Do the awesome graphics lose their novelty?


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I'm thinking of getting a PS3, and I've only experienced good graphics on some PC games. The graphics look so awesome when I see screenshots and streaming HD videos of PS3 games; I'm wondering if you get used to, or even expect incredible graphics after having a PS3 for a little while.
It sort of became the standard for me. Especially on my HDTV. I think an HD set is really needed to fully appreciate the graphics. I also know that I used to have no problem with Wii graphics, but after HD, it is harder to play some of the Wii games due to their inferior resolution more than anything.
The video game graphics issue can be debated BUT you will definitely get spoiled by blu rays, that's a guarantee.
Of course you expect incredible graphics after having a PS3, isn't that the point of these new super powerful and expensive consoles?

If you're going to get a PS3, are you going to just wait a week or two for some of those crazy black friday deals? Also Saint Noir is right, you most certainly need an HDTV to get the most out of your PS3, good luck!
The bar for what is awesome graphics will always move forward, so even if you jump to the front of the line now, you will at some point be disenchanted with it (as long as you continue to care that is)

In the short term you'll be fine, but 10 or 20 years from now a lot of people will look back at todays games and wonder how they were playable, which is mind boggling.

I wasnt spoiled by blu-rays ;)
i think they do especially when all theyre going for is that "wow shiny" effect. ive been waiting for games to move more towards realism for a while and so far only a few games have that feel or look to them. outside of uncharted series and a few other games im mostly impressed graphically with games with cell shading or that look like cartoons. theyve been able to do this so well this and some of last gen i wish more cartoon based games would come out ( darkwing duck , ducktales, rescue rangers, mask ect).

even though some of the cartoons i mentioned did have cool games made on them they were all in the nes era. i want to finally see fully realized worlds based on these cartoons so much. its all possible and maybe someday it will happen. hell im still waiting on an awesome robotech game.

graphics are nice but you need solid controls, gameplay and a story to make a great game.seems like very few games have all 4 when they come to the table.
^^^^QFT, owned...

Also, the PS3 is just starting to push out games that are testing the true potential of the PS3, so now would be the best time to jump to the PS3 family. And as somebody mentioned before, you should wait till black Friday to get a good deal on a new slim.

P.S. - Dont borrow a 360.
It depends. Most games are just at the median graphically but some titles still amaze.
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[quote name='mission42']I beg to differ....Boobs don't.[/QUOTE]

damn good point... after all these years.. I still love em!

Good graphics doesn't lose novelty, if it looks good then it'll always be appreciated. Look at games like Super Mario World, F-Zero , SM Sunshine, Okami, SoTC, games looked great during their time and they're still great looking games that can still be appreciated.
[quote name='Fertil1ty']I guess so, but games like uncharted 2 and killzone 2 still looks insane when i play.[/QUOTE]

I think that's because of the action and cinematic nature of some games, Uncharted 2 especially. Good graphics can be less impressive over time if they don't engage you, but a game with good art direction and level design will always grab your attention.
[quote name='lokizz']graphics are nice but you need solid controls, gameplay and a story to make a great game.seems like very few games have all 4 when they come to the table.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Too many games this gen thus far have gone for 'pretty, pretty, shiny, shiny' and don't have enough substance to keep even the short attention span of a two year old.

There's making games prettier and there's making games that're as fun to play a year after release as the day of release. Very few titles have that staying power this gen.

Plus, some of the PS3 titles just seem like they 'tacked on' portions where you HAD to use the motion controls. What was so wrong with just using the normal methods like last gen?

Motion control is a fuckin' gimmick, if you ask me, since NO game has done it in a way that has been GOOD(imo).

As for the 'awesome graphics', I play games to play them and not gawk over the pretty pictures. I'm still on an SDtv and I will be until HDtv prices drop drastically.
Graphics definitely make a difference. I paid $50 (on sale usually) for this game, I want it to look like it belongs in this generation. There's nothing more disappointing when you have good gameplayer, story, controls, etc. and the game looks like shit. Low-res textures, pop-in/up textures (a lot, a few are ok), those kind of things can take away from the experience (for me).

