Did I get a good deal?


I went to my local GW and was looking around for anything good. Most of the stuff was junk I was about to leave when i saw Donkey kong Jungle Beat with the Bongos for $12. I picked those up real quick and took them home and they worked perfectly later I went to another thrift store by my hosue and I was looking threw there box of games most of it junk when I saw Barbie for the NES. Now I know the game is stupid but it was complete it had the booklet the box everything in perfect shape. It looked like it had never been played so I asked for the price and they told me it was 50 cents so i picked that up. So all together I got

DK Jungle Beat (with Bongos) $12

Barbie NES (complete) $0.50
Jungle Beat for 12$ is a pretty good deal .... ahh barbie?
Whats the point it doesnt even have any resale value.
And unless you were dying to play it... lol ... no deal
[quote name='eliter1']plese do not repost[/quote]

I accidently posted in the wrong area yesterday. I tried to get a mod to move it but no one did so I reposted it here. Its not like I just went around spamming the boards with it I waited a whole day to see if it would get moved. I even edited the original asking for it to be closed before I posted this new one.
ok, soory then, like i said before i think both were good deals, i dont care if it a barbie game, .50 cents is an awsome deal foe a complete NES game imo

You didn't get a bad deal.

You certainly didn't get anything notable enough to make a fucking thread about.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Meh.

You didn't get a bad deal.

You certainly didn't get anything notable enough to make a fucking thread about.[/quote]

Temperamental aren’t you? I just posted a thread because I was curious what people thought of the deal I got. I normally would have posted in one of the threads for what you bought this month but allot of times you only get like one response than the rest of the people don’t see your post cause they don’t want to read every page.
Ya what do you think this is Dragon Master? A place where you can ask people questions and they can give their opinion on it?

Do you know how many crap posts I see a day that have no relevance to anything, at least this guy is talking about video games in the deals and discussion area....
Um...this is deal discussion and bragging rights.

He was asking if he received a good deal for the price he paid. Therefore there can be some discussion about the deal. Where is this hostility coming from?
Barbie has some seriously hardcore platforming. You have ridiculously easy segments of the game where you have to basically match shapes, then they throw the little 5-year-old girl playing the game into a nightmare of Barbie drowning in rivers because it requires pinpoint jumps.

And yes, I seek out bad games and play them.
You know what other kids game was ridiculously hard? That Muppets carnival or circus one. I could only complete one "event" before I croaked.
bread's done