Disney Infinity Deals Compilation Thread Mk. II - Adios Infinity - Best Buy Flash Sale 5/20


26 (100%)

Best Buy Flash Sale!

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That's just concept art for the 3 brands. It's not the new lineup. Maybe for Star Wars it is, but that's because they don't have any older figures. The other two images have a mixture. Heck, there's already confirmed originals who aren't in that picture. I doubt we're getting any reposes (unless you count Classic Mickey, who is confirmed, or Hulkbuster Iron Man. The latter could also conceivably be a costume power disc, as I don't think we've seen a figure yet.)
They showed a Hulkbuster Iron Man figure in the video Game Informer has in their cover story. Would have been pretty lame if it was just a costume power disc, imo.

Edit: Ninja'd.
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I didn't spot that.  I figured it was probably a fig, because really, that's something people would want to have in their collections, but I left open the possibility because I hadn't seen it.  Thanks guys.

why announce a Star Wars themed DI the day AFTER the May the Fourth be with you hoopla day?
Because they gave the exclusive to a print magazine that apparently wasn't going to press until the 5th. Seems pretty dumb that they couldn't have posted it a day early given that the only way to get the info for roughly two weeks until the magazine comes out is to subscribe digitally, but in any case it wasn't the Infinity team's call.

In other news, a reddit user has a target ad grab showing 50% off of all Infinity items including starters, characters, and playsets.


I assume the discount is based on the "regular prices" that haven't been active for weeks - e.g. $13.99 for 2.0 figures - and not the current prices ($8-10 for 2.0 figures), but $7 is not bad and I'm sure you fine folks will achieve epic feats of price matching and discount stacking.

Thread title is funny because this is the first one I'm going to wait on sales for. I was prepared to throw money at it, but good going on putting the two characters I don't give a flying fuck about in the starter pack.

Half price at Best Buy + GCU in November, now you're talkin.
I hate these so much because I can't stop collecting them even though I never touched the game. ugh.

At least they look cool for display. 

I hate these so much because I can't stop collecting them even though I never touched the game. ugh.
At least they look cool for display.
There's nothing wrong with that. Be thankful they're selling the play sets separately now so you're not forced into buying the starter set to get Anakin and Ashoka.
As someone who doesn't actually care about the physical toys and having to use the portal, I have to say the PC version is damn good.  It runs easily at 60FPS which is way above the XB1 version I had.  You can easily swap between characters.  It's so much cheaper as you just need the web codes for the starter packs and characters which sell for very cheap on eBay.

I noticed that while Disney Infinity 3.0 is announced for PC, there are no physical starter packs for it so I'm guessing it will work the same as 2.0.  

They've confirmed a base-less starter pack and I've read rumors that the software will be available separately for purchase as well.
In the US, the announced options are the starter pack or digital download. The advantage/disadvantage to digital is that it's on your account (can't lose/break the disc, can't sell the disc) and you aren't forced to buy the Twilight of the Republic playset (effectively at full MSRP if you're pre-ordering the starter for $65). Europe has two additional options, buying the disc loose and buying the disc bundled with the playset but not a base.

At this point it's pure speculation whether there will be additional starter options. If they don't offer Marvel/Disney starters then the respective playsets will need to have instructions on the back of the box to buy either the Star Wars 3.0 starter or a 2.0 starter and a digital download, which in my opinion is pretty convoluted given that they don't allow Marvel and Disney to exist on the same package in 2.0.

Overall, I'm not impressed with taking only $10 off the MSRP but removing the third figure ($15) and the toy box discs ($20). I also feel like they deliberately chose the least desired of the three SW playsets because they figure people will buy the other two but might have skipped Clone Wars if the starter had come with original trilogy. The only silver lining is that the new starter is effectively a disc, a base, and a playset pack. So in principle if there are additional starters the only thing you'd be missing would be the playset pack, which would be available separately. It's a bit less wasteful than 2.0 where it was more cost effective to buy the second redundant starter than get the additional figures and toy box game discs separately.

In the US, the announced options are the starter pack or digital download. The advantage/disadvantage to digital is that it's on your account (can't lose/break the disc, can't sell the disc) and you aren't forced to buy the Twilight of the Republic playset (effectively at full MSRP if you're pre-ordering the starter for $65). Europe has two additional options, buying the disc loose and buying the disc bundled with the playset but not a base.

