DiRT 3 - General Discussion X-Games Asia Available Now 400 MPs

Yeah, I usually drift those corners or try at least. Found another borked race. BTW, once you hit level 30 you don't gain xp or level up any more so car choice can be purely based on car favorite and livery favorite, if it wasn't already.
JDawg, sorry I didn't respond last night, I meant to. When you messaged me I had just switched games to play with another group of friends since Nah Dew and a buddy of mine had just signed off Dirt 3 plus I only had about 20 minutes left online.

Boy my races online this weekend ranged from pure garbage (I'm not a fan of the old cars) to decent. Every damn time I would start to do decently and get the lead someone would bump me ever so slightly from behind or the side and make me spin out to 7th or 8th :( One match 2 guys were talking back and forth about how they never hit people and bitching about shitty drivers hitting them when they were the ones who each took me out in the next race. It sure would be nice if the match-making would pair you up with people of similar skill at least for online Tour mode.

When I got tired of the races I switched over to the Invasion/Transporter/Infection modes and had a blast. The Cat n Mouse mode is pretty fun too because the people chosen as Mice get a classic Mini Cooper while everyone else gets a modern car.

As for Gymkhana, I swear I just can't get a good multiplier. Then, for some reason even though I use the same monitor, vehicle setup and even controller I seem to do so much better on the PC vs 360.
No biggie. Another time.

Dirt2 was worse for bad drivers spinning you out, although it does seem to be happening to me more frequently now. Part of 2's problem was that alot of races put all 8 racers side by side at the start and the tracks narrow pretty soon forcing people to merge and judging by Atlanta traffic asking people to merge at slow speeds on the way to work is a problem let alone asking those same people to do it virtually at high speeds trying to win a race. At least 3 staggers everyone. In 2 I'd often hit the gas a half second late and let everyone jump ahead so I wouldn't get caught in the crashes.

I haven't gotten to try the party modes yet although they seem fun.

The first DLC has been released already. It's just one car with five liveries: the 70's Mark II and it's called the Colin McRae Vision pack and costs 160 points. Money or some portion goes to Colin's Vision charity. Because of this I went ahead and picked it up even though $2 for a car seems a little much cause I'm cheap. Looking in the garage there are more two more cars coming soon: a Mini in the Gymkhana class and a Mark II in the Open class. Both direct you to the marketplace to purchase, but nothing new besides the 70s Mark II is there.

Also, nah dew told me about this last night so I checked it out just now. Images of new upcoming DLC have been leaked. The pics are in spanish and my spanish is rusty, but the top two DLCs in the first pic are definitely car packs, the next two are race locations at Monte Carlo (historically this would be a tarmac rally in the mountains with snow on the side of the road and possiblity of ice/snow on the road) and X games Asia which were conspicuously missing from 3 after being in 2. The next smaller pack is various vehicles and the last one I dunno, horns or skins maybe at 4MB. There are also pics of a '88 BMW rally car loading screen, Monte Carlo intro screen and two MC rally action shots. Also talk of a Lancia S4 in the forum, but I just skimmed a few pages. DLC is great, but I hope it doesn't become nickel and diming especially since despite the track number the location number is admittedly light in this game (4 rally locations???).
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Oh come on now, with Dirt 2 we saw NO DLC whatsoever. Sure there was the unlock packs but hey I don't even use cheat guides lol. It was said in the developer hands on interview preview at Gamespot that the devs were planning big things for DLC. I like to hear that. I'll take a look at the Colin McRae Vision pack but sadly I have 115 points which really bugs me.
Thanks for posting the DLC link jdawg. I went ahead and bought it. I like this game so much that it seems to have weakened my CAG principles.

For anyone curious, I just got clarification from the game devs that other players who don't own the DLC car(s) will indeed see your DLC car in multiplayer.

