Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

[quote name='Jodou']Yes, because being randomly selected or buying your way in is a feat of strength. What kind of stupid shit is that?[/QUOTE]

Stupid enough that I bet accounts get hacked due to having it. I barely played the beta and I am with you - I could care less about the Costanza family achievement. Might as well give everyone an achievement for logging into the game.

With that out of the way, I am anxiously awaiting Tuesday. Desktop & laptop ready - check. Headphones to tune out my wife & son - check.
[quote name='panzerfaust']the game looks so good graphically, really hope to see some great looking enemies[/QUOTE]
this is literally the first time i have seen anyone praising the graphics. there are a lot of things i've seen other people like about d3, but the graphics have never been one of them.


look at that bottom half monster from the damage chart. you could literally count the polys.
Graphics are fine. It doesnt look amazing, but it's not nearly as bad as some people are making it out to be. Like, were some of these people expecting Crysis graphics? Its fucking Blizzard, they've never really pushed the visual envelope. They've always wanted their games to run on almost any machine rather than go for state-of-the-art graphics that only enthusiasts can appreciate.
thats what settings are for. of course then people get upset they can't put everything on high.

it is literally a joke switching from lowest to highest graphics in d3.
Did you check out that DarkD3 mod during the beta? It was really nice. Made the graphics darker and sharper/crisper. The "Stronger" setting looks really nice.


I'll definitely be using that when the game comes out.
yea theres some controversy about it though. people have been asking blizzard if they'll get banned for it. blizzard says check the EULA. EULA says no mods allowed. Well is it a mod? Depends on what definition you use. its just a shader mod so it SHOULD be ok but then why wouldn't blizz just give it the ok...

it does really help the atmosphere but it doesn't really help the models, textures, shadows, etc.
Hmm... didn't see that. Yeah, its just a shader mod, I don't see how that would cause a problem. Guess I'll wait on it until Blizz makes an official statement.
[quote name='crystalklear64']yea theres some controversy about it though. people have been asking blizzard if they'll get banned for it. blizzard says check the EULA. EULA says no mods allowed. Well is it a mod? Depends on what definition you use. its just a shader mod so it SHOULD be ok but then why wouldn't blizz just give it the ok...

it does really help the atmosphere but it doesn't really help the models, textures, shadows, etc.

It's basically toning down the vibrancy. I think there is a settings in the graphics options for that stuff.

What gets me is that everything glows... too bright... I want natural darks, I want glowing around a candle/torch/light post... I want shadows to dance along with a fire, and make those far away, dark and scary corners of the map, truly hold something wicked and frighting.

I'll get it in roughly a week, maybe amazon will ship it so I get it on release day... doubt it though.
[quote name='crystalklear64']this is literally the first time i have seen anyone praising the graphics. there are a lot of things i've seen other people like about d3, but the graphics have never been one of them.

look at that bottom half monster from the damage chart. you could literally count the polys.[/QUOTE]

i'll judge it when i see it move and die. take a screen shot of D2 and it's the ugliest thing developed by man.

if you can't appreciate animation then you really don't know what Diablo is.
I have to say one thing about the graphics as well. Look at Diablo 2, that was what, a game that looked like it was from the SNES ages in a PS2 / Xbox world? I should say the PS2 was released in Japan a few months before hand.

Yet here we are, still playing the shit out of it 11 years later, at least I am. So we have to think of it this way, it's a generation or 2 behind graphically, a decade ahead of time gameplay wise. Exactly how a game should be.

