Devil May Cry 4 - Gen. Discussion & Info

Sony needs to work on spending a lot of money towards new ips since they aren't spending on exclusives, regardless this is a game i have never played i prefer ninja gaiden
Doesnt the loss of exclusives put even MORE weight on the exclusive system sellers?

Lets say you dont own either a 360 or a PS3. The first game that gets you to buy THAT system nearly automatically gets you all the cross-platform games on that particular side.

So for example, everyone that is not buying a PS3 until FF13(and doesnt own a 360) will automatically buy the PS3 versions of these games.
(i'll rephrase. You can see the original in quotes.)

Certain Multiplatform games annoy me.

And the diminishing of exclusives on all platforms is making me feel as if the game console will soon be like the DVD player. Doesn't matter which company makes the DVD player it can play all the DVD's.

I will not be purchasing DMC4, I was never really interested in the game. And it puts it over the edge being Multiplatform. I'll wait for the reviews to make sure it isnt to buggy.

Multiplatformers tend to be chock full of bugs.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I hate multiplatform games.

Christ, gaming consoles are slowely turning into DVD players...

I wont be getting DMC4 anymore, the only appeal of the game to me was that it was a PS3 exlcusives. I ussually only enjoy Exclusive titles.

Multiplatformers are peices of buggy shit.[/QUOTE]
You sir win the ignorant statement of the day award.

I don't understand your DVD statement since Blu ray and HD DVD has done nothing but piss off many potential buyers to "wait" it out, not that that matters since you are comparing apples and oranges.
Wow! MS having lot BIG HIT titles coming out later this year & next year. Seem like i saving up my $$$$ on PS3 for another 2-3 more years. For now i'll support MS :)
[quote name='spoo']You sir win the ignorant statement of the day award.

I don't understand your DVD statement since Blu ray and HD DVD has done nothing but piss off many potential buyers to "wait" it out, not that that matters since you are comparing apples and oranges.[/quote]

Meaning, no matter what DVD player you purchase it still plays the same DVD's every other DVD player plays.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Meaning, no matter what DVD player you purchase it still plays the same DVD's every other DVD player plays.[/QUOTE]

Could you explain to me why that is a bad thing?

You are still comparing two different things here. If you want to compare it to something compare it to PC gaming vs Mac gaming that would make more sense but still way out in left field.

Multi-Platform games are good for gamers and game developers but bad for system manufacturers. If the game turns out buggy then don't buy it but not buying DMC4 because it is also on an evil "M$" console is just plain ignorant.
[quote name='spoo']Could you explain to me why that is a bad thing?

You are still comparing two different things here. If you want to compare it to something compare it to PC gaming vs Mac gaming that would make more sense but still way out in left field.

Multi-Platform games are good for gamers and game developers but bad for system manufacturers. If the game turns out buggy then don't buy it but not buying DMC4 because it is also on an evil "M$" console is just plain ignorant.[/quote]

It isn't good for gamers. It is just good for the developers. Cause MOST of the time gamers are stuck with shitty ports and the developer doesnt focus all of their effort on one console to get the most out of it.

Just forget my DVD analogy, I didn't think it was that confusing. I just ment, it seems like it will soon not matter which console you get, every console has every game.
Bear, the fact that you are automatically disregarding a game because it is on multiple platforms makes me want to automatically disregard your credibility on multiple levels.

This is a trend that will only continue... if you really don't like multiplatform games, you better skip -

Devil May Cry 4
Resident Evil 5
Virtua Fighter 5
Assassin's Creed
John Woo's Stranglehold
Unreal Tournament 3
Half Life 2 Orange Box
Grand Theft Auto 4
Star Wars Force Unleashed
Mercenaries 2
Every sport game
About 4/5 of the current PS3 library.

Lol, that would be pretty sucky to adhere to that statement in 2007.
Have they even announced that they are being released at the same time though?

