Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

So, every class can solo the beginning fairly easily with hunters having it especially easy. Same goes for the bridge with warlocks having the easiest time and now it has been discovered that if you can find someone with a wired connection Crota can be cheesed as well. Sad that the only part of the raid I haven't seen anyone find a cheese method for is the only part that does not give loot.
I have yet to do the new raid. For the lst 2 weeks i was just picking up the free chest at the start. Been lvlng up my chars w vendor gears. 1 char need 1 more upgrade node to reach 31 and 2 are half way to 31. Have to watch some videos to catch up but seems like this raid is easier to do right? Man i need to do the cheesing thing for my hunter. Hehe. Hopefully i can reach the bridge checkpoint with my hunter and then get the checkpoint for my 2 other toons via switch.
At last... I've got a Crota kill under my belt!

Got the raid ship, emblem and Crota RL.

Right after, the group wanted to do VoG. That was a breeze. Only deaths were self-inflicted. Shard-fest for me; no new weapons.

So, every class can solo the beginning fairly easily with hunters having it especially easy. Same goes for the bridge with warlocks having the easiest time and now it has been discovered that if you can find someone with a wired connection Crota can be cheesed as well. Sad that the only part of the raid I haven't seen anyone find a cheese method for is the only part that does not give loot.
Someone was telling me this last night. And I saw the vids this morning.

But the Deathsinger cp does have a semi-cheese strat. It's kinda like what a titan needs to do to solo the 2nd bridge. You'll have to drop down at one point to take out the shriekers. Other than that you're golden.

I've been thinking of ways for a titan to get thru the lamps easy and it was good to see that my thoughts on using Helm Saint-14 were right.

I kinda want to try it solo to see if I can pull it off.

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who even thinks of this stuff...the network cable thing I mean...
It's about disconnecting and pulling the plug is the fastest way that doesn't involve turning off the machine.

But as far as disconnecting to keep him down... NO CLUE. That might have been dumb luck.

Don't worry though, Bungie will release the real raid once we're all done beta testing it for them (and we paid for the privelege to do it too ;) )

It was dumb luck. The first time it happened the host just got a disconnect right as Crota was going to his knee and he never got back up. Apparently people have been able to recreate the glitch by pulling the ethernet cord at the exact right time.

Also, Crota's End has been solo'd from start to finish.

EDIT: A love letter from Atheon...

Hey You !! Where have you been ?? I miss you ! It seems like FOREVER since we spent some time together, i dont know if I did something to upset you, but if i did I'm sorry ! I know we fought alot, and maybe you wanted to go to Mars but I sent you to Venus...I know I was difficult to be with sometimes, especially in the beginning...well not the VERY beginning (i was sort of a push over)... anyway, just wanted to say hi...i was thinking of that time you and all your friends came over...and we just spent the whole weekend laughing ! I MISS THAT !! Is there someone else ?? It gets lonely in this big vault, and the supplicants arent very good company ! Maybe tonight if your not too busy you can come by so we can talk ?? I kinda thought tuesday was "our" day. Idk i know this sounds crazy, but it seemed like one minute i meant the world to you and the next minute i didnt exist ! Maybe its me...I miss you, and if you give me a back rub i might give you a mythlocast job ! Wink call me, the prathoriens have gotten so BIG and they ask about you !! i miss you i need you without you my life has no meaning ! CALL ME ! <3 <3 XoXo

Love, Atheon
(I take no credit)

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So how exactly are you getting it? Does it drop when you kill the swordbearing knight or does it drop while using the sword to kill hive?
It drops from killing him. It doesn't appear as an engram, just shows up on the screen that you got it as soon as the Swordbearer is down.

Wow, you guys have to pull the cable? This is one time when I'm glad I'm playing this on Xbox One. All you have to do there is go to the dashboard, bring up the game options menu, and hit 'quit' at the right time.

Though I thought you could also just switch characters - and wouldn't that work on both systems? I don't know though - I've only done this once out of my 6 Crota kills and it was someone else who left the game.
Wow, you guys have to pull the cable? This is one time when I'm glad I'm playing this on Xbox One. All you have to do there is go to the dashboard, bring up the game options menu, and hit 'quit' at the right time.

Though I thought you could also just switch characters - and wouldn't that work on both systems? I don't know though - I've only done this once out of my 6 Crota kills and it was someone else who left the game.
You don't have to pull the cable... it's just the most consistent method to get the timing right.

Changing characters or quitting to the XMB should also work, but the timing is the issue. Sometimes, your game just hangs there for a few secs too long and screws it up.

I need more Vault space yo...