So while I agree, I want a fun game, I firmly believe the graphics need to compliment the game, and in the chase of Uncharted 2, it feels like a complete package.
Saint Noir pretty much summed up how I feel, but I'm always taken back when I get a new game that is extremely polished like Uncharted 2.

And another thing about HD. It makes even simple games just pop, I love seeing old 2D games remade in HD.

At least Sony and MS had the vision to make their consoles HD.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Plus, some of the PS3 titles just seem like they 'tacked on' portions where you HAD to use the motion controls. What was so wrong with just using the normal methods like last gen?

Motion control is a fuckin' gimmick, if you ask me, since NO game has done it in a way that has been GOOD(imo).[/QUOTE]

I was actually surprised that RE5 didn't make use of the motion control to break out of a hold. Just seems natural to me, much moreso than doing a counter clockwise spin on the left stick. I don't care for those kinds of motions anyway as it feels like it shortens the life of the controller. Besides, the tech is there. Why not use it?

Anyway, to get back on topic, I really appreciate the higher resolution.
[quote name='jh6269']Saint Noir pretty much summed up how I feel, but I'm always taken back when I get a new game that is extremely polished like Uncharted 2.

And another thing about HD. It makes even simple games just pop, I love seeing old 2D games remade in HD.

At least Sony and MS had the vision to make their consoles HD.[/QUOTE]

LOL Vision. Riiiiight. I hope this gen has taught Sony a valuable lesson and they learn to price their shit competitively next gen.
I would say that your impression of hi-def graphics will initially have an upwards curve.

For example - when I first got my PS3 and played Bioshock I could not process all the things going on the screen, there was simply too much visual data. It took a while before I could step back and appreciate the awesome graphics and deep gameplay options afforded to me.

I think we've reached a point in the technology where it basically looks right. If the game is fresh you're going to enjoy the graphics - we're past the days of graphics with a extremely limited shelf-life (like those generic NES clunkers or the first PS1 3D polygon characters)
[quote name='jh6269']@Cheapest

I'm talking strictly about HD, not the high price debacle.[/QUOTE]

Still though, what was wrong with PS2/Xbox graphics or a slight upgrade? That's probably what led to the sharp rise in prices was the push to HD.
[quote name='Under_Score']I'm thinking of getting a PS3, and I've only experienced good graphics on some PC games. The graphics look so awesome when I see screenshots and streaming HD videos of PS3 games; I'm wondering if you get used to, or even expect incredible graphics after having a PS3 for a little while.[/QUOTE]

Someone clearly hasn't played Uncharted 2 ;)
It's definately something you take for granted until it's gone. I tried to play Mario Galaxy at my nephews house a few weeks ago, and while it is a pretty game in it's own right- the low resolution really stands out.

On a related note- I've been playing through Brutal Legend and I've noticed a LOT of pop-in. The game has a lot of strange graphical issues that I associate with 10 year old games- like character's hair popping in everytime the camera changes. Very strange
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Still though, what was wrong with PS2/Xbox graphics or a slight upgrade? That's probably what led to the sharp rise in prices was the push to HD.[/QUOTE]

Technology happened. HD is becoming mainstream now 3 to 4 years out in this console cycle, and both systems can take advantage of it.
[quote name='theflicker']I was actually surprised that RE5 didn't make use of the motion control to break out of a hold. Just seems natural to me, much moreso than doing a counter clockwise spin on the left stick. I don't care for those kinds of motions anyway as it feels like it shortens the life of the controller. Besides, the tech is there. Why not use it?

