[/QUOTE]

Many people in this forum have been saying this for a while, but the far left-leaning people generally shouted them down or belittled them (the norm for that group of people on this forum, it seems).

It started with frustration over the bailout after bailout after bailout after bailout (started with Bush, but *far* more was done by Obama when he should have just let some of these companies go into bankruptcy protection), reckless spending by Obama administration which other administrations paled in comparison to, ineffective stimulus bill which fueled government pet projects and pork but did little for the economy, house passing cap and trade when most did not want it, house & senate shoving a healthcare bill down our throats when 56% (now over 60%) of Americans were opposed to to the scope and reach of the specific bill - not to mention the corruption and payoffs involved in passing it, and the continued economic crisis which the democrats only want to fix if it means growing the size, power, scope, or somehow benefitting the government.

Well, here is the wake up call in case you missed the warnings. Maybe if republicans get back in power they can undo some of the damage done by the democrats, though the money wasted is obviously gone.

I got this in my inbox.
[quote name='SpazX']I just watched Brazil on Friday, I thought it was way too slow. Could've been a lot better.[/QUOTE]

You saw the Director's Cut I hope? The first time through can be slow, but the more you watch it the more you notice, and it ends up a favorite for most once you get all the references.

But yeah, given the govt how it is currently, how far away is a Brazil-style govt??
[quote name='Ruined']Maybe if republicans get back in power they can undo some of the damage done by the democrats, though the money wasted is obviously gone.[/QUOTE]

Based on past performance, there's absolutely no evidence that the Republican party will solve anything if they get back in power.

There's two groups of retarded monkeys playing a game of keep-a-way with our government and the general population just switches from cheering on one team of losers to the other.
If the Republicans take back Congress, we get one thing: Deadlock. Almost everything Government could pass would come to a grinding halt, most importantly spending bills.

However, let's keep in mind that everyone's taxes are being raised quite a bit in just a few months unless those tax cuts are extended. In this economy, that is not going to do us any favors.

I'm also hoping Reid gets defeated. Will he? Maybe, maybe not.
[quote name='Ruined']Many people in this forum have been saying this for a while, but the far left-leaning people generally shouted them down or belittled them (the norm for that group of people on this forum, it seems).

It started with frustration over the bailout after bailout after bailout after bailout (started with Bush, but *far* more was done by Obama when he should have just let some of these companies go into bankruptcy protection), reckless spending by Obama administration which other administrations paled in comparison to, ineffective stimulus bill which fueled government pet projects and pork but did little for the economy, house passing cap and trade when most did not want it, house & senate shoving a healthcare bill down our throats when 56% (now over 60%) of Americans were opposed to to the scope and reach of the specific bill - not to mention the corruption and payoffs involved in passing it, and the continued economic crisis which the democrats only want to fix if it means growing the size, power, scope, or somehow benefitting the government.

Well, here is the wake up call in case you missed the warnings. Maybe if republicans get back in power they can undo some of the damage done by the democrats, though the money wasted is obviously gone.[/QUOTE]

Again, all those problems were entirely caused by Bush and his Republican party. They are the ones to blame, not the democrats. This is nothing more than a racist attempt to pin all the mess caused by the bigoted white folks onto our first black President.
Some of those problems are also not what they seem.

For instance, every economist* said before the stimulus that it was too small by at least half. It was also full of garbage like tax cuts. People were for the healthcare bill if you asked them about the actual elements in it. Secondarily, many people were against it because it nearly the entire thing was REPUBLICAN IDEAS. Mandate: Republican idea. Exchange: Republican idea. Progressive ideas weren't even considered or stripped. Where is the public option, where is single payer?

*that wasnt working for a right wing think tank/foundation

Republicans wont be able to reverse much. Besides, they've never had the aim to govern or a plan to. They'll try to get some tax cuts/deregulation through and thats it. We'll stay in a rut for a little longer or maybe things will get worse since we are still operating under Reagan policies.
[quote name='Ruined']You saw the Director's Cut I hope? The first time through can be slow, but the more you watch it the more you notice, and it ends up a favorite for most once you get all the references.[/QUOTE]

Whatever Netflix sent me, I didn't really pay attention to whether it was a director's cut or not. It was almost 2 and a half hours long, if that means anything. I thought the visuals were pretty awesome, especially for an older movie, but it just seemed to drag on. I won't be watching it anymore anyway since it was just a rental.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Some of those problems are also not what they seem.

For instance, every economist* said before the stimulus that it was too small by at least half. It was also full of garbage like tax cuts. People were for the healthcare bill if you asked them about the actual elements in it. Secondarily, many people were against it because it nearly the entire thing was REPUBLICAN IDEAS. Mandate: Republican idea. Exchange: Republican idea. Progressive ideas weren't even considered or stripped. Where is the public option, where is single payer? [/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, but this is fantasy not played out in the reality shown by polls:
[quote name='UncleBob']Based on past performance, there's absolutely no evidence that the Republican party will solve anything if they get back in power.