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Wow, pretty disappointing Xur sighting...

don't even feel like posting...

lemme see what I do after I knock out a few bounties.

Well it has been a good week for my warlock. I got raid boots and gloves and now Xur shows up with the Praxic upgrade for me. I know that is going to upset quite a few people, but it made me super happy.
Did the engram again this week hoping for a dlc headgear. Got light betond nemesis. Ita alright. Dismantled my 1.0. Hehe! Debating if i ahould upgrade patience in time my praxi armor and alpa lupis
You kidding?!? I'm going to do some serious birthday and Christmas shopping for myself this week!

Mida Multi Tool


Alpha Lupi

maybe just buy another Patience and Time and dismantle my old one

maybe check out those Ruin Wings

and Plan C (but doubt I'll get enough Glimmer)

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!!"

Only took 2 [SIZE=13.63636302948px]helmet engrams to get[/SIZE] the GlassHouse this morning, not bad at all.  I really wanted the GlassHouse for my Titan.

I will have to farm some glimmer and upgrade the Praxic later.

Upgraded the No Backup Plans last week rather than the Armamentarium since I knew I'd use the perks more. So of course, during my first Crota's End run last night, my first drop was the new Titan raid gauntlets (shoutout to Broly!). And the NBP are available again today, whereas Armamentarium is not.

Is it worth buying Patience & Time when I have the upgraded Ice Breaker? Last night, friends kept talking up the P&T as a fantastic gun. Upgrading my Monte Carlo for sure. Need glimmer...
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Is it worth buying Patience & Time when I have the upgraded Ice Breaker? Last night, friends kept talking up the P&T as a fantastic gun. Upgrading my Monte Carlo for sure. Need glimmer...
Two totally different guns in my book. Ice Breaker is an all around situation gun. When Arc Burn is up though, P&T absolutely DESTROYS stuff. It also is a great weapon to have on larger maps during PvP.

I picked up the new one (p&t) as well as the Knucklehead Radar and new Warlock Gauntlets.

Having to pay to upgrade stuff has made me really assess how much I care for my exotics. I realize that I don't really care for most of them and am not even bothering to upgrade them when they are available. I do wish I upgraded my Suros last week but oh well. This week I will do the Multi Tool and that is probably it. None of the others are ones I use anyway. I would do the Helmet Engram but seeing as I have 1x Warlock, 3x Hunter and 2x Titan of the new +36 helmets the likelyhood of me getting a duplicate is just way too high. Though I could risk it and then I could also use it to boost my Cryptarch.. haha

Its seems like the cag group is always running before I get online around 9 central. Hopefully I can play with you guys again over my xmas vacation. Seems like a couple weeks since I've played with anyone from here.

Is anyone still running the old raid? I'd like to keep playing it some on hard for materials and I'd like to get a few more of the weapons like the mythoclast. 

I've had a very good week with exotics... pulled Hawkmoon 1.0 from the lucky chest on VoG 26, while using my warlock (I swear this game loves my 'lock; only has 19hrs clocked & I've pulled 8 exotics without even trying).

Played Xur's engram hustle and got a new Helm Saint-14. Very happy since I planned on upgrading my old one, eventually.

Also grabbed a bunch of heavy ammo from Xur, plus the sniper rifle telemetry (can't remember the last time he sold that).

Other than that, Xur's gonna be a waste for me this week... kinda makes me wish I had upgraded both of my Ice Breakers last week.

Well it has been a good week for my warlock. I got raid boots and gloves and now Xur shows up with the Praxic upgrade for me. I know that is going to upset quite a few people, but it made me super happy.
Noticed that...

Xur: "let me upgrade that one piece of armor you don't own because I don't like to sell it"... Troll-lololololololololo

Is it worth buying Patience & Time when I have the upgraded Ice Breaker? Last night, friends kept talking up the P&T as a fantastic gun. Upgrading my Monte Carlo for sure. Need glimmer...
I picked it up the last time he sold it, maxed it out and found that I rarely used it. I preferred using my Epitaph, with ARC, just to free my exotic slot for a primary or heavy.

It's a good sniper that's worth getting but I always had a few other weapon combos that would leave P&T out of the picture.

Even now, I'd rather get the new Vanguard sniper with ARC over P&T 2.0

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Upgraded the No Backup Plans last week rather than the Armamentarium since I knew I'd use the perks more. So of course, during my first Crota's End run last night, my first drop was the new Titan raid gauntlets (shoutout to Broly!). And the NBP are available again today, whereas Armamentarium is not.