I mean sure, I spent 60$ on Gears of War 3 and it looked pretty, but I stopped playing that a month after release. I'd say I didn't get anywhere near the money value out of that then I have Diablo.
being passable and "looks so good graphically" are not the same thing.

if you think diablo 3's graphics are impressive you reaaaaaaally need to check out some other games.
The graphics are passable. Diablo has NEVER been about life-like graphics. Its about gameplay and the experience, always has been. I dont get why this is that hard to understand. If you only care about graphics, you're clearly in the wrong thread. Go play Crysis, Dirt, or something else where you can drool over the graphics. The rest of us will be playing D3. (not directed specifically at you crystal, but all the graphics snobs complaining).
d2 was one of the most graphically satisfying games out there, unless this is strictly an argument about polygons and textures...

same with starcraft. tell me a lurker cluster spiking through some medics looks bad. blizzard knows how to animate.
I'm sure the animation in the videos is great. It is what I come to expect from Blizzard. However the rest of the game for me looks a little on the bright side. I want Diablo III like the first and second games were. The colors were darker and didn't stand out. To me the videos I have seen make it seem like a Diablo skin was placed on World of Warcraft. The game still looks good however maybe a little dated by 1 or 2 years but that is not going to stop me from playing it.
Geez, who cares if it's not top of the line graphics? If the last few years have shown anything, it's that graphics != better game.
[quote name='SEH']The graphics are passable. Diablo has NEVER been about life-like graphics. Its about gameplay and the experience, always has been.[/QUOTE]
To be fair, this is true of all Blizzard games. The graphics are not top notch because their games are designed to be run on anything from toasters to top of the line machines. That's one of the reasons they can sell so many games.
[quote name='Waughoo']Geez, who cares if it's not top of the line graphics? If the last few years have shown anything, it's that graphics != better game.[/QUOTE]
i don't think anyone is expecting amazing graphics from blizz, least of all me, but claiming that it has amazing graphics is ridiculous. its like saying LoL has amazing graphics.

you could say it has an amazing art direction. (which imo it does not but at least thats a valid opinion)

[quote name='SEH']The graphics are passable. Diablo has NEVER been about life-like graphics. Its about gameplay and the experience, always has been.[/QUOTE]
i agree, but theres a difference between someone just saying the graphics are shit vs someone else trying to say they are amazing and getting a response.
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Blizzard does a fantastic job with character design and setting the atmosphere. Graphics, on the other hand, is not their forte. I was able to run the D3 beta on my laptop (AMD 3400 / HD Radeon 6250g) with no issues.
played diablo 1 so many years ago and never got a chance to play 2. Story wise is it worth playing diablo 2 then going to 3 or just skip it at this point and enjoy 3?
i think the one thing that would help to know is... well 2 things:
prime evils got killed and their soulstones destroyed
tyrael shattered the worldstone

i've seen a plot summary of d3 which sounds like it'll be mostly correct and those are the 2 things that will matter.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']To be fair, this is true of all Blizzard games. The graphics are not top notch because their games are designed to be run on anything from toasters to top of the line machines. That's one of the reasons they can sell so many games.[/QUOTE]

I know.

[quote name='SEH']Its fucking Blizzard, they've never really pushed the visual envelope. They've always wanted their games to run on almost any machine rather than go for state-of-the-art graphics that only enthusiasts can appreciate.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='floormat']played diablo 1 so many years ago and never got a chance to play 2. Story wise is it worth playing diablo 2 then going to 3 or just skip it at this point and enjoy 3?[/QUOTE]

Just YouTube all of the CGI sequences and that should catch you up.
You know, watching that made me realize just how much I never cared about the lore in Diablo. The bosses and locations all rang a bell, but the actual events I was oblivious of. Just one of those oh, that's what was going on moments. Blizzard games just have this effect on me where I don't care about the quest, just the loot at the end.
saw an interesting set of images posted on that one site yesterday. they're... colorful due to the source, but lots of good points are made. its more about diablo 2 but a lot of it is in response to stuff like: "you think d3 has no customization? well d2 only had one good stat build which is basically the same thing!"

no actual spoilers but the images are quite large and do have some offensive language, so spoilered.

