Destiny 2 *Official* CAG Thread - Farmhands Wanted

It took me a while to reach the point of annoyance but I'm finally there. To reach 305 I need a helm, chest, and arm band. Yesterday I did my weeklies and got three gloves and two boots. Ironically the gloves and helmet are the only things I'm missing from my io armor set. So of course I'd get plenty of those in another armor set. Debating if I even want to run faction rally stuff or just play more resident evil and Mario Odyssey.

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I don't blame you.

I do know that cooperative play though does take some of tedious & boredom out of the game, likely because you can be frustrated as a fireteam or theory craft about what's coming in December.

It took me a while to reach the point of annoyance but I'm finally there. To reach 305 I need a helm, chest, and arm band. Yesterday I did my weeklies and got three gloves and two boots. Ironically the gloves and helmet are the only things I'm missing from my io armor set. So of course I'd get plenty of those in another armor set. Debating if I even want to run faction rally stuff or just play more resident evil and Mario Odyssey.

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Anyone know if there is an active CAG PS4 clan.  Looking for a group to run activities.

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The key thing here is "Provides ability energy for each enemy tethered by Shadowshot anchors." If you tether enough enemies, you can practically fully generate a grenade or even another Shadowshot. They work WONDERS for the Glimmer Extraction HPE.
Heh - I haven't even unlocked that subclass yet.

Is the Xbone clan still somewhat active? Mine is 5 people, only 1 of which I know and have ever actually played with, and he rarely plays himself. I still do shit a few times a week and the clan feature seems pointless if nobody in mine is playing. Long story short, looking to join 1000-CAG Stare if there's room.
Well, it isn't all that active given that we have nearly 100 people. As of last night we hadn't even unlocked the Crucible clan engram, though the Nightfall one was there.

if anyone is still interested in him the Crota Funko seems to be dropping in value on Ebay. I got one BIN with free shipping for $22 this morning and it already shipped.
Hah, was just about to post about these. I went to Target looking for the SNES Classic since someone mentioned a restock. They didn't have that but they had several Crota's on the shelf in the back where they have that kind of stuff. I had no idea it was still hard to get. Looks like maybe Target restocked them?

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I finally got a 300/305 bond from Shaxx a few days ago (the last piece I needed for my Warlock), plus the Faction gear has been dropping a little generously.  At this pace I should be able to get the full sets for all three, but we'll see!

I opt'd for sleep last night even though I wanted to run around a bit and farm tokens.

In theory I should be on tonight 10 pm EST.

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I finally got a 300/305 bond from Shaxx a few days ago (the last piece I needed for my Warlock), plus the Faction gear has been dropping a little generously. At this pace I should be able to get the full sets for all three, but we'll see!
Wow, I am having the opposite happen - game is being stingy with the gear. I have gotten the helm (2 of them), chest piece, and mark for the Titan. But I've also gotten tons of crap weapons. Maybe I'll be able to complete my Titan set, but I doubt I'll be able to even start redeeming on my other characters. I really want the arms so I can replace those balloon-like FWC ones.

Not sure how many I've done but it has been at least 12 or so and I've gotten 4 armor pieces (with 1 duplicate) to 8 weapons. If it were more 50-50 I might have a chance of completing the gear for all classes.

Wow, I am having the opposite happen - game is being stingy with the gear. I have gotten the helm (2 of them), chest piece, and mark for the Titan. But I've also gotten tons of crap weapons. Maybe I'll be able to complete my Titan set, but I doubt I'll be able to even start redeeming on my other characters. I really want the arms so I can replace those balloon-like FWC ones.

Not sure how many I've done but it has been at least 12 or so and I've gotten 4 armor pieces (with 1 duplicate) to 8 weapons. If it were more 50-50 I might have a chance of completing the gear for all classes.
I seem to be getting way more weapons too. When I get armor some of it isn't even faction armor.
Wow, I am having the opposite happen - game is being stingy with the gear. I have gotten the helm (2 of them), chest piece, and mark for the Titan. But I've also gotten tons of crap weapons. Maybe I'll be able to complete my Titan set, but I doubt I'll be able to even start redeeming on my other characters. I really want the arms so I can replace those balloon-like FWC ones.

Not sure how many I've done but it has been at least 12 or so and I've gotten 4 armor pieces (with 1 duplicate) to 8 weapons. If it were more 50-50 I might have a chance of completing the gear for all classes.