Anyway, to get back on topic, I really appreciate the higher resolution.[/QUOTE]

i was surprised re5 didnt have zombies lol seriously i miss the zomies in re games all these "infected" villiagers are annoying not to mention the story has veered so far off from the re 1 to code veronica story its hard to care at all about the game. i want the old story finished before they go off the reservation the way they have been but that said i did like re4.

as far as motion controls being crammed into game i hate it. i remember in r&c future tools how you had to use them to dodge rockes while sky diving and to do that dumb pirate dance and i hated it i think a weapon sued the as well and the motion controls in gta4 were horrible i tried them once and that was that. like someone mentioned i can see using them when trying to shake someone off you or for car cars, maybe, but beyond that they suck. i also loathed the motion cotrols they use in uncharted and was happy they removed it in uncharted2.
[quote name='nbballard']It's definately something you take for granted until it's gone. I tried to play Mario Galaxy at my nephews house a few weeks ago, and while it is a pretty game in it's own right- the low resolution really stands out[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me with Muramasa, it just isn't as exciting of an experience with no HD.

Going back to SD from HD is like driving with your glasses off.
[quote name='camoor']I would say that your impression of hi-def graphics will initially have an upwards curve.

For example - when I first got my PS3 and played Bioshock I could not process all the things going on the screen, there was simply too much visual data. It took a while before I could step back and appreciate the awesome graphics and deep gameplay options afforded to me.

I think we've reached a point in the technology where it basically looks right. If the game is fresh you're going to enjoy the graphics - we're past the days of graphics with a extremely limited shelf-life (like those generic NES clunkers or the first PS1 3D polygon characters)[/QUOTE]

bioshock was a mind scrambler on the first playthrough. the world they created in that game was just awesome i had to take breaks here and there to rest my eyes. reminded me of how i felt the first time i played mario 64 to this day i still go crazy over that nessie they have on that one level.
[quote name='Saint Noir']It sort of became the standard for me. Especially on my HDTV. I think an HD set is really needed to fully appreciate the graphics. I also know that I used to have no problem with Wii graphics, but after HD, it is harder to play some of the Wii games due to their inferior resolution more than anything.[/QUOTE]

I can't look at my 64.
Years ago I thought it had great graphics and soon we will look back at the current consoles and criticize thier graphics.
[quote name='jh6269']Technology happened. HD is becoming mainstream now 3 to 4 years out in this console cycle, and both systems can take advantage of it.[/QUOTE]

Tell the powers that be to drop TV prices significantly then, since I'm not paying $600 for a fuckin' 26" LCD tv when I can pay $188 for some wayyyy off brand SD one from Wally World that's 27".

About the only way for me to upgrade to HD is to buy one of these LCD monitors with HDMI connection for $189-200 from Newegg or Target, since anything over that is absolutely fuckin' ridiculous.

As for me, I tried playing some of my old PS1 games I still have on the PS3 and aside from certain games(old game compilations usually), I can't stand the look of many of the games I loved to play back then.

I probably finished the Syphon Filter games about 3-5x EACH but I can't even play through them once now. The characters look blocky to me.
[quote name='jh6269']Same thing happened to me with Muramasa, it just isn't as exciting of an experience with no HD.

Going back to SD from HD is like driving with your glasses off.[/QUOTE]

This is why our Wii sits and I only play Tecmo Bowl and a few other older downloaded games. I just cant bring myself to sit there in front of my 55" HDTV with those horrible graphics, sure I could move it to a smaller set but I bought a large screen to enjoy movies and games.
[quote name='lokizz']bioshock was a mind scrambler on the first playthrough. the world they created in that game was just awesome i had to take breaks here and there to rest my eyes. reminded me of how i felt the first time i played mario 64 to this day i still go crazy over that nessie they have on that one level.[/QUOTE]

I agree - but nessie? Could you explain what you mean by nessie?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Tell the powers that be to drop TV prices significantly then, since I'm not paying $600 for a fuckin' 26" LCD tv when I can pay $188 for some wayyyy off brand SD one from Wally World that's 27".

About the only way for me to upgrade to HD is to buy one of these LCD monitors with HDMI connection for $189-200 from Newegg or Target, since anything over that is absolutely fuckin' ridiculous.

As for me, I tried playing some of my old PS1 games I still have on the PS3 and aside from certain games(old game compilations usually), I can't stand the look of many of the games I loved to play back then.

