Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

I bought two exotic engrams and got the hunter rasberry chest and some titan chest with the golden eagle on the front. But the eagle chest didnt really have great perks so i dismantled it and bought the one he was selling which is perfect for my titan. My legendary helmet gives me bonus for melee and super with nade damage/kills, and the chest gives me an extra nade. Also the chest gives me more special and heavy ammo which works with my swarm machine gun that can have a clip of 60 bullets. So even though i love the look of my spartan helmet, this combo of special weapon + Legendary Helmet + Exotic chest works the best together for my titan. I kind of hate that the exotic chest is always camo colored though, but lucky for me i have a camo shader that works with it.

Kind of wish i kept that exotic chest though, just to collect all the exotic gear in the game. I mean i think i will have played this game long enough to collect it all eventually. Im starting to hit the wall with all my characters, where there really isnt much to do except upgrade weapons and get shards/energy/strange coins from doing the events. Cant really do much until i actually get some raid gear.

The warlock helmet Xur was selling looked cool but imo didnt have any good perks to it. I dont really care to revive people faster. LOL Sorry bro, you are just gunna have to wait for that revive.

Still looking to do the raid with my hunter if anyone has an open slot. I get jelly when i see people online doing the raid without me lol. I will be online Fri, Sat, and Sun nights ready to jump in if anyone asks me.

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Weekly update up

I only skimmed it, but from what I saw the biggest news are

Atheon will be fixed so no more pushing it off the cliff.

Atheon will now pick 3 random players instead of the 3 furthest players to teleport. This could be a total pain in inexperienced pubs haha

Mythoclast will be fixed in the future. There are plans to give it more attack power to help buff it for PvE. They are trying to find a balance for PvE and PVP for it.

what site does everyone use to get the Public Event schedule? Are any of them reliable? Or does Bungie eft with it just enough so that there is no set schedule?
I've been using

Usually on the money or 3 minutes late. Only gets tricky if you're trying for the events that are a minute apart.

Remember there's a better chance of the event triggering when there are other players in the area. If you're alone, then wipe out everything in sight and keep going after the re-spawns.

I've been able to trigger the rarer events by myself by laying waste to all the baddies in the area.

I kind of hate that the exotic chest is always camo colored though, but lucky for me i have a camo shader that works with it.
I noticed that last night too. Messes up my Beowolf shader so I switched to the spartan green shader (spartan blue shader also looked good).

Weekly update up

I only skimmed it, but from what I saw the biggest news are

Atheon will be fixed so no more pushing it off the cliff.

Atheon will now pick 3 random players instead of the 3 furthest players to teleport. This could be a total pain in inexperienced pubs haha

Mythoclast will be fixed in the future. There are plans to give it more attack power to help buff it for PvE. They are trying to find a balance for PvE and PVP for it.
3 randoms might make his fight a bit more difficult. I dont have much shield experience, but i wouldnt mind getting the chance to learn by using it. I know what to do and how it works, but never really got a chance to actually be the one who is grabbing it.

I wish they would actually try to fix the lag in pvp. Its so bad you cant really take this game seriously. You will always run into situations where you kill a guy and he dies 2-3 seconds later and within those 2-3 seconds he kills you, or you waste an ability thinking he is still alive, etc. It also sucks when you get behind a wall and then die when you are clearly out of sight.

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Weekly update up

I only skimmed it, but from what I saw the biggest news are

Atheon will be fixed so no more pushing it off the cliff.

Atheon will now pick 3 random players instead of the 3 furthest players to teleport. This could be a total pain in inexperienced pubs haha

Mythoclast will be fixed in the future. There are plans to give it more attack power to help buff it for PvE. They are trying to find a balance for PvE and PVP for it.
Ha, "baby bumpers". So now players are gonna figure out a way to corral Atheon into a corner... probably a team full of warlocks

Are there one or two 28+ players here who want to help me beat the Weekly Strike tomorrow at Level 28 (PS4)? All my friends did it already and I am only a few Strange Coins shy of buying Truth from Xur.