Here's a quick video of the Escort I took just now using the Osiris livery:

And here's a clip of me totaling out on Trailblazer after hitting a road sign:
[quote name='Spybreak8']Oh come on now, with Dirt 2 we saw NO DLC whatsoever. Sure there was the unlock packs but hey I don't even use cheat guides lol. It was said in the developer hands on interview preview at Gamespot that the devs were planning big things for DLC. I like to hear that. I'll take a look at the Colin McRae Vision pack but sadly I have 115 points which really bugs me.[/QUOTE]Dirt 2 having a DLC section and then only releasing that unlock crap was a joke and severely disappointing. I like to hear about DLC packs, too. I'm just wondering how much all the DLC will cost. Instead of having say an upgrade pack with new cars and tracks at a new location which would probably be ten bucks, there are six seperate DLCs. I just wonder what the price points will be and if it will end up like NFS HP where all the DLC costs more than the game itself.
[quote name='jdawgg76']I just wonder what the price points will be and if it will end up like NFS HP where all the DLC costs more than the game itself.[/QUOTE]
Ugh, that would suck and I wish I could buy the DLC once across PC and 360 since they're tied to the same gamertag anyway.
[quote name='jdawgg76']Dirt 2 having a DLC section and then only releasing that unlock crap was a joke and severely disappointing. I like to hear about DLC packs, too. I'm just wondering how much all the DLC will cost. Instead of having say an upgrade pack with new cars and tracks at a new location which would probably be ten bucks, there are six seperate DLCs. I just wonder what the price points will be and if it will end up like NFS HP where all the DLC costs more than the game itself.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I didn't buy any DLC for NFS:HP, total rip off. If there's enough content to warrant my purchase I'll go for it. Yeah I just grabbed the Colin McRae Visions Pack, for charity sure why not (plus to show respect to the fallen).
[quote name='woodcan']Ugh, that would suck and I wish I could buy the DLC once across PC and 360 since they're tied to the same gamertag anyway.[/QUOTE]Ouch, that does suck. On the bright side there's probably some modding possible. I've already heard guys are working on 555 skins for the 90s subie. Seriously, besides the one CMR skin the skins for that car are disappointing especially since there isn't even a generic kind of subaru racing blue with gold wheels skin.

[quote name='Spybreak8']Yeah I didn't buy any DLC for NFS:HP, total rip off. If there's enough content to warrant my purchase I'll go for it. Yeah I just grabbed the Colin McRae Visions Pack, for charity sure why not (plus to show respect to the fallen).[/QUOTE]Interested in the NFS packs, but won't get them unless they go on sale. Another thought/worry thinking about the two locations. Monte Carlo is a larger download and should have a bunch of tracks for rally and maybe TB, but how much will the smaller download of X Games Asia have? 3 RallyX, maybe a H2H and a couple of Gymk? Are those equal value? I'm definitely with you though, SB, even though I'm cheap if there's enough value to the DLs I'll get them quick just to support CM, and rally games in the US and to enjoy of course :).

BTW, I saw another screenshot and one car pack is called mud and guts, another is something and glory, and another one is free car pack, but before anyone gets too excited that could be the VIP or preorder DL. Or not.
Vehicle listings from the two potential DLC packs have leaked by way of hacking. Bear in mind that this is unconfirmed, but some pretty convincing screenshots detail this:


That's 5 cars per pack. 160 MSP for the single Escort times 5 equals 800 MSP per pack, and of course the classic cars are split between the two packs! Dagnabbit and consarnit.
Love the title of the last video lol. Nailed it. Yeah I came around the corner and ran right through one of the shacks that's on the Kenya track, was fine and driving towards the road, but fb in case my time would be messed up.

Did the Gymkhana event in Monaco and got past 500K, had a sweet run but I think it had to do with such a great layout. One area where you can hit a bunch of foam smashes, spin around and then hit more smashes then drift through the big yellow drift gate. Yeah that got me some points. ^^

Oh and I love the Ford Fiesta, holy shit. I mean 350 bhp isn't enough so for Trailblazer events they turbo charge the thing to 800 bhp! I might just shit my pants flying down a narrow ass road, no guts no glory lol.
I always hit that area in that Monaco stage once I trigger 3X for MAJOR points. Definitely the best layout. Top score in the world is 900k or so!

Finished the final event! Now to go back and get a few firsts where I got seconds and plat some gymk. events. Couldn't plat the drift challenge in season 1 last night. Hit 140k several times but you need 145k. The spin challenge drove me crazy too as I kept getting 90k and almost filling the last triangle as time expired over and over again.