1. Concerning item diversity.

2. Stats and builds part 1.

3. Stats and builds part 2.

4. Skill usage and skill points.

5. Mods and LAN
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So that guys main overall point is that there are ~10,000,000 bad casuals and ~5000 super bro team pros that are awesome players, and that Blizzard should make their game to cater to the latter.
[quote name='TLPRIME']Man. You guys have convinced me. I am cancelling my pre-order right away.[/QUOTE]
Excellent, just as planned!
did you know you can discuss negatives and positives of stuff without having an agenda? its strange but true!
[quote name='TLPRIME']So that guys main overall point is that there are ~10,000,000 bad casuals and ~5000 super bro team pros that are awesome players, and that Blizzard should make their game to cater to the latter.[/QUOTE]
pretty sure the point is that there was a lot more choice to be made in d2 than many people were aware of (and thus leads to putting forth false statements based on ignorance, not some sort of vendetta or justification) and a side point being that d3 does not have as much choice or that the choice will instead come down to only gear. and a further point of that being suspicious that the game is putting all the choice into gear and introducing an auction house that makes blizzard money when used where you have the option to acquire said gear.

and for people who will miss another point, yes, it has nothing to do with how "fun" the game is for some people. thats not what is being discussed. you can have less choices and still have fun.
Blizzard 1 million times have stated that the game is made for Player vs Monster. PvP is just an extra thing on the side and a bonus is all. Every single point he made is for a PvP player only. Just because that guy PvP'ed all day long and only did that did not make everyone who focused on PvM a casual.

His reasonings are that of someone with a mental disability called giant ego syndrome. He just assumes to be hardcore you need to play like him. So like Prime said, just because 5000 people played like him doesn't mean we all should have a game made to cater them.

I mean look at the gear samples he provides. The bad and casual ones. Who dafuq uses that junk. A bad player can easily find something better than those 2 items in a matter of hours. Not to mention that Diablo 3 is going to a level that the perfect item searching is supposably much more involved than diablo 2. So not only is his point moot, but it's just rediculous. Especially when the last one is a crafted item, exactly what D3 is about.

The stats points are moot as well. There are plenty of builds he mentions that you just dump stats in vitality, again unless you are PvPing. Though some that he does mention do dump it into other stats. Such as a titan build barb does put everything into str. Ah 50k+ dmg a hit :D

The removal of Lans? It's obvious why this has happened. I hated trading in D2 because everything was JSP related. So Blizzard created the auction house. I don't want a million duped items on the auction house and the economy in shambles because of it. People found ways to bring stuff from open to closed, always will too.

Mods? 2000 people for the most popular mod at it's peak? Is that honestly worth mentioning?

As for the auction house to make blizzard money, if they were concerned about that they would make it a real money AH throughout every type of gameplay, as in HC. The gold auction house is there for a reason.
If these aren't implied shots at D3, then I don't see what the point is. Is it to prove D3 is less "hardcore" and has less choice? Then you've won argument.
[quote name='strikeratt']Blizzard 1 million times have stated that the game is made for Player vs Monster. PvP is just an extra thing on the side and a bonus is all. Every single point he made is for a PvP player only. Just because that guy PvP'ed all day long and only did that did not make everyone who focused on PvM a casual.

His reasonings are that of someone with a mental disability called giant ego syndrome. He just assumes to be hardcore you need to play like him. So like Prime said, just because 5000 people played like him doesn't mean we all should have a game made to cater them.

I mean look at the gear samples he provides. The bad and casual ones. Who dafuq uses that junk. A bad player can easily find something better than those 2 items in a matter of hours. Not to mention that Diablo 3 is going to a level that the perfect item searching is supposably much more involved than diablo 2. So not only is his point moot, but it's just rediculous. Especially when the last one is a crafted item, exactly what D3 is about.

The stats points are moot as well. There are plenty of builds he mentions that you just dump stats in vitality, again unless you are PvPing.

The removal of Lans? It's obvious why this has happened. I hated trading in D2 because everything was JSP related. So Blizzard created the auction house. I don't want a million duped items on the auction house and the economy in shambles because of it. People found ways to bring stuff from open to closed, always will too.