Is it worth buying Patience & Time when I have the upgraded Ice Breaker? Last night, friends kept talking up the P&T as a fantastic gun. Upgrading my Monte Carlo for sure. Need glimmer...
Bought it last time and got the new one from a crota's chest. I would say yes since its an Arc gun and also if you upgrade it, the ability of clocking is really convenient for Raids or situations where you are not a Hunter and want to hide/heal for a little. It is pretty powerful too.

Side node: Got my Dragon's Breath :D/

From what I've read, Dragon's Breath is terrible. It looks cool, and the solar flare looks cool as well, but it's very ineffective.  You're going to kill anything within the blast area anyways and as you know, the enemies, most of the time, don't just walk into an aoe attack. I mean, I guess it might be an ok heavy for PvP but for PvE I've heard it pretty much blows.

Dragon's Breath might be good for cheesing Atheon off the front platform ;) Woulda been great against the Templar (pre-patch).

But yeah, I'm still trying to figure out a good reason to keep it equipped. I mean how do you make an Exotic RL and NOT give it tracking.

Now Hunger of Crota is very cool.  It's already developing a rep as the "baby gjallahorn". Can't wait to finish maxing it out.

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I don't understand why Bungie didn't let us upgrade maxed exotics for free. Just would have made too much sense I guess?

I don't understand why Bungie didn't let us upgrade maxed exotics for free. Just would have made too much sense I guess?
This was one of the complaints in the bungie forum. One can easily upgrade an unleveled exotic and lose a shard and 7k glimmer and get the same gun as a maxed exotic upgraded to the newer version. Bungie could have atleast taken out the shard cost.
This was one of the complaints in the bungie forum. One can easily upgrade an unleveled exotic and lose a shard and 7k glimmer and get the same gun as a maxed exotic upgraded to the newer version. Bungie could have atleast taken out the shard cost.
All about the grind...

I expect they'll introduce a new currency with the 2nd DLC pack. Maybe something like Exquisite Shards and Light Coins, with exchange rates of 7 exotic shards for 1 Exquisite and 10 Strange for 1 Light.

But that's OK... I'll have quit my day job by then, all thanks to the moneytree I pooped out last week. It'll be like I'm being payed to play Destiny

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I finally received a Husk of the Pit drop last night. Woo! I bought an embalming orb right after only to remember you have to kill 500 Hive to unlock the first node. I played the Ocean of Storms story to knock out the 500 kills but I was too tired to finish collecting kills. There's always later. 

I really like using the Patience & Time sniper rifle as I tend to use it all the time when combat is best served from a distance. So I bought another from Xur and upgraded the Mida Multi-Tool as well. I'm debating whether I want to upgrade Plan C, Truth, or the Universal Remote. The whole exotic shard requirement really does make you pick and choose now. 

I haven't done any Nightfalls and only one Weekly Strike so far. I've been having fun trying to run through the Crota Raid solo with my Warlock. I made it to the final check point but those level 32 enemies are brutal for a lvl 31 guardian.

Motiv said:
I finally received a Husk of the Pit drop last night. Woo! I bought an embalming orb right after only to remember you have to kill 500 Hive to unlock the first node. I played the Ocean of Storms story to knock out the 500 kills but I was too tired to finish collecting kills. There's always later.
I think it works like Cosmodrome mites/Moon shards and other things like that in that Major kills count as 25 or so.

You can run the 3 majors in the beginning of the Cosmodrome, or the two at the first area of the Moon down under that shattered dome area. In fact, I would suggest just heading down there and killing the hive in that area on patrol and not running any particular mission. But it sure seems like I saw a big "bump" in the progress when killing those two yellows...
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Beat Croata got the rocket launcher (it seems like its going to be a beast) , shader (pimpin gold), and emblem. Not bad considering the rest of the raid just gave me materials.

Someone had a hard atheon checkpoint and I got the ship, helmet (that is now useless), and atheons epilogue. First time I beat Atheon and did not get chatterwhite :)

Went to bed at 3am and only slightly regret it.

Forgot to add Matt - sorry man will do it today :p

No problem. Guessing you know my user name is MattYoung730. On CAG Mobile, I can't view other people's XBL/PSN names alongside their posts like on the normal version of the forums. What's your PSN? I could add you through the app.
Ran bounties for most of the night; trying to upgrade a bunch of gear.  Now I've got the same problem as before... not enough mats.

Most of my gear needs helium and I don't have enough VG marks to buy it. Nor do I have enough for the weapons. Sigh :cry:

Might hafta go back to consistent VoG runs, in the hope of getting energy 

Oh and gonna guess that One Way Ticket 000 rocket launcher is the DLC's version of Unfriendly Giant.

Already had a Void RL and last night got an ARC RL, same specs.