I seem to be getting way more weapons too. When I get armor some of it isn't even faction armor.
I might have spoken too soon. My Titan is getting shafted on her packages. She's gotten the Mark three times and in the last six packages I turned in she only got the helmet. I think my other characters are doing better than this though.

I might have spoken too soon. My Titan is getting shafted on her packages. She's gotten the Mark three times and in the last six packages I turned in she only got the helmet. I think my other characters are doing better than this though.
This game I tell ya...

So I ground for 120 tokens last night. A lot of loot cave and a little bit of public events...

I turned them all in on my Titan. As I said before, I already had 2 helmets, the chest piece, and a mark. So what do you suppose I got? Yep, another helmet, another chest piece, and TWO more Marks (one right after the other). I also got some crap weapons (grenade launchers, sidearms, etc - the usual).

I'd really like to get the set for one guy at least - but I just can't see how it is worth my time.

This game I tell ya...

So I ground for 120 tokens last night. A lot of loot cave and a little bit of public events...

I turned them all in on my Titan. As I said before, I already had 2 helmets, the chest piece, and a mark. So what do you suppose I got? Yep, another helmet, another chest piece, and TWO more Marks (one right after the other). I also got some crap weapons (grenade launchers, sidearms, etc - the usual).

I'd really like to get the set for one guy at least - but I just can't see how it is worth my time.
My Hunter and my Warlock are both one piece short, and I may just have to accept that. After I got ground to a pulp in Cruicble trying to get those bonus tokens, I ended up getting nothing noteworthy from those packages. I then said screw it and cheesed the loot cave for four more packages and didn't get a single piece of armor (faction or otherwise).

My Titan only has two pieces, so maybe she has some decent RNG left in her.

My titan is missing boots. I got no faction armor for my hunter. I understand if one piece is more rare or drops less frequently. But I think rarity should rotate each faction rally.

On a similar note, it's some what disappointing, that south all this "social space", we don't have a player-to-player market place for the exchange of goods. The hell with Tess & Eververse where's the Guardian Black Market.



Got the titan to lvl 17 last night, I'm on Io now re: where I am in the campaign...I'm hoping I can finish it tonight so I can farm some tokens for NM and get whatever there is to get before it's no longer gettable.

Holy crap, Striker w/2 pulse grenades, sprint melee charge is pretty sick...I haven't visited the crucible yet but I imagine there's going to be less and less reason for me to want to play hunter or warlock anymore.

Redeemed about 330+ DO tokens and got everything "except" the AF that everyone is raving about...I guess I won't be getting dat AF.

Same time or later tonight.




Got the titan to lvl 17 last night, I'm on Io now re: where I am in the campaign...I'm hoping I can finish it tonight so I can farm some tokens for NM and get whatever there is to get before it's no longer gettable.

Holy crap, Striker w/2 pulse grenades, sprint melee charge is pretty sick...I haven't visited the crucible yet but I imagine there's going to be less and less reason for me to want to play hunter or warlock anymore.

Redeemed about 330+ DO tokens and got everything "except" the AF that everyone is raving about...I guess I won't be getting dat AF.

Same time or later tonight.
What is AF?

Woops, I meant to say AR (Auto Rifle).
Speaking of which, I can.not.WAIT until AR's get nerfed. I'm being outclassed by those things in Crucible at Scout Rifle and Pulse Rifle ranges. In some matches, all I see is Uriel's Gift and Origin Story. I'm actually surprised I rarely see Scathelock because that gun gets better the lower the clip gets.

Uriel's Gift & Origin Story seem to be more user friendly.

I tend to see Scathelock being used by players who like to showboat their Trial's emblem or positive K/D emblems.

I don't see AR's getting nerfed anytime soon though, mainly because there's currently no random rolls on weapons and most of the guns are easily accessible just by playing the game. Aside from possibly the raid rocket launcher...look what Bungie said re: the Mida meta.

Speaking of which, I can.not.WAIT until AR's get nerfed. I'm being outclassed by those things in Crucible at Scout Rifle and Pulse Rifle ranges. In some matches, all I see is Uriel's Gift and Origin Story. I'm actually surprised I rarely see Scathelock because that gun gets better the lower the clip gets.
Uriel's Gift & Origin Story seem to be more user friendly.

I tend to see Scathelock being used by players who like to showboat their Trial's emblem or positive K/D emblems.

