Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

The 7th Number said:
Wow, just did a roc strike. Random guy got Plan C exotic, totallyjem got the No Land Beyond exotic, i got a blue helmet. :/
Wow... I've run 20-25 Roc strikes this week just trying to get one of the new ships. I finally got one. But in all those runs I never saw anyone (let alone me) get an exotic. There were few legendaries for that matter. In one run the other 2 people got ships and I got a blue something or other. Then finally when I got the ship I was the only one to get one. I got the bright green one... I've been so tired of those Raid ships so it is a nice change of pace for my loading screen ;).
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I had been doing strikes for hours hoping for a ship or legendary engram and jumped into his strike when he was abandoned in the nexus. I have that exotic already and hated it so I will use the shard to upgrade one of my other guns. Working on my two pistols and hardlight. Its the thought that counts I guess after a week of getting jack shit though its kind of sad that's the highlight.

I want one of those cool black and green metal album cover ships dammit.

I saw lots of dudes get legendary engrams but yeah exotics not so was after beating omnigul so we kind of deserved it.

I earned enough glimmer to get my dude up to 31 again with alt gear. So now I can wear my exotic helm or chest and still be 31 so thats cool. 

Ready for tuesday and trying to get my raid gear again...Curious if vex is going to get a bump or not...cause then its back to the vault of glass...

Is anyone else always broke? I feel like I mostly am just constantly trying to get enough cash to buy upgrades for stuff lately. I didnt even have cash to pay xur to upgrade anything before he left.

I've been seeing a lot of people with thorn so I'm going to try and do that stupid crucible stuff during the iron banner this next time...I have 3 exotic bounties on each character taking up space...

I earned enough glimmer to get my dude up to 31 again with alt gear. So now I can wear my exotic helm or chest and still be 31 so thats cool.

Ready for tuesday and trying to get my raid gear again...Curious if vex is going to get a bump or not...cause then its back to the vault of glass...

Is anyone else always broke? I feel like I mostly am just constantly trying to get enough cash to buy upgrades for stuff lately. I didnt even have cash to pay xur to upgrade anything before he left.
Here's hoping the Vex does get a boost. I've been holding out on running the VoG once I heard drops will be level 32.

I feel the same way lately. Right when I somehow manage to get 25K in glimmer it's gone within a few days on upgrading weapons and armor. Too bad we can't bank glimmer in our storage.

I've been seeing a lot of people with thorn so I'm going to try and do that stupid crucible stuff during the iron banner this next time...I have 3 exotic bounties on each character taking up space...
If you need someone to help spawn and kill Xyor, the Unwed I could try to help as I've been stuck on that part for weeks. I just couldn't get him to spawn in two tries so I temporarily gave up. It would be nice to free up that bounty spot up eventually.

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I have someone that owes me on that one, but I'll try and let you know when I'm there so we can both get it done. I have it on two characters so I'll have to do crucible on both then that step on both.

Did 7 get his done?

Iron banner starts next week right? So it should only take a few days...I hope.

Was able to do 4 crota boss today. Only got some shards and another black hammer. Was hoping for a helmet. Oh well. Did 2 vog atheon aswell. And got my 3rd vex and a timebreaker for my lock. Been wanting that sparrow to drop for him for the longest time. Finally all 3 char have them. Then i wantd to do raid fresh raid reach until templar then my internet crap out again. Feels like its my router or something. Ofcourse templar was the only part i really was hoping to finish just to get fatebringer and now missed out again. Grrr
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I have someone that owes me on that one, but I'll try and let you know when I'm there so we can both get it done. I have it on two characters so I'll have to do crucible on both then that step on both.

Did 7 get his done?

Iron banner starts next week right? So it should only take a few days...I hope.
Yeah i got my thorn bounty done.

If iron banner doesnt have 36 light gear then whats the point? I already have under leveled boots and gauntlets for my titan and warlock. Dont need more of the same.

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Solo'd the weekly and now gonna try to solo Nightfall.  But wouldn't mind company ;)

Send a party invite; that seems to arrive faster than messages, apparently.


