DIY System Configurator?


Dunno if this is the right place to post this, but I figured this was the best fit.

I (like many here, I imagine), am planning on building a new rig with the tax refund I expect to receive from the IRS. I'm not entirely sure of the parts yet, though; I've got a bunch of possibilities I'm looking at for each component.

What I'd like to do is set up some kind of program where I can enter in the components I'm considering for each category and their prices, and then select one from each category to get the total. Kind of like the system configurators on the various "Customize Your Own PC" websites, only I choose the possible parts, and once I pick a set-up, will build it myself.

Does anyone know of a program that does this? Or a way to do this using an existing program (maybe excel)? Help!
whoa, thatd be pretty sweet... doubt it exists tho... Ive built a few pcs if you need advice on anything feel free to pm me.
bread's done