Deus Ex HR $44.99 at GameStop

This is a permanent drop?

Wow, for a game that getting average 8.5/10 reviews, it's dropping like a rock.
Yeh I am really regretting not picking up my preorder from BB now. $25 for release day would have been nice.

I assume it is dropping because come 2 weeks sales for anything else than the AAA titles will drop like a rock.
Best game this gen IMO. Just absolutely fantastic. First game in years where I sat down and just lost 5-6 hours at a time. Even good games have trouble holding me for longer than 1-2 hours.
It's not dropping like a rock, it's following the method Portal 2 did at launch with having sales 3-4 weeks after launch to get the 2nd wave of purchasers. Of course Portal 2 did more business on PC and those sales were to help move console copies, while Deus Ex on console is outselling the physical PC version 6-1 if VG Chartz can be trusted.

Also people may have Gamestop credit and this be more helpful to them or they may not live near a TRU. I live in South St. Louis County and I only have 2 TRU near me while I have 10 plus Gamestop's in the same area. They also may want a used copy for $36 after PUR Pro for some reason.
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Great game, too bad the sales must not be indicative of the quality of it.

This just pushes me further and further toward hesitating to buy new releases, as this is the first new release I had picked up in a while...
The crazy thing about this price drop is that it is a good game. I am going to assume this is a publisher strategy to get new game sales for a game that might have fallen through the cracks due to the upcoming onslaught of games. The game is already pushing 1 million in sales across all platforms so I would think these prices should increase that amount. It may also be a test for publishers to see how these types of cuts effect the used market. A single player only game is going to see a bigger flood of used games so by dropping the price fast you may be able to cut into that market before the stock gets too large. I kind of hope we start to see more of this. I have always thought it was stupid for a publishers to sell a million new at $60 when maybe they could sell 3 million at $30-40.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Great game, too bad the sales must not be indicative of the quality of it.

This just pushes me further and further toward hesitating to buy new releases, as this is the first new release I had picked up in a while...[/QUOTE]

Why? If anything it is pushing me more towards purchasing day 1. Just do it at stores with post pricematch. Those that bought this day 1 at BB got $10 rewards cert and now get to PM to $35 (effectively $25). Also they got the preorder bonuses.

I was hesitant before because a lot of the games werent dropping early enough for the 30 day PM. now they are.
I am just curious if the game publishers are pushing these price drops so early (if they are they are shooting themselves in the foot) or the retailers are (but supposedly profits on new games is minimal already).
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Why? If anything it is pushing me more towards purchasing day 1. Just do it at stores with post pricematch. Those that bought this day 1 at BB got $10 rewards cert and now get to PM to $35 (effectively $25). Also they got the preorder bonuses.

I was hesitant before because a lot of the games werent dropping early enough for the 30 day PM. now they are.[/QUOTE]
Wait so I bought it day 1 at Best Buy. Could I go back in and show them the TRU/GS price and get credit for it?
Hmmm. I have $40 in GS credit that I was going to use on the Uncharted double pack when my PS3 finally arrives (damn you slow contest holder....) but this is tempting.
I doubt this is a Msrp drop. 44.99 seems like a odd number for a msrp. It's probibly just an unadvertized deal. That being said this and other 3rd party titles will be black friday'd if you know what I mean.
[quote name='lingitiz']Wait so I bought it day 1 at Best Buy. Could I go back in and show them the TRU/GS price and get credit for it?[/QUOTE]

Yep. I already price matched to $44.99 for the Kmart drop and I plan on getting the drop for the TRU price. The local store needs to be within 25 miles of the BB you match at though.
[quote name='lingitiz']Wait so I bought it day 1 at Best Buy. Could I go back in and show them the TRU/GS price and get credit for it?[/QUOTE]

Yes. As long as there is a TRU within 25 miles of the BB you bought it at, just take in your receipt and the ad (can print it from online or show them on a smart phone). Some cashiers do what they are supposed to and call up the local TRU to confirm the price and to check if they have it in stock (both requirements per BB PM policy), but most don't care enough unless a manager makes them.

This might require a manager approval (YMMV on NEEDING a managers approval to a certain point, which I think is 50% or more off), which sometimes makes it more of a pain because some like to go on power trips.

Remember as long as you have a) a TRU within 25 miles and b) they have the item in stock for less then it is your right to get the PM no matter how mich they fight it. Luckily my BB is very nice about PMs and it goes very smoothly.

You also get as many PMs as you want in the 30 day (45 day for RZ silver members) window. So if it drops $0.10 the next week you are more than welcome to get it if you really want to.
So what's GS's policy for cases where you bought the game day 1? Any price adjustment? Also, any word on the price of the augmented edition dropping?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Great game, too bad the sales must not be indicative of the quality of it.

This just pushes me further and further toward hesitating to buy new releases, as this is the first new release I had picked up in a while...[/QUOTE]

According to VG Chartz it sold 600k copies combined on the consoles in August; we'll see for sure when the NPD's come out next week.

Gamestop doesn't price match so I would just buy the copy at another store and take that copy, still sealed with your Gamestop receipt, back to Gamestop and get a refund.

