Discuss E3!


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Share your thoughts about E3 2009. What do you think of the news already leaked or announced early? Where is the best place to watch live coverage of the Press Conferences? I was thinking Gametrailers and then maybe PSN/XBL. If there is already an E3 thread, feel free to delete this, but I did not find one when I searched.

Here are my E3 Predictions

- "Officially" announce PSP Go
- Confirm a Price Drop of the current PS3 models
- Update of PS3 Greatest Hits
- Expanded Little Big Planet Games (LBP is now a "platform") with the possibility of a kart game
- MAG, Heavy Rain, God of War 3 all 2010
- Heavy focus on Uncharted 2 for this holiday season
- Talking up the past few Sony games for the PS3 (Killzone 2 & Infamous) with new DLC.
- New Sly Cooper, Syphon Filter and Trico for PS3

- New Xbox 360 hardware product with a new name that they market tested with Wii owners. Possibly named "Xbox three sixty Life"
- Hulu support
- Premium Content subscriptions for HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, etc.
- NFL Network support, the ability to pay for a season and watch it streamed on your Xbox.
- Halo ODST Playable on the floor.
- Summer Blockbuster movies will be available before DVD/Blu Ray release including Star Trek, X-Men Origins: Wolverine & Up. Premium content available for these movies.
- New Xbox 360 will be bundled with an updated camera for motion tracking, Scene It, Your In The Movies and Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts.
- New Avatar games with "Club Houses" which will have basic Clan and Friend Support.
- Number of friends for Xbox Live has been increased.
- Exclusive Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2 and Assassins Creed 2 DLC and Episodes.
- EA Sports Active Bundle for Xbox 360 with DLC for exercises geared toward the type of workout you want.
- Social Networking integrated with Twitter & Facebook.

- Gloating about sales numbers compared to the competition.
- New DSi Ware games made by top developers.
- New New Super Mario Bros. game.
- DSi Virtual Console to Gameboy, Gameboy Color and GBA games.
- More Wii Balance and Wii Motion games.
- F-Zero Wii with new Wii Motion Wheel.
- New Donkey Kong Country type game based on Jungle Beat type graphics.
- New Wii Colors w/ different game bundles.
- Exclusive Star Wars Light Saber game with Wii Motion Plus possibly designed by Namco (based on a version of Soul Calibur game) will include a ton of characters and the ability to create your own Jedi or Sith.
- Apologizing about not showing the hardcore games because they were still being worked on but ending the show with a new Zelda game for Wii but not coming out till 2010. Teaming with Square Enix for new way to tell the Zelda story with different design concepts.
Discuss E3 eh... well, I have been posting in my blog about what I want to see and I'm going to do coverage every night!

Here are the top ten games I would like to see more of at E3:
10. DJ Hero - Yes, I know this one is an odd choice (and the only real odd one of my list), but I just want to give it a try. When I first saw Guitar Hero, I thought it was weird and pretty idiotic, but once I tried it I was hooked. Who knows, maybe the same thing will happen for this?
9. Uncharted 2 - Uncharted 1 was great and that new footage of Uncharted 2 looked suprisingly amazing, so I hope to get my hands on this!
8. Valves new title – I have no idea what it could be and had no idea they were going to announce any thing (until I watched GT’s top ten), but like everyone – I love Valve games. Hopefully it is Episode 3!
7. Beyond Good and Evil 2 - This game has been dropping in and out, and I'm wondering if it is even in existence anymore. The first game was truly an awe inspiring title and I have great faith that the team can improve and make this one even better.
6. God of War ]|[ - Actually, I have only completed GoW1 and 2 about a month or two ago. But that did not keep me from loving it. The game is awesome and the mythology based storyline makes me giddy. Hopefully, it will be playable.
5. Modern Warfare 2 - This one is simple, I loved COD4. And Modern Warefare 2 looks like more of the same... which is awesome.
4. Trico (the next Ico Team game) - Hiding away from the "leaked" trailers of the new Trico, I'm most definitely pumped up to see this one. Shadow of the Colossus was fantastic and I can't wait to see if they show the game beautifully on a big screen at Sony's conference.
3. Kojima's new game - that teaser that has seemingly been going on for a month or two now? I want to see it! If it is a new MGS game, it'd surely make me the happiest bear you'd ever see. Metal Gear has been my baby since I was a teen boy and it broke my soul to see MGS end at MGS4. Let there be hope!
2. Assassins Creed 2 - I've been obsessed with AC1, even going as far as setting up a budget outline in creating Atlairs outfit (around 1000 bucks), needless to say it is my favorite looking game ever. And AC2 looks even better.
1. Mass Effect 2 - I just finished Mass Effect 1 and it has quickly become my favorite game of all time. It's the greatest Scifi experience in any medium (even beating out Star Wars and closely Firefly). Yea, I like it that much. And Mass Effect 2 seems to be doing the impossible and topping the first. Cannot wait.
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[quote name='DarkNessBear']It's the greatest Scifi experience in any genre (even beating out Star Wars and closely Firefly).[/quote]

