Dexter - Season 5 Discussion Thread

Anyone else think:

Jordan is one of the very best villains they've had. He's just so creepy and evil, the phone call scene last week with Lumen and then last night with him and Dexter and him visiting the first victim, he's so understated and chilling, the perfect villain.
[quote name='bvharris']Anyone else think:

Jordan is one of the very best villains they've had. He's just so creepy and evil, the phone call scene last week with Lumen and then last night with him and Dexter and him visiting the first victim, he's so understated and chilling, the perfect villain.

I couldn't agree more with you. They did such an amazing job casting that guy. He is genuinely cold, calculating, creepy - simply perfect. I didn't think anyone could top John's performance last season but after this episode now I'm not so sure. My only regret is the lack of screen time to flesh him out just a bit more.

So... any season finale predictions swirling about yet?
Personally I'm almost certain Lumen will either die or take the fall and keep silent for Dex, but the problem is Robobum's evidence. If Dex can't take care of it then I wouldn't be surprised if he and Quinn came to an 'understanding' to keep his little secret to themselves for Deb's sake.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
So... any season finale predictions swirling about yet?
Personally I'm almost certain Lumen will either die or take the fall and keep silent for Dex, but the problem is Robobum's evidence. If Dex can't take care of it then I wouldn't be surprised if he and Quinn came to an 'understanding' to keep his little secret to themselves for Deb's sake.

Wouldn't surprise me either.. I've kind of always felt that if anyone on the force were to understand what Dex did and actually agree with it that it would be Quinn. They can't stand each other personally, but I've always suspected they're more alike in their views of what constitutes justice than either realizes. Deb, on the other hand, even if there's a bit of vigilante in her too (which there is) she still wouldn't be able to handle the betrayal at being lied to her whole life by those closest to her.

I hope they find something interesting to do with Quinn, even though he's been a giant asshole to Dexter since his arrival I've always liked the character.
It is funny how emotionally stilted Dex is but he still falls into the great trap of sleeping with the absolutely wrong person
I think they are going to kill off Lumen, but seriously? They are really going to get Dexter emotionally attached to another person and then just kill her off? I mean two seasons in a row, how the hell is he going to recovery from that?

I think this might just be the season where Deb finds out Dexter has killed someone BUT I think she will think that the kill is an isolated incident (to help Lumen) rather than an ongoing thing. And that PI guy hired by Quinn is going to die, no doubt about that.
Wow. Can't believe that wasn't a finale. Pretty deep ending to the episode. lol

[quote name='antlp89']
I think they are going to kill off Lumen, but seriously? They are really going to get Dexter emotionally attached to another person and then just kill her off? I mean two seasons in a row, how the hell is he going to recovery from that?

You gotta remember Dex doesn't have a "normal" personality. Remember how hard it was for him to "get it up" for Rita when they first got together? He explicitly said how he "didn't get sex or what's normal". I don't think he still has a problem with emotions, I mean hell... his wife dying and kids moving away barely peaked his emotional scale. I'm sure he WANTS to feel more, but he's still wrapped up being a killer. That's why I was surprised he "gave it up" so easy with Lumen although I felt like they'd get together some how, being seemingly so alike. The amount of emotion he showed at the end it almost unprecedented and "normal" like. lol
Anybody else surprised at how long they kept Dexter and Lumen from finally interacting like that? I was personally expecting it much much sooner for some reason, haha.

I've gotta say, Season 5 has just started to pick up for me and there are only 2 episodes left. I don't know what I'm going to do after the season is over. How long do you think it will take for them to bring out season 6? Is there even going to be a season 6? Ahh, I hate it!
[quote name='Gears24']Anybody else surprised at how long they kept Dexter and Lumen from finally interacting like that? I was personally expecting it much much sooner for some reason, haha.

I've gotta say, Season 5 has just started to pick up for me and there are only 2 episodes left. I don't know what I'm going to do after the season is over. How long do you think it will take for them to bring out season 6? Is there even going to be a season 6? Ahh, I hate it![/QUOTE]

I was hoping it wouldn't even happen this season. Lumen seemed like she needed more time, IMO.