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Finally completed the raid about 20 minutes ago. We only opened 3 chests and in total I got raid boots, raid gauntlets, VoG mark, Chatterwhite, and a decent amount of shards/energy. Should I expect these kind of drops consistently or was I unlucky/lucky with the RNG?

I'm gonna run vault normal on ps4 in one hour. Might need two more. Pm me. We haven't cleared the last boss but can do the rest pretty easy.
Weekly update up

I only skimmed it, but from what I saw the biggest news are

Atheon will be fixed so no more pushing it off the cliff.

Atheon will now pick 3 random players instead of the 3 furthest players to teleport. This could be a total pain in inexperienced pubs haha

Mythoclast will be fixed in the future. There are plans to give it more attack power to help buff it for PvE. They are trying to find a balance for PvE and PVP for it.
Not gonna lie, but why not fix the real issues that plague the game and affect interactions between players, and then fix this issues that don't really affect anything other than making long fights that we all have faced again and again more "challenging" which translates to "annoying". I just don't get it :wall:

Finally completed the raid about 20 minutes ago. We only opened 3 chests and in total I got raid boots, raid gauntlets, VoG mark, Chatterwhite, and a decent amount of shards/energy. Should I expect these kind of drops consistently or was I unlucky/lucky with the RNG?
I would say very lucky, especially if you got 2 pieces of armor

Picked up the helm for my Hunter and Truth from Xur when I got up this morning. Decided to hold off on picking up the Armamentarium for my Titan until I farmed 3 motes just in case I could get it from the engram. Ended up getting Praxic instead which I will use on my lock when I finish leveling it up. Bought Armamentarium after that. So, I ended up with 4 new exotics I wanted and I farmed over 200 relic iron. Not a bad day.
Not gonna lie, but why not fix the real issues that plague the game and affect interactions between players, and then fix this issues that don't really affect anything other than making long fights that we all have faced again and again more "challenging" which translates to "annoying". I just don't get it :wall:
Guess they're worried about protecting the loot system...

they should worry about other things

the internet at my apartment has been down for a week now and I am jonesing so hard for this game.
was wondering why you weren't on

Thanks 7th and Daver for the easy materials today. Was hoping to help out but you guys all had it covered. Hehe! So i did the xur engram and got the alpha lupi. Bought the warlock helmet and truth. Will probably just level up truth via bounties but my go to exotic would still be ice breaker. I need to max that weapon already. Hehe
Guess who got his Raid Helmet today and is now going to be 30 tomorrow once I finish leveling it?! : DD

But yeah that new patch is going to suck> I am sad about Atheon but it is fair and makes sense that it will be fixed. The randomly teleporting people however is bullshit I think. You have a team and you play to your strengths and weaknesses and so having set teams is good and now getting rid of that sucks. I have helped countless teams through the Raid but honestly now with that change I am far less likely to volunteer my time when I can't control the flow of the event at all and can easily be screwed by people not knowing how to handle the teleport. This rant is half assed because I am struggling to stay awake... but basically random teleports is BS. haha hopefully in the morning I can speak more coherently  : P

Finally completed the raid about 20 minutes ago. We only opened 3 chests and in total I got raid boots, raid gauntlets, VoG mark, Chatterwhite, and a decent amount of shards/energy. Should I expect these kind of drops consistently or was I unlucky/lucky with the RNG?
Extremely lucky.

I've cleared it 5-6 times and no raid gear drops as of yet, I'm almost at 90 Shards.

PS3 players... I've got a VoG save up to the two portals (mars & venus) in Atheon's chamber. Normal raid.

Last chance before Bungie cuts the cheese.

EDIT: wanna try to get it done tonight or tomorrow.  PM me or just add me as a friend and tell me that way.