Its like, Resident Evil 4 is technically multiplatform, but its still a solid game by most people's judgement.

I can understand the disdain of most multiplatform games, but you still have to evaluate the game's final quality. Disregarding it so quickly is definitely hasty.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']It isn't good for gamers. It is just good for the developers. Cause MOST of the time gamers are stuck with shitty ports and the developer doesnt focus all of their effort on one console to get the most out of it.

Just forget my DVD analogy, I didn't think it was that confusing. I just ment, it seems like it will soon not matter which console you get, every console has every game.[/QUOTE]

Shut the fuck up.

You bitch and moan about the Microsoft camp "invading" the PS3 forum all the time. You claim that the 360 owners want nothing more than the downfall of Sony, and any valid point that a poster strikes up against them you dismiss as fanboyism. You basically want people to stop saying anything in the PS3 forum that you disagree with.

But here we are, in the 360 forum, in a 360 thread, with a bunch a' people who own a 360, and here you are, the lone Sony chode, striking up a fanboy fight. You can't take the fact that there's a legitimately bad piece of news for Sony, and then thinly veil your disappointment with a ridiculously poor "port" arguement.

Get up on outta' here, ya' fuckin' shmuck. Big Brother's a-callin' and he wants his bumbling idiot back.
Wow.. DarkNessBear made a pretty big ass of himself there.

Not playing a game now because it's multiplatform? What a whiner.

As for me, i think it's a good thing people can play it now without paying $600 for a system, but I'm not very interested in the series, DMC3 pushed the limits of difficulty/fun for me, and it lost my attention very quickly. Sorry if that makes me not hardcore, but I'd rather play something more accessible.

Hopefully MGS4 follows after this. Konami would be crazy not to port it over.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Have they even announced that they are being released at the same time though?

Its like, Resident Evil 4 is technically multiplatform, but its still a solid game by most people's judgement.

I can understand the disdain of most multiplatform games, but you still have to evaluate the game's final quality. Disregarding it so quickly is definitely hasty.[/QUOTE]

Read the article.
Only concern now is how long has this game been in development for the PS3? For microsoft to now have a 360 version out at the SAME time as the PS3 version and to have MUCH less time to develop THEIR version of the game gives me pause for concern.

Oh and heres hoping both have some sort of multiplayer feature.
[quote name='Brian9824']Only concern now is how long has this game been in development for the PS3? For microsoft to now have a 360 version out at the SAME time as the PS3 version and to have MUCH less time to develop THEIR version of the game gives me pause for concern.

Oh and heres hoping both have some sort of multiplayer feature.[/QUOTE]

There's no telling how long the 360 version has been in development. If the previous statements made by the producer are correct, atleast half of the development is done on computers with the remaining half done on specific development kits. For all we know, the meat of the development process is now finished with two squads tackling a seperate version. I doubt Capcom woke up yesterday and decided "Hmm. We should probably develop it for the 360 as well. Both our previous retail games sold pretty well. Better start from scratch and make sure we have both versions out the door at the same time." This decision was probably made shortly after the release of Dead Rising.
I can wait an extra six moths to get a quality port. I'd rather the developers spend extra time on a game then rush it out the door like Enter the Matrix. Virtua Fighter 5 is a perfect example. It's been develped for the PS3 and released first for that system. They decided they couldn't ignore the biggest next-gen user base so they're porting it. It'll come out in a couple months but in no way did it affect the performance of the PS3 copy. I don't understand what the big deal bout multi platform games are. They help all of us that just have a 360 enjoy more of the games that are out there. If Capcom wanted to port Dead Rising to the PS3, I'd be all about it because then PS3 owners would get to enjoy a great game. Stop being haters and let people enjoy playing great games without buying the VIP (PS3) Pass.
fuck YES!!!!

I decided at the beginning of this gen I couldn't afford to buy multiple systems, so while I'm still sad I'll be missing out on Sony 1st Parties like Team Ico's work and God of War III, Devil May Cry is one of my top franchises, up there with Resident Evil and MGS.