As for season 6, it hasn't been announced yet, but Season 4's finale had the best ratings for any Showtime series EVER, so unless the show's audience has drastically dropped, I would say it's a sure thing. It'll air next fall, like every season of Dexter ever.
[quote name='Gears24']
I've gotta say, Season 5 has just started to pick up for me and there are only 2 episodes left. I don't know what I'm going to do after the season is over. How long do you think it will take for them to bring out season 6? Is there even going to be a season 6? Ahh, I hate it![/QUOTE]

Yes, it's a foregone conclusion there will be at least one more season.
I think someone else will find out about Dexter this season and will play a huge part in the next season. I think it will most likely be either Quinn or Deb.
I can't imagine waiting til next fall :/ I barely found out about Dexter a few months ago. By the time I finished Season 4, Season 5 was beginning to air so it was timed pretty well. Now I am hooked on it and need more! Should have paced myself. I remember watching the whole second season in about 2 nights.. lol
[quote name='Gears24']I can't imagine waiting til next fall :/ I barely found out about Dexter a few months ago. By the time I finished Season 4, Season 5 was beginning to air so it was timed pretty well. Now I am hooked on it and need more! Should have paced myself. I remember watching the whole second season in about 2 nights.. lol[/QUOTE]

Just be glad you weren't a huge 24 fan. The wait week-to-week was bad enough, but the wait from May-January was awful.. even worse when they skipped a year due to the writer's strike
[quote name='ananag112']I think someone else will find out about Dexter this season and will play a huge part in the next season. I think it will most likely be either Quinn or Deb.[/QUOTE]

Well Liddy now knows, which suggests his days are likely numbered. Whether he gives that information to Quinn remains to be seen, but you know he's going to do something with it.

My guess is that Lumen ends up killing Liddy to protect Dexter and gets caught, setting her up to return in Season 6 in a more limited role in dealing with the aftermath. I would also not be surprised if Quinn or Deb find out about Dexter, I'd say Quinn being the more likely candidate at this point.
Robobum is gonna die, maybe not by Dexter or Lumen but he is going away. Look at Doakes, Lila, and... ? Miguel (Jimmy Smits). lol
Great episode last night. Definitely geared up for the finale! I'm thinking that
Lumen will end up taking the fall for Dex, while Quinn will find out everything to some extent and agree to keep quiet. At least for a now, anyway. As for how Chase dies I can't be sure...
But that preview for the next episode definitely had me on edge.
[quote name='Bezerker']
I'm thinkin they might tag Robocop's death on Quinn since the blood is on his shoes

Agreed. Between that and the forged signature with Liddy's DOB on record they have a solid link to their relationship but whether or not Quinn even mentions Dexter is still up in the air. At first I was hoping either man would offer their silence in exchanged for proper disposal of the body since they are both tied into this in the worst way. Now with the body already being found and the scene of Quinn being questioned I'm not so sure what will happen. Why Dex disposed of the laptop so damn close to the crime scene is beyond me. Being rushed for time is no excuse for such a sloppy clean up. There's also the loose end of Liddy's pictures in Quinn's apartment and should he reconcile with Deb there's yet another possible Season 6 angle for the writers to play with.

I wonder if the last scene in the finale preview is the genuine article this time and not the usual 'clever' cut and paste job we've grown accustomed to seeing. I'm not going to get my hopes up but it would be an awesome change of pace for the show to finally address that scenario once and for all.

Of course...
given the level of emotion/confusion written all over Deb's face my money is on Lumen killing Chase and having to give a conveniently bewildered Dex the bad news. The real question is how far is she going to question Dex on the depth of his relationship with her.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
Agreed. Between that and the forged signature with Liddy's DOB on record they have a solid link to their relationship but whether or not Quinn even mentions Dexter is still up in the air. At first I was hoping either man would offer their silence in exchanged for proper disposal of the body since they are both tied into this in the worst way. Now with the body already being found and the scene of Quinn being questioned I'm not so sure what will happen. Why Dex disposed of the laptop so damn close to the crime scene is beyond me. Being rushed for time is no excuse for such a sloppy clean up. There's also the loose end of Liddy's pictures in Quinn's apartment and should he reconcile with Deb there's yet another possible Season 6 angle for the writers to play with.

