DJ Hero $109.99 at Costco...


while i was at Costco today, i noticed that they had DJ Hero for $109.99 for all 3 systems. while that's only $10 less than retail, that's still the cheapest price that i've seen it selling for. in addition, with Costco's excellent return policy on games, if you buy it and don't like it you're not stuck with like you would be at any other retailer. i only mentioned that because i know a lot of people that want to try it, but aren't sure if they would like it and don't want to take a loss if they don't, and at least that's not the case at Costco...

and just know that this is in store only, because it's listed for $114.99 on their website...
[quote name='sfu_lifer']Waiting for $59 pricepoint. I have enough games but I would love to try this eventually. When is that other DJ game coming out?[/QUOTE]

I can see $99 within a year but for $60 your best chance should be at a target clearance.

I think that other DJ game (Scratch: The Ultimate DJ) will get canceled. Controller looks nice and its made by numark but the game itself looks bad. The beats portion is just like the beatmania that came out ten years ago! Beatmania IIDX destroys that version. Hopefully Scratch does come out and they do something interesting with their crossfader and scratch mechanic but if not then they are really behind the other games.
[quote name='FurryCurry']I think that, even after just playing my first two songs, DJ Hero is easier than Beatmania. DJ Hero actually follows logic and is probably the most logical dj/electronic/club music game. You hear why you move the cross fader and why you hit the keys and scratch when you do. Plus the effect knob and euphoria controls are tight and make you feel more in control (even though you aren't) which is what, to me, pushes this game beyond simple scrolling buttons music titles from yesteryear.[/QUOTE]

100% agreed :applause:

Anyone who is on the fence about DJ Hero should read some internet forums on this game. A great majority of gamers that have bought this game are surprised by how good it is and are loving it. I personally think the menus, navigation, and graphics suck but the gameplay is very fun, challenging, and completely new. Thats what really matters in the end ;)
[quote name='Japakneez']I personally think the menus, navigation, and graphics suck but the gameplay is very fun, challenging, and completely new. Thats what really matters in the end ;)[/QUOTE]
true, but for the average person, spending $100 + to accomplish that isn't an option. i mean really, i remember getting GHWT around X-Mas of last year for literally $60 or so with the guitar, and i think that was about a month or so after it was released...
[quote name='stikmanrp']That's because Rock Revolution was a giant multi-colored turd[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but I'm talking sales wise. It sold poorly, this is selling poorly.
[quote name='TobalRox']Yeah, but I'm talking sales wise. It sold poorly, this is selling poorly.[/QUOTE]

Oh, time machines are out now? Thanks for the tip man.
Activision said they expect the game to sell poorly initially and pick up steam.

I wouldn't expect a large price drop until the summer or so.
FYI - I saw DJ Hero advertised for $99.99 in store at the Sears on Lawrence Ave. (in Chicago). The price tags for it were on the glass case housing the PS3 games.
i love dj hero. i love music games and this isnt any different. i already have 600 gamerscore in it and the mixes are fantastic. and its great fun, it also mixes in a guitar in about 10 songs so u can play guitar hero style with a friend.
I think music game buyers fall into 3 categories now.

1) Longtime music game fans that realize Guitar Hero wasn't the start of the genre and has been into 10+ years prior. These are the people who will always buy these games.

2) People who got into the "new craze" and the craze died, as well as their interest, and now they just crack "plastic instrument" jokes.

3) People who got into the "new craze", fell in love with it, and still love it despite the fact that it's old new.

Camp 1 and 3 will be buying DJ Hero, camp 2, you can go sit in your corner with your plastic guitars, DDR controllers and Wiimotes and cry about how you much you hate these games.
[quote name='noisome07']Oh, time machines are out now? Thanks for the tip man.[/QUOTE]

Nothing to do with seeing the future, they have flat out said it's not selling well.
[quote name='cheapndirty']I am waiting for 49.99 with the turn table.[/QUOTE]

We will see you in 2011...
[quote name='gepet0']The thing is we always scream for companies to be original. Stop the sequels. Then when one tries we scoff and try to tear it down. I don't get it. I think we should be supporting these more to keep the innovations coming. The game is a fun game the turntable is not that bad. Just my opinion.[/QUOTE]
There are plenty of opportunities to support innovation in the industry that doesn't involve paying $120 to Activision.
Anybody thinking this game ISN'T going to drop in price rather quickly or think sales will actually jump for no reason are ignorant. Game sales are always highest when a game first comes out......OR when it gets a substantial price drop. DJ Hero sales have been poor and don't expect sales to suddenly jump unless it gets a price cut. Many people dream about playing guitar in a band or run around playing air guitar, so a game like guitar hero has mass appeal. Not many people ever dreamed of being a scratch DJ, nor do many people even know what the heck it really is or involves. This game doesn't have 1/10th the appeal of a Guitar Hero game. I'll check it out when they add the second turntable, which should have been there to begin with. That's like selling a bicycle with only one tire.
To be honest you can't tell future. Who know when it will drop but I know it will definitely drop eventually. I know I won't be picking up this game til it drop to at least $79.99
I really want this game, but I am holding off until before X-Mas. I have a feeling this game will be on sale for Black Friday, or the weeks leading up to Christmas. $79.99-$89.99 and I will bite.
[quote name='Gosford']There are plenty of opportunities to support innovation in the industry that doesn't involve paying $120 to Activision.[/QUOTE]

