Diablo 2 - Anyone playing?


4 (100%)
So... I made this thread asking questions. But, what I really want to know if anyone is playing D2 at the moment? I'm playing single player (never have played through the whole game in its entirety) it's pretty hard.

Does anyone know how the hell to get good items while in Single Player? I've been trying to find a friggen bow for my amazon, but all I have found is crap.

Level 21 Amazon (act 3)
GF: Level 21 Sorc (act 3)


second question:
Hey, recently started playing Diablo 2 again with my GF (it's awesome...) anyways, I am running Windows Vista x64 (runs perfect) but I am unable to use my mouses side buttons like I use to, it doesn't even let me bind them to an action. It used to be so that my side mouse buttons would toggle run and show items on the floor... is there a fix for this? I set the compatibility mode to Windows 98, didn't help.

Looked all over google for an answer, but all I could find is the compatibility solution but that isn't working for me... any ideas? Is there a way in Vista to make my mouse button default to Alt?
first question:
Anyone have a CD key they could spare? I've been playing Single Player and would like to go online, but I lost my CDkey... I have D2's just not LoD's!

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The CD key is the game, basically. You enter the CD key at Blizzard.com and you download the game and play it without a CD... you're basically asking for someone to give you D2 for free, seems unlikely.

You can find sites that'll sell you a CD key cheap... I've heard people on SlickDeals say good things about mmo1st, $5 for a set there.
Did you install the driver software for the mouse? I think that windows native only recognizes right, left, center buttons and scroll wheel. Anything else requires a specific driver.
If your mouse has profiling software available (Logitech & Microsoft mice usually do) you can set up a Diablo 2 profile and bind the side mouse buttons to keyboard keys that correspond with whatever function you're wanting to use in D2. Other than that, I'm not sure.
anybody know how to get it to run on vista? I've downloaded the patch and it doesn't seem to work. Best solution Ive heard is to install the expansion which I dont have.
[quote name='schulerbob']anybody know how to get it to run on vista? I've downloaded the patch and it doesn't seem to work. Best solution Ive heard is to install the expansion which I dont have.[/QUOTE]
I run it on Vista with no issue and nothing special done to it (no compatibility or anything like that).

I do, however, have the expansion.

If you want to get the expansion, here you are:

2.25$ for a key, pop that into the blizzard online store and download it. Site is legit.

Code usually gets e-mailed the same day.
Thanks for the help!

Anyone know a good Amazon guide? I'm using the GF one, but it doesn't seem that good. And are there guides for single player? (IE Item find guides...)
Without knowing what your idea of a "crap" bow is...

Don't expect to find anything too great your first run through on Normal. Once you've finished Normal, you're really only 1/3 of the way through the game with respect to the kinds of items you can expect to find. They have to keep the loot interesting all the way through the end of Hell difficulty.

That being said, my friend and I are on act V (LOD) on normal and have come across at least a couple of rare (yellow named) bows that we have given to our bow using henchwomen. The stats were nothing that great some pluses to attack rating, damage, maybe a resist or two. I have no idea how that compares to what you've found so far.

If you haven't had Charsi (Act 1 blacksmith) imbue a weapon for you, don't do that until near the end of the game (late in act IV if just Diablo 2, or late in act V if playing LOD). Look for the best COMPLETELY normal (not magical, socketed, or ethereal, it CAN however be superior...I think) bow you can find. For your character level at that point it will probably be (from worst to best) : Long war bow, Edge bow, Razor Bow, or Cedar Bow. Take that bow to Charsi to have her imbue it. The better the bow you give her, the better the item you get back.

You can also look at using a runeword to craft your own (keep saving and upgrading those runes!)

Everything you need to know about the finer points of Diablo 2 can be found here:

Great advice man! Much appreciated. Ugh, having so much fun with this game! (although my GF occasionally plays like a retarded bot) I found a really good xbow, but the slow attack speed made me crazy.

I'mma look into rune words. And with an Amazon it ALL depends on your bow so it's sucky if you dont got a good one.
If you can get a nice imbue on a lower level zon bow, there are formulas to upgrade the base item of the bow. I found this 2 seasons as a stag bow and upgraded it to a mat bow.
Nice bow, but note the required level. I don't know when the average character hits lvl 60, but you're not going to get anywhere near that on Normal difficulty.