I wonder if the last scene in the finale preview is the genuine article this time and not the usual 'clever' cut and paste job we've grown accustomed to seeing. I'm not going to get my hopes up but it would be an awesome change of pace for the show to finally address that scenario once and for all.

Of course...
given the level of emotion/confusion written all over Deb's face my money is on Lumen killing Chase and having to give a conveniently bewildered Dex the bad news. The real question is how far is she going to question Dex on the depth of his relationship with her.

I was wondering the same thing about the laptop! Why take a videotape and throw the laptop in the ocean just a few feet away from the murder? Pretty sloppy indeed.
[quote name='Scorch']Terrible, TERRIBLE finale. The choices they made rendered this season completely pointless.[/QUOTE]

Sadly I'm forced to agree somewhat. Things are pretty much now status quo from before this season minus Rita. It was a bit of a letdown for those expecting major fireworks from a finale.

Spoilers below:

1. I'm going to miss Johnny Lee Miller. I honestly think he surpassed Arthur for my favorite villain ever on the show. His last scene where he was taunting Lumen even when he was strapped to the table was just some brilliant acting. He played evil so well.

2. Total copout with Deb, but not one we didn't see coming a mile off. The second I saw that plastic sheeting I knew exactly what was going to happen. I feel like it would have been far more interesting if she'd seen Dex, but obviously they want to tease that out as long as possible. Still, she could have found out he was the vigilante without knowing all about his past, and I think that would have been more interesting.

3. Lazy ass way to get rid of Lumen. They managed to get me emotionally invested in her character and then that. Honestly I'd rather they'd have killed her than have her just leave. I think I'd like to see her come back, but after the crappy way they ended it I'm honestly not sure.

4. I guess we're supposed to assume that Dexter switched the blood sample from Quinn's boot, though unless I missed it they never said so explicitly. I wonder if they're just going to drop the whole Liddy story or if it will carry over at all into next season.

5. I'm not sure where the show goes from here. I guess Dexter just back to his old ways? I honestly wish they would have done a little more to move it towards some conclusion, even if that meant there was only a season or two left.
I agree about Lumen's fate. If they were just going to write her off, it would've been much better to kill her off. It would've taken Dexter to an even darker place and made him much more cynical in a "what's the point in getting emotionally invested in anything/anyone, everyone around me is cursed" type of way

They didn't explain what Dexter did with the blood on the boot
They didn't follow up on a crashed car at the site of the camp
They did nothing with Lumen
They wrote the kids off just so we could see Dexter get used by a woman then brought the kids back
Julia Styles said she was a guest star so I guess that rules out any possibility of her "ratting Dexter out"
Quinn told Dexter he "owes him one" which I'm guessing will come into play next season, but also means that he won't follow through on his suspicions with Dexter
LaGuerta and Batista solved their issues
They never followed through with Quinn and Liddy's contact
They never explained Jordan and Emily's connection

I'm sure I'm missing some..

It just feels like in the realm of Dexter, this season never happened. The only thing that came from this season - Quinn and Deb are kind of sort of dating. That's IT.
Two HUGE deal breakers for me

1) Deb has NEVER solved a case where someone didn't get killed/missing. How is she still on the force???

I bet all her files end with "and the suspect somehow disappeared...never ot be seen again!"

2) Ok, Dexter CRASHES his car. Flipped and everything! (First time this happened, he was in the hospital....)

How in the hell did Deb not see this when she rolled into the camp site?!?!?!?!?!?! At least give the viewer a fucking bone! Have her clearly go the other way in or something. It looked to be the same path!

...And a bonus....Jordan Chase died too damn soon. Where's the explaination about this guy? When the crazed hispanic died...we kinda "knew" about him. All we know about this guy is he was the fat guy who changed his life. But WHY was he like that???? WHY?!?!

