Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

4 boots??? mysterious. EDIT: just realized you have a character on xbox

Yeah I only causally do IB until Friday or so then I start working on bounties. Still it took hours and tons of games...I did at least 13 on each toon. Thats 39 games! for the bounties and I'm sure I went over that on two of them so 40+ games and two drops. So the rewards were kind of lackluster...If the weekly bounties did not give so much marks I never would have afforded the stuff they didn't drop. 

Shadowshot did die off fast, but holy crap hammers were so deadly...I went 5.5 k/d one game slinging hammers. We did 5 titans and a hunter at one point and pretty much destroyed.

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I help out new players with the raid quite often. Add me and put a msg that youre from cag and ill bring you guys next week. As long as youre at least 290 light.

Im trying to build a group for regular raid as i have 3 characters so sometime its hard to find consistent groups to do it with. Thats why Im always willing to help out new players.
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Had the funniest moment just happen. Was put into a match for literally one second, I spawned in and didnt even get to move before my team was mercied. Got a warlock bond from that match though lol. 

I'm wondering if the normal raid is worth doing this week. Will we be given double the loot for the hard raid If we do not start a normal run? This has been the case with the previous two raids. The hard mode drops a minimum of 310 gear. Wouldn't it better to wait for the hard mode instead of doing both?

Probably better to wait if you don't need anything. I'm 306 on my titan and I doubt I'll get anything that's going to help me get higher, so I'll save the raid to try hard mode next weekend with him. I may still do it on normal on my other characters since they don't have crap yet.
Had the funniest moment just happen. Was put into a match for literally one second, I spawned in and didnt even get to move before my team was mercied. Got a warlock bond from that match though lol.
Wow, i have had games where i spawn in and it went right to the results screen. But whenever i get put into a lobby thats almost done and i dont get a single point i get nothing for rewards. So im surprised to see you even got a reward. You are just too good i guess. :D

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I'm skeptical but hopeful nightfall rewards will be worth it again...I did one last week...and have gone weeks not doing any and I bet they know from the stats I'm not alone. If we only do the raid once tonight we should have time for nightfalls after.

Got 20 strange coins, a 310 Telesto, and a 290 hunter cloak. Also got two of the flayer cloaks, one at 295. Saw a guy get a 306 ghost and another dude get 309 boots. 

Nightfall rewards are officially awesome.

Had an awesome raid right after the reset. Me and my buddie got some guys from LFG and blazed through the raid without a single wipe. Everyone played their part perfectly. You would have thought we were a regular group. By the time we got to Oryx we didn't even have to communicate, everything just happend naturally. It took us just over an hour. Wouldn't have even been that long except I kept messing up the jumping at the ships. Everything went so smooth we even stayed partied up and ran it again with our alts.

Got a lot of drops including the chest piece for my Titan and even an exotic 310 sniper from the hidden chest, which I used to bring my black spindle back to its true form. Everything else was a lower version of what I already had. Wierd thing happens though I had 30 molder shards by the time I got to the end on the second run and it didn't take them.
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Weekly crucible bounties are super easy if you just play rumble. Today it was the featured playlist, so I came in first one game and third the next, but anything third place or higher counts as a win for those bounties so I knocked out that one where you have to get 5 points. Then I jumped over to some classic rumble to stomp some noobs and work on the kill 10 with each primary type and ended up winning three more. On my Titan I still had two bounties left over from last week since the iron banner weeklies counted for shaxx. So now I don't have to do that shitty elimination bullshit this week.
No time to explain might be my new favorite gun. Unlike the sleeper, it's actually worth the effort to obtain it. I just found a home for that 310 Suros I got from an engram last week.
I called terrible drops in NF.

I got a 292 vanguard shell.


In better news, I got the Treads Upon Stars (which isn't amazing, but it's not an everyday weapon).

I went from 297 to 299 by getting an auto rifle and boots, each at 305. My exotic engram from the Three of Coins turned into a Zhalo Supercell, which I didn't have before. Now I'm up to 19 moldering shards, so I can buy 1 from Eris and then be pissed when I lose them all and get only 2 shards back from my next raid.

Tukai, do you still have any Nightfalls left to do?
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Did anyone who finished the first steps in the "No Time to Explain" Quest yesterday get the next step today? I got the ghosts, beat the side boss, and turned in the ghost shell yesterday, but I never got the next step from Lakshmi. I'm wondering if I have to wait a week or until that quest shows up as the Daily again.