Well a company needs to recoup some cost for trying something different.
Picked this up today and played for a few hours. My thoughts, summed up in one sentence: DJ Hero is like rhythmically rubbing your stomach and patting your head.

As a long-time Bemani fan, I have to say that while DJH was interesting, I am ultimately disappointed. For some reason, all the dials and switches made DJH feel more like a novelty than a true rhythm game. I guess I prefer the density/speed of falling notes over having to manage buttons/switches/dials/turntables.

It's an interesting game, but it's not worth >$100. For the chance to really break out, I think the sweet spot for this game is $70-80 -- obviously it will drop even lower eventually. But at the end of the day, I just don't see the casual GH/RB crowd taking to this very much.

I plan on playing it for a few more days to unlock some more songs and maybe some trophies, but next weekend, I'm taking it back to Costco. Thanks for the tip on returns, OP. :)
Another thing that scares people that I've seen first hand is the fact that Best Buy displays (and probably elsewhere) have in BIG LETTERS that the game's turntable will not work with any other Hero games. So people see it as "Ok, this is part of the Hero music games, but isn't compatible with anything else other than this game... if I don't like this game, I'm out all this money and have another plastic instrument going unused." While the song selection may be limited, I think a good way to push some sales of DJ Hero is to make it so that you could play some songs in Guitar Hero with the turntable as well. Something like a Linkin Park where there is a DJ in the band or something.
[quote name='TobalRox']Another thing that scares people that I've seen first hand is the fact that Best Buy displays (and probably elsewhere) have in BIG LETTERS that the game's turntable will not work with any other Hero games. So people see it as "Ok, this is part of the Hero music games, but isn't compatible with anything else other than this game... if I don't like this game, I'm out all this money and have another plastic instrument going unused." While the song selection may be limited, I think a good way to push some sales of DJ Hero is to make it so that you could play some songs in Guitar Hero with the turntable as well. Something like a Linkin Park where there is a DJ in the band or something.[/QUOTE]
they made it so you could use GH guitar in it >_>

thats cool right?

but i doubt that they would release a GH game with support for turntable since they are going to try to sell the games as different entities and make people buy more
[quote name='zohar']Picked this up today and played for a few hours. My thoughts, summed up in one sentence: DJ Hero is like rhythmically rubbing your stomach and patting your head.

As a long-time Bemani fan, I have to say that while DJH was interesting, I am ultimately disappointed. For some reason, all the dials and switches made DJH feel more like a novelty than a true rhythm game. I guess I prefer the density/speed of falling notes over having to manage buttons/switches/dials/turntables.

It's an interesting game, but it's not worth >$100. For the chance to really break out, I think the sweet spot for this game is $70-80 -- obviously it will drop even lower eventually. But at the end of the day, I just don't see the casual GH/RB crowd taking to this very much.

I plan on playing it for a few more days to unlock some more songs and maybe some trophies, but next weekend, I'm taking it back to Costco. Thanks for the tip on returns, OP. :)[/QUOTE]

I love it. We've been playing IIDX for so long, and that's not going anywhere, so it's great to play a game that does things really, really differently.
Yeah I'm waiting for this to drop pretty drastically. It looks like it may be fun, but I can't justify spending another $100+ in the hopes that Activision got it right when they turned GH into a train wreck.
[quote name='mkelehan']I love it. We've been playing IIDX for so long, and that's not going anywhere, so it's great to play a game that does things really, really differently.[/QUOTE]

I officially love this game as well. I was a very hardcore IIDX fan. I made my own IIDX controller and own over 20 beatmania games....I at least have every beatmania1 disc released :).