I like the way the iron banner gear looks compared to vanguard I guess...and also the gold shaders are cool...and I can do my crucible requirements for exotics...and and and...its just something to do. I like to do things that make things go up in a diamond shape obviously.

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Yesterday was a very productive day for me, finally done CE raid from checkpoint, got a legendary fusion rifle. First time done VoG normal got Atheon Epilogue, while other guy got Suros Regime ;( done first Nightfall and got Dragon Breath, killed Xyor and finally got Thorn but was too late Xur was gone :( Btw for everyone going to kill Xyor for first time, don't you ever stay in that room before Phogoth, doing that will trigger Ultra Wizards and Knights to spawn and Shrieker too, just jump out to the arena and clean the mobs till 3rd or 4th ship comes, I and 2 my friends were spending like 45 mins shooting Wizards and Knights till we realize that shit :wall:
You can stay in the room. The shrieker and stuff despawn if you just ignore them. You can do it the other way though especially now that everyone is 31 and 32 its not as bad as when I was helping someone and was 28 or 29.

I just talked to a guy at work and he has full gear to be 32, actually two sets (no helmets but exotic instead). He said he has only ever done the first three parts of crota and has only cheesed each part. I think you miss out on a lot playing this way. The lamps and bridge are both pretty fun when you just play the game as designed...but it does cause me to have some butthurt since I dont have anywhere near full sets of gear. It really does just come down to dumb luck.

I agree with that, I have two full sets (sans helmet) of raid gear that I have got from the first three parts.

I've also been busy to the point where I haven't had time to get on and try to look for a raid team and do it legit. It's been easier to get out of work at 5 am once a week and run through it by myself in 20 minutes so I can focus on other things going on In my life
Just downloaded an update, my log in screen says Maybe that was to fix the raid stuff. So no hope in getting a solo run in before they added the update. :(

I finished up my NF and Weekly runs late last night with all three guardians. After six runs at Valus Ta'aurc that's actually a pretty easy Strike to solo in about 40-45 minutes, with the NF taking a little longer with shielded enemies. I ended up with No Land Beyond, 6 strange coins, and a legendary engram that turned into an Up For Anything auto rifle. Overall not an awful weeks worth of drops. I'm happy with the auto rifle and strange coins but I'll probably break down my duplicate No Land Beyond for a spare exotic shard.

Just downloaded an update, my log in screen says Maybe that was to fix the raid stuff. So no hope in getting a solo run in before they added the update. :(
Bummer. I was hoping for at least one more chance for a solo run through the Crota raid after the refresh.

Yeah, the patch is live.

Fyi - you can get the first Crota chest again (even if you already looted it this week) but it will only contain mats. Also killing Ir Yut today will not drop any loot if you already got the first CE chest pre-patch.
Apparently you can just jump to the top level from the rock you normally stand on to get launched. There were videos of a titan and warlock doing it on reddit the other day and people in the comments were saying they did it on hunter as well. Titan sounded pretty easy, but warlock and hunter seemed to have little room for error. There were also conflicting reports on whether or not Mida's was needed. Hunters can also just invis through the whole thing fairly easily with the new gauntlets and all of their other invis options. Seems like it might just be more hassle than its worth, but it's still doable.

With a decent group you can get the whole raid done in less than 30 minutes. I have had a few groups that were closer to 20. The cheese being removed shouldn't be too big of a deal and new cheeses will probably continue to be discovered anyway.
I've had that happend to me several times before. It's amazing to me how Bungie thinks the kind of stuff that hinder the player like the teleporting targets during public events, amongst all the other bugs still left unpatched (I'm looking at you raid boots) is ok to put off patching. Meanwhile,  OMGLOLZERS NEW CHEESE WE MUST FIX!!!1!11!!11!!! fuck outta here Bungie.

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Here's hoping the Vex does get a boost. I've been holding out on running the VoG once I heard drops will be level 32.

I feel the same way lately. Right when I somehow manage to get 25K in glimmer it's gone within a few days on upgrading weapons and armor. Too bad we can't bank glimmer in our storage.

