Diablo III / Diablo II Battle.net Thread

Good news everyone!  I've fixed the poison slime pipes fixing the subpar drop rates.

Golden Resplendent Chest Drops are Bugged: Buff Coming

This will require a client patch fyi, so it is not live.  I've been disappointed with the resplendent chests, so I'm looking forward to this.


25% Bonus Drop Rate for Legendaries in Rifts: Now Live

Hurray!  I love the new rifts, but I felt they've been a little subpar on the lewt.  This is equivalent to +250% Magic Find.

Also note the chest spawn reduction notes, if you are a chest farmer.  (yawn)

Legendary mats drop rate will be buffed in a future patch.

Horadric Caches have been hotpatched so the rewards are the same across all difficulty levels.  (Boo, there was an exploit but I want better rewards for completing an act of bounties in a higher difficulty.  I wonder if/think that imperial gems will be removed from their loot table.)  Note there are certain Horadric Cache only legendaries such as Ring of Royale Grandeur (Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2).)


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Well, this explains my Skeleton Key (Legendary Scoundrel Relic) with a a large helping of INT.


There is a bug with the follower only Legendary items that is causing them to roll the wrong main stat in some cases, and we're working on a fix for it. I don't have an expected time frame to share for now, but we'll be sure to give everyone an update when we do.
Be careful when enchanting.


I've got an Inna Chest, which can roll dexterity between 415-500 but when i go to the mystic it says i could re-roll between 415-750, is it possible for me to roll higher than 500? Or would my item be capped at 500.
There is a bug with the Enchanting window showing incorrect potential values for some affixes. We're working on a fix for this issue that will be implemented later on, but it's something to keep in mind while you're Enchanting in the mean time.
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While the legendary drop rate buff for rifts is a nice start, it hasn't had any noticeable effect. My friends and I were running T1 rifts earlier and after 6-7 rifts, nobody got any legendary items, not even mats. Seems like the original number was so low that the 25% has had almost no effect. If the original rate was 1%, 25% increase would still only make it 1.25%. Ya' know?

Currently, my biggest issue is the fact that there is really zero benefit from playing on anything but Normal. Yes, the Torment difficulties have a slightly higher legendary drop rate, as well as their own legendaries that can only drop on those difficulties, but it's just not worth it. The mobs seem to actually drop LESS loot. When running Normal rifts, we usually wind up backing twice with two full bags of yellows. On T1, we're lucky if we even fill up half a bag with yellows before hitting the rift boss. Combine that with the longer clear times and it's just not worth the time or effort.

TL;DR - There needs to be more incentive to play on higher difficulties.

Running T1 for me is as fast as running any lower difficulty, so I really don't bother with lower difficulties.  Also there are legendaries that are only found in Torment or higher (at lv70) (I posted a link to the list a page or two back).  Obviously running on a difficulty that's more of a slog is less efficient than one you can slaughter-fest your way though.

Honestly I get really bored playing on too low of a difficulty.  Rares and uncommons don't matter to me.  I've got stacks of crafting mats.  Also gold drops and paragon increase substantially at higher difficulties as do Death's Breaths.

More than anything, play whatever feels good and fun.

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bigass dungeon


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Had the same one yesterday I think it was. Ridiculously big, but at least the layout is predictable and not incredibly annoying to navigate like the wide open maps. Thankfully it's more rewarding now to continue killing after the guardian is gone.

So I have a question for the experts: I just finally got my 1st character (Barb) up to level 60 the other day, and am currently at lvl4 of the Nephalem levels. What would be the best way for me to take advantage of this double xp weekend? Should I continue w/ my Barb and get more Neph level so it's easier to run thru with my other characters later? Or work w/ one of my lower level characters because my Barb is already "max level?" I'm really torn here.

So I have a question for the experts: I just finally got my 1st character (Barb) up to level 60 the other day, and am currently at lvl4 of the Nephalem levels. What would be the best way for me to take advantage of this double xp weekend? Should I continue w/ my Barb and get more Neph level so it's easier to run thru with my other characters later? Or work w/ one of my lower level characters because my Barb is already "max level?" I'm really torn here.
I'm no expert, but to clarify, did you buy the expansion? Max level after the expansion is 70. Nephalem Rifts are also expansion only. My guess is that you are referring to paragon levels. I'd say work on another character with the bonus XP. "End game" gear grinding is the part IMO so the more characters I have to choose from, the better.
Paragon comes free with everything you do at max level.  Use the bonus XP to level characters / unlock more skills.  Paragon doesn't help that much with leveling.  (it's a nice bonus, but nothing amazing)

More importantly do whatever you want to do / have the most fun with.

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Yeah, I'd say level some alts. Paragon doesn't really start becoming noticeable until you get like 100 levels of it. 

Yeah, decided to continue w/ my DH. Levels are coming at a pretty good clip on hard. (although I've actually had to hit the 'Q' every once in a while. Too used to my Barb and PS3 Monk)

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im finding adventure mode more fun and faster to lvl than even bothering with the story mode. But I do want my acheesements eventually :(. I'll just wait til 70 to go through Act 4 & 5 ha. 

There needs to be a special aura or callout around wtvr character has Nemesis Bracers on them to let people know NOT to touch the damn shrines. I finally got one, and NO one ever listens.

I liked having Ashe be the designated shrine user.

There needs to be a special aura or callout around wtvr character has Nemesis Bracers on them to let people know NOT to touch the damn shrines. I finally got one, and NO one ever listens.