Also received Harm's Way machine gun, which at 1st glance seems good, kinda like Corrective Measure. Then I got another Secret Handshake shotgun and Hunter legendary chest piece (still don't have a Hunter, smh).

BTW, anyone else finding it harder to get decent Crota groups than it was to get VoG groups?  I know it's a new raid and all... but it seems like alot of the players I'm encountering wouldn't know which end of the gun to point at the enemy if it wasn't for the game placing it in the right direction.

I'm no expert on the raid. It just seems like alot of these guys don't understand teamwork or just don't give a damn.  

Doesn't help that half the people on my friend's list got driven off by the DLC. Some didn't buy it and others quit after the first week.

Pretty frustrating.

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Totallyjem, I'd love to do Vault of Glass again on PS4 sometime.
Man I tried that last night! I was looking for a group, found one and they were pretty darn bad. They had their buddies coming along (2 28s) and while I don't care about the level, they were only packing blue weapons :wall: . Couldn't pass the oracle part so I just left after a bit.

From what I've read, Dragon's Breath is terrible. It looks cool, and the solar flare looks cool as well, but it's very ineffective. You're going to kill anything within the blast area anyways and as you know, the enemies, most of the time, don't just walk into an aoe attack. I mean, I guess it might be an ok heavy for PvP but for PvE I've heard it pretty much blows.
You just jealous =P~ . In all honesty I am always packing a machine gun over a rocket, but given that I have no GHorn or the Crota Rocket I have to stick with the DB. I do like the breathing that it does and the fact that it goes red after shooting it. I don't know much about tracking since again I rarely ever use Rockets. However, at level 31 I was able to keep the whole right area of the VoG Templar by myself no problems. Might be the level, but one shot and all the Vex died and Minotaurs only had a couple pixels left, so easy cleaning down

Man I tried that last night! I was looking for a group, found one and they were pretty darn bad. They had their buddies coming along (2 28s) and while I don't care about the level, they were only packing blue weapons :wall: . Couldn't pass the oracle part so I just left after a bit.
Ouch. Been there before.

Did a VoG run a few days ago where we were all 31's. Everyone had some experience running VoG and we just breezed thru Hard mode

I don't know much about tracking since again I rarely ever use Rockets. However, at level 31 I was able to keep the whole right area of the VoG Templar by myself no problems. Might be the level, but one shot and all the Vex died and Minotaurs only had a couple pixels left, so easy cleaning down
Tracking can be good and bad. I love having it during boss fights but prefer to not have when fighting mobs. So I have to NOT aim down sights whenever I want a rocket to hit a general area instead of a particular baddie.

I wish we could exchange the class specific armor mats. I am just about out of plasteel plating and getting low on hadronic essence as well. I have resorted to vaulting all of my blue armor engrams to decrypt on them to get enough materials to level my armor. Meanwhile my hunter has over 1000 sapphire wire built up from the loot cave days.
I wish we could exchange the class specific armor mats. I am just about out of plasteel plating and getting low on hadronic essence as well. I have resorted to vaulting all of my blue armor engrams to decrypt on them to get enough materials to level my armor. Meanwhile my hunter has over 1000 sapphire wire built up from the loot cave days.
Ah the loot cave... Miss those nights of farming. Hehe! My warlock and titan only has less than 100 class armor mats left while my hunter also has like 1000 wires. Sheesh! Hopefully they do patch a swap vendor. They already have eris that swaps shards and energies right? Got my warlock to 31 today. Now only my titan is 30+. Next week i do plan to do an all out raid run for all my chars both vog and try ce for the first time. Excited.
Ah the loot cave... Miss those nights of farming. Hehe! My warlock and titan only has less than 100 class armor mats left while my hunter also has like 1000 wires. Sheesh! Hopefully they do patch a swap vendor. They already have eris that swaps shards and energies right? Got my warlock to 31 today. Now only my titan is 30+. Next week i do plan to do an all out raid run for all my chars both vog and try ce for the first time. Excited.
And for those that wants another cag in their friendslist, just add me up.

Psn: craizieboi888 (PST playing on ps4)

I usually try and join people sessions instead of inviting. but if you want to do sonething specific and ive not done it yet for the day or the week, just hit me up with a msg!
If anyone wants to play vault of glass im available. Still need fatebringer or even universal remote/monte carlo exotics. also wouldnt mind trying flawless raider if we have enough 30-32 players.

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Figured I'd throw my hat in for anyone that needs headcount for Raids, Strikes, or Crucible (on PS3 btw).

My PSN name is the same as my name on here, so just send me a msg/friend request saying you're from CAG. Currently Light Lvl 27, and just picked up my first exotic bounty (Dubious Task).

bread's done