Overall....this season = Weeds 4th season. You watch it and was like "Ok, where's the...where's the....oh fuck, this is it?!?!?"
I definitely agree that it would have been nice to know more about the backstory of Jordan Chase. That said, you've got to give Miller props for playing such a mind-numbingly creepy character with the material he was given.
I think it would have been twisted, but more interesting if at the end

Dexter killed Lumen. I think he could have justified it (her killing two men), but then I guess he would have been hypocritical and his character would have been taken in another direction.

Unlike the 4th season finale, they didn't really leave anything to ponder over for next season.

And they didn't kill Quinn. I can see it now... season 6/7/8 Deb and Quinn (now married) finally catch Dexter in the act only to let him go...

I guess they get to start fresh for next season, which could be a good thing.
There isn't much I can say nor speculate upon that hasn't already been mentioned except the obvious...

Dexter is probably the luckiest serial killer in the history of fiction. I think even Quinn is starting to grow on me like Deb did after the second season which in my opinion is a fucking miracle.

I cannot believe Jonny (Jordan Chase) was once Zero Cool. I have a whole new level of respect for his talent as an actor and if he doesn't win an award for his performance this season I am going to be pissed.
Deb not being able to see them through the plastic was a really lame cop out. She should have found out about Dexter. Its also lame that LaGuerta does these douchey things and then we the viewer are supposed to forget and still like her.
[quote name='yankeessuck']
Its also lame that LaGuerta does these douchey things and then we the viewer are supposed to forget and still like her.

AGREED. I've been wanting them to kill her off for some time now. Earlier this season, when the accusations started flying about her, I told a friend of mine that they were probably true. She was quick to defend LaGuerta. I had to point out that LaGuerta is the reason that Pasquale's relationship failed back in Season 2, a fact that she had forgotten about.
[quote name='Scorch']
AGREED. I've been wanting them to kill her off for some time now. Earlier this season, when the accusations started flying about her, I told a friend of mine that they were probably true. She was quick to defend LaGuerta. I had to point out that LaGuerta is the reason that Pasquale's relationship failed back in Season 2, a fact that she had forgotten about.

I saw a list today of the ten worst characters on great shows, and LaGuerta was #1. I couldn't agree more.

I've actually really grown to like Quinn, as much as he's usually a thorn in Dexter's side. I'm glad they didn't kill him off.
I'm a bit deflated and spoiled. After the last what 4 episodes all being like finales and then getting this actual Finale?? ugh... I can't help but feeling like Lumen right now.

LOL @ Masuka
[quote name='NeoFrank1']
What the fuck was the point of Santa Muerte?

To ease Deb into Dexter's frame of mind. So that, ultimately when she finds out his secret, she may be the only one that understands him while everyone else thinks he's a monster.

But yeah, this is the only season so far that either wasn't great all the way through (S1 & S2) or started off weak but got really good as it progressed (S3 & S4). Seemed like they just got Julia Stiles and wanted to milk the time they had with her on the cast. This season still beats the pants out of the competition, but felt a little too rushed, like there were too many subplots and too many quick and clean resolutions to them.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
I cannot believe Jonny (Jordan Chase) was once Zero Cool.[/QUOTE]

Holy shit, you're right!

Yeah, Laguerta is a wasted character. It's like every season she tries to do the right thing in her mind, the Chief says "fuck up and it's your job on the line.", then Laguerta catches enough shit from her cops that she pisses off the Chief and gets away with it.
I'm with everyone else in saying the finale was extremely lackluster. One thing that's really bugging me is the whole Quinn was involved or around Lindy when he was killed. So the blood on his shoe wasn't his, what about ALL THE OTHER EVIDENCE? The phone calls, no messages on Quinn's phone, wanting a lawyer, he knew the guy. I guess they all stopped being detectives. It's kinda like that season Dexter threw the tree trimmer off the platform and a cop ran him over. They were like "Oh look, we ran him over, he's dead, no reason to process the scene!"
Several people are saying that there was no explanation of the connection between Emily and Jordan, this is not true it was explained a few episodes before the finale:

