Devil Survivor for DS

I'm kindof 'meh' on the battle system. I really don't like the fact that it allows you to let all characters in each party use up to ANY one skill outside of a battle up to once per turn. If it was just support skills like Devil's Speed or Bind, I wouldn't have an issue. However watching the enemy just rape face by abusing heal when they only have a tiny little bit of health left after an attack is just stupid and they do it all the time. Hell, I've never even seen the enemy use heal inside of an actual battle.

Oh and almost every physical attack the enemies do are all critical hits now I swear. Which is also sucks because of how the 'extra turn' system is set up. Couldn't they have made it difficult without these annoying things?
Ok, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is meh on the game. I thought I was going even more jaded than I thought. I also don't give a shit about any of the characters at this point (near the end of day two); their personalities are very hollow and shallow. They could have done a much better job on the characterization, because since I don't care about the characters, I find myself not caring about the story either. And like I said before the music is ass.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Ok, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is meh on the game. I thought I was going even more jaded than I thought. I also don't give a shit about any of the characters at this point (near the end of day two); their personalities are very hollow and shallow. They could have done a much better job on the characterization, because since I don't care about the characters, I find myself not caring about the story either. And like I said before the music is ass.[/QUOTE]

I was going to get this...but after hearing your opinion, im thinking about saving my money
Instead im thinking about getting Ring of fates + DS lite combo for the gf, that way me and her can go dungeon crawling.
Yeah, I'm done with this game. It's already been sold on Amazon and it's shipping out tomorrow. What a big disappointment. There are many problems with the game that just don't make it fun. As someone on GAF said, there's really no reason for it to be a SRPG in the first place; there's no terrain or directional bonuses, the grid-system is the only thing there that's SRPG-like. It just wastes your time by having to move people around. There are too many escort/save the morons missions; they make up about half the game. Pretty much every other mission is just "kill everything." The AI for the escorts/people to save is dumb as shit too. This is a pretty good post about the gameplay:

Again, I've posted before how uninspired the music and characters are. The story has potential, but it is really bogged down by the uninteresting (IMO) characters that I simply do not give a shit about, and the crap pacing where you are constantly saving random morons and escorting dumbasses. The actual battle system problems have been covered by Draekon; it is far too easy for enemies to fully recover their health and to get critical hits. Overall, pass. I liked Crimson Gem Saga far more than this; I was able to complete that, don't even think I got halfway through this.
[quote name='Vinny']Was this game supposed to come with any extras for those who pre-ordered it?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately no.
I liked this game so much I bought an extra copy today at Best Buy.

The story is really interesting and I can't wait to see where it ends up. I'm a little bit into Day 4 now. The Day 3 boss was very hard, but the Suspend feature was a lifesaver.
I've heard at gamefaqs that the game has a freezing bug (apparently, after recovering from status alignments). Have you experienced this at all?
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[quote name='Alastor']I've heard at gamefaqs that the game has a freezing bug (apparently, after recovering from status alignments). Have you experienced this at all?[/QUOTE]

I don't get all the hate. I love it. Yea, its my first smt game but its the most addicting srpg I've played since FFT. I love the fusion and auction system and how the battles are standard and turn based.
I also haven't found it very difficult. Maybe its because I grind a lot, but the only times I've lost are when some dumbass I'm supposed to be protecting does something stupid.
There isn't that much hate, just a few people who didn't like it. The reviews are very favorable for the game, and I am enjoying it.

I was not expecting it to be a SRPG, but since I'm a disgaea dood it was a welcome surprise. I'm on day 5, I've stopped playing for a bit since I'm deciding what I want to do on this day, I can see that the decisions I make are going to influence the rest of the game. It's too bad there aren't multiple save slots,I'd prefer to restart at this point in the game rather than replay the entire game just to see more endings.
To be fair, I am pretty burned out on SRPGs. I generally don't buy them anymore because I know this, but this was SMT and looked interesting. I still didn't like it, unfortunately.
I just want to say that I really, really like this game. I've almost never finished an SRPG (i.e. I've only finished one, and it was Valkyria Chronicles) because I just get so tired of them before they're done. But I'm almost done with the game now and I think I'll be able to finish it.

I think what I really like best is the combat because it feels like I have a lot of control... plus with demon fusing it is always fun to make a team that a boss can't even hurt. Also limiting it to four teams means I don't get super bogged down before every mission trying to manage an army of people like in most SRPGs.