I'm beginning to be more hopeful for a 360 MGS4.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I hate multiplatform games.

Christ, gaming consoles are slowely turning into DVD players...

I wont be getting DMC4 anymore, the only appeal of the game to me was that it was a PS3 exlcusives. I ussually only enjoy Exclusive titles.

Multiplatformers are peices of buggy shit.[/QUOTE]
Says the guy with the Assasin's Creed sig.
I've always thought I would buy a PS3 but the more titles I see heading to the Xbox 360 leads me to believe that Sony will have crap for exclusive titles this gen. The MS studios seem to make better games than the Sony studios and 3rd parties would be crazy to sign exclusive deals until someone has at least 20 million systems in the wild.
[quote name='terribledeli']There's no telling how long the 360 version has been in development. If the previous statements made by the producer are correct, atleast half of the development is done on computers with the remaining half done on specific development kits. For all we know, the meat of the development process is now finished with two squads tackling a seperate version. I doubt Capcom woke up yesterday and decided "Hmm. We should probably develop it for the 360 as well. Both our previous retail games sold pretty well. Better start from scratch and make sure we have both versions out the door at the same time." This decision was probably made shortly after the release of Dead Rising.[/quote]
The engine DMC4 uses is cross-platform or extremely similar to the Lost Planet engine. The port should be well done.

And Jesus Christ at the "Multiplatform games are shit" guy. I hope you're kidding.
Like my thing says ex sony fanboy. There is simply nothing that the 360 is doing wrong right now. Its pefection, its sweet, and it gives me more and more reasons to save $600. Thank god.

Now bring MGS4 and I won't have to own a PS3 till God of War.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Says the guy with the Assasin's Creed sig.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, that guy is the epitome of hypocrisy. Who the hell would pass up a fun game because it isn't exclusive.
[quote name='Brian9824']Only concern now is how long has this game been in development for the PS3? For microsoft to now have a 360 version out at the SAME time as the PS3 version and to have MUCH less time to develop THEIR version of the game gives me pause for concern.[/QUOTE]

I don't necessarily think that's going to be an issue... most of the time so far has probably been spent ironing out the game design (yes, remember that, folks?) The focus on the technical side of things usually seems to happen towards the end of development, so things should be fine there... especially considering that this isn't shipping until late 2007 or early 2008.
[quote name='Chacrana']I don't necessarily think that's going to be an issue.[/QUOTE]
If people think Capcom is going to release a buggy or poor or underdeveloped DMC4 on the 360, they must not have played Capcom's last two entries.
[quote name='PyroGamer']If people think Capcom is going to release a buggy or poor or underdeveloped DMC4 on the 360, they must not have played Capcom's last two entries.[/QUOTE]

Which were developed from the ground up for the 360 and thus, completely irrelevant arguments?
[quote name='jer7583']Wow.. DarkNessBear made a pretty big ass of himself there.

There? He's been working on making an ass out of himself for months now...
[quote name='RedvsBlue']There? He's been working on making an ass out of himself for months now...[/quote]
DarkNessBear is an asshole, period.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']DarkNessBear is an asshole, period.[/quote]
lmao i was just like man who is this guy and everyone hates him.

So i clicked on read more posts from him.

Why is/are he/you posting in the 360 forum man you hang out in the PS3 forum. This is sorta like high school where you have clicks. This here is the 360 click we're the cool kids who everyone likes. You sir are the Goth/PS3 dudes. You hang out in bat caves and hate conformism.

[quote name='Maynard']lmao i was just like man who is this guy and everyone hates him.

So i clicked on read more posts from him.

Why is/are he/you posting in the 360 forum man you hang out in the PS3 forum. This is sorta like high school where you have clicks. This here is the 360 click we're the cool kids who everyone likes. You sir are the Goth/PS3 dudes. You hang out in bat caves and hate conformism.