Mods? 2000 people for the most popular mod at it's peak? Is that honestly worth mentioning?

As for the auction house to make blizzard money, if they were concerned about that they would make it a real money AH throughout every type of gameplay, as in HC. The gold auction house is there for a reason.[/QUOTE]
the thing is you don't have to make the game cater to him. look at what you just said. d2 according to blizzard wasn't about pvp and it STILL had those choices and you still could focus on PvM and ignore the higher end options because it was just that, optional. if you wanted to step up your game and join the pvp scene you could. the point is that it was a choice, something that you no longer have. including more choices is always a good thing.

as for the items..
1. steel is bad its why he put it in bad.
2. grief is good what the fuck are you talking about. he put a non perfect ias/+dmg one up as casual because a casual player won't care about perfect stats on it. i invite you to play d2 for 2 hours and find the runes needed to make a grief.
3. the last item isn't crafted. its a rare.
this part of your post is pure ignorance.

yes many builds used vita, but many builds also use other stats and used them to good effect. choices. all of those pvp builds could be used in pvm just fine too.

do you even understand what lan is? its a closed network. the reason dupes appeared is because blizzard didn't store everything on their servers in d2. some info was on the player's pc and you could send counterfeit packets to their servers when it looked for updates from the pc.
diablo 3 has everything on blizzard's servers now. thats fine it will stop dupes on blizzard's stuff. but guess what? that doesn't mean you have to take out LAN. they are not mutually exclusive things.

2000 at peak for one mod. there were several other mods with similar numbers such as meridian or rising sun. yes the numbers are low considering the number of players but 2000 people is not a small amount. if 2000 people would decide to buy your product if you added mod support thats 120k$. piss change for blizzard but its still a chunk of money.

and if they weren't concerned about making money they wouldn't take a cut.
[quote name='panzerfaust']If these aren't implied shots at D3, then I don't see what the point is. Is it to prove D3 is less "hardcore" and has less choice? Then you've won argument.[/QUOTE]
I think thats part of it, but its mainly aimed at the people trying to argue that D3's faults are not as bad because D2 had them as well when many of the points people try to argue this for are simply not true.
including more choices is always a good thing.
unless you're a developer, you know, making practical use of resources and time. the "add more ways to play, it couldn't hurt" argument could be applied to any game ever made. maybe they have more plans to expand it? maybe they tried to implement PvP and figured they couldn't do it well, and so decided not to release an amateur looking product with things thrown in "just cause we could." Why are you upset about a lack of PvP? Because it was in Diablo II. And here in lies all the problems.

D3's faults

You said your points had no relation to how good or "fun" D3 would end up being. but now you say this lack of choice, customization, and pvp are "faults?"

If there's anything SC2 taught me about expectations and being bitter over changes, it's that SC2 was its own game and deserved to be judged on its own merits and flaws. D3 isn't at fault for lacking PvP or "depth," it will be at fault for whatever impedes the enjoyment of its new philosophy -- a philosophy that is certainly not the one D2 had, which you've proved for us.
[quote name='crystalklear64']the thing is you don't have to make the game cater to him. look at what you just said. d2 according to blizzard wasn't about pvp and it STILL had those choices and you still could focus on PvM and ignore the higher end options because it was just that, optional. if you wanted to step up your game and join the pvp scene you could. the point is that it was a choice, something that you no longer have. including more choices is always a good thing.

as for the items..
1. steel is bad its why he put it in bad.
2. grief is good what the fuck are you talking about. he put a non perfect ias/+dmg one up as casual because a casual player won't care about perfect stats on it. i invite you to play d2 for 2 hours and find the runes needed to make a grief.
3. the last item isn't crafted. its a rare.
this part of your post is pure ignorance.

yes many builds used vita, but many builds also use other stats and used them to good effect. choices. all of those pvp builds could be used in pvm just fine too.

do you even understand what lan is? its a closed network. the reason dupes appeared is because blizzard didn't store everything on their servers in d2. some info was on the player's pc and you could send counterfeit packets to their servers when it looked for updates from the pc.
diablo 3 has everything on blizzard's servers now. thats fine it will stop dupes on blizzard's stuff. but guess what? that doesn't mean you have to take out LAN. they are not mutually exclusive things.