I also really like the story, which reminds me a lot of SMT: Nocturne.
I really like the game but im a fan of SMT games and once you figure out how it has to be played it gets to be a lot of fun. Its nice to play an rpg that thinks outside of the box for a change. And that damn opening song gets stuck in my head.
Just finished. Overall, I think it was ok. They talked too damn much, and this is coming from someone whos fav game is xenosaga - pretty much the whole game revolved around them talking. lulz If only the dialogue was interesting, but no, it involved "OMG! GAIZ, we have to find a way to escape lockdown lolol!!!" "Let's go this way. Oh noz! it's closed! Let's go that way! Oh noz, it's closed, too" for a couple of "days". JEEZ.

Gameplay was addicting, the fusion aspect, atleast. Too many "save the dumbass" missions, like some people already mentioned.

I was going to play it again to see the other endings (I went with Amane's route), but it's kind of a pain in the (_0_). Your cracked skills, demons, and macca carry over but I srsly dont want to play again just to view the ending. I'd have to grind story characters over again. If their levels carried over, I'd consider it....

Off to play Knights in the knightmare! =D Even just sifting through the manual, it looked complicated...
This looks great. I'm not a SRPG fan, but I might have to check it out since I love the Megami
I'm still on Day 2 'cause of that stupid Bridge mission. I'm only playing since it is a Megami game, but I don't seem to dig those restrictive Pokemon/Strategy battles. I guess I got spoiled with P4. Man, what the hell is taking so long for another character to join the party? The battles do get tedious. And I also miss the compendium, since I can save my Personae.
i got mine at fry's. does your guys' version have french on the back? not that there's anything wrong with that, but it does look a bit cluttered.
[quote name='thelonepig']Alright, I'm stuck on the battle with whatever the new name for Beelzebub is... the giant fly guy.

Anyone have a good strategy?[/QUOTE]
I think I'm going to give up at that one. Not because it's impossible, but because the free battle is worthless for grinding, so even if I take the time to fuse higher level demons to give it another shot, it'd take forever to unlock their skills.

My first attempt ended up being my best, and I was out of MP by the third turn.
Generally, I don't really get the appeal of strategy rpgs, but this has been a fun game. I'm addicted to the fusion system and I like the DQ-like turn-based battles. Altogether, I like the game and I might even crack open my valkyrie profile or disgaea ds games next.

Which paths have people taken? I didn't realize there were so many different story routes and now I have to choose between Amane, Naoya, and Yuzu.
The nihilist/anti-religous side of me wants to kill god :whistle2:#
. I'd like multiple save slots, so I could branch for each ending.
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Stuck on the last battle of day 3 which is a rather annoying 'puzzle boss' fiht. Only the main hero can damage the boss and only with one attack. And if you didnt put enough points into strength because you were building up your magic? Well, I seem to be screwed and might be done with the game at this point.
Am I the only one still playing this? I'm at day 5 now and I'm afraid I've made a mistake. Possibly a few.
1. I dealt the final blow to the vampire guy instead of letting ms Mari do it. (accident but after losing the battle twice before I just went with it)
2. During the battle of Midori vs Keisuke I made the mistake of not being harsh enough with Keisuke and so Midori left and Keisuke rejoined my party.

So now I'm at a battle where Midori with Black Frost and the gang leader guy with Panzu have teamed up to fight me. It seems pretty tough and I really wanted black frost on my team later on.
And since this game only allows one save state it seems I'm stuck with my mistakes.
I thought it's a great game, but I had to quit at one of the ridiculous missions where you had to both babysit people and make sure the enemies didn't cross a certain point. I couldn't keep up.. It was impossible.
I'm at the end of day 6 now. At the honda battle where you can help the angels, help the demons, or kill both.
Never completed this game, but sadly never gave it much a chance either... Well, I think my *ahem* Cart had an error and deleted all my data.
[quote name='2DMention']I thought it's a great game, but I had to quit at one of the ridiculous missions where you had to both babysit people and make sure the enemies didn't cross a certain point. I couldn't keep up.. It was impossible.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me. I didn't think it was a good game though, let alone a great one. It was too flawed.
At first I was surprised I hadn't posted after I got the game in this thread... but it was only 7 posts up. And reading that reminded me why I won't be jumping back into my existing save if at all.
I really like it. The fusing demons aspect is addictive. The story, while wordy is entertaining and the battles are difficult yet not impossible. Although alot seems to depend on luck.
[quote name='eldergamer']Okay it looks like the boss of Day 6 Belial (fire demon guy) is really going to give me trouble.[/QUOTE]

Since you managed to beat Beldr, Belial will be a piece of cake.