There's two groups of retarded monkeys playing a game of keep-a-way with our government and the general population just switches from cheering on one team of losers to the other.[/QUOTE]

YES fuckING THIS!! Finally UncleBob and I agree on something.
[quote name='Clak']Got another source other than Rasmussen?[/QUOTE]

Don't need one, recently Rasmussen has been the most accurate pollster, for example below is a record of recent rasmussen polls and actual outcomes. Not to mention, I offered a whole lot more evidence than anyone else did:

Rasmussen also predicted the Scott Brown upset before any other pollster.
Meh, I hope the dems can get their agenda in order and pull the rabbit out of the hat this November, however it is looking like they are going to do too little too late. But, while it does concern me, I am enjoying the coming republican based congress. I am going to love seeing the repubs trying to pass legislation that disagrees with all the new elects from the tea party and have it hit them in the face when it just adds fuel to their fire of the eventual repub hating. If they gain back the house they are more screwed if they did not. They will not be able to pass the legislation their current platforms are based upon, and secondly I have doubts that the economy will be able to recover fast enough to give the pubs a boost in 2012.
Well, if it does happen and we go back to 1994 (Clinton and Gingrich essentially) then maybe we'll start getting some production. Looking back, '94-'00 was probably the best chunk of Clinton.
Depends what you think of Clinton. Between free trade, low taxes and the repealing of the Depression era Glass-Steagall regulations, progressives have plenty to not want to return to.
[quote name='Ruined']Don't need one, recently Rasmussen has been the most accurate pollster, for example below is a record of recent rasmussen polls and actual outcomes. Not to mention, I offered a whole lot more evidence than anyone else did:

Rasmussen also predicted the Scott Brown upset before any other pollster.[/QUOTE]
They also tend to ask questions in a way in which it favors a conservative outcome. Don't believe me, look it up.
[quote name='cindersphere']Meh, I hope the dems can get their agenda in order and pull the rabbit out of the hat this November, however it is looking like they are going to do too little too late. But, while it does concern me, I am enjoying the coming republican based congress. I am going to love seeing the repubs trying to pass legislation that disagrees with all the new elects from the tea party and have it hit them in the face when it just adds fuel to their fire of the eventual repub hating. If they gain back the house they are more screwed if they did not. They will not be able to pass the legislation their current platforms are based upon, and secondly I have doubts that the economy will be able to recover fast enough to give the pubs a boost in 2012.[/QUOTE]
Well we've had a few years of republican obstructionism, maybe know they'll know how it feels.
[quote name='Clak']They also tend to ask questions in a way in which it favors a conservative outcome. Don't believe me, look it up.[/QUOTE]

Well apparently their methods are more accurate than the other pollsters, so whatever they are doing they are doing it right, and the other pollsters questions are predicting less accurate outcomes. The only poll I've seen where there is significant majority support for public option was from CBS in early 2009, and they had a history of hugely left-slanted reporting, plus their poll accuracy is in the toilet compared to Rasmussen.

Also, regardless of your thoughts on Rasmussen, right now over 60% of Americans support repeal of the healthcare bill:

The fact that the bill was shoved down the public's throat with zero votes from the republicans and the results of the polling make it obvious it is undesirable for the democrats and they should have never rammed it through if they wanted to maintain control. The trend for the public option indicated that the more people learned about it the more they wanted it axed. That is why the public option was axed, because it was extremely unpopular and some senators refused to vote on it if it included the public option for fear of reprecussions. But even the watered down bill is a mess of a government power grab. With 60% favoring repeal, people will be energized to vote republicans in to attempt to repeal or if they cannot do that defund the bill. Obviously democrats will not kill their own legislation. Among other things (economy, overspending with little result, cap and trade legislation attempts), the overly unpopular healthcare bill will be another anchor dragging the dems down to the bottom of the lake come the elections.

Rasmussen is an independent polling organization and has never taken sides, but they do attempt to gauge the most accurate predictions and sentiments of the voting population (that is their job). You could try to cook up some conspiracy theory, but taking a looks at the thread's OP that is most likely why there is "shock" on the left that dems are going to lose big in Nov when the polls at Rassmussen have been indicating a growing trend for this for over 6 months. Apparently some have humorously bought into the notion floated by left wing blogs that the majority is happy with the democrats and their performance, and that independent organizations like Rasmussen contradicting that notion are biased as a result.

Guess we'll see if Rassmussen is right (again) in a couple of months :)
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Rasmussen has a controversial method of identifying 'potential voters,' but Ruined is right for a change - they are more reliable in predicting outcomes than the other major agencies. And let's not pretend like this won't be a Democrat bloodbath. It will be. I'm not interested in supporting Democrats as much this time around - given how moderate they went the past two years, how much they conceded to Republicans in the bailouts and in HCRA - I have a hard time finding the energy to go to the voting booth.