2000 at peak for one mod. there were several other mods with similar numbers such as meridian or rising sun. yes the numbers are low considering the number of players but 2000 people is not a small amount. if 2000 people would decide to buy your product if you added mod support thats 120k$. piss change for blizzard but its still a chunk of money.

and if they weren't concerned about making money they wouldn't take a cut.[/QUOTE]

Again you have a server side game for a reason. You said it yourself that in order to stop dupes blizzard put everything server side. How would you have a lan without having the server side information, hence connected to the internet anyways. I clearly understand what a lan is, do you?

Mods: 2000 people is a tiny amount. The game had about 5.5 million people still playing after 7 years. That's what, 3% with those numbers after 7 years of the game being out and the mods peak numbers? That is a tiny percent.

Items, that last one looked orange on my screen, now that I look at it closer it is yellow so yes it's a rare, the item is amazing as well wasn't arguing that. My argument was that if the rare items are better than the others, it's exactly how D3 is supposably going to be. Again, moot point. But I will admit that yes a non-perfect grief is something a casual will use so my bad. Ignorance, doubt it. If anything he is supporting how D3 is going to work.

Stepping up my game doesn't necessarily mean I need to PvP as well.
Just pointing out, Crystal, you do know PVP will be added shortly after launch, right? Its not like they completely stripped the feature, it will be there. Jay Wilson has said they plan to get it out as quickly after launch as possible.

I know you said you can post negatives about a game without having an agenda, which is true, but I've seen you post NOTHING but negative shit page after page. One person comes in here talking about how they're excited for the game, and you seem to get offended at that and go off on these tangents about why the game is going to suck or why this is bad or why that's bad.

If you aren't getting the game or think its going to suck, that's fine, but why try to hamper anothers excitement or enjoyment?
I went through the same process with SC2. It ain't fun seeing your favorite franchises go in directions you detest, but it's also unfair to hold that against the new game itself. Take any Final Fantasy game and emotions amongst the community are rubbed in the very same manner.
[quote name='strikeratt']How would you have a lan without having the server side information, hence connected to the internet anyways. I clearly understand what a lan is, do you?

Mods: 2000 people is a tiny amount. The game had about 5.5 million people still playing after 7 years. That's what, 3% with those numbers after 7 years of the game being out and the mods peak numbers? That is a tiny percent.

Items, that last one looked orange on my screen, now that I look at it closer it is yellow so yes it's a rare, the item is amazing as well wasn't arguing that. My argument was that if the rare items are better than the others, it's exactly how D3 is supposably going to be. Again, moot point. But I will admit that yes a non-perfect grief is something a casual will use so my bad. Ignorance, doubt it. If anything he is supporting how D3 is going to work.

Stepping up my game doesn't necessarily mean I need to PvP as well.[/QUOTE]
Game is played by transmitting information. For LAN games you would have the appropriate information sent back and forth between the members of the LAN via the LAN. This in no way connects to battle.net. Obviously characters used for LAN games could not be used on the realms. LAN is its own entity and I'm not sure why you seem to think dupes and hacks in a LAN game will somehow magically transfer onto Blizzard's servers. It is not setup the same way as Diablo 1/2. Hell, many dupes occurred in D2 BECAUSE of blizzard since if you lagged it the game would roll you back a minute or so (as protection) meaning you could give someone your shit, lag yourself out, and viola you have a dupe.