I think you meant medium, not genre. [/nitpick]
[quote name='rickonker']I think you meant medium, not genre. [/nitpick][/QUOTE]
Ah, thanks for the catch. Have it the right way somewhere else...
I think one thing is that there will be very few surprises at least for this year. Its like, if it was rumored then it is true for this year. We know what the big games are going to be, there isn't anything flying under the radar that is magically going to come out this holiday I feel.
[quote name='bardockkun']Braced and prepared for disappointment....NOW![/QUOTE]

Same here. I feel the only worthwhile stuff is gonna come from Microsoft, and I don't have a 360, so... :X
I really hope Nintendo have something better for us this year. Hopefully a trailer for a new Zelda game and maybe a release date for Spirit Tracks.
Does it begin today, or tomorrow? I know that MSFT is tomorrow, Nintendo I believe is Tuesday, and I assume Sony will be Wednesday, but im not sure.
maybe there will be new Kingdom Hearts news. like the ds game that has yet to come out or a new ps3 game. not like it matters much since they killed the damn series with KH2. nintendo will bring out some of their system standards with maybe one new game being bought back from the grave. i mostly cant wait to hear more about dead rising 2. sucks that lost planet 2 seems to be a xbox exclusive......for now.........
[quote name='Frank784']Does it begin today, or tomorrow? I know that MSFT is tomorrow, Nintendo I believe is Tuesday, and I assume Sony will be Wednesday, but im not sure.[/QUOTE]

Microsoft is tomorrow, Nintendo & Sony will have their's on Tuesday a couple of hours after one another.

If you have Comcast cable you can watch them live on G4 and probably on www.g4tv.com. There will probably be several places on the web that will have them too.

Microsoft Press Conference is at 10:30 am PT/1:30 pm ET June 1st
Nintendo is at 9:00 am PT/12:00 pm ET June 2nd
Sony is 11:00 am PT/2:00 pm ET June 2nd

I'm sad because I will be at work and I don't have access to a computer but I will be reading updates from my phone.

G4 will also have coverage of the Ubisoft and EA press conferences at 4:30 pm ET on June 1st.
Geoff Keighley is saying on twitter that thethe MSFT is moving up the start time by 5 minutes due to a last minute surprise. Think I"m turning off the pc for the next 14 hours to enjoy the show a hell of alot more.
Some great posts guys. I don't get G4. I'll try Gametrailers first since this type of stuff is their expertise. Where did you get that link Cao Cao? This is the one I found via Gametrailers (which looks worse): http://www.gametrailers.com/e3/?show=Press+Conferences#Content
Then I might also visit IGN or GS. Last year I did Kotaku but I think it was just text.

I'm hoping for
-Trico news and possible release date or at least timeframe.
-Looking forward to a few unannounced games
-Gran Turismo 5 versus Forza 3
-Gran Turismo on PSP
-Metal Gear on PSP
-DSi enhanced game cards
-New XBLA & PSN games, including those releasing during E3
-Onlive announcements
-PS1 releases on PSN
-Hardware announcements (new SKUS, etc)
Google search. Apparently, GameTrailers runs E3 Insider, the "official" E3 video site. Who knows, that kind of designation might give their live feed an advantage.
Pretty extensive list, my responses in blue:

[quote name='bingbangboom']Here are my E3 Predictions

- "Officially" announce PSP Go Already leaked from early release of Qore Magazine for June
- Confirm a Price Drop of the current PS3 models Won't happen until Tokyo Game Show if you believe the latest rumors regarding the "leaked PS3 Slim"
- Update of PS3 Greatest Hits Already announced for June 16, there's a thread in the deals section
- Expanded Little Big Planet Games (LBP is now a "platform") with the possibility of a kart game Really likely; I've not played LBP as I'm not that into making my own levels but I'll probably try it when it goes GH.
- MAG, Heavy Rain, God of War 3 all 2010 I really think GoW will be this year but you're definately right on MAG and probably Heavy Rain.
- Heavy focus on Uncharted 2 for this holiday season Yeah also depending on whether GoW is 09 or 2010.
- Talking up the past few Sony games for the PS3 (Killzone 2 & Infamous) with new DLC. Killzone 2 DLC has been a joke releasing maps in packs of 2 for $6/pack. Don't really see how they are going to add DLC for Infamous unless it's some type of epilogue or they really makes changes to the powers menu or map as there's no room to expand.
- New Sly Cooper, Syphon Filter and Trico for PS3 You're most likely correct on SF and new Team Ico game, not sure if Sony wants to steal Sucker Punch's thunder from Infamous with a Sly Cooper announcement.

