DJ AM Dead

[quote name='wildcpac']Guy survived a plane crash last year and dies of a drug OD.[/QUOTE]

Well, at least he was valuing his second chance at life...

That is weird. RIP
he got the worst of the crash though didnt he? i know they both got burnt pretty bad but i was under the impression one was more fucked up than the other.
It might have been pain killers he was taking due to the trama he had from the crash. I would put my money on that.

Too bad he blew his second chance at life. He played at one of my companies xmas parties, he was an ok DJ not as bad as some people make out.
[quote name='donteatsoap7']I bet MJ will still be breaking news[/QUOTE]

Probably for a long time to come too.


3 months later


Sucks, but MJ will overshadow even the biggest losses, Sen Kennedy. And DJ AM will probably be seen even less.

[quote name='craven_fiend']Probably for a long time to come too.


3 months later


Sucks, but MJ will overshadow even the biggest losses, Sen Kennedy. And DJ AM will probably be seen even less.


DJ AM biggest loss? I must of read that wrong
I don't know if it's just SoCal, but most of the people around here mourn that guy more than Sen. Kennedy. Strange.
I'm in So Cal and have no idea who the hell DJ AM is nor do I care. Senator Kennedy I also do not care about. He did little to no things productive of viewpoints I stand for in addition to working against President Reagan to 'deal with' the Russians.
[quote name='Magehart']I'm in So Cal and have no idea who the hell DJ AM is nor do I care. Senator Kennedy I also do not care about. He did little to no things productive of viewpoints I stand for in addition to working against President Reagan to 'deal with' the Russians.[/QUOTE]

He did date Nicole Richie. Something has to be said for the guy who jumps on the grenade.
[quote name='camoor']He did date Nicole Richie. Something has to be said for the guy who jumps on the grenade.[/QUOTE]

I'd OD too.
All I could think of when I heard this was....

Final Destination... 3D-J AM

Travis Barker is probably shitting his pants as we speak.
While many dont know who he is, you dont have to be assholes about it. Hes a dude, who some people liked, and if you dont know who he is, either dont fucking post or leave a simple RIP.
While I would love to say RIP, he had "recovered" from drug addiction and survived, was in a plane crash and survived, then died of a drug OD. If you count the recovery, he had two new leases on life, then pissed it all away.
Eh, maybe we have different outlooks on this, but if its something unforgivable (Sadaam/Hitleresque or terrible crimes) fuck em; and if its at all forgivable (stupidity), toss out an RIP
[quote name='Filler2001']While many dont know who he is, you dont have to be assholes about it. Hes a dude, who some people liked, and if you dont know who he is, either dont fucking post or leave a simple RIP.[/QUOTE]
It's the Internet, not caring is totally kewl!
[quote name='dinovelvet']It took me until several posts in to realize that this thread was about a person, not a radio station.

In conclusion, get off my lawn.[/QUOTE]

I don't know why but I like this post. Especially the 'Get off my Lawn' comment. I can imagine and old man with his pants hiked up to his belly saying this.
[quote name='Filler2001']While many dont know who he is, you dont have to be assholes about it. Hes a dude, who some people liked, and if you dont know who he is, either dont fucking post or leave a simple RIP.[/QUOTE]

This right here.

I was actually very saddened to hear of his passing coming across the local stations out here. I had to do a double take because I kept thinking that the guy that just survived a plane crash just died and couldn't believe. Definitely talk about Final Destination. I think he was supposed to do one of his famed (famous/infamous) AM Fridays at the club he just signed a big contract with yesterday. I'd always wanted to go to one of those here in Las Vegas. I'd heard great things, for instance if you had to go to one club thing out here, than it had to be this club (don't remember the name) when he was DJing, since supposedly they were phenomenal and a bunch of fun. Sad to see him go.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Who the fuck is DJ AM? RC Pro AM's brother?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Rodimus']It's "DJ is Dead" not "DJ am Dead"[/QUOTE]

This thread made me laugh.
[quote name='Filler2001']Eh, maybe we have different outlooks on this, but if its something unforgivable (Sadaam/Hitleresque or terrible crimes) fuck em; and if its at all forgivable (stupidity), toss out an RIP[/QUOTE]

I'm sure his friends and family think that overdosing on drugs is unforgivable especially after what has happened to him. So fuck him.
[quote name='donteatsoap7']I bet MJ will still be breaking news[/QUOTE]
This... I went to Europe for about 2 weeks like a day after he died.. EVERY fuckING DAY I saw or heard something about MJ. IN EUROPE! The second I got back into the states a TV in one of the terminals had CNN on, and of course MJ coverage was still airing. Gotta love it.
bread's done