As for mods you also have to keep in mind that those numbers are only for players who played the mods online. I'm sure a larger number of people used them and if the 2000 is accurate then a more realistic number is 6000 since meridian and rising sun were just as if not more popular. I'm not even going to make a stab as a number for people who played the mods offline, but it'd be higher. Still, it'd be .3% for 2000. Yup its a very small %, but its also a pretty big expectation for PC games to be mod-able. Its fucking Activision. Its not like they don't have the resources. Why remove features?
[quote name='SEH']Just pointing out, Crystal, you do know PVP will be added shortly after launch, right? Its not like they completely stripped the feature, it will be there. Jay Wilson has said they plan to get it out as quickly after launch as possible.

I know you said you can post negatives about a game without having an agenda, which is true, but I've seen you post NOTHING but negative shit page after page. One person comes in here talking about how they're excited for the game, and you seem to get offended at that and go off on these tangents about why the game is going to suck or why this is bad or why that's bad.

If you aren't getting the game or think its going to suck, that's fine, but why try to hamper anothers excitement or enjoyment?[/QUOTE]
Yea I know about the PvP, but its Arena PvP. Obviously I haven't played it yet, and it may be fun, but it isn't what I want and what I want is open PvP in the game world, another feature removed. Blizzard has their (shitty) reasons for removing it which also alters the entire feel of the game (d2 being more cutthroat), which some people love. I am not one of those people.

A very interesting sidenote is that in the interview they say something like we wish it wasn't cut (the arena pvp) and its something they were most looking forward to it, which is really strange but also very telling.

Here is the overall problem for me. Diablo 3 had the potential, in my mind, to be amazing. A natural progression on all the elements that made Diablo 2 great to me, its a sequel to a game I like so naturally it should have taken all the stuff I loved and made it even better or at the very least given me more of the same.

Instead, Blizzard has done the exact opposite, taking many things I loved about Diablo 2 and dumbing down, removing, or adding ridiculous stuff that goes completely against how I play Diablo.

Why do I mainly post negative stuff or even come in here at all?
I like what was the Diablo series and maybe I'll see something about D3 that inspires me to try it. I've never actually played the game and maybe I'll buy it eventually if it turns out to be challenging and fun. I hate people praising stuff that doesn't deserve it and I also hate when people don't recognize something that needs to be praised. This isn't just something I do in this thread.

I would probably love Diablo 3 if:
It was made by a different company and called "ARPG: The Game"
"Diablo 3" was still coming on the horizon.

But its not. Its Diablo 3. The game I've waited all these years for as a sequel to 2. I think I'm still in shock at how disappointing it is.

[quote name='panzerfaust']I went through the same process with SC2. It ain't fun seeing your favorite franchises go in directions you detest, but it's also unfair to hold that against the new game itself. Take any Final Fantasy game and emotions amongst the community are rubbed in the very same manner.[/QUOTE]
Certainly true. Except I think its fair if the company is going to continue to use the brand name, its their responsibility to make it live up to the name. Otherwise call it something else and stop using it as an excuse to ripoff old assets.
[quote name='tcrash247']No, his point is that Blizzard needs to stop dumbing down their games for retards that don't understand choices.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. Reading those myths made a lot of sense to me, even though I hadn't touched the game since 2003. I remade a level 95 sorc because I fucked up one point in the skill tree. I don't know if they ever made exp gain easier after I left, but back then anything 90+ could take weeks of grinding (and don't forget a death meant exp loss). I remember having small vit or MF charms they're talking about and the only other large charms you'd carry was +1 lightning skills or something like that.

The real draw of D2 for me was pre-planning a build and executing it by gathering the gear and running hell cows as a sort of benchmark. Then you'd go out PKing for the lulz and meet some really intense theorycrafters. God damn I miss games like that and it's probably why I keep going back to WoW every expansion.
[quote name='Jodou'] I remade a level 95 sorc because I fucked up one point in the skill tree.[/QUOTE]

Do you honestly think that's fun? Just curious.
[quote name='crystalklear64']
Certainly true. Except I think its fair if the company is going to continue to use the brand name, its their responsibility to make it live up to the name. Otherwise call it something else and stop using it as an excuse to ripoff old assets.[/QUOTE]

It's fair. You're old enough to do research, and clearly you have. In fact, you are dead positive this game isn't Diablo II. Everything on the Diablo III site has information that any Diablo fan could interpret as "hey they're doing things differently." It's using the brand name because it wants the marketing, and you'd be nuts to think the majority of Diablo fans aren't excited for Tuesday. Change the name because it isn't hardcore enough? They'd point you right out the door of the conference room.