You can't understand the pain in my soul! I'm going to go snort ritalin and cut myself. :(
[quote name='Maynard']You sir are the Goth/PS3 dudes. You hang out in bat caves and hate conformism. [/quote]

Fitting that a Microsoft fanboy would look at non-conformity as a vice.

I have to admit though - I've really come around on the 360. Once all the hardware problems are ironed out, I'll probably pick one up.
Another day another exclusive slips through sony's fingers. What are they doing? This is just another big f*ck you to their loyal customers. There is now only one real reason to have a ps3 over a 360- that being MGS4 but seeing how things have been going I wouldnt be too surprised if they lost that exclusive too...

Camoor get ready for a whole new batch of problems when the Zephyr comes out!!!
[quote name='PyroGamer']If people think Capcom is going to release a buggy or poor or underdeveloped DMC4 on the 360, they must not have played Capcom's last two entries.[/quote]

You mean like Dead Rising with font you can't read?

Bug's happen. I pretty much agree that it most likely won't be an issue, but it is grounds for concern. Just look at Metal Gear Solid 2 on Xbox for an example of what type of problems can occur. I seriously doubt that this decision was made a long time ago or right after Dead Rising. Most likely outcome was that Capcom decided to release it on other systems to take advantage of the 360 owners.

I'm not an expert on video game development but as others have said most of the work done is probably platform independent and can be used on a 360 version quite readily.
Holy crap, this turned into a "I hate Darknessbear" thread fast. Eep!

Ok, I didn't mean to offend you all. Crap, now I have to explain what I ment...


We all know, that when a Developer focus' all of their energy on making a game for a certain console, PS3, Wii or 360, it come out much better than if the creator pushed that game over 3 platforms, or 5+ (PC, Mobile, ect.(Although Mobile doesnt matter, thats a different team)).

I had a slight interest in Devil May Cry 4, I enjoyed the 1st one and lost interest after that. Everytime a game loses its exclusive tag, it drops down alot of points for me, for the reason that I feel that the game is not worked to its best standards. DMC4 was already really low in the Want section for me, so putting it down these last couple points put it under.

Assassins Creed to me was always a, "O-M-G I want this!!!" and it was at max DNB want meter. When it turned out it wasnt going to be exlcusive it went down a couple of notches and when I noticed it is a UBISOFT mulitiplatform game it went down even more. But that only put it to, "omg I want!".

Also, being a game tester for THQ, I know the difficulties of testing a game for multiplatformers. It limits the amount of time you get to fully test a game and make sure there are the least amount of bugs out there.

Splinter Cell double agent comes to mind, its a great game, but OH MY! There are so many bugs in that game its unbelievable. And I have a pretty big huntch it would not be that way if it was set to one console. Which is in part why I cringed when they stated DA will be coming to all other platforms.

Ok, one more point. The PS3 is a difficult peice of hardware to develop on, you guys all know that. So when you have your whole team dedicated to focusing on its architecture you know it will be very well developed in terms of using the PS3 to its full potential. Which in turn makes the game that much better. That tends to be why exclusive titles or timed exclusives win all the awards.

AND, its also the console exclusivity. Its like, if Halo 2 was coming out for the PS2 as well, you'd feel (I know I would feel) like it isnt the same, because Master Chief and Xbox are like some analogy that I dont want to think of.

I apologise if I came off as a bitter fanboy. I'd be the same way if Mass Effect came out for PS3 as well as the 360.

And I guess I can be bitter, for I also have each console, so exclusives are my sparkling little gems.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']I hate multiplatform games.

Christ, gaming consoles are slowely turning into DVD players...

I wont be getting DMC4 anymore, the only appeal of the game to me was that it was a PS3 exlcusives. I ussually only enjoy Exclusive titles.