I felt that the appropriate response to the (current) question was to set expectations properly for the kind of bow one might expect to find at the OP's current point in the game.

Crystal, if I read you correctly, the way you generated that bow was to have Charsi imbue a normal stag bow and then you used a cube formula (twice) to upgrade the base level, first to Ashwood bow, then to Matriarchal...correct?

OP, I didn't look at Amazon only bows when I gave my last advice. With that in mind, for an amazon on normal, by the end of LOD, you might be finding normal Reflex, Ashwood, or Ceremonial bows (again from less to more desirable) for Charsi to imbue.

If you want to "cheat," anytime that you are going to get a random item upgrade (from Charsi, or a cube formula), you can always save off a copy of your character files before "rolling" the item. Then, if you don't like what you got, you can restore your old files and reroll until you get something you like. This only works for local (non battle.net) characters.
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[quote name='m6oo']Crystal, if I read you correctly, the way you generated that bow was to have Charsi imbue a normal stag bow and then you used a cube formula (twice) to upgrade the base level, first to Ashwood bow, then to Matriarchal...correct?[/QUOTE]
Nope, I found mine in The Pit in Hell difficulty as a stag bow and then did a double upgrade. However, the point was, if you get good stats on an imbue, you can keep the weapon from becoming obsolete by upgrading its base item.

[quote name='m6oo']Nice bow, but note the required level. I don't know when the average character hits lvl 60, but you're not going to get anywhere near that on Normal difficulty.[/QUOTE]
Level 40 is when you're supposed to stop norm baal runs and move on to NM. Level 60 comes quick after that, most people moving on to hell in their 70's.
[quote name='crystalklear64']If you can get a nice imbue on a lower level zon bow, there are formulas to upgrade the base item of the bow. I found this 2 seasons as a stag bow and upgraded it to a mat bow.

I'm level 51 right now... how the heck you get a bow like that?

Did you mean you Imbued your bow twice? I still have both my imbues.

Also, I'm not sure how to read the Character damage screen. Say I have Ice arrow as my power it would say; 30-45 and under that it would say 50-60 (50-60 is ice arrow) does that mean it's 30-45 + 50-60 = 80-105??
Go here and look toward the bottom:


Those are upgrade formulas for your items. Throw a normal/exceptional weapon or armor into the cube along with the correct runes/gems and you'll get back an exceptional/elite piece of equipment with better base stats. In the case of the bow, once you've imbued it, it becomes a rare bow. If you like the magic bonuses of the imbued bow, and the initial bow is a normal base weapon, add the imbued bow plus an amn rune, ort rune, and perfect sapphire to boost its stats. If its base is exceptional, or if you've already upgraded once, put the bow, a fal rune, an um rune, and a perfect sapphire into the cube to boost its stats again and get an elite bow.

I honestly can't recommend the second upgrade, though. Fal runes are hard enough to come by...ums pop up even less frequently and generally shouldn't be thrown away lightly.

That matriarchal bow, just for reference, is an elite rare weapon. You'd be able to find something similar as a drop late in the game on Hell difficulty, so don't be surprised that you haven't seen something that good at lvl 51

SO find a white bow, with good base stats. Imbue it at Charsi, take that imbued bow and put it in the cube along with an Amn, ort and Perfect saphire and it will boost it even further?

Is that what your sayin? Thanks for the help.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Huh?

SO find a white bow, with good base stats. Imbue it at Charsi, take that imbued bow and put it in the cube along with an Amn, ort and Perfect saphire and it will boost it even further?

Is that what your sayin? Thanks for the help.[/QUOTE]

personally, i was never big on upgrading. too risky and its actually hard sometimes to find the runes and jewels you need....

really you just need to go online to play. Imo its the only way to play. You get much better gear, and get to play and trade with others :p

also, i dont know if anyone is interested, but im selling all my D2 stuff now really cheap. includes diablo 2, LOD, 2 extra valid cd keys (so 2 cd keys for each game) and my godly US EAST Nonladder account. take a look in my list if you interested.