All of your argument have been correct so far because they prove what's obvious and irrelevant to the game being released on Tuesday. I could write you a novel on what Diablo III isn't. I could take the greatest games ever made and give you a compelling argument on what those developers could have added. I could say Starcraft 2 is a shitty Starcraft game, but that would say nothing of its own qualities.

I brought up some actual concerns I had for D3 after playing the beta. Instead we're talking about how the "faults" of D3 are how it's not being the game it was never trying to be.

So again, what the hell is the point of these rants beyond being as pissed as I am when I don't get what I want? And what's with posting arguments from a guy that refers to casuals as "some $$$$$$s?" Diablo 2 elitists, never thought I'd see this day.
[quote name='TLPRIME']Do you honestly think that's fun? Just curious.[/QUOTE]

Remaking characters 3 times was what kept me playing Diablo 2 for 3+ years. I had 3 accounts with all the character slots full and each character being 80+ except for my couple mules. Rolling a new character and digging for loot is Diablo to me. They completely took one of those options out, and for what? So people don't have to use their brains? And if their argument really is "well everyone just stacked vitality" then change numbers and make the other stats more enticing or something. Instead they said "well fuck it, lets not work on that, let's just throw it out the fucking window and make everyone identical."

I also think that you guys defending it don't really get where we're coming from. Hardcore Diablo players have been looking forward to this game for a LONG time, and now that we're finally getting it, we're getting a halfassed stripped down version of Diablo. I'm not saying it's going to suck, but it could be leaps and bounds better.

Now, I'm buying Diablo 3 and I'm sure I'm going to play the shit out of it, but what I'm worried about is if it will keep me interested and whether I'll still be playing it in 6 months. I hope so, but I don't see it happening.
Sorry no magic here. You have these comments, the game is server side not client to stop hacks and dupes, lans don't need to be removed. So a lan as in a closed network, would need all the information client side to produce a lan game. Again the game would need internet access anyways. They in fact are mutually exclusive. Never once did I say lan / offline items would magically appear online. And they are obviously doing it for good reasons.

As for blizzards AH cut, how about money to support servers for the game.
I'm not saying the game is perfect but some of these arguments rediculous

Such as a challenge aspect, you aren't going to clear inferno without dying. Hardcore mode anyone? Sounds like the biggest challenge blizzard has ever offered.

As for creating accounts worth of characters? Let's be honest it took less than a day to hit 90. There was no challenge in that.

Double post bleh
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[quote name='strikeratt']I'm not saying the game is perfect but some of these arguments rediculous[/QUOTE]

The only thing ridiculous in here is the way you spell ridiculous. And how did Blizzard run the servers for Diablo 2? Oh yeah, from people that purchased the game. Don't act like Blizzard is taking a cut to pay for servers, they're taking a cut because they're fucking Blizzard and they'll take money any way they can get it.
Haha ya and look at the game now online, full of hacks, dupes, and bots. I'd surely understand an optional system to perhaps knock that out. Maybe I'll go play all the other really popular games with a huge player base and auction my stuff for real money there. Oh wait. Now before you jump on that too, yes I understand there's a handful of games that use a similar system. I also understand they obviously will make a profit. How about this then, don't add it at all, I would hate any possible way that a game company would let me earn any money back. Also to think blizzard won't use profits from the system to reinvest the money back into itself then that is just a backwards thought process.

Also if you need to have that small victory of a spelling error, made at work on my phone, that's just sad.
bread's done