- New Xbox 360 hardware product with a new name that they market tested with Wii owners. Possibly named "Xbox three sixty Life" I doubt this unless you're counting the rumored motion controller.
- Hulu support I doubt this as it would KILL their Marketplace sales.
- Premium Content subscriptions for HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, etc. I would love this so I could watch stuff like True Blood (just now watching season 1 from the Blu-Ray retail release) but if they don't do it with Apple, why would they do it with MS?
- NFL Network support, the ability to pay for a season and watch it streamed on your Xbox. This seems more likely than your previous prediction and I would love it as I'm a Bears fan in St. Louis and I only get to see the games that are national broadcast (Sunday/Monday night) unless the Rams are off that week.
- Halo ODST Playable on the floor. Very likely and don't forget the Halo: Reach leak from the Bungie.net forums
- Summer Blockbuster movies will be available before DVD/Blu Ray release including Star Trek, X-Men Origins: Wolverine & Up. Premium content available for these movies. Serious doubt it as again why would they do this for MS vs. Apple or any of the satellite/cable companies
- New Xbox 360 will be bundled with an updated camera for motion tracking, Scene It, Your In The Movies and Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. More likely that a fully rebranded console, but if MS is making money off people buying the camera seperately, will they stop doing it?
- New Avatar games with "Club Houses" which will have basic Clan and Friend Support. Very likely.
- Number of friends for Xbox Live has been increased. Most requested feature and if they could figure out how to do it without screwing up original XBox support (E has said original XBox games have the friends list "hardwired" at 100) then I'm sure they would do it immediately
- Exclusive Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2 and Assassins Creed 2 DLC and Episodes. Extremely likely
- EA Sports Active Bundle for Xbox 360 with DLC for exercises geared toward the type of workout you want. If it does happen, I bet this is how they bundle the new motion controller
- Social Networking integrated with Twitter & Facebook. Would be really cool if they did it, but they've never opened up the Live network for anything so I don't see them starting to now.These types of things will be reserved for the Zune HD (and hopefully somewhat with the original design Zunes.)

- Gloating about sales numbers compared to the competition. Believe It! (Naruto voice)
- New DSi Ware games made by top developers. Believe It!
- New New Super Mario Bros. game. Pretty likely
- DSi Virtual Console to Gameboy, Gameboy Color and GBA games. Pretty likely as they love to resell games on new platforms
- More Wii Balance and Wii Motion games. Bet the house on it as it'll probably be Wii Fit 2
- F-Zero Wii with new Wii Motion Wheel. Would be nice but do they feel they need it?
- New Donkey Kong Country type game based on Jungle Beat type graphics. Don't think they'll do it as they don't feel they need stuff for "core" gamers
- New Wii Colors w/ different game bundles. Pretty likely
- Exclusive Star Wars Light Saber game with Wii Motion Plus possibly designed by Namco (based on a version of Soul Calibur game) will include a ton of characters and the ability to create your own Jedi or Sith. Have they made up with LucasArts over the Wii Motion Plus debacle when no one knew it was coming out and couldn't develop anything for it?
- Apologizing about not showing the hardcore games because they were still being worked on but ending the show with a new Zelda game for Wii but not coming out till 2010. Teaming with Square Enix for new way to tell the Zelda story with different design concepts. There's rumors of a new Mario game so it'll probably be one or the other. Don't think they'll let anyone outside Nintendo touch anything about Zelda for a major release. Only time they did was when they let Capcom do the work on taking the Four Swords mini-game from the GBA release and turning it into a full 4-player Zelda GBA game.[/QUOTE]
I really hope G4 has learned their lesson from their HORRIBLE live feeds of the press conferences from 07 and will do at least the Big 3 as commercial free broadcasts.
I doubt Activision is going to allow IW to make exclusive DLC for their biggest game of the year. Same thing with Assassin's Creed too, there is way too much money to make. Hulu, TV streaming to 360...not in America. Hulu would cut the Netflix support, too. They'd also need a browser to make that work. EA Sports Active on 360...uh...wait til next year maybe?

Home like Avatar gathering system? Please, for the love of God, no.