I have a level 90 sorc online, and I got like all the best sorc gear in the first day of playing from people giving it to me... its not fun.

I'm playing with my GF offline, its SO much more fun. But I am sick of her kicking my ass in damage, and my bow gives me 9-22 damage... so I really want to make a better bow. Cause I aint finding one.
You could, you know, delete that character and have some self control and play online with your gf. If nothing else, you'd get the ladder runewords and people to trade with. Just refuse free stuff and only trade with what you find.
[quote name='crystalklear64']You could, you know, delete that character and have some self control and play online with your gf. If nothing else, you'd get the ladder runewords and people to trade with. Just refuse free stuff and only trade with what you find.[/quote]

Possibly, but than I'd have to find her two CD keys. =P

BUT, I want to play single player...
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[quote name='DarkNessBear']I have a level 90 sorc online, and I got like all the best sorc gear in the first day of playing from people giving it to me... its not fun.

I'm playing with my GF offline, its SO much more fun. But I am sick of her kicking my ass in damage, and my bow gives me 9-22 damage... so I really want to make a better bow. Cause I aint finding one.[/QUOTE]

to each his own i guess. I started with single player, but its just too slow paced for me, and the items suck compared to online imho.

and really, sure you get lots of free gear online, but its usually just mediocre stuff that is enough to hold you over in PVM. there's so much stuff that you can ONLY get online, not just becuase its only available there, but its just damn impossible to make offline without cheats or hacks. If you want to see good, by level 91 paladin has like 3600 life, and does 15k damage. I have to be severely drunk to die anywhere on hell difficulty and for a PVM build, hes one hell of a dueler as well.

all and all, i just think online offers much more.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']So, are you not allowed to play Single player anymore? =/[/QUOTE]

no, im just saying that i wouldnt want to play single player ever again. but once again, to each his own. Its a great game regardless
just reinstalled this morning. called in some old favors with folks i used to play with and am starting to rebuild :) what a fun game. addictive as fuck, but fun
Me and my gf both have act 2 merc Defense aura guys. Should I have a different one? If we both had 2 mercs with different auras does it stack? Which one should I get?
Both having the same type is a waste, the auras have to be different to stack. Your GF would probably benefit most from Combat (boosts mana regen). Defense or Offense for you (offense raises your hit%, defense lowers opponents' hit%).

Assuming you're still in Normal, that is. The auras are different in Nightmare.
Ya I took the Might Aura, seems to work well. Although my merc often times doesn't like to cast it... We're almost done with Act 3 Nightmare.
You know any expansion key will work? You only need a classic D2 key to get online, it's the only key that's checked.

Expansion CD-Key: 4CKEV7BZD7RXMBEN

If anyone wants to play I am on now. The room is called CAG Act III. I'm a lvl. 21 druid
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I fucked up my skills on my lightning fury zon. :/

They're in the right place, but it'll take me like 30 levels to max out the two main ones as opposed to 15 like before I was an idiot.
'Course, 30 levels from ~level 32 shouldn't take too long. Anyone want to rush me through to Hell so I can start doing baal runs sometime soonish?
This does not work. :lol:

[quote name='crystalklear64']You could, you know, delete that character and have some self control and play online with your gf. If nothing else, you'd get the ladder runewords and people to trade with. Just refuse free stuff and only trade with what you find.[/quote]
[quote name='crystalklear64']you need to.. get level 40 in norm baals, the 60 in nm baals before we power through to hell unless we find someone grushing.[/QUOTE]

The problem is, I already got to nightmare on accident, so I can't do norm baals unless someone I know is hosting the games. :/
Or you just make a game called "OwMyBaals001" It will fill up quickly. :lol:
[quote name='Liquid 2']The problem is, I already got to nightmare on accident, so I can't do norm baals unless someone I know is hosting the games. :/[/quote]
I was hooked on D2 for a while. I stopped playing due to WoW.

Who knows, I might startup again whenever my sub is out.
My lightning fury amazon is up to level 67 and ready for hell (except for my resists, which are awful), if any of y'all want to try to get something together sometime soonish.
[quote name='crystalklear64']But do you "play"?[/quote]
Actually i've only logged into diablo 2-3 times in the last two or three months so that answer would probably be a no.
bread's done