I have a total of 7 rallies that I cannot race due to the glitch. I'll list them specifically later to compare if anyone else has the issue. All pure rally events, one in season 2, two in season 3 and one in each triangle of season 4 which means that the rally triangle is still locked. Gonna make a note of it and send it to CM then try the fix. Patches are announced to be coming soon. There's a PC patch fix list on the CM forums and it will be soon and PS3/360 ones are planned and have to be certified. Another PC patch is already planned as well.
Anyone have occasions in Gymkhana/Rally/Trailblazer events where the ghost of another car may alter an obstacle and the obstacle derails your current run?

Myself and a buddy have had this happen, where a donut barrier gets bumped by a ghost in Gymkhana and knocks out our multiplier or a bumper from another ghost in TrailBlazer/Rally will physically slow you down/wreck you.

Other than that, I've enjoyed pretty much all of my single-player career; currently knocking out the missions. Feel free to shoot me a FR; tend to play EST evenings.
[quote name='jdawgg76']BTW, I saw another screenshot and one car pack is called mud and guts, another is something and glory, and another one is free car pack, but before anyone gets too excited that could be the VIP or preorder DL. Or not.[/QUOTE]

FYI, the PC version came with a Day 1 Free 5-car pack download but it wasn't clear what the hell it was. I'd have to go back and compare.
[quote name='notwen']Anyone have occasions in Gymkhana/Rally/Trailblazer events where the ghost of another car may alter an obstacle and the obstacle derails your current run?

Myself and a buddy have had this happen, where a donut barrier gets bumped by a ghost in Gymkhana and knocks out our multiplier or a bumper from another ghost in TrailBlazer/Rally will physically slow you down/wreck you.

Other than that, I've enjoyed pretty much all of my single-player career; currently knocking out the missions. Feel free to shoot me a FR; tend to play EST evenings.[/QUOTE]I've had bumps in tb/rally, but haven't played enough gk online to see that. Sometimes in rally/tb someone will hit an object and it lands in front of me and then I hit it. Happened in 2 as well. Honestly, I'd prefer to see no ghost cars in rally/tb. It's distracting and sometimes when they wreck I lose the road and then often wreck myself. It was worse in 2 though.

[quote name='woodcan']FYI, the PC version came with a Day 1 Free 5-car pack download but it wasn't clear what the hell it was. I'd have to go back and compare.[/QUOTE]Saw that this morning on a thread. Console users got those 5 cars with the VIP pass. I know it included the Hummer H3, but can't remember which others.
[quote name='jdawgg76']I've had bumps in tb/rally, but haven't played enough gk online to see that. Sometimes in rally/tb someone will hit an object and it lands in front of me and then I hit it. Happened in 2 as well. Honestly, I'd prefer to see no ghost cars in rally/tb. It's distracting and sometimes when they wreck I lose the road and then often wreck myself. It was worse in 2 though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, some times the dust/snow trail from ghosts can also take away from your view of the road.

According to ign Dirt 3 will have content released on a weekly basis with the CMR Vision pack being the first. No specifics on what's next week or pricing for anything yet.

Interesting that it says a new interview about Colin with technical consultants Ken Block, Kris Meeke and Mikko Hirvonen is posted cause when I look at MH's car his name isn't on it even though you'd think they would be able to since he worked on the game. Now that I think about it I haven't looked at Meeke's car.
That's odd, I don't have any glitches or have been interrupted by other ghosts. I'm able to complete all the events, just hit lvl 30 and working on Season 4 and all of the World Tours.

Lol ohhhh I now know the reason I haven't been affected by other ghosts, due to my satellite connection I just teleport through them lol >< It doesn't work out for me that well in Transporter though.
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I added a few of you guys to my friends list tonight. I usually have a group of four that I play with. So it'll be easier playing with CAGs instead of randoms who constantly wreck people online.
Man, Rally is a whole new ballpark when you're racing right next to your opponents compared to just the times at the end of the race. You're all nervous because you have instant feedback of where the other racer is located on the track. For some reason they always make it sound louder than it is, I mean it always sounds like they're right behind you, AI too, but they're not as close as it sounds.

