Did you buy an Xbox 360 for Halo 3?


I have to admit it. I did, or am going to on Friday when I get paid. It's an impulse buy. I want Xbox Live, I want Halo 3, I want Eternal Sonata, I want Gears of War, I want Blue Dragon. My Wii no longer satisfies me. I am going Microsoft!

How 'bout you?
For me it was next-gen sports games- not shitty ones like Madden and NBA Live, though, I mean the 2K games and the new NHL games. I couldn't stand having to live through the same exact game over and over with new rosters.

That, Gears of War, and Call of Duty 2 sealed it.
Live Arcade and Virtua Fighter 5 for me. I like Halo but I can hold off on it for a month or two till all the hype dies down.
[quote name='Moon Jump']I like Halo but I can hold off on it for a month or two till all the hype dies down.[/QUOTE]What difference does it make if you get it then or now...?
Nope, I got it because I wanted to try something new. Yes, I have Halo 3, but that really wasn't a major selling point. Even though I am now enjoying the hell out of the game.
Not just for halo 3, but it helped push me over the edge...

Like you, I grew tired of the wii... I'm gonna sell mine (even though it was the first thing I every soldered
[quote name='Liquid 2']What difference does it make if you get it then or now...?[/QUOTE]

It must be dangerous to buy Halo 3 during all this hype.
OP, topic name should be changed to 'Why did you buy an Xbox 360?'

I bought mine when I was employed by the devil Gamestop. First weekend of December 2006 was an additional 10% off, making the employee discount 25%. Used systems worked with this discount, and I had credit to burn so I got a used 360 at the time for $209.99, with no tax. A used hard drive was $53.99, and I got 8 games at the time -- I spent like the week before that finding mint copies of every game so I had them all ready to go when I came in and bought them. It was like $360 I spent, all in credit, for 8 games, and a used premium. I now own 50 games (Halo 3 sadly was number 50) and 2 demo discs.
No, I just ordered mine because of the meijer $280 deal. And I ordered Halo 3 since it was $46 at family video.

Buying consoles because of a game and not because of a sale, and you call yourselves CAGs....
i bought it primarily for halo 2 actually. lol. I wanted to play with my friends on halo, but i knew the original xbox was practically obsolete, so i got a 360.
Not yet, as $349 for premium is still high for me. When it hits 300 I'll be over it.

With rumors of a $399 40GB PS3 coming this holiday season, hopefully that will spur another 360 price drop.
Gears Of War

I loved those damned haunting comercials and that damned Micheal Andrews Song.

But after having sent mine back once and had it turn my room into an oven with my TV and now I can safely say I am still glad I bought it ;)
[quote name='Liquid 2']What difference does it make if you get it then or now...?[/QUOTE]

Not reading current medical journals huh? There's a new disease called "HYPE AIDS". You get it if you purchase anything during the height of its popularity. We lost a many good friends during the Wii epidemic of 2006.
Project gotham Racing 3. I wasnt too sold on the second one, but i tried it again when MS dropped it to $9.99. I was hooked, for a whole year, then the first, then i bought a home, 360, PGR3, Tomb Raider, NCAA football 07 and COD 2. Damn, fun times. No Halo here, Metriod maybe, but no halo. Just never had a chance to play it.
I would have bought during launch but I decided to save up for an HDTV first and then "Jump in" in HD. I then bought a 360, two extra controllers, Gears, and Rainbow 6 : Vegas for $400 (Jan 07).

One of the best decisions I've ever made.
Nope for me it was Dead Rising. In fact DR turned me from Playstion Fanyboy level (well almost) into a total Xbox believer.

So much so in fact that I can't even justify buying a PS3 at the low low price of $150 (I have $250 in credit at GameRush).
Picked mine up a few days after learning Assassin's Creed was coming to the 360. Of course Oblivion, Dead Rising, Gears, Mass Effect & Bioshock helped too.
No, I bought it for Dead Rising and Gears. Also all the other great games the 360 has as well, kinda sealed the deal. I mean I have a PS3 as well but when 95% of all the multi platform games are better on the 360, and the exclusives the 360 has kinda makes me proud to be a 360 owner. I am however going to be getting an elite here soon, don't want to take the chance of the red ring of death......
[quote name='dmaul1114']Not yet, as $349 for premium is still high for me. When it hits 300 I'll be over it.

