Detroit Mayor and Ex-Aide Charged for perjury!!!

Who would want to be the Mayor of Detroit anyways? I imagine the problems associated with that job are astronomical...
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Marion Barry.[/QUOTE]

I have to put you on the spot here. Why do you default to a black mayor in an unrelated scandal, instead of going to the numerous sex scandals available? Why not McGreevey, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, David Vitter, or Eliot Spitzer?
1.) Conspiracy to obstruct justice.. Kwame and Beatty.
2.) Obstruction of Justice.. Kwame and Beatty.
3.) Misconduct in Office.. Kwame and Beatty. - G.Brown portion
4.) Misconduct in Office.. Kwame only. - $$ by city to settle
5.) Perjury.. Kwame only
6.) Perjury.. Kwame only
7.) Perjury.. Beatty only - lying about firing of Gary Brown
8.) Perjury.. Beatty only - lying about text message
9.) Perjury other then court proceeding - lying in deposition dec 03
10.) Perjury other then court proceeding - lying in dposition oct 04 - g.brown
11.) Perjury other then court proceeding - lying in deposition dec 03 - g.brown
12.) Perjury other then court proceeding - lying in deposition dec 03 -,2933,340939,00.html

"DETROIT, Michigan (CNN) -- Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and an ex-aide were charged Monday with perjury and obstruction of justice after prosecutors said sexually explicit text messages between the two contradicted their sworn court testimony."

Much more at the links above.
[quote name='mykevermin']I have to put you on the spot here. Why do you default to a black mayor in an unrelated scandal, instead of going to the numerous sex scandals available? Why not McGreevey, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, David Vitter, or Eliot Spitzer?[/quote]

Because he is black, convicted of criminal charges AND (Most Importantly) able to regain his position after doing his time.

Of the 5 you mentioned, how many are going to retain or recover their positions?

Also, how badly was Clinton damaged by lying under oath about sex?

Seriously, the mayor's career is far from over.
[quote name='mykevermin']Larry Craig's still in office.[/quote]

That's true.

Will he keep his office after his term is up? (I'm sure he'll try, but that's another story.)
THere is not a chance in hell Craig could get re-elected. He has no friends, no political capital, and no one to vote for him.
[quote name='pittpizza']THere is not a chance in hell Craig could get re-elected. He has no friends, no political capital, and no one to vote for him.[/quote]


He should have left office when he pled guilty.

If he did have a "wide stance", he should have fought it.

I would have told the cop, "Listen, jackoff, you were the one try to score some cum. I was taking a shit. Get me my fucking lawyer or start signing your paycheck over to me."
I'm astounded by how many politicians (most of which are attorneys) never ask for legal counsel when they find themselves in a bind. Craig, perhaps understandably so, tried to just make this go away without anyone ever finding out. Pleading to a disorderly was one way to go about shutting this up and just getting it over with. It sucks for him, but someone did find out.

IMO a disorderly conduct isn't a bad deal when you're caught butt fucking in a bathroom, or trying to anyway.

This stuff with the detroit guy will be dead and gone in a week.

I heard a very interesting piece on NPR where a psychologist was being interviewed about how these high powered politicians do this stuff (clinton, this guy, spitzer, JFK, the list goes on and on). He hypothesized (in my opinion it's no hypothesis, it's a fuckin fact) that they do it because they can't handle being "the man" 24 hours a day. With the lives they live, they're always "on", they constantly have to be cognizant of every word they use, every decision they make, who is watching, where am I going next..... Doing these lewd acts (whatever they are) is a form of escapism.

One thing I like about videogames is that I don't think about anything else in the world while I'm playing. My mind is free, it's relaxing. It's sort of the same thing with these guys, the only way for them to "get away from it all" is to do some crazy scandalous shit. It's nothing new and has been going on since Jefferson was donkey punching whatshername.

The irony of it all is that the best, most fulfilling escapism, seems to be doing that exact thing which their public identity attacks (Craig is to buttfucking/gay rights, as Spitzer is to white-collar crime/high-class prostituion rings). The act itself isn't what usually fires people up as much as the HYPROCRACY!
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