Unlike Beldr everyone can attack him, so it shouldn't be that hard.
And it was.... Once I made the move to elminate all his minions first and then have 3 party members gang up (and use evil wave to attack from a distance) he went down no problem. Now to day 7 and.... who's route? Atsuro's? Amaane's? or Jin's?
[quote name='eldergamer']And it was.... Once I made the move to elminate all his minions first and then have 3 party members gang up (and use evil wave to attack from a distance) he went down no problem. Now to day 7 and.... who's route? Atsuro's? Amaane's? or Jin's?[/QUOTE]

That's really up to you, though Gin is not really recommended on the first play through (final battle can be somewhat frustrating.) Go with the character whose views on ending the lockdown are akin to your liking.
If it's any help, you can unlock some demons for fusion if you take Amane's route. You can't unlock anything from Atsuro (definitely) and Gin (pretty sure).
I went with Atsuro's. (although I' think I'd personally rather go with Jin's restore the world to norma). I just see Atsuro's idea humanity elevating themselves by using the demons getting corrupted.

Regardless. I did the free battle hard a few times to level up. Now i need to stop Naoya from running all over the place and team up to take him out.
And now Belezabol (the Giant Fly) is owning me. Will this battle by my end? (Having one demon with armita to cure isnt helping)
[quote name='eldergamer']And now Belezabol (the Giant Fly) is owning me. Will this battle by my end? (Having one demon with armita to cure isnt helping)[/QUOTE]

If his Dark Hand attack and his Fly Minions are killing your party having Anti/Null Mystic Passive Skills help lessen the chance of getting fly ailment on your party members, and should help you last long enough to kill Beelzebub.
I really liked this game. I'm thinking of going back and playing through to get one of the alternate endings I missed. I do not miss that battle with the Giant Fly, though. That fly ailment sucked.
[quote name='Kimpz']If his Dark Hand attack and his Fly Minions are killing your party having Anti/Null Mystic Passive Skills help lessen the chance of getting fly ailment on your party members, and should help you last long enough to kill Beelzebub.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the help.
I tried using a demon with armita and skill-cracking prayer to help. I'll try doing more of the free-battle (hard) to level up (I'm currently at 54) a few times before I try again.
I shut down the Fly-Guy a few nights ago. Took a night off and then tried taking on the founder. Got completly owned. Don't think I even destroyed one cult member before everyone got completly wiped out.
[quote name='eldergamer']I shut down the Fly-Guy a few nights ago. Took a night off and then tried taking on the founder. Got completly owned. Don't think I even destroyed one cult member before everyone got completly wiped out.[/QUOTE]

Ouch thats gotta hurt, only tips I can give is to make Avian, Genma, and sometimes Wilder race demons especially the first two, they make navigating to Belberith and the Cult Members that much easier for your party.
[quote name='Kimpz']Ouch thats gotta hurt, only tips I can give is to make Avian, Genma, and sometimes Wilder race demons especially the first two, they make navigating to Belberith and the Cult Members that much easier for your party.[/QUOTE]

Putting a flying demon with my level 61 MC just gets him sandwhiched between the two cult members controlling the bridge and getting killed before he can fly up to the boss. I then had him hang back and had my other party try to deal with the cult members and they could barely handle it either. I'm almost done with this. (As in quitting, not as in finishing)
The last two back to back battles with babel take an hour to do. And then getting him into a thin sliver of red before losing my last character makes me say 'eh, close enough. I beat it.'. Pack up the game and move to something else.
Okay, so I just started, and I'm only vaguely hearing about all these alternate paths. Now, I figure I just oughta go with Yuzu's path first and then try for the alternate endings with any other female characters in the game and then watch the male characters' endings. How long will a second/third/fourth playthrough take?
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Okay, so I just started, and I'm only vaguely hearing about all these alternate paths. Now, I figure I just oughta go with Yuzu's path first and then try for the alternate endings with any other female characters in the game and then watch the male characters' endings. How long will a second/third/fourth playthrough take?[/QUOTE]

Each New Game+ playthrough is atleast half of the time your last playthrough, if you do the same as your first playthrough and skip all the text. Though once you reach each path, and read whats going on that could take an hour or so to finish that route.

You'll be in for a treat for Yuzu's final battle, truly aggravating if you don't make a mixture of demons ;)
[quote name='rothgar24']I really liked this game. I'm thinking of going back and playing through to get one of the alternate endings I missed. I do not miss that battle with the Giant Fly, though. That fly ailment sucked.[/QUOTE]
i like this game too
bread's done