I went from 297 to 299 by getting an auto rifle and boots, each at 305. My exotic engram from the Three of Coins turned into a Zhalo Supercell, which I didn't have before. Now I'm up to 19 moldering shards, so I can buy 1 from Eris and then be pissed when I lose them all and get only 2 shards back from my next raid.

Tukai, do you still have any Nightfalls left to do?
I need 2 more NF this week.

Got another 310 jade rabbit from oryx this morning, so now my no time to explain is 310. That gun fucking wrecks during the raid. During war priest it's just unlimited shots to the head. It's slightly less useful during golgoroth but easily better than any other primary you could use in that section.
I got hunter boots and a fusion and that's it besides runes and shards...oryx took my 20 shards in exchange for 2 shards and a crap ghost...I still need chest, rocket, machine gun, and autorifle on my hunter...and a decent pulse rifle the last one was so shitty I infused it into something else. It just was so unstable with no perks to counter.

I got a 308 vanguard shell and 12 3 of coins from nightfall last to gooooo...I also got the arc cape and treads upon stars from boss drops with fairly low light...

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I would trade the Jade Rabbit perk for a higher fire rate and clip.

That gun has great range/impact though. 

Also anyone doing VoG for the NTTE quest? I'm avail from now til 3pm pst. 

Or if anyone has the checkpoint and doesnt mind letting me get it let me know!

Wooo, got my first double exotic engram drop from a strike boss. Turned into a 310 Hereafter and a 290 Claws of Ahamkara. I was really hoping for 310 on the gauntlets so I could infuse my raid pair up to 310. Jerks.

I ran a bunch of strikes and used my NTTE the whole time. It's currently in my opinion the best gun in the game for PVE, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there's a change to it in the future. Basically to any enemy or boss that has a large critical area, you can just go to town with unlimited shots. I was paired up with another guy who had one and we took that Echo Chamber boss down right at the start of his second rotation. The tank in the shield bros strike triggers the ammo regen and so does the walker in the taniks strike. And so does taniks. There's nothing that's safe from this gun right now.

Wooo, got my first double exotic engram drop from a strike boss. Turned into a 310 Hereafter and a 290 Claws of Ahamkara. I was really hoping for 310 on the gauntlets so I could infuse my raid pair up to 310. Jerks.

I ran a bunch of strikes and used my NTTE the whole time. It's currently in my opinion the best gun in the game for PVE, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there's a change to it in the future. Basically to any enemy or boss that has a large critical area, you can just go to town with unlimited shots. I was paired up with another guy who had one and we took that Echo Chamber boss down right at the start of his second rotation. The tank in the shield bros strike triggers the ammo regen and so does the walker in the taniks strike. And so does taniks. There's nothing that's safe from this gun right now.

I thought it would be a better gun in PvE than PvP and this confirms it. Looks like I'll be infusing this first before my IB pulse. I have a couple of raid guns in the vault waiting to get crushed into something else

It's not bad in PVP either. A high ROF pulse with full auto that's pretty stable will get you a long way. But that rewind perk or whatever it is just puts it on another level for PVE stuff.

I really hope the rumor about no elemental primaries is true. I'm trying and loving so many more guns than I ever did in year one since all I ever used were raid primaries.
I find it nice how opinions on weapons in destiny now differ. There is no OP gun. Most people I pvp with absolutely love the jade rabbit since you never have to reload it, it hits like a truck, and takes people down quick in pvp. I personally still prefer to use eyasluna and bad juju though.
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It's the fun and frustrating part of the whole reset... trying to figure out how everything works in Destiny 2.0

Just read a post about No Backup plans having a hidden perk that triggers force barrier on shotgun kills.

It's the fun and frustrating part of the whole reset... trying to figure out how everything works in Destiny 2.0

Just read a post about No Backup plans having a hidden perk that triggers force barrier on shotgun kills.
That's not a hidden perk, that's the exotic perk. "Shotgun kills trigger Force Barrier and Force Barrier's duration is increased"
Huh... guy kept saying hidden perk and since I wasn't near anything to check'em out, took it for what it was. Oh well.

I'm back after not playing since before House of Wolves.  Got my Hunter up to 293 this week.  Ran my first nightfall tonight and got a 304 ghost.  Hopefully I'll find time to raid this weekend.  My weapons are still lacking.  

bread's done