I liked having Ashe be the designated shrine user.
awww that's half the fun though! SURPRISE RIGHT WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING TWO ELITES :D

im finding adventure mode more fun and faster to lvl than even bothering with the story mode. But I do want my acheesements eventually :(. I'll just wait til 70 to go through Act 4 & 5 ha.
Kill the act bosses in acts 1, 2, and 3 at level 59 to get a legendary off them. Then kill Diablo at level 60 to get that legendary. Then, last but not least, Malthiel at level 70 for that legendary drop.

[quote name="SEH" post="11672624" timestamp="1396851703"]Kill the act bosses in acts 1, 2, and 3 at level 59 to get a legendary off them. Then kill Diablo at level 60 to get that legendary. Then, last but not least, Malthiel at level 70 for that legendary drop.[/quote]

I thought there wasn't a guaranteed legendary anymore at diablo. Even if you reset. It's only at Malthiel now and only if you reset. (At least that's what the patch notes say) At least I haven't gotten any legendaries when lvling my Barb at any bosses so far. Only up to act 3 with him though.

Or did you mean different loot below 60 drops at bosses. Cuz I didn't know aboot that!
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Diablo drops a guaranteed legendary on first kill at level 60, but only at level 60. The act 1, 2, and 3 bosses drop a guaranteed legendary if you kill them below level 60. You wind up killing 1, 2, and 3 at 59 to get the highest possible legendary, Diablo at 60 for another one, then level to 70 and then kill Malthiel. That's the most effective way of doing it.

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2.0.4 is live

Patch notes here: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/13532431/patch-204-now-live-4-8-2014

lol @ the monk section.

Really like the crusader changes, I'm a bit sad the fires of heaven rune got a 215% dmg nerf, but its still a pretty solid skill. Finally we get a dmg reduction like the other melee classes, 15% should be a good spot. Having a shield doesn't negate the 30% reduction other melee classes get haha.

Wizards got a slight nerf, apparently frozen orb was bugged this entire time.

i'll have to see how FO works now.

Level 70 crafted sets no longer require Flawless Royal gems and instead now require Marquise gems

Also like that - otherwise would have been insanely expensive to craft something.

Glad they fixed the Wall Of Man, but I'm a bit pissed that I spent the 9.8M on the Diamond gem and wound up with level 60 rolls.

2.0.4 is live

Patch notes here:

lol @ the monk section.

Really like the crusader changes, I'm a bit sad the fires of heaven rune got a 215% dmg nerf, but its still a pretty solid skill. Finally we get a dmg reduction like the other melee classes, 15% should be a good spot. Having a shield doesn't negate the 30% reduction other melee classes get haha.

Wizards got a slight nerf, apparently frozen orb was bugged this entire time.
Damn, Fires of Heaven saved me countless times :(

I don't know if this was intentional or not, but the crusader's Iron Maiden passive scales with difficulty. So you get 49k thorn dmg in t1, 126k dmg in t3, 525k dmg in t6. That along with iron skin + reflective rune = crazy high dmg.

And holy crap 1 billion dmg?

Well there is no doubt that resplendant chests are more "resplendant" now as I got a set ring out of one earlier today. Unfortunetly it was one I already had :(
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Kadala's buff is definitely noticeable. Spent 500 or so shards last night and got two legendaries when prior I'd spent roughly 4000 just to get one.

The rifts...not so much. Ran probably a dozen rifts in T1 last night after the hotfix went live and I think between the four of us, we found a total of one plan. I still think it's more beneficial to just farm bounties since pack density outside of rifts is way better, plus you get the cache at the end.

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Could I ask what skills you were using to get 1 Billion Damage?

Holy Crap, lol.
Figured out it was my new weapon - Sever. "Slain enemies rest in pieces". So apparently the kill hit is just super over powered

I also spent like 200 shards last night and got 4 legs, so its worthwhile now. Nothing I will use, but still.

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Got a Wizard build question. Basically trying to figure out exactly how to properly gear him up stats wise.

So basically is armor or resist all more important on a wizard? Also should I have life gaining skills like life per kill? I think I should be good enough to start Torment tonight but I just want to be sure I start building right.


I'm having a tough time with the Demon Hunter. I pretty much have to play it on two levels lower than I do every other class so clearly I am doing it wrong.

I'm having a tough time with the Demon Hunter. I pretty much have to play it on two levels lower than I do every other class so clearly I am doing it wrong.
I'm pretty much exclusively playing DH on Hardcore right now. Here is a screenshot of my characters stat sheet.


Here is my character page showing my current gear:


I can play T2 fine with this setup. I mainly tried to focus more on resist all and to a degree, armor, instead of vitality. Vitality is what a lot of people like to call "fake toughness" in that it will inflate the hell out of your toughness number, but it wont really allow you to effectively take a hit. Also, both cit damage and crit chance are HUGE for the DH, which is why I dual-wield so that I can get that extra crit damage. I'm also currently working toward a third Natalyas piece (or that damn Ring of Grandeur) to get the free 7% crit chance.

Thanks. Good to know about the resist. I need to work on getting more green gear plans.

And I do have the plans to make the flawless royal emerald but oddly enough I still don't have the plans for the royal one. Apparently, you can find plans for higher level gems without first finding the level down before it that you need to make them.

Thanks. Good to know about the resist. I need to work on getting more green gear plans.

And I do have the plans to make the flawless royal emerald but oddly enough I still don't have the plans for the royal one. Apparently, you can find plans for higher level gems without first finding the level down before it that you need to make them.
Yeah I have this situation on a couple of my gems as well, really annoying. Although high level gems are so expensive to craft I have barely messed with it at all anyways.
bread's done