EDIT: I believe they're commercial free this year. In 07...it was horrendous, especially for Microsoft's Conference when they cut out during the Halo 3 trailer. Which was sorta funny, too.
[quote name='KingBroly']I doubt Activision is going to allow IW to make exclusive DLC for their biggest game of the year. Same thing with Assassin's Creed too, there is way too much money to make. Hulu, TV streaming to 360...not in America. Hulu would cut the Netflix support, too. They'd also need a browser to make that work. EA Sports Active on 360...uh...wait til next year maybe?

Home like Avatar gathering system? Please, for the love of God, no.

EDIT: I believe they're commercial free this year. In 07...it was horrendous, especially for Microsoft's Conference when they cut out during the Halo 3 trailer. Which was sorta funny, too.[/QUOTE]

Yeah and don't forget cutting into the walkthroughs of Mass Effect and CoD 4, the other two good parts of that show (outside of that HS band playing the Halo theme with the chick playing it on violin.)

This is with exclusive DLC I'm sure there's some type of payment made to get it exclusive (looks at GTA IV) for at least a year so I'm sure that would make up for losing sales on the PS3. Plus like with Fallout, PS3 owners will probably buy it after you release it a year later so you essentially get double payment.

If it's not MW2 then it will be someone from a big 3rd party title I would think given the recent track record. Also if they are able to keep Mass Effect as a 360/PC exclusive that will probably be a major coup as well.
I think the deal with Mass Effect is that it was originally planned to be published by Microsoft. So I don't know if Sony could get it or not because of that.

The thing with Modern Warfare 2 is that there's no real benefit to Activision to make any kind of exclusive DLC for it. The only kind of exclusive DLC that would be worth it for any big third party game would be Bioshock 2 or Final Fantasy XIII (but that's unlikely since Square doesn't seem too keen on the whole DLC thing)
I'm just wondering about Mass Effect as Microsoft was the publisher on No. 1 when Bioware was independent but now EA is the publisher as the owner of Bioware (CAG kitae who works at Bioware confirmed EA is the publisher) so that puts a new perspective on it.

I just think if Microsoft looks at Sony's potential Christmas lineup vs. their own getting exclusive DLC for a AA/AAA third-party title at a slight premium is a sure fire way of plugging any holes in your software lineup. Bioshock 2 is a likely candidate as is Assassins' Creed 2. I think just getting FF XIII on 360 is a big enough feature and like you said Square Enix has yet to do any DLC outside of having their WiiWare titles come out in multiple parts.
I don't think AC2 is a likely candidate as AC2 sold really well on both consoles (nearly 50/50). The thing with Mass Effect is that since EA picked up the publishing rights I'm guessing they had to deal with Microsoft to keep it 360/PC exclusive at least for a while.
It's a slow day at work, so I figure that I'll keep an eye on the MSFT Press Conference. What are some sites doing a live feed/blog? The ones already listed are all blocked by the company filter. I remember finding the Nintendo one last year at some random obscure site, so hopefully I can find it again.
The first big news so far is probably Sony's unfortunate "PSP Go" leak. Now, it has yet to be officially confirmed. But the source it came from makes it all but innevitable.

I've been hearing a lot of gamers ripping on the PSP Go on a lot of the other boards I frequent. Personally, I think this is the proper direction for Sony to take the PSP platform in. The PSP's biggest problems are its portability, and rampant piracy. The PSP isn't currently portable enough, it isn't designed to optimize a handheld, on-the-go experience. And piracy makes the system far more valuable for its hardware than its software. The Go is designed specifically to address both those concerns.

-Removing the UMD format and replacing it with flash memory will give the system's battery live a much-needed shot in the arm. The smaller screen will also positively affect the battery life. A long battery life is much better for a handheld.
-Tieing the system to an on-line download service will seriously cut back on piracy. Setting a precedent for a retail equivalent with Patapon 2 will help keep retailers happy. Even if the hardware does get hacked, the on-line service will not be. (or if it does, it won't stay hacked for long) Sony will be able to combat piracy directly by copy-protecting their on-line distribution.
-Smaller form-factor and much lighter weight will both be better for portability. The PSP Go is going to be lighter than any other handheld, even the DSi. That featherweight combined with the smaller screen and smaller form-factor will make for a very convenient handheld.
[quote name='Malik112099']Actually crytek already had cryengine running on both the ps3 & 360 last year.[/QUOTE]

Crysis was running in tech demo form on that version of the CryEngine. Crytek has repeatedly said that the full game of Crysis with the same code and everything wasn't possible on that specific version of the CryEngine. That's why they developed a new engine, one that worked across all platforms. They need to make money just like every other developer, having Crysis on PC, 360, and PS3 is the best way to make money.
I wish I could go to E3. I only live 2 blocks away. If I didn't just get out of work, I would had gone to the Microsoft press conference.
lol, the gaf is broken.