With rumors of a $399 40GB PS3 coming this holiday season, hopefully that will spur another 360 price drop.[/QUOTE]
QFT, either that or the rumored holiday bundle.
No specific game. I'd never buy a console for one game, or even five. I waited until I knew there were dozens of games I'd like, and available for cheap.
Kind of. I was playing the waiting game for 65nm chips but I knew I'd be buying a Halo 3 Player when Halo 3 came out regardless. So I kinda got lucky there was a new design with a second heatsink I guess.
There's other games I definitely wanna hit up on my Halo 3 player, some of which I already have done. It's a good machine!
I wanted to upgrade from my Gamecube when the 360 launched and basically bought one up when I could find one. COD2 was my first game. Good times.

On a side note, I also bought a Wii near launch and sold it not too long ago. I just didn't think the games in general fit the kind of gamer I am. Sure, there's a Metroid here and there, but the avalanche of mini-game junk coming out and the system's very spotty controls convinced me to sell it off.

The 360 game lineup has exceeded my expectations (come on Orange Box and Assassin's Creed).
Pulled the trigger on mine when Microcenter had the $100 mail in Rebate and $100 cash back for signing up for a credit card. $200 bux for a premium system wasn't to bad...
I bought it for Fantasy World Dizzy, and have been dissapointed thus far.

Still it's made a good little free-standing heater for my living room, and the little lights on the front keep me company in the dark. They blink like angels.
I got one because I fell in love with the original Xbox even though it was the last previous gen system I bought, so I had to have a 360. Oblivion also played a very large role in me wanting a 360.
there's never been a system i bought for one game.. i would hope the system has a hell of a lot more great games than just 1 to make me want to buy it.

that said, if you've played the previous halos but don't own a 360.. let me tell you that the teabagging physics is greatly improved. when you crouch over a corpse and smash their skull with your nuts, their body has some good ragdoll physics. that alone should convince you to buy
I'm still waiting for the 65 nm CPU - but Halo 3, BioShock, and Gears of War and next year's Star Wars: Force Unleashed are 4 great reasons for me to get one (hopefully) soon.
I got mine at launch. But if I didn't already have one, I would have bought one for Oblivion. And Dead Rising.
[quote name='DrunkTigerWoods']QFT, either that or the rumored holiday bundle.[/QUOTE]

The rumored bundle didn't do it for me as I didn't care for the rumored pack ins. But an unnofficial store bundle with somethink like Gears for free could get me to jump at $349 rather than waiting for a drop to $300 since you come out better that way (as long as the freebie is a $60 game that you would buy anyway).
[quote name='dmaul1114']The rumored bundle didn't do it for me as I didn't care for the rumored pack ins. But an unnofficial store bundle with somethink like Gears for free could get me to jump at $349 rather than waiting for a drop to $300 since you come out better that way (as long as the freebie is a $60 game that you would buy anyway).[/QUOTE]
I would definitely prefer a price drop but since I plan on picking up a 360 by the end of the year, I'll take the bundle over nothing. Hopefully I can sell the games (they don't interest me either) for a few bucks and bring the overall cost down.
No, I've had mine since august 2006 and I'm not in any rush to get halo 3. I have enough games to keep me occupied as it is (Overlord, Shadowrun, Saint's row, guitar hero 2...)
Nope. I just bought one a couple of weeks ago. Mainly for Bioschock and the rpgs that have come out recently. Plus Mass Effect, Assassin Creed, Resident Evil 5, GTA 4 and bunch of other games that I can't think of.
[quote name='Moon Jump']Live Arcade and Virtua Fighter 5 for me. I like Halo but I can hold off on it for a month or two till all the hype dies down.[/quote]

I can't freakin wait for virtua fighter 5. :bouncy:
bread's done