Multiplatformers are peices of buggy shit.[/QUOTE]

The polls already closed for Cheapass Dumbass of the year. Please stop posting on CAG. NOW.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Its like, if Halo 2 was coming out for the PS2 as well, you'd feel (I know I would feel) like it isnt the same, because Master Chief and Xbox are like some analogy that I dont want to think of.

It would be more like losing FF13 imho
[quote name='horrorfilmkid']It would be more like losing FF13 imho[/quote]

True. But I was stating more in terms of console Character Mascots. Rather than Epicness.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']True. But I was stating more in terms of console Character Mascots. Rather than Epicness.[/QUOTE]
I'm having a hard time to see where you are going with this and why you use the most absurd analogies. Halo is a first party game so of course that would be strange to see. It was strange when Crash Bandicoot showed up on the GCN and Xbox since during the PSX days it was Sony's Mario. Strange things happen all the time. It was odd to see Final Fantasy VII being made for the PSX instead of N64 but that never broke my heart or the many other Nintendo only 3rd party games that were being made for the PSX and not for the N64 or Saturn.

I'm guessing you are part of the Playstation Generation just like I was part of the Nintendo generation. Many of us part of the Nintendo generation moved on and opened our arms for the Playstation since Nintendo went mad but many did not and that just turned most of them non-gamers now.

I never owned an original Xbox but I opened my arms for the Xbox 360 because I was seeing Sony going down the same path as Nintendo did in the mid 90's.

It is good to have no alliance to any company. I understand frustration of buying a console just to slowly watch it's potential drop, I was one of the idiots that spent all my hard earned money on a Saturn but still didn't learn my lesson and bought a Dreamcast to be bit in the ass by not having many games to play for it. But you need to come out of your asinine reasoning and learn that things don't always work out the way you want them to, but to hold a grudge because of it is silly.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']
Also, being a game tester for THQ, I know the difficulties of testing a game for multiplatformers. It limits the amount of time you get to fully test a game and make sure there are the least amount of bugs out there.

What the... No wonder all of THQ's games suck, they're hiring 15 year old game testers.
[quote name='spoo']I'm having a hard time to see where you are going with this and why you use the most absurd analogies. Halo is a first party game so of course that would be strange to see. It was strange when Crash Bandicoot showed up on the GCN and Xbox since during the PSX days it was Sony's Mario. Strange things happen all the time. It was odd to see Final Fantasy VII being made for the PSX instead of N64 but that never broke my heart or the many other Nintendo only 3rd party games that were being made for the PSX and not for the N64 or Saturn.

I'm guessing you are part of the Playstation Generation just like I was part of the Nintendo generation. Many of us part of the Nintendo generation moved on and opened our arms for the Playstation since Nintendo went mad but many did not and that just turned most of them non-gamers now.

I never owned an original Xbox but I opened my arms for the Xbox 360 because I was seeing Sony going down the same path as Nintendo did in the mid 90's.

It is good to have no alliance to any company. I understand frustration of buying a console just to slowly watch it's potential drop, I was one of the idiots that spent all my hard earned money on a Saturn but still didn't learn my lesson and bought a Dreamcast to be bit in the ass by not having many games to play for it. But you need to come out of your asinine reasoning and learn that things don't always work out the way you want them to, but to hold a grudge because of it is silly.[/quote]
I knew some might not get what I ment by that, that's why I posted many other points on why a game being multiplatform ruins its initial appeal to me.

Funny I never knew the first POP was buggy Darkness, thanks for telling me. rolls eyes.
I never stated that any game that is Multiplatform is a peice of crap, quite the contrary. Its just that bugs are more frequent on multiplatformers than exclusives.

And I can remeber a large of amount of bugs in the original POP. I remeber having to start whole sections over due to my prince being stuck in the falling animation while he was on the ground.