Separately, just one mote away from Xur's engram; somehow got a bunch of strange coins last night but still 8 away from the Truth RL. Doubt I'll get that part done before he leaves.

Also, already unlocked a couple of upgrades on Armamentium: extra RL ammo, defense and I'm 1/3 of the way in to getting a 2nd grenade :D/ .   Not sure, but it seems like Armamentium is easier to upgrade than it was to upgrade my Skullfront helm.

And just one more upgrade away from maxing out Ice breaker.  Nice way of turning lemons into lemonade.

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So, I knew that the random chests on each planet had a chance to give rare items like ships and ascendant mats. I didn't know you could get big stacks of the planet specific mat from them. Randomly decided to check a cave while doing the daily and found a chest with 9 spinmetal and 2 blue engrams in it. I have done a pretty decent amount of chest farming and that's the first time that has happened.
I wish all mats were as easy to farm as spinmetal .... Helium is the worst!
Honestly, I always thought helium was the easiest, assuming you just want helium, and aren't trying to do chests (though the run I do still has a decent amount)
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I find all materials to be pretty easy to farm once you get a good route. With Helium and Spinmetal being by far the easiest.

Yeah I have little runs for each material if anyone wants to know. I can farm spinmetal, helium, relic iron and spirit bloom fairly quickly.

I just don't understand how it can actually get worse from one system to the next. PS3's message system wasn't perfect but lawd it was 100x better than this garbage system the PS4 has. At least we have Party chat tho, amirite?

I'm so close to 28 I can taste it, but the game will not give me a shard to save my life. I keep getting energy instead :(

I agree the messaging system sucks but also getting invited to "play destiny" over and over by randoms is annoying. Please put what you want to do or need help with so I know if I want to play with you or not. I did the nighfall like 3 times this week to help people. You dont get jack for finishing it after the first time. You should at least get an engram or something :p

On a related note, what is the max level you can reach with only one exotic and then legendary for the rest is it 28 or 29 without any raid gear?

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Second clear of Raid tonight and I still don't have a single piece of Raid armor. Bungie really getting on my nerves now.

Second clear of Raid tonight and I still don't have a single piece of Raid armor. Bungie really getting on my nerves now.
Of the roughly 12 times I have completed the Raid for rewards (multiple characters) only 4 of those times did I receive ANY Raid Gear. And then there have been 5 times where I have received nothing but Chatterwhite and more of the same Class Armor.

Hah so what I am saying is you had better get used to disappointment with the Raid.

Damnit you guys are crushing my level 28 raid loot dreams...
Hahah it is just something that is not meant to be obtained right away. They want us to grind it clearly. It makes it all that much better once you finally get it all, let me tell you hah.

I have finally gotten my pieces and can be level 30 now. I just havent spent time with my Warlock since I got my last piece to actually upgrade it because I have been trying to level up my Hunter to cheese Hard Atheon one more time tonight!

Only thing I am really missing that I want is the Mythoclast... and Praedyth's Revenge (Raid Sniper) or however you spell it. I have Ice Breaker maxed (non-Xur purchase) but other than that the only other Special weapon I have is the FWC Shotgun I got as a reward when I hit level 3. So I could really use a Legendary Sniper so that I can use one of my Exotic Primaries from time to time.

Yeah I have a hunter and I'm thinking of making a Titan because I already have exotic gauntlets and a helmet for a titan thanks to random loot/engrams (too bad I can only equip one). I just dont know if I'm up to grinding through everyting again, but I guess it would be fast since we have now played these levels 5 bajillion times. I can do most of the daily missions solo on 28 by just hanging back and sniping with ice breaker. 6 more shards and I will be 28 and be searching for a raid group. I've been in different parts a couple of times because people needed someone and randomly invited me. I beat the next to last part once with the gatekeepers and then the group that added me for the templar part was short 2 people then quit before I could get more people to join. So I've never started at the begining with a group of people that all have headsets and know whats going on and can guide me along. I guess I need to read some guides and study some youtube videos to prepare. People think they can just figure it out on the fly and going by the groups I've been in that leads to a lot of everyone dying and hours of trial and error.