Also holy shit is it fun to just mess around in the DC Compound online, reminds me of Burnout Paradise crazy fun. Everyone doing donuts, jumping and just fooling around.
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Quoted from a user on Codemaster's forums, have to agree:
weight transfer of the car plays a big role. it's something to pay attention to which you'll gain an intuitive feel for over time. the scandinavian flick is an extreme example of using the weight transfer to your advantage but moving the weight of the car around massaging the gas/brake/steering can change/improve turning into corners, pointing the car in the right direction during a slide, exiting corners, the attitude of the car in the air just before you leave a jump, etc, etc.

just remember, weight to the front of the car improves steering. weight to the rear lessens steering.

try this out in the compound and you'll see what i mean. drive in a straight line at medium speed and with your foot still on the gas turn in one direction and note the arc you take. now drive in a straight line with your foot on the gas, just before you turn, take your foot off the gas and turn the wheel, and note the arc. on a slippery surface, you might even spin a 180 when you do this. however, you can use this to your advantage by learning to counter steer and return to the gas as the rear of the car starts to come around and voila, you're in a beautiful slide.

I often just release my foot off the gas and turn, not brake and turn, when I'm trying to race at break neck speeds during a rally course. It's a slight difference that goes a long way. The handbrake can really help with the Scan flick, or any Gymkhana tricks that is, by getting the car's rear end around quicker than normal. Oh heck it's all fun sliding when it's wet. I love the weather integration and it makes me want to buy F1 2010.

Went and pulled off a sweet Platinum run in the power plant. Sweetness
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God, I crashed with terminal damage literally at the finish in a race yesterday. I had used all my flashbacks because I was really pushing it, and then I went and hit the gate at the finish. The front of my car was on the finish line, but I couldn't do anything about it. :(
[quote name='Spybreak8']I love the weather integration and it makes me want to buy F1 2010.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Let me know if you find a sweet deal :)
Late to the party but I was looking forward to DiRT 3 and while I like it, still find myself extremely disappointed in it. The Gymkhana crap is terrible. It's fun to tool around a parking lot and play on those courses, BUT, I can't stand that "drifting" is considered racing. It's a judged event based on artful interpretations of the obstacles, or some crap like that. While it's sure fun to watch, it has nothing to do with actual racing. This was the problem I had with NFS Shift 2. I don't want to have to be good at doing donuts, drifts, and spins around inflated cones in order to get all achievements. A gold medal should be enough, but these platinum medals are RIDICULOUS!!! I havn't even come near getting one, even with a very solid run on some of the courses. Why do games have to go and ruin the experience with stupid events like this. I would rather have rally courses that are longer than 2 miles. Also, it's called DiRT... why are we parking lot drifting?

All in all, this game is awesome aside from the drifting crap. The system works well for the drifting, versus many other attempts by games (GT5, looking in your direction!), but at least lower the difficulty in times/scores.

Anyway, if anyone wants to race, let me know. I'm Retom7 on XBL. I am done with season 2, finished the two opened parking lot areas, and raced the first full rally event in the rally world championships or whatever it is (I think Finland was the first stop?). Enjoying the game mostly!

Oh, another annoyance... who the hell keeps giving these driver's like Ken Block speaking time on games? Holy no personality. *monotone* "Hey man, you looked great out there. Looks like I have some serious competition." These guys may be good at what they do, but acting shouldn't be part of it. :)
@Spy, that's the only course that I'm close to getting platinum on. I keep missing one stupid smash, but the time is good on that one. I just got bored of it and figured I would go back at some point just to get my one platinum medal, lol
Well maybe it's because I'm a fan of drifting, I loved it in NFS:U, but Gymkhana will grow on you. I didn't really love it at first either but after a while you get better at it and try to get higher scores by chaining tricks and having a high multiplier (you'll want to plan it out in your head before hitting the arena as knowing where to go after a smash or spin will really help your score). It's very much like Tony Hawk or Skate. The Gymkhana events are passable and nobody is making you get Platinum on all the events (achievements aren't mandatory and anyways this would be something you might work on after you beat the game) lol. Gymkhana lets you practice knowing how to use weight transfer with a vehicle to your advantage. Considering you use this technique with cornering on all the other events I think it's relevant.