Both Dexter and Lumen investigate Emily's house, meeting up with her only to get nowhere with their investigation. Though when shown a picture of The Group, she clearly shows an expression of dread. Dexter takes note of this and Lumen later appears, carrying a video of her own torture so that she can fully communicate with Emily. The two sit down and talk, with Emily revealing the truth behind The Group and how they knew each other. Apparently Jordan Chase's real name is Eugene Greer, a heavyset teenager that inspired the rest of his friends to rape and torture Emily. After they were finished, they forced her to snap a picture...and this truth was relayed to Emily, along with the identity of Alex Tilden.

Five teenagers spent the summer at a camp, coaxed by their leader Eugene Greer to choose a woman for their liking. This woman was a camp counselor just a year older than each of them, by the name of Emily Birch. After forcing her unconscious, Eugene as well as Cole Harmon, Alex Tilden, Boyd Fowler and Dan Mondale all brought her to an abandoned cabin where she was raped repeatedly by each man, EXCEPT for Eugene who stood off to the side, shouting confidence and how each man should "Seize their Desires". When all was done and finished, Eugene ordered Emily to take a picture of the five of them, with Eugene standing at the far left, Dan Mondale beside him with Cole Harmon in the middle, Alex to the right of him and Boyd at the far right. The picture itself appeared to be something innocent, but it captured the memory of when each of these men took their first victim.

Basically, the connection between Jordan/Eugene and Emily is she made him who he later became. For the first time in his life he was able to show he really was. The reason she felt connected to him was because of the moment they shared. The victims look like her so "The Group" can relive their sick and twisted fantasy each time.

It would have been nice to find out more about Eugene's back story but, he may have had a normal upbringing and then after just had a mental issue. Many examples of that in real life serial killers. He was almost like Charles Manson in that he didn't do anything to the victims, he just influenced and commanded other people do the deed.

As far as how they ended the Lumen story line I think it made sense. Dexter has always had a problem showing emotion with other people. When him and Lumen started hunting "The Group" it seems Dexter probably was thinking it would end like the previous times people have found out about who he is. However, when Lumen made her first kill and they shared that moment of unbridled passion later in the evening. Dexter didn't have to force himself because finally he found someone like him or so he thought. After Jordan was killed, Lumen's dark passenger disappeared and there was no longer a desire to kill. She was finally "healed" and came back to reality. It is sad though that she basically rejects him even though both of them accepted each other despite who they are.

If it ended in Lumen dying by another person or by Dexter's hands it would have just been like the previous examples of people who found out the truth about Dexter. I think that is what was very surprising to me was that Lumen didn't die. It also shows Dexter that not everyone always has the urge to kill.

I do have to agree that the whole Deb thing was all too convenient. Deb did it because after the Santa Muerta case and this one, she could see how some people don't deserve to live. She didn't ask them to come out from behind the plastic because she knew that their work was done. After viewing the videos she knew the men who did these crimes didn't deserve to live but, she was conflicted since she's a cop. By not seeing the killers it would ease her mind much more than if she saw them (especially Dexter). Honestly, I think it might ruin or be the end of the show when Deb finally finds out about Dexter.

LaGuerta should have died a long time ago, she checked out in the first book.

Not sure about the Quinn/Lindy stuff if that's the end, it's very shoddy detective work.

I don't think the Dexter/Quinn angle is over yet either.

Overall, in terms of all the season finales of Dexter, this one was the least earth-shattering. It had potential to be the most but, by Dexter not being discovered by Deb it went out in whimper.

I like the fact that this means the story is far from over and I hope next season is better than this one.
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I'll chime in and agree the finale was... ehhh... For me, the problem is that things developed slow and there were a handful of storylines that could have definitely carried into season 6 and I would have been happier with cliffhangers than everything just tying up abruptly
not every season finale can be like Season 4...

that said, it wasn't great.

And Dexter flipped a car he stole, not his car.
bread's done