Yeah I have a hunter and I'm thinking of making a Titan because I already have exotic gauntlets and a helmet for a titan thanks to random loot/engrams (too bad I can only equip one). I just dont know if I'm up to grinding through everyting again, but I guess it would be fast since we have now played these levels 5 bajillion times. I can do most of the daily missions solo on 28 by just hanging back and sniping with ice breaker. 6 more shards and I will be 28 and be searching for a raid group. I've been in different parts a couple of times because people needed someone and randomly invited me. I beat the next to last part once with the gatekeepers and then the group that added me for the templar part was short 2 people then quit before I could get more people to join. So I've never started at the begining with a group of people that all have headsets and know whats going on and can guide me along. I guess I need to read some guides and study some youtube videos to prepare. People think they can just figure it out on the fly and going by the groups I've been in that leads to a lot of everyone dying and hours of trial and error.
Leveling another character is super fast if you have another 28+ friend running with you. You can put it on the highest difficulty for each story mission and breeze through them. You just stick close to your buddy so you get the Xp for the kills and then you get the boost at the end. You can then return to orbit as soon as you finish a mission to skip the cutscenes. You can get it done in roughly 8 hours if you are maximizing bounties and stuff too that way.

Also, I posted a while back a pretty comprehensive guide on how I beat the Raid with my team. I actually have taken in a team of CAG noobies and guided them through and we actually got through pretty quickly with very few hiccups. Haha I was impressed with them. If you have a strong leader who can guide the team well and a group of competent players it isnt too bad.

I have however been in a few Raids with people who just are not very good and it took forever. They were all doing the right things that I told them, they were just bad hahaha

Leveling another character is super fast if you have another 28+ friend running with you. You can put it on the highest difficulty for each story mission and breeze through them. You just stick close to your buddy so you get the Xp for the kills and then you get the boost at the end. You can then return to orbit as soon as you finish a mission to skip the cutscenes. You can get it done in roughly 8 hours if you are maximizing bounties and stuff too that way.

Also, I posted a while back a pretty comprehensive guide on how I beat the Raid with my team. I actually have taken in a team of CAG noobies and guided them through and we actually got through pretty quickly with very few hiccups. Haha I was impressed with them. If you have a strong leader who can guide the team well and a group of competent players it isnt too bad.

I have however been in a few Raids with people who just are not very good and it took forever. They were all doing the right things that I told them, they were just bad hahaha
Man I finished my second Titan during the weekend and got her up to level 20 after 8hrs of pain...god I don't want to ever do that again. Tough once it got to 20 it went straight to 28 since I just used all the other secondary armor my first Titan was wearing and some of my legendaries too. Either way after finishing the leveling I went on the Raid until 3AM and got nothing out of it other than the Shader and Ascendant Shards (friends who helped me level up asked me to stay up...couldn't say no ).

Painful part was that it took us 3 hrs to finish the raid on Normal...someone brought 2 friends into the party and wow, even at level 28 they couldn't accomplish even protecting a freaking portal. Now that they are "fixing" the boss I can't imagine anyone wanting to go into the Raid with randoms, its just too painful/nerve wrecking

Now that they are "fixing" the boss I can't imagine anyone wanting to go into the Raid with randoms, its just too painful/nerve wrecking
I read a good suggestion on the forums about this.

If Bungie is dead set on this addition, make it for Hard Mode Raid runs only. That way there is even more difficulty for Hard as there should be but Normal is still as is.

Normal is arguably easy mode once you hit 30, hell it was easy at 29 and high 28 too with a good team. That being said go ahead and punish the veterans and the ones who are really pushing hard at this game and already have solid teams to run with. By making this change for Normal though they are hurting people who haven't even gone through the Raid or just more rookie players in general. People are complaining already about the difficulty of getting Raid Gear and how hard it is to get teams together and then they pull this and it even further pushes that point.