Notwen, nice work I couldn't beat the bobsled challenge but was going to revisit that event once I beat the game and try to go through getting golds for everything. If I recall I believe I got Silver for that challenge, yeah you really need to fly down that course.
[quote name='notwen']Just got the bobsled cheevo. Barely beat the sled w/ a very close 56.987s. =] You can watch me pass it poretty much last-second at the end of the 2nd clip.[/QUOTE]
Nice run. I've obviously gotta stop treating those posts like a skier making sure to hit from inside instead of sliding over some like you did. That should get me a lot closer to platinum.

As far as Gymkhana stuff goes, if I was in the mood I'd try for better results, but it's not hard to at least bronze any of them. I think I mostly got silver or gold and have started going back for plats. Don't forget you can use flashbacks on GK and DC Challenge stuff so if you flub a drift or whatever just rewind.

Just an FYI for achievement hunters, the big online achievement is attained at
level 35 or 250,000 fans.
I just hit 24 and have 60,000.

Played some of the party modes with frankysox, pure apathy, nah dew and some other friends and I gotta say they're fun and a nice change of pace. Outbreak is fun and Cat & MOuse is a blast.
I played against a guy online Saturday who had all but I think that Super Star achievement. That's crazy since the game hadn't even been out a week yet.

As for Gymkhana, I always think I'm doing well but I guess I play it too cautious and end up losing my multiplier especially since I always forget I have flashbacks to use. I watched one video online and the guy did almost the same thing I did on the LA Coliseum track and even messed up a few times but scored about 100K more than I did :whistle2:(

For those on my friends list, send me an inv or msg if I'm online playing Black Ops in the evening since I usually start out playing a few races in Dirt 3 and switch over to Black Ops if I don't see anyone online in Dirt. I'll typically switch back if I haven't just switched.
For the Gymkhana, like I said plan your run. If you can previz what you want to do you'll have a better score in the end.

I've been going through each of the World Tours and was flying down the snowy track in Rally when this happened:

Haha my car is lighter now but dang that's gotta be cold with no doors/windshield. :cold:
Well, I think I finally "figured out" Gymkhana last night and missed the 500K achievement by about 30K points on one of the setups.

Spybreak, nice flip recovery there :lol: Also, what was up with that car just parked there on the side of the track at the end :rofl:
[quote name='woodcan']Well, I think I finally "figured out" Gymkhana last night and missed the 500K achievement by about 30K points on one of the setups.

Spybreak, nice flip recovery there :lol: Also, what was up with that car just parked there on the side of the track at the end :rofl:[/QUOTE]

Congrats, yeah Gymkhana is a slow burn I believe

Yeah I know I didn't even have a prompt from my nav driver that there was a crash, it was like the AI was just sitting there waiting for me. :hot:

Nice Naw Dew, yeah I did that to a driver on that track but it's behind where that was going the other way right next to the part where the track has a slight S. Put him right into the wall of tires, or was it a guard rail, I don't remember. Smart drivers know to let off the gas and avoid that circumstance haha.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Nice Naw Dew, yeah I did that to a driver on that track but it's behind where that was going the other way right next to the part where the track has a slight S. Put him right into the wall of tires, or was it a guard rail, I don't remember. Smart drivers know to let off the gas and avoid that circumstance haha.[/QUOTE]

That Nixon RS200 was a bitch on that race, causing me to roll on the first lap and lose that front left tire. Got what was coming to him :)

Here's a funny little gym clip:

And probably the best clip I've uploaded so far:
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I don't think anybody has posted this yet but on the Dirt 3 facebook page they posted a link to their forum post that tracks the released and upcoming DLC. The DLC out this week is a lame quick unlock of all the cars and liveries

Also, playing with Spybreak the other night was.....interesting. We played a match of Infection with him and his car would be sitting parked up until someone went to tag him and he would teleport half-way across the map parked somewhere else :rofl: It's no wonder he's got that safe driver emblem if nobody can even touch him if they wanted to ;)
So I'm debating on maybe picking this up next week for $40. I already have Dirt 2, so I guess the question is, what's new / different / better /etc this time around?
[quote name='woodcan']I don't think anybody has posted this yet but on the Dirt 3 facebook page they posted a link to their forum post that tracks the released and upcoming DLC. The DLC out this week is a lame quick unlock of all the cars and liveries

Also, playing with Spybreak the other night was.....interesting. We played a match of Infection with him and his car would be sitting parked up until someone went to tag him and he would teleport half-way across the map parked somewhere else :rofl: It's no wonder he's got that safe driver emblem if nobody can even touch him if they wanted to ;)[/QUOTE]AWESOME! Now I won't feel bad playing Gears 2 all week trying to get my wings! I was hoping it wasn't Monte Carlo or something great this week. I can deal with this. Notice it just unlocks the SP cars and liveries, not the mp unlocks like horns and liveries.