I don't see AR's getting nerfed anytime soon though, mainly because there's currently no random rolls on weapons and most of the guns are easily accessible just by playing the game. Aside from possibly the raid rocket launcher...look what Bungie said re: the Mida meta.
By "nerfed" I mean make it to where other gun archetypes are competitive against Auto Rifles, especially at the ranges that those other archetypes are supposed to excel. There is NO WAY an Auto Rifle is as accurate as Scout Rifles and Pulse Rifles at SR/PR ranges.

As for Mida Multi Tool, unless the person I am dueling is an expert at the gun I stand a chance of beating them with whatever gun I am using (Nameless Midnight, Nightshade, Vigilance Wing, Mida Multi Tool, The Time-Worn Spire, or Sunshot typically). And when it comes to dueling someone with any number of AR's, I can easily say I lose that duel 75% of the time even if I get the drop on them, and it's to the point that sometimes I haven't even blasted through their shields before my ghost is looking down at me with disappointment.

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It's probably the aim assist that makes ARs so strong on console. Going to be interesting to see how the balance differs between PC & console, especially with HC being so dominant on PC




I nodded off in the last few farms for tokens last night after having to rush through disabling the almighty weapon, beat the rest of the campaign, talk to all the NPC's, unlock Sunbreaker, and then rally. 201 new monarchy tokens later...sleep. I don't even remember what I got except for the NM shotgun, AR, HC, and boots. I'll google to see which was the gun to go for and if I missed the mark due to RNG and IRL stuff.

However...I did get the Salty emote which is a prize in itself.

I like the Titan a lot.

I'll admit I use an AR in the crucible. I'm still not that good. It seems like I loose a lot of firefights by 1 or 2 shots.

On another note, I haven't been able to get any faction armor in the last ~15 faction engrams. [emoji22]
I never did go back to getting NM tokens after that night where I got all the duplicates.  Meh...

Since the Raid power is being increased in 3 weeks I would like to beat Calus at least once on my Titan to unlock sweeperbot and redeem my tokens.   I guess I can always try LFG though I haven't played the raid in so long myself I'm not sure I remember what to do ;).

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In completely unrelated news I felt like I won the lottery today: I stopped into Target to check for the SNES classic and as usual there were none in the case.  But this time I decided to ask someone about them.  Sure enough, they had some in the back.  Score.

'Grats io!  I don't play mine much, but good grief what a wonderful little system.  I've decided that the SNES mini is my "deserted island" console.  If I had to have only one system, it'd be that one.

A bunch of news was announced recently:

  • Information on Expansion I - The Curse of Osiris (reveal video at the bottom of the post)
  • Iron Banner is back next reset (11/21) and is the last chance to earn the Season 1 shader, Shades of Radeghast, by completing the Iron Banner Milestone.  Season 2 will presumably have its own reward for completing the Milestone.  Remember, this Iron Banner will still have the same package reward system where you turn in tokens to get an engram that may or may not have something for you.
  • Starting on November 17, the first Clarion Call for Destiny 2 will be live all weekend long. This will be an opportunity for you to earn double XP for everything you do with a fellow clan member in your fireteam. If you aren’t in a clan, this would be a perfect time to join one. Your increased gains will run from 10 AM Pacific on November 17 to 10 AM Pacific on November 20. If you are dedicated to playing solo, there will be future Clarion Calls that won’t require you to play with a clan.

Since the Raid power is being increased in 3 weeks I would like to beat Calus at least once on my Titan to unlock sweeperbot and redeem my tokens. I guess I can always try LFG though I haven't played the raid in so long myself I'm not sure I remember what to do ;).
I haven't done the Raid, period, so I'm willing to help out.

My Titan has made it to the low 290s, so I might even be useful!
Also, if you already have a physical copy GS TIV is $30 for elite members and then they're supposed to be selling physical copies for $27 on Thanksgiving & BF. You could also use the $30 credit towards xbox live credit at GS and put that towards the digital copy.
Tempting, because it is great not having to take out whatever my kids are playing and put in the D2 disc. But I don't want to sell my disc copy. I'll wait for Christmas to see if there is a sale on it digitally then.

FACT - remove Uriel's Gift from the game and 75% of people that play Crucible will quit the game.

#ReturnUrielsGift #KeeptheReceipt
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Hah so I jumped on last night for a bit.  Had no idea Iron Banner was running again.  Meh.

It's really weird how quickly D2 players fell off.  I still play about once a week and have fun and I am looking forward to Osiris.  This has been such a fun hobby (I'm with the folks who feel this game has transcended just being a game) and I enjoy playing, adventuring, the challenge and the camaraderie with the community.  I hope they can right the ship and do something exciting with future expansions. 

and....I stopped using Uriel's gift a couple weeks ago.  I felt free.  then I went back to it cuz it's so dang reliable.  :D/

Yeah, the dropoff has been astounding.  That it has been even worse for the initial release of this game than the last expansion for D1 does not bode well.