If you need someone to help spawn and kill Xyor, the Unwed I could try to help as I've been stuck on that part for weeks. I just couldn't get him to spawn in two tries so I temporarily gave up. It would be nice to free up that bounty spot up eventually.
I soloed that one to get my 1st thorn, I know exactly what to do. For some reason I got another thorn bounty and ready for that strike again. Look me up when your ready. Although I may be busy with the iron banner soon. I'm usually on after 6:30-7 pm eastern, seems alot of ps4 destiny cag's are west coast though.

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By the way, the Vex doesn't get a boost. Beat Atheon with a few CAGers tonight and 7th got a Vex, same stats as before.

Bummer city on the no boost, but I guess I dont need to do anymore vog unless I'm really bored or need shards for some reason.

I just did a couple of strikes last night and in my first one I found a legendary engram on the ground, then got one as a reward, and then when I went back to the tower I decrypted enough engrams and got enough xp to get a package from dead orbit. This had another legendary engram in it. 

I ended up with a crappy chest from crucible with shotgun and pulse ammo perks, sharded. Next a couple motes of light???wtf???. The last one turned into a really nice void machine gun from dead orbit. So at least one is usefull.

I also got one of the new orange and black ships on that first one so I'm pretty happy.

I switched over to all my void weapons for today but I think I need to clear out my bounties first so I can get the ones for iron banner. 

If I didnt have fatebringer I would keep trying to get it. That gun is a beast...makes mobs so easy with the exploding damage. I'd even take a second one so I dont have to juggle it between characters.

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I don't have any good void weapons that are worth using in Iron Banner. :whistle2:/
If you are are doing the Thorn bounty and requires the kills, they should just do them in the regular crucible, a green void shotgun with auto fire is almost as good as an Invective. For the thorn bounty void walker power kills count too I think. The Truth rocket launcher is void.

Yeah the only reason to use void is for the thorn bounty, luckily I have a void primary in addition to a few different special and heavy weapons...I'm going to try and clear it off both my characters during IB just because then I also can get a new shader or something...regular crucible just seems like a waste of time...I guess you can get marks...but I dont need to buy anything right now.

Finally got the Hawkmoon! Got it on my first nightfall today. The second and third I got exotic armor I already each time. Not great but overall I'd take that over shards or a crappy legendary. Still need to do the raid with all three but a good start to the week at least.

Finally got the Hawkmoon! Got it on my first nightfall today. The second and third I got exotic armor I already each time. Not great but overall I'd take that over shards or a crappy legendary. Still need to do the raid with all three but a good start to the week at least.
Hey i got shards and a crappy legendary fusion rifle. :p I did get the insermountable skullfort with upgraded stats, had it already but it was the old 300 version. So kind of disappointed, really want another ice breaker, monte carlo, praxic fire, or obsidian mind. oh well. Now onto Crotas end where i hope to get the warlock chest or helmet, and titan boots or helmet. or all four. LOL Still no CE helm so.

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Solo'd through the lamp section twice. One with my titan with the jump up off the rock trick. Second one i was able to go the normal route with all the lamps as my hunter with those invisibility tricks + gauntlets. Was pretty easy honestly, and when i got to the end i jumped on the rock and only one ogre came out. So totally doable with the hunter if you have those gauntlets.

I cant figure out how to solo the 2nd bridge part. Seems like whatever i do i always die mid air halfway across the open pit when im swinging the sword. I made it over there once before and solo'd it pre patch. But i cant seem to figure out how to get across without dying half way there.

Squeezed in one last VoG run before the reset and the best I got were Corrective Measure and Plan C (from the lucky chest).

So to add more validation to the weapon conversation: CM was stuck at the old level, Plan C was the 2.0 version.

Still no Fatebringer :wall:

Some else in the group got his 3rd Gjallarhorn, from beating Atheon. WTF!

My 5th Vex, why cant i get a fatebringer though? I swear the raid loves to give people guns they already have.
This... seems like it's just stuck in the same mode now.