At this point it's pure speculation whether there will be additional starter options. If they don't offer Marvel/Disney starters then the respective playsets will need to have instructions on the back of the box to buy either the Star Wars 3.0 starter or a 2.0 starter and a digital download, which in my opinion is pretty convoluted given that they don't allow Marvel and Disney to exist on the same package in 2.0.

Overall, I'm not impressed with taking only $10 off the MSRP but removing the third figure ($15) and the toy box discs ($20). I also feel like they deliberately chose the least desired of the three SW playsets because they figure people will buy the other two but might have skipped Clone Wars if the starter had come with original trilogy. The only silver lining is that the new starter is effectively a disc, a base, and a playset pack. So in principle if there are additional starters the only thing you'd be missing would be the playset pack, which would be available separately. It's a bit less wasteful than 2.0 where it was more cost effective to buy the second redundant starter than get the additional figures and toy box game discs separately.
So I'm guessing the software & play set bundle mentioned in this image is only for the UK then?

Anyone know if the black costume Spider-Man is truly a GS exclusive or is it a timed exclusive?

I would really like to get the figure, but wouldn't rather not pay $60 for it...

Anyone know if the black costume Spider-Man is truly a GS exclusive or is it a timed exclusive?

I would really like to get the figure, but wouldn't rather not pay $60 for it...
Black costume Spider-Man is only available in the Vita starter set. So it'll be the rarest figure ever, because I can't imagine many Vita owners buying the set.

Anyone know if the black costume Spider-Man is truly a GS exclusive or is it a timed exclusive?

I would really like to get the figure, but wouldn't rather not pay $60 for it...
Not only do I doubt it's just a timed exclusive but I doubt it'll be very plentiful. Given the state of the vita, and the fact that this is coming over 6 months after the initial release, I'm betting they won't exactly be going overboard on printing this set.
Yeah, I figured the set would be rare, was just hoping they would eventually sell the figure separately. Sounds like that doesn't sound likely though.

Thanks again to you both.

Not only do I doubt it's just a timed exclusive but I doubt it'll be very plentiful. Given the state of the vita, and the fact that this is coming over 6 months after the initial release, I'm betting they won't exactly be going overboard on printing this set.
It's going to be really difficult to get that Black Suit Spiderman for a decent price. I'll hunt for it on eBay but will only buy it if it's at a good price.

I wish they would release it separately though, as I'm sure a lot of people would like to pick it up without having to buy the Vita starter pack. That almost assuredly won't happen, unfortunately.

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Got an email, Saturday is Disney Infinity day at GS. A few different deals, but the Vita edition comes with a free Avengers playset pack. Not great for those of us that already have it, but it may be hard to find other deals on this. Also should come with the newish rare disc pack, as any DI purchase over $10 should come with that.
It's also available to pre-order at Best Buy for $52 with GCU right here.

You also get $10 in reward certificates for pre-ordering as well as a mysterious "White" pre-order bonus.

All of that combined got me to pre-order despite my previous decision to wait for a sale.

Can't wait for release day! :D

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It's also available to pre-order at Best Buy for $52 with GCU right here.

You also get $10 in reward certificates for pre-ordering as well as a mysterious "White" pre-order bonus.

All of that combined got me to pre-order despite my previous decision to wait for a sale.

Can't wait for release day! :D
If the preorder bonus is some kind of exclusive figure, preorder only bonus then I'd definitely preorder. Activision has done it before with Skylanders, why can't Disney do it with Infinity?
Hope they release this before blackfriday... So i can wait and pick this game up at a reduced price during that said time. No need to purchase this at full price.
Hope they release this before blackfriday... So i can wait and pick this game up at a reduced price during that said time. No need to purchase this at full price.
With Star Wars being added to this nonsense it looks like I'll finally be buying into this. I hate you Disney for finding my weakness.
Any word on a collector's edition of 3.0 like the Marvel one that came with ice troll? I'd be all over a statue of Jabba the Hutt or the Rancor.

Any word on a collector's edition of 3.0 like the Marvel one that came with ice troll? I'd be all over a statue of Jabba the Hutt or the Rancor.
That was asked during the livestream today and JV said that they didn't have anything to talk about in regards to that right now but to stay tuned.