I checked when I updated the Gamestop weekly ad thread and Augmented Edition is still $70.
[quote name='SkylineChili4Me']So what's GS's policy for cases where you bought the game day 1? Any price adjustment? Also, any word on the price of the augmented edition dropping?[/QUOTE]

If you buy day 1 at GS you get your game gutted, then they take out all the important stuff, sell it off. then take a deuce in the case using the receipt as TP and saying F off as they hand you the shit.

According to their PM policy it reads as :

"No, no matter what. No!"
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Remember as long as you have a) a TRU within 25 miles and b) they have the item in stock for less then it is your right to get the PM no matter how mich they fight it. Luckily my BB is very nice about PMs and it goes very smoothly.[/QUOTE]

Hahahahaha. Really?

It's never "your right" to get anything price matched. They can deny any PM they want and there's not a damn thing you can do about it except bitch and moan and cry in a corner.
[quote name='xskaxninjax']Hahahahaha. Really?

It's never "your right" to get anything price matched. They can deny any PM they want and there's not a damn thing you can do about it except bitch and moan and cry in a corner.[/QUOTE]

No they cannot. They can deny any trade for any reason, but they have to honor a legit PM. if you get hassled then call corporate while at the store. That has always got them to shut up. If you don't have that time then talk to one of the reps on the BB policy forums or reps.

Breaking their own policies is a big no-no to corporate. And moat stores like to keep under the radar. Remember if it is legit get a manager involved. Also note names and time to help things move faster with corporate.
[quote name='xskaxninjax']Hahahahaha. Really?

It's never "your right" to get anything price matched. They can deny any PM they want and there's not a damn thing you can do about it except bitch and moan and cry in a corner.[/QUOTE] we have to listen to this crap again. It is their policy so it is your RIGHT. Whether or not they honor that policy is different.
[quote name='xskaxninjax']Hahahahaha. Really?

It's never "your right" to get anything price matched. They can deny any PM they want and there's not a damn thing you can do about it except bitch and moan and cry in a corner.[/QUOTE]

If they go against a printed policy in their stores or on their website you can escalate to your state's attorney general for fraud which will likely lead to contact from corporate. I did this twice with a local Game Crazy.
THIS is how you get customers for life. I mean, I bought it 3 days after release, and I can get it price matched... but still. I was happy and content with my $60 purchase, because it's such a good, polished game. I'm sick of publishers pushing out shit and waiting for sales on obviously unfinished games.

Interesting that Lamestop, who never drop prices unless they have to would sell it at such a price. Interesting if it is an MSRP drop, as well.
I think they're just trying to keep the game on people's radar with all the other big releases coming out.

I wouldn't count on $20 by xmas, lol.
[quote name='MSUHitman']If they go against a printed policy in their stores or on their website you can escalate to your state's attorney general for fraud which will likely lead to contact from corporate. I did this twice with a local Game Crazy.[/QUOTE]

how did that go for you? Gamecrazy is long gone now
[quote name='jer7583']I think they're just trying to keep the game on people's radar with all the other big releases coming out.

I wouldn't count on $20 by xmas, lol.[/QUOTE]

As long as they are selling a game new they make more on a $20 purchase so it kind of makes sense. I would like to see if this is a push into some releases at $40 in the future for these low AAA to high middle tier games.
Hmm, tough one. Get a used/complete/taken_care_of copy today for $40 after tax/PUR or try for the TRU $35 sale ~$38 after tax... seems like a close call, except I have GS credit so my choice is GS. I am hoping it is complete, unscratched and basically not 'shit in a box'.
[quote name='cancerman1120'] It may also be a test for publishers to see how these types of cuts effect the used market. A single player only game is going to see a bigger flood of used games so by dropping the price fast you may be able to cut into that market before the stock gets too large. I kind of hope we start to see more of this. I have always thought it was stupid for a publishers to sell a million new at $60 when maybe they could sell 3 million at $30-40.[/QUOTE]

Dropping the new/unused price only influences the used market size in regards if the used value drops so much that people decide to keep it instead of trading it in. Otherwise, it doesn't really impact it that much and I'm not sure if this is a game people will want to hold on to. I had my fill after I finished it and I sold it to friend to for $30. Publishers are fighting the used market with things like cheap prices for DLC season passes that make buyers hold on to their games for several months longer than they would otherwise (such as LA Noire)

The problem with 1 million sales at $60 vs 3 million at $30-40 is that is often far from clear what is going really pop in the market. I had interest in this game but the marketing and publicity didn't really click with me ('looks alright, could be cool, could suck too' would have been my pre launch summation) and when the reviews came out, and with that kmart promo, I thought I would give it a shot. While I liked the game, I don't know if millions and millions of folks would dig it....It does have a pretty big hump to get over at the start before things start getting fun and it is refreshing that the games doesn't baby you at the start but that can turn off some gamers. What is going on here I believe is more a trend when a smaller game gets really good reviews, publishers are frequently deciding to go for broke on pricing while the buzz is still around their game and hasn't shifted to what ever is the next new hotness.
[quote name='CaoPi']how did that go for you? Gamecrazy is long gone now[/QUOTE]