I did my flashpoint engrams on two characters, and clan CP on just one.  Haven't done the crucible one in weeks.  Haven't done a Nightfall in 4 weeks and the Raid in like 5-6 weeks.  Every time I earn a powerful engram, it seems to be a fusion rifle, sniper rifle, or submachine gun.  It is infuriating.  I have a hard time breaking down 300 stuff, so my Vault is full.  That's why I didn't bother with doing all my characters.  Bungie made a huge mistake limiting the inventory so much.  The excuse in D1 was that the old systems (Xbox 360, PS3) were the limiting factor.  What's the deal this time?

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Yeah, the dropoff has been astounding. That it has been even worse for the initial release of this game than the last expansion for D1 does not bode well.

I did my flashpoint engrams on two characters, and clan CP on just one. Haven't done the crucible one in weeks. Haven't done a Nightfall in 4 weeks and the Raid in like 5-6 weeks. Every time I earn a powerful engram, it seems to be a fusion rifle, sniper rifle, or submachine gun. It is infuriating. I have a hard time breaking down 300 stuff, so my Vault is full. That's why I didn't bother with doing all my characters. Bungie made a huge mistake limiting the inventory so much. The excuse in D1 was that the old systems (Xbox 360, PS3) were the limiting factor. What's the deal this time?
Fear not, because in a handful of days all your 300 gear will be shit.

Speaking of which, do we know at all how much more gear will made available after the expansion drops?
Fear not, because in a handful of days all your 300 gear will be shit.

Speaking of which, do we know at all how much more gear will made available after the expansion drops?
Well, yeah, that's the other reason I haven't been grinding for more of that stuff. Does this happen at reset already?

Edit: No, it is the following week (Dec. 5th). I'll be giving my son a Switch for his birthday on Dec. 2nd so I see myself deep into Mario Odussey at that point. I guess I'll try to check out Osiris since I already paid for it, but, eh...

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305 for my warlock still eludes me, just need one more equipment piece...I did log in and snagged Merciless from Xur, I'm sure that'll be useful down the road.

Otherwise, you can find me in Morrowind most nights until the DLC comes out.

Well, yeah, that's the other reason I haven't been grinding for more of that stuff. Does this happen at reset already?

Edit: No, it is the following week (Dec. 5th). I'll be giving my son a Switch for his birthday on Dec. 2nd so I see myself deep into Mario Odussey at that point. I guess I'll try to check out Osiris since I already paid for it, but, eh...
The Switch is good fun. I'm just about to finish Assassin's Creed Origins and then I plan to jump into Mario Odyssey. My son's been playing it and it looks like loads of fun.

Oh yeah.....Destiny tokens and a blue engram! LOLOLOOLLLLOOLLLOOLLLLLL

Otherwise, you can find me in Morrowind most nights until the DLC comes out.
ESO? I just started that back up last week after a 23 month break (since I got the Morrowind pack from Costco for $9.97). I may play a little tonight.

I lack one piece of gear for my Titan. So close...
Aaaaand six packages later still nothing. However, the game did troll me and give me two non-IB chest armors back to back. I can't wait until I can actually buy what I want. S.2 can't come soon enough. Next Tuesday, all this will happen:

  1. Curse of Osiris releases.
  2. Xbox One X enhancements go live.
  3. Merchant changes so you can buy gear you want (not sure how many merchants though).
  4. Weapon tuning (hopefully).
Aaaaand six packages later still nothing. However, the game did troll me and give me two non-IB chest armors back to back. I can't wait until I can actually buy what I want. S.2 can't come soon enough. Next Tuesday, all this will happen:

  • Curse of Osiris releases.
  • Xbox One X enhancements go live.
  • Merchant changes so you can buy gear you want (not sure how many merchants though).
  • Weapon tuning (hopefully).
I'm missing gauntlets for my titan. What are you missing?
Cashed in a few powerful engrams...and...warlock still 304.

ESO? I just started that back up last week after a 23 month break (since I got the Morrowind pack from Costco for $9.97). I may play a little tonight.
Sweet. I'll be on my usual Destiny time slot til roughly 1 AM EST. I could use a hand in a specific quest that I'm clearly not high enough level or geared for in Morrowind.

bread's done