Infinity Inquirer took that to mean there would be one for sure and I agree with him. Hope it looks as good as the Marvel one! :)
So the Avengers playset free with the vita Starter when purchased tomorrow made me decide to go ahead and preorder the Vita Starter pack.

Unfortunately the store I preordered to ship to says that they don't have the Avengers playset in stock and won't be able to honor the deal tomorrow.

The other GS stores I called have no idea whether they will be getting any in tomorrow so I'm not sure what I'm going to do now...

I was at HPB and I noticed they had discs for 1.99. There was a dumbo rare sitting in the bin. I put it on hold, but I will probably pick it up.

Totally forgot about the Vita Spidey set. Ran up to GS to preorder it. Glad I did since the guy said they only had 2, and the other was preordered as well.

I feel like it will be annoying as hell to find later. And not likely for less than MSRP

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Hopefully they've learned their lessons with Playset gameplay. The 2.0 playsets were boring as hell and all essentially the same.
Avengers and SM used the same overworld (though they took place in different sections of the city - Spidey gets stopped if he tries to visit Avengers tower), but each playset had a different focus. Avengers was all about fisticuffs, Spider-Man was about puzzles, and GOTG emphasized platforming and gun battles. With all the crossovers going on in the comic world, it was asinine to limit sets to certain characters, especially with Nick Fury fitting in better with the Avengers (which he plays a major role and is unplayable in) than SM (his playable set, yet the universe in which he is generally a more minor presence). In fact, kids don't give a flip about brand purity. Disney owns Marvel, so don't give me any contractual crap. Give us all characters in all playsets, like Skylanders. If it really bothers them, have it as an unlockable "free play" option, like the Lego games do. If your daughter wants to take on Loki with Elsa, let her do it! All the marketing touting "unlimited imagination" and we can't even let kids get the matchups they want.

If the separation is to get you to buy more characters, I've got an idea - make characters that people want, and have them play so well that people will want them regardless of playset compatibility.

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Totally forgot about the Vita Spidey set. Ran up to GS to preorder it. Glad I did since the guy said they only had 2, and the other was preordered as well.

I feel like it will be annoying as hell to find later. And not likely for less than MSTP
I'm really getting the impression this is gonna be a relatively low print run item.

I also feel like the only reason it is seeing the light of day at all is because of contractual obligations to Sony. Essentially, I'm betting part of their co-marketing deal included a requirement that Disney release a Vita version of 2.0. they both realize now that it isn't going to sell much at all so they plan on at least getting something out the door to satisfy their obligation. The GameStop exclusive part probably wasn't even GameStop giving something up for the exclusive but rather more so the fact that no other major retailer wanted to carry it.

Then again, despite the fact that I love my Vita, I've become a real pessimist toward it's prospects lately. So that might be where some of my feelings about this release come from. That having been said, mine's been preordered for almost 2 weeks and I'll be picking it up in a few hours... I'm just fascinated to see how this version works out. Worst case scenario though, I feel like black suit spidey could end up being one of the rarest figures, outside of perhaps D23 Mickey.
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I'm still not sure whether the figure is going to be a permanent exclusive or a timed exclusive.

The wording in the Polygon article sounds like it may just be a timed exclusive:

"The Starter Pack features the new Black Suit Spider-Man figure, which is debuting exclusively in the Vita port of Disney Infinity 2.0".

Seems like it would be too popular to be a true exclusive forever for this obscure port...

I'm really getting the impression this is gonna be a relatively low print run item.

I also feel like the only reason it is seeing the light of day at all is because of contractual obligations to Sony. Essentially, I'm betting part of their co-marketing deal included a requirement that Disney release a Vita version of 2.0. they both realize now that it isn't going to sell much at all so they plan on at least getting something out the door to satisfy their obligation. The GameStop exclusive part probably wasn't even GameStop giving something up for the exclusive but rather more so the fact that no other major retailer wanted to carry it.

Then again, despite the fact that I love my Vita, I've become a real pessimist toward it's prospects lately. So that might be where some of my feelings about this release come from. That having been said, mine's been preordered for almost 2 weeks and I'll be picking it up in a few hours... I'm just fascinated to see how this version works out. Worst case scenario though, I feel like black suit spidey could end up being one of the rarest figures, outside of perhaps D23 Mickey.
bread's done