I cant find gametrailers stream, maybe it's not up yet, but IGN's is


it works real well too.

it's like going to the movies... they jus showing trailers n shyt before the actual conference starts


IGN stream was working like a dream for me...

but then someone called me so I hit pause...

then when I resumed it began to sync/catch up so I was like eff it and hit F5 instead.

now I'm screwed X_X neither this nor gametrailers is working for anyone lol.

word of advice, show up to the stream well before the conference begins

-edit 2-

ahhh! it works again now! IGN stream!

apparently, it's a bit delayed in comparison to kotaku live blog.

like by 4 minutes...
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Gametrailers won't work. IGN wants me to install shit. Thank god Gamestop is working. But now I've missed so much of the conference... :( JEKKI why are you posting here I thought you said (still trying to figure out what the hell you meant, but I think it was a this thread shouldn't exist type of shit):
[quote name='JEKKI']

I got another call... now the IGN stream stalled when I returned >_<

trying to work + pay attention to this stuff is lol


sweet! gamespot does work!!
[quote name='BillyBob29']Metal Gear Rising on the 360? Anyone seen confirmation of this?[/QUOTE]Kojima went onstage and confirmed it.
I will admit, Microsoft killed it on so many levels except for one... where the hell are the games?!?!

aint no games they announced excite me save MGS and the Cliffy B game... and maybe Alan Wake. innovation is good but the Wii already has plenty of haters.

[quote name='J7.']:( JEKKI why are you posting here I thought you said (still trying to figure out what the hell you meant, but I think it was a this thread shouldn't exist type of shit):[/QUOTE]lol u mad.

nothing to figure out, if u dont get it then u dont get it.
[quote name='BillyBob29']Metal Gear Rising on the 360? Anyone seen confirmation of this?[/QUOTE]

Yes, Kojima showed a short teaser. It's what the web site was hinting at.

Ah, and Peter Molyneux's new project? Essentially, it's Seaman.
is Meal Gear Solid Rising 360 only?

they said "all games after this are 360 only", but it didnt say 360 only on the screens.
Reactions to the X360 press conference from a PS3 centric player.

@Splinter Cell: Conviction
My game of the show. The delay went to good use, much more distinct.

@Forza Motorsport 3
If I had an X360 this would be an easy choice over NfS: Shift and Gran Turismo 5. Makes me wonder if all the time on GT5 will be worth it when it finally releases?

@Shadow Complex
Shame it bugged out on them, wanted to see more, should've of just pre-recorded these live demos to avoid that happening.

@Alan Wake
Heavy Rain, eat your heart out. The game Alone in the Dark wanted to portray.

@Halo 3: ODST
Eh... suppressed weapons in Halo? The whole flashback segment wanted to be Call of Duty, but failed. I bet the Fireteam mode will be the real attraction.

@Halo: Reach
Hope the multiplayer beta invitation reimagines what Halo is all about or at least no last-gen ladder climb animations.

@Left 4 Dead 2
Quick sequel for Valve. Makes me think it'll feel like an expansion and not worth full price.

@Crackdown 2
Not interested in these games, wasn't interested in inFAMOUS so it's not because I'm pro-PS3.

@Metal Gear Solid: Rising
No... it was supposed to be PS3's! Curses. Splinter Cell: Conviction better be timed exclusive (if it is then I'm fine with MGS:R on X360). I knew it looked like Raiden, pizzah to all posts saying it was Gray Fox (I only played MGS4:GotP).

@The Avatar couch.
Best use of the avatars yet. Emotion wheel and all.

@The motion sensor camera announcement.
At least we know why those cameras, bundled with You're in the Movies, were so cheap a couple months back, heh. Mind boggling technology.

@Modern Warfare 2
Alright, it'll be worth full price, but they better have just as much maps available at launch as CoD4:MW did or else I'd be thinking they took out a few maps for the 2 timed exclusive map packs. You know what, I'll just wait till Christmas to get it since the last two CoD's were on sale for $40 by then and maybe I'll even join a gameshare group for the PS3 so as to only pay 1/5 the price of all Modern Warfare 2 content (Activision is so aggravating these days).

@The Beatles Rock Band
Best. Trailer. Ever.

Sony and Nintendo should be lucky to present half the show-stoppers Microsoft did.
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[quote name='JEKKI']I would assume Rising is xbox exclusive.

but I'm sure that is not the only think koji pro has to offer[/QUOTE]

I would say if it was an exclusive then MS would have plastered that everywhere during the conference as an exclusive MG title would be huge news. I would guess PS360.
bread's done