But yeah, hard mode random teleports fine I can deal with that but not normal because 80% of the time I have been helping people through the Raid but now I really do not want to because the time it will take just for that part alone will drastically increase the completion time.

Even with the change to Atheon, Gatekeeper is still the harder fight in hard mode. That fight is stupid if you bring a bunch of 29s. The Atheon fight is already a joke, and this change doesn't make it much harder. You lose like 1 full second of deciding which person is gonna pick up the relic, not a big deal. The main problem I had with it is them making it seem like it was a bug. It wasn't. That's not how programming works.

People screwed up on our runs and got teleported instead of the assigned person, and we still were able to recover just fine. It's a good thing that they want all raiders to see the portal phase. Everyone should be aiming to understand all the mechanics of a fight. It's pretty dumb to want to raid just to do the minimum amount of work.

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Even with the change to Atheon, Gatekeeper is still the harder fight in hard mode. That fight is stupid if you bring a bunch of 29s. The Atheon fight is already a joke, and this change doesn't make it much harder. You lose like 1 full second of deciding which person is gonna pick up the relic, not a big deal. The main problem I had with it is them making it seem like it was a bug. It wasn't. That's not how programming works.

People screwed up on our runs and got teleported instead of the assigned person, and we still were able to recover just fine. It's a good thing that they want all raiders to see the portal phase. Everyone should be aiming to understand all the mechanics of a fight. It's pretty dumb to want to raid just to do the minimum amount of work.
I definitely agree with most of that and see your point and again for Veterans it really isnt that bad. Everyone on my team knows what to do and how to handle themselves. However again the problem I have is that Raid newbies are now going to take so much longer in the runs to the point where I won't want to help as much.

I feel like everyone will still be forced to experience the whole thing if they put it only on Hard because then people will mix it up more often on normal so as to get used to it for Hard. Again, I am in no way really concerned for me and my team because we all can handle it, my thing is for the new players.

I found it funny when VoG first got released and all these "console" gamers were gushing about how exciting and amazing it was. This whole time I've believed that it's just a dumbed down version of a pretty basic WoW raid.

Bungie's on their first iteration of designing raids. They've fucked up. They've probably gonna fuck up on the next raid too, even though they're QAing it right now. It just won't be obvious until the masses have a go at it. At the end of the day numbers will dictate what they end up doing. If a lot less people raid because of these changes, I'm sure they'll respond to that.

I've never really thought raids should cater to casuals or newbies, but I'm extremely biased in that view. The loot system is already so punishing to people who play casually, there's literally 0 incentive for anyone to play this game if they don't pour hours and hours into it. That's ultimately what's going to drive people away from raiding IMO. Time will tell...

I found it funny when VoG first got released and all these "console" gamers were gushing about how exciting and amazing it was. This whole time I've believed that it's just a dumbed down version of a pretty basic WoW raid.

Bungie's on their first iteration of designing raids. They've fucked up. They've probably gonna fuck up on the next raid too, even though they're QAing it right now. It just won't be obvious until the masses have a go at it. At the end of the day numbers will dictate what they end up doing. If a lot less people raid because of these changes, I'm sure they'll respond to that.

I've never really thought raids should cater to casuals or newbies, but I'm extremely biased in that view. The loot system is already so punishing to people who play casually, there's literally 0 incentive for anyone to play this game if they don't pour hours and hours into it. That's ultimately what's going to drive people away from raiding IMO. Time will tell...
That is a valid point I that newcomers just simply shouldnt have the elite gear and that definitely makes sense. I just like helping people haha

Definitely is true though, if you arent able to grind this game for hours your progression will be quite slow. That isnt necessarily a bad thing though because that just stretches the longevity for those that stick with it. But yeah many will drop out from it too.

bread's done