Spybreaker definitely has an advantage in party games. I hit him three times in outbreak wondering why he wasn't infected before I realized Spy had joined the game and it was him. Played another guy like that the other day. He never teleported, but I hit him four times in transporter and the flag never switched. Not taps, but full on crashes, too.

Can't remember if any cags were left later that night, but we did some H2H racing in driver view in raid trucks. Fun.

[quote name='JStryke']So I'm debating on maybe picking this up next week for $40. I already have Dirt 2, so I guess the question is, what's new / different / better /etc this time around?[/QUOTE]Dirt 3 has the best control of the series, fun mp, looks amazing, gymkhana is not necessary to proceed except for a tutorial series of about five events. The rest can be skipped to beat the game, although alot of the DC challenge gk type of events tie in to rally racing. Also, gk is actually pretty fun if you give it a chance and try it out. I coulda cared less about doing it coming in, but now I find it alotta fun. The game's just a lot of fun and the next progression in the series. Personally, I love all three Dirt games I don't think they replace eachother, rather they complement eachother. I'm cheap and I don't mind for a second that I paid full price, but I am probably the biggest rally racing fan on here.
Any of you guys have regular time-frames of playing? We should try and arrange one or two nights to get a CAG party for some mp, whether it be party modes or the racing modes.

I'm generally on 8-10pm EST Sun-Thur and later Friday/Saturday if I'm on. Shoot me a FR and we can do try and do some work. =]
Haha oh man the cat's out of the bag, you know my secret now. Looks like I'm going to have to kill you. Yeah Infection, Transporter and anything else that's related to touch doesn't work well for me lol. I mean I can hit the crap out of someone but no virus is transfered or no flag is taken, it's weird. In order for me to "take" a flag I need to sit there for 2 minutes for my satellite connection to trigger the script. That's why I like the time valued results with the races. Oh and btw it's a two way street two so yeah you see me flying all over the place and as do I amigo. You should see me driving in GTAIV, no really I'm driving down the middle of the street but what they see is some drunk hobo knocking into every street lamp imaginable!

Finally nailed this corner, had to record it but something happened on the camera so apology for it being a bit blurry.
[quote name='jdawgg76']
Dirt 3 has the best control of the series, fun mp, looks amazing, gymkhana is not necessary to proceed except for a tutorial series of about five events. The rest can be skipped to beat the game, although alot of the DC challenge gk type of events tie in to rally racing. Also, gk is actually pretty fun if you give it a chance and try it out. I coulda cared less about doing it coming in, but now I find it alotta fun. The game's just a lot of fun and the next progression in the series. Personally, I love all three Dirt games I don't think they replace eachother, rather they complement eachother. I'm cheap and I don't mind for a second that I paid full price, but I am probably the biggest rally racing fan on here.[/QUOTE]

Hah, I love rally myself, I just wish it would get more exposure over here.

Does that HD channel from The Discovery Networks even still show WRC? I remember they did; but they would have the highlights from events that happened about 2-3 months later.
[quote name='jello44']Hah, I love rally myself, I just wish it would get more exposure over here.

Does that HD channel from The Discovery Networks even still show WRC? I remember they did; but they would have the highlights from events that happened about 2-3 months later.[/QUOTE]It's on HD Theater and about a two week delay now. One hour preview, three half hour daily updates, one hour recorded live episode of the super level, and a one hour wrap up with extras.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Gold on all DC Challenges.^^ Also hot damn does the Evo X look sexy in carbon fiber. :drool:[/QUOTE]

I finally platted all DC challenges yesterday. The drifting ones were the most difficult for me, I ended up...
keeping it in 2nd or 3rd gear pending the course
bread's done