Probably well. Perhaps, too well. :lol:
[quote name='K_G']Dropping the new/unused price only influences the used market size in regards if the used value drops so much that people decide to keep it instead of trading it in. Otherwise, it doesn't really impact it that much and I'm not sure if this is a game people will want to hold on to. I had my fill after I finished it and I sold it to friend to for $30. Publishers are fighting the used market with things like cheap prices for DLC season passes that make buyers hold on to their games for several months longer than they would otherwise (such as LA Noire)

The problem with 1 million sales at $60 vs 3 million at $30-40 is that is often far from clear what is going really pop in the market. I had interest in this game but the marketing and publicity didn't really click with me ('looks alright, could be cool, could suck too' would have been my pre launch summation) and when the reviews came out, and with that kmart promo, I thought I would give it a shot. While I liked the game, I don't know if millions and millions of folks would dig it....It does have a pretty big hump to get over at the start before things start getting fun and it is refreshing that the games doesn't baby you at the start but that can turn off some gamers. What is going on here I believe is more a trend when a smaller game gets really good reviews, publishers are frequently deciding to go for broke on pricing while the buzz is still around their game and hasn't shifted to what ever is the next new hotness.[/QUOTE]

I can see what you are saying. The thing was Deus Ex TIV never was high even before the sales. It was like the retailers knew (most likely did) that the plan was to drop the price fast. I am not sure if the TIV was ever over $30. BB has it for $29 right now ($40 with bonuses) but Amazon has dropped it all the way to $18.90...crazy drop for a 16 day old game. Anyone know what GS was giving.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Great game, too bad the sales must not be indicative of the quality of it.

This just pushes me further and further toward hesitating to buy new releases, as this is the first new release I had picked up in a while...[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean man. The only time I buy something on launch is when I get a good deal on it. I got Amazon to price match my copy of Madden to $44 with the $20 credit. That's a nice incentive for me. I'm actually going to price match Deus Ex at BBY since I have credit there. Plus my sister is going halves on it, I can't say no at $18 for a new game.
It's sad that this game only sold like 600k copies because this is one amazing game. It puts most others shooters to shame just for the amount of ways there are to tackle a mission and every mission isn't follow some predetermined line with only really one way to kill something.

Plus it's a good 20+ hours for your first time if you go ahead and do almost everything in the game. Sure it has no multiplayer but this game has re-playability since there are multiple ways to play the game.

A great deal at $45.
I got the new GS email today and smiled at seeing Modern Warfare 2, a two-year-old game selling for $40 still. Too bad it's only console; I've got some GCs to burn and would buy the PC version.

[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']It's sad that this game only sold like 600k copies because this is one amazing game. It puts most others shooters to shame just for the amount of ways there are to tackle a mission and every mission isn't follow some predetermined line with only really one way to kill something.[/QUOTE]It shows how gamers whine about wanting something different from the tired parade of cloned "Call of Medal of Halostance Zone of Duty Honor Next Higher Number" games, but when you actually give them something different, they turn up their noses and plan on taking off from work or school so they can get right into playing MW3.

This is a minor price drop, though surprising in its speed. The biggest price cut and run I refer to is how Beyond Good & Evil was slashed to $20 within 5 weeks of release in Dec. 2003 because it had tanked despite being universally loved by those few who bought it.
[quote name='Jimmienoman']No they cannot. They can deny any trade for any reason, but they have to honor a legit PM. if you get hassled then call corporate while at the store. That has always got them to shut up. If you don't have that time then talk to one of the reps on the BB policy forums or reps.

Breaking their own policies is a big no-no to corporate. And moat stores like to keep under the radar. Remember if it is legit get a manager involved. Also note names and time to help things move faster with corporate.[/QUOTE]

I've been denied multiple PMs at multiple BB stores. I've called corporate in the store. I've had 3-way conversations with corporate and store managers. Corporate told me it's ALWAYS up the manager's discretion whether they match a price or not. I've been polite, I've been hostile, and even called the whole process bullshit to their faces. If they don't want to, they won't, and even corporate won't make them.
would have been nice if some of these retailers adjusted the price for the pc version, the onlive code is a major selling point since i can give it to my brother to play it on his pc
[quote name='xskaxninjax']I've been denied multiple PMs at multiple BB stores. I've called corporate in the store. I've had 3-way conversations with corporate and store managers. Corporate told me it's ALWAYS up the manager's discretion whether they match a price or not. I've been polite, I've been hostile, and even called the whole process bullshit to their faces. If they don't want to, they won't, and even corporate won't make them.[/QUOTE]

BBB it and talk to the online BB policy forum CSRs. If you are PMing a hard drop, and they deny then it is fraud. As it is clear that this is within their PM policy.

If you are PMing a GC with purchase, gift with purchase or anything else then it is YMMV depending on manager.
[quote name='100xp']heh...$19.99 will come either by Christmas or just after.[/QUOTE]

Thanks you have me salivating at the thought of Christmas sales. I'm ready for them to start now.
bread's done