I keep getting the sniper or shotgun. And others who have fatebringer get more fatebringers. smh

PSA:  get your tumbler before it's gone (as seen on splash page)

(I didn't even know they would take it away... :shame: )

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jhill9056 said:
7 Shards and 11 coins from my first 2 Nightfalls. Hopefully the 3rd one is kinder to me.
7 energy and 2 energy (a crappy legendary fusion rifle) for my 2 runs so far. I haven't gotten an exotic from the Nightfall in weeks. (And last week it was all energy too with 7 + 2 + 2).

And I got a load of crap from 3 Crota runs too. I got 3 duplicate armor pieces (across 3 characters) with much worse stats, NO helm, and NO Hunger of Crota. I'm now at 18 Crota loot drops without a HoC or a single helm for any of my 3 chars. No ship or class item either (I have gotten 1 ship and 2 class items total so far).

I did get Thunderlord and Truth from Deathsinger/Crota (one from each I think) but I already had 2 of each of those (bought the upgrades from Xur for both too - teaches me...).

But exotics were dropping like candy from a piñata overall for the Raid group I was in last night. I think at least 4 people got No Land Beyond and another 3 got Dragon's Breath. Then throw in mine and some other random ones and that added up to way more exotics than I'd ever seen before. Maybe they upped the drops (at least on those new exotic weapons) since they moved the rewards to Deathsinger. I had only gotten 2 exotics in 15 tries on the first chest before last night then got 2 in 3...
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[quote name="The 7th Number" post="12408241" timestamp="1421191042"]I did this today with titan, tried a few times with my hunter but could never get over the hump.[/quote]

Thanks! for the hunter did u use triple jump? Have to try this out. So the titan has more success and warlocks cant so this at all?
Thanks! for the hunter did u use triple jump? Have to try this out. So the titan has more success and warlocks cant so this at all?
Nah I've gotten up there with my Warlock. Doable but it's a pain in the ass. It just seems easier with the Titan.

anyone else getting psn maintainance message?
Yup. I got that message and when I finally connected the Destiny servers were down. Of course this happens when I have a little extra time to test out the lamp jump. I do see others in the game so it must only be affecting some users.

Edit: All is well. And damn that lamp jump.

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My last nightfall gave me a crappy scout rifle. I ran the raid twice after I finished that. The first time I was practicing the jump on my titan while my team was getting ready and got it on my second try. I just had had everyone join on me and I soloed lamps and we finished it from there. I didn't get anything useful. The second run we had a hunter try to solo it with crouch and blink strike. He died early on, so we just got to him with weight on and ran it normally. I didn't get anything on that run either. It was crazy though.

One of my buddies and I were have been talking about how badly we want Hawkmoon for a while now. My other buddy has been super bummed that he didn't buy Ice Breaker when Xur had it. We drop Crota and Hawkmoon drops for the first guy and Ice Breaker for the second.

This came after one of my other friends got Red Death from the Gorgon chest a few minutes after I had mentioned it was the one thing Xur sold I wish I had bought. RNG trolled me hard today, but at least my friends were happy. Still have the raid left on my hunter and I have 10 5k bounties to turn in, so hopefully I get some good luck with drops.
I got another Suros from Crotas end, and was able to get the boots and helmet for my titan to make the full set. My warlock is still missing chest and helmet, and my hunter still missing the helmet. So i had a decent day.

My good day finished pretty well. Got the Hunter raid helmet and now she only needs either the chest or gloves to hit 32. After that I got the 4th horsemen from the Deathsinger. I've heard it's not really that good but damn it's pretty. The good thing though is after picking up Hawkmoon the 4th Horseman was the only exotic weapon I've never had so now that collection is complete. I only need the Heart Of Praxic Fire and the Radiant Dance Machines to have every exotic armor. Lastly, I also picked up another No Land Beyond (Meh) from the third Deathsinger run. At least it's another exotic shard. I also got about 6 legendary engrams today from the weekly heroics and Roc strikes. None of them turned out to be anything good, though.

On the bad side neither my Titan nor my Warlock got any raid armor drops during their runs which is pretty crappy. Granted my Warlock has the full set and my Titan only needs the helmet and chest piece but I would have liked at least something even if it would have just got sharded.

bread's done