I'm not Ruined, who can't get to election day soon enough. He supports his team through and through, make no concession for idiotic ideas or proposals, and still embraces long-discredited economic ideas decades after they were first instituted. Ruined doesn't care about being *right,* he cares about *winning*. Which is why Republicans are going to do so well politically this fall.

[quote name='Ruined']It started with frustration over the bailout after bailout after bailout after bailout[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I hated the bailouts too. I can't wait to see what Republicans bring us. I bet they propose tax cuts. Would you support tax cuts, Ruined? Or would more tax cuts frustrate you?
Please, most people polled probably have no clue what was even in the HCR bill. They listen to what the pundits tell them and push the button. Regardless, I still don't trust Rasmussen, Rasmussen himself was a consultant for Bush in 2004.

I also don't understand how you can say "Also, regardless of your thoughts on Rasmussen, right now over 60% of Americans support repeal of the healthcare bill:" and yet you use Rasmussen as your proof. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
[quote name='mykevermin'], how much they conceded to Republicans in the bailouts and in HCRA - I have a hard time finding the energy to go to the voting booth.

the concessions in the HCRA were made to get other dems to vote for it. You make concessions to get people to vote, not to get people not to vote. :roll:

the dems had full control... they didn't have to make any concessions (and didn't) for the republicans.
[quote name='clak']please, most people polled probably have no clue what was even in the hcr bill.[/quote]


does that sum it up?
[quote name='Afflicted']the concessions in the HCRA were made to get other dems to vote for it. You make concessions to get people to vote, not to get people not to vote. :roll:

the dems had full control... they didn't have to make any concessions (and didn't) for the republicans.[/QUOTE]
You're right, all that talk about bi-partisanship was bull.
[quote name='Afflicted']the concessions in the HCRA were made to get other dems to vote for it. You make concessions to get people to vote, not to get people not to vote. :roll:

the dems had full control... they didn't have to make any concessions (and didn't) for the republicans.[/QUOTE]

No. The vote was secure, but they had to make concessions to break the filibuster to get to the vote.

You do know Republicans have filibustered...oh, just a few times this year, yes?
[quote name='Clak']You're right, all that talk about bi-partisanship was bull.[/QUOTE]

yup... Obama's talk of bi-partisanship was bull... see we do agree on something.

[quote name='mykevermin']No. The vote was secure, but they had to make concessions to break the filibuster to get to the vote.

You do know Republicans have filibustered...oh, just a few times this year, yes?[/QUOTE]

Yes... all the concessions they made to a few dem senators to buy their votes (IE: Ben Nelson) was to avoid the filibuster. Oh... you were saying they made concessions to the republicans? Would love to see a list of those.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']The lack of a single payer system was probably the biggest concession.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, well, at least we won't be living in a wasteland like Canada. Anything but that.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm not interested in supporting Democrats as much this time around - given how moderate they went the past two years, how much they conceded to Republicans in the bailouts and in HCRA - I have a hard time finding the energy to go to the voting booth.

I'm not Ruined, who can't get to election day soon enough. He supports his team through and through, make no concession for idiotic ideas or proposals, and still embraces long-discredited economic ideas decades after they were first instituted. Ruined doesn't care about being *right,* he cares about *winning*. Which is why Republicans are going to do so well politically this fall.[/QUOTE]

I envision Ruined reading this post with a huge grin on his face.

Myke, I hope you'll find the energy to vote. You're too smart to let the opportunity slip by. We could all make 1000 posts on here and it doesn't have the power of a single vote.

This cartoons speaks for itself

As for myke voting...
assuming he's registered in PA now, his house rep. might win (idk who that might be.) as much as I hate it, Toomey will probably beat Sestak for Senate and Corbett will definitely beat Onorato for governor. Pretty much lost causes.
Yeah, I registered to vote on Friday when I got my driver's license.

What's with this 15-day "TEMPORARY" license while they verify my identity? That's some weird shit right there. But eh, I digress.

How about it, Ruined? Are you looking forward to more tax cuts, seeing as how you were frustrated by the stimulus package? Tell us, we're waiting to hear what you want - you just say you want Republicans back, but can't be bothered to elaborate what that means policy-wise. Does it mean more tax cuts? Huh? Huh? Huh?
I'll vote, but I dunno if I'm going to vote Democrat or throw it away to a 3rd party...

As far as federal, I think my House Rep is pretty solidly Republican either way, so I really only have to decide if I want to vote for Joe Sestak or not.
I think I'll buy a bunch of cans of Chicken Noodle soup the next time they're on sale and 100 pounds of rice.

I have no confidence in either party at this time. I am considering whether or not to create a thread entitled "I lament dick riding for Obama."
bread's done