(Acctually in my original post I did state multiplatform were crap... I apologize. Wow, I feel like Chris Hecker. )
[quote name='Sarang01']See I hadn't had problems with it Bear. Now "Enter the Matrix" that was just a complete POS in one area in terms of bugs.[/quote]
Oh god. I tried so hard getting through that game without encountering bugs. It seems like they didnt even care.

I always try to suck it up, and ignore the bugs. But some games make it so hard. I especially hate the ones that kill you.

In Splinter Cell Double Agent, there is this part where you have to hide under this desk, while these two dudes come in and talk about these blue prints. But it was REALLY weird... as I was hiding under the desk, Sam Fisher slowly, very slowly, started to stand up right (clipping through the desk) he'd eventually be just standing up through the desk and the guys would see him and I would lose...

It would do it every time. So in order to beat it, I used the bugs to my advantage, they saw me, and the main guy ignored it and tried to go back, and he got stuck behind a chair, so I quickly cracked the vault and jumped out the window as they bothed bounced in place.

I had NO idea what the hell happened in that scenario...
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']Camoor get ready for a whole new batch of problems when the Zephyr comes out!!![/quote]

Yeah I'm kinda concerned when I hear about how much noise the system makes and all the horror stories.

As a two-time PS2 veteran, I'm hoping that MSoft isn't worse when it comes to hardware quality.
[quote name='camoor']Yeah I'm kinda concerned when I hear about how much noise the system makes and all the horror stories.

As a two-time PS2 veteran, I'm hoping that MSoft isn't worse when it comes to hardware quality.[/QUOTE]
Sadly they are on par with the same shitty hardware quality as the PS2 :bomb:.

On the noise issue it seems that some are worse then others when it come to the noise hopefully this is fixed with the new versions that are soon to come out.
[quote name='TC']

March 20th, 2007
Press Release
3-1-3, Uchihiranomachi, Chuo-ku
Osaka, 540-0037, Japan
Capcom Co., Ltd.
Kenzo Tsujimoto, President and CEO
(Code No. 9697 Tokyo - Osaka Stock Exchange)

Capcom¡Çs "Devil May Cry 4" Goes Multiplatform! Mega-hit Title set for PLAYSTATION® 3, Xbox 360™ and PC!

¡¡Capcom Co., Ltd., a world-wide leader in the gaming industry, is proud to announce the development of "Devil May Cry 4" for the PLAYSTATION®3, Xbox 360™ and PC platforms.

¡¡"Devil May Cry" is a series of popular, stylish action games, with a cast of unforgettable characters. Since the release of the original "Devil May Cry" in 2001, the series has shipped 6,800,000 copies as of December 31st, 2006, proudly making it one of Capcom's flagship titles. The series appeal is not limited to games; an animated TV series to be broadcast on Japan's WOWOW network is slated to air Spring 2007. The latest iteration, "Devil May Cry 4" will take advantage of each platform's hardware strengths to achieve the most stunning visuals in the series to date, and the introduction of a mysterious new protagonist will keep the action fast and fresh. Even before its release, "Devil May Cry 4" has been met with tremendous anticipation, as fans patiently endured long lines at TOKYO GAME SHOW 2006 for the chance to play the demo. "Devil May Cry 4" will be released simultaneously for the PLAYSTATION®3 and Xbox 360™ platforms.

¡¡Capcom was among the first software developers in the world to make games for the next-generation consoles, and those efforts have been met with great success. In addition, Capcom's use of an integrated development environment is one of the many methods being employed to improve efficiency and help take advantage of the cutting-edge functionality in next-generation systems.

¡¡Capcom will continue to produce titles that appeal to users while pursuing a multiplatform strategy to help enhance profits.

Product Details 1. Title Devil May Cry 4
2. Genre Stylish Action
3. Platform ¡¦PLAYSTATION®3
¡¦Xbox 360™
4. Release Date To be announced.

* PLAYSTATION is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Corporation.
* Xbox 360 is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.[/quote]

Sony May Cry
bread's done