IIDX is the ultimate hardcore gamers game but it just hasn't evolved its gameplay in years. It is so refreshing to see what they did with DJ Hero. The scratch and crossfader mechanic is so well done. I know there are a lot of Bemani elitist but Beatmania fans should give this game a real try. Expert mode is where its at ;)

DJ Hero really isn't quite a casual gamers game. I can see it being very difficult for casual gamers to learn and understand it...especially if you are judging the game based on a bestbuy kiosk. Give it some time and learn how to use the controler. It will all start to click.
Lots of anger divorced from reality in this thread, especially considering the double-standards at play. Yes, Activision is the new Evil Empire and hating them is just as easy (and mostly justifiable) as hating EA was a couple of years ago, but some of the complaints are specious.

* "It costs too much!" - Um, how is charging $100 for a plastic guitar and game bundle OK, but $110 for a new turntable controller and a game with 93 tracks a bridge too far? Oh, it's Activision. If it was EA/Harmonix, it'd be OK.

* "It should've come with two turntables. It's too easy - I'm beating it on Expert." - I don't know if these comments are coming from liars or savants, but it sounds like the people who bragged about how they pwned Guitar Hero on Expert the first time they played as if chicks will dig them for this.

The first part ties in to the last complaint - people complain about having to give Activision money and then whine that they didn't get twice as much hardware. (I blame modern education with its Marxist, anti-capitalist, bent that programs kids into thinking profit is stealing from the people for this.) Also, if they had it playable with GH guitars, the same people would be whining about how inauthentic it was.

The second part is ludicrous. I'm a real guitarist for whom Hard on GH/RB is too hard and Expert a dream like dating a Victoria's Secret model. (Actually, I've got a better shot at the model.) I tried DJ Hero at Beast Buy y'day on Medium and was flailing miserably. Not having done the tutorials didn't help, but it's a totally different mechanic than playing guitar (real or plastic) but it felt representative of the little scratching I've done.

Where DJ Hero is in trouble is that nearly everyone knows and understands what a guitarist does in a rock band and has played air guitar, but what a turntablist does is limited to hip-hop and related genre fans. Also, as the guitar games have evolved into full band experiences where multiple players can form a "band" - great for parties - this is a throwback to the first two Guitar Hero games which were single player only. My girlfriend observed that it didn't look like as much fun to even watch. That it's a controller for a single game, too, doesn't help. (I'm able to use my wired GH2 guitar to play Beatles Rock Band but this turntable and Scratch won't work together? Way to be d*cks, Activision.)

I think there are going to be a lot of used bundles in Gamestops and on Craig's List soon as people discover it isn't as easy or fun as it looks. I was having trouble keeping my fingers on the buttons after scratching sections and the ergonomics of standing at the Hobbit-sized kiosk (I'm 6'3") forced my wrist in an odd, uncomfortable position.

Finally, it's telling that for a game that's supposed to be about being a DJ, they aren't featuring any DJs on the packages. Eminem and Jay-Z are monster MCs, but have nothing to do with being DJs; they don't even have notable DJs behind them like Run-DMC's Jam Master Jay, the Beastie Boys' Mix Master Mike, Public Enemy's Terminator X, or even good old Jazzy Jeff who was top-billed over his rapping sidekick, the Fresh Prince.
[quote name='DirkBelig']
The second part is ludicrous. I'm a real guitarist for whom Hard on GH/RB is too hard and Expert a dream like dating a Victoria's Secret model. (Actually, I've got a better shot at the model.) I tried DJ Hero at Beast Buy y'day on Medium and was flailing miserably. Not having done the tutorials didn't help, but it's a totally different mechanic than playing guitar (real or plastic) but it felt representative of the little scratching I've done.

Is it really ludicrous? I consider myself pretty well rounded in rhythm games and can do expert on 95% of the songs in Guitar/Rock Band games, and I completed DJ Hero on expert with little trouble. I didn't even do the full tutorials either but I've been following the game pretty closely, so it's not all that impossible.
[quote name='Wario64']Is it really ludicrous? I consider myself pretty well rounded in rhythm games and can do expert on 95% of the songs in Guitar/Rock Band games, and I completed DJ Hero on expert with little trouble. I didn't even do the full tutorials either but I've been following the game pretty closely, so it's not all that impossible.[/QUOTE]

Completed expert, or 5 starred expert?
[quote name='zohar']Completed expert, or 5 starred expert?[/QUOTE]

Completed with 62 songs five-starred. I only replayed a few of the songs so it's probably 54 songs on the first runthrough.

I dont think you'll see many people 5 starring this game on expert, there are a couple songs that are really difficult.
[quote name='Wario64']Completed with 62 songs five-starred. I only replayed a few of the songs so it's probably 54 songs on the first runthrough.

I dont think you'll see many people 5 starring this game on expert, there are a couple songs that are really difficult.[/QUOTE]

thats ridiculously good for a new game. Come in the DJ Hero general thread and share some tips. I need help with Expert-level scratching :cool:
bread's done