I probably finished the Syphon Filter games about 3-5x EACH but I can't even play through them once now. The characters look blocky to me.[/QUOTE]

Are you still fucking going on about paying $600 for a 26" HDTV? I've already pointed out you can get a 26" HDTV for $200-250 depending on Bing cashback and other deals. Seriously, you need to find a better excuse or shut the hell up.

I saw some deals on 36" samsungs for around 700 or so. Wait for black Friday and shop around.

Take the plunge, you will be amazed what the games were meant to look like.

My friend and his cousin came over and we were playing COD4, and he was amazed what the game looked like in HD ( he has a SD TV).

Drop the 600-700 on a samsung. I got a 46" samsung, and I love it.

Yeah, I knew this would happen back when I saw that E3 before the Wii came out. Iwata was asked if the Wii would have HD, and he said that games still look just fine in SD.

Well, I got sick of not having any games to play, and I found a deal where I got my PS3 for $200.

I am only keeping my Wii around for Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. I really hope Nintendo announces their next console soon b/c Reggie claims there is no Wii HD coming (read it on Destructiod).

Super suckage :(
Absolutely. For me graphics always take a backseat to gameplay. I can still enjoy classic games because of it. And PS3 doesn't require HD as the included wires are more than adequate for playing the games. Which is perfect for me since nothing else even supports HD and I don't watch movies. I never fell for the gimmick to buy an HD set.

There was a huge dinosaur in the cave level in Mario 64, it was like the Loch Ness monster a.k.a Nessie...
[quote name='SynGamer']Are you still fucking going on about paying $600 for a 26" HDTV? I've already pointed out you can get a 26" HDTV for $200-250 depending on Bing cashback and other deals. Seriously, you need to find a better excuse or shut the hell up.[/QUOTE]

Cut him some slack, he's right. For the little they offer HD is still overpriced. I can see a use for sports and movies, neither of which I care for. Games? Not so much.

26" is the biggest I could tolerate, my current set is only like 15" and it's fine. Why is it so hard to find normal sized LCD sets?

Some of us really prefer NOT to support M$ and their foolish scams. Bing sucks.
[quote name='jh6269']@camoor

There was a huge dinosaur in the cave level in Mario 64, it was like the Loch Ness monster a.k.a Nessie...[/QUOTE]

what this guy said. ive been wanting to find it again on mario 64 ds but the controls on that game are annoying on some levels. mario 64, banjo kazooie and tooie and oot are games that now matter how graphics improve they always look amazing to me. not to mention how each of those games were loaded with stuff to do.

theres nothing worse than being placed in an amazing world where you cant do shit. i like games where you can explore where youre at and theres always something new to find if you think outside the box.
Honestly once you go HD it's tough to go back to SD. I cringe when I watch The Ultimate Fighter on Spike TV since it's in SD. I played my 360 on a SD TV for a couple months then bought my LCD HDTV and couldn't bare to play on a SDTV again. Graphics are great but gameplay is most important. I can still play my ps2, xbox and wii but only on an SDTV.
[quote name='DPsx7']Cut him some slack, he's right. For the little they offer HD is still overpriced. I can see a use for sports and movies, neither of which I care for. Games? Not so much.

26" is the biggest I could tolerate, my current set is only like 15" and it's fine. Why is it so hard to find normal sized LCD sets?

Some of us really prefer NOT to support M$ and their foolish scams. Bing sucks.[/QUOTE]

Getting cashback sucks? Have you forgotten where you are?
[quote name='SynGamer']Getting cashback sucks? Have you forgotten where you are?[/QUOTE]

I come here for good deals. Paying M$ (even indirectly) is not a deal for me. Nevermind the hassle of signing up, begging the search engine, waiting months for the return, I don't see anything good in this.
[quote name='DPsx7']I come here for good deals. Paying M$ (even indirectly) is not a deal for me. Nevermind the hassle of signing up, begging the search engine, waiting months for the return, I don't see anything good in this.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, let's see, Bing is free, takes all of 2 minutes to sign up, and it takes 60 days to get your money back. I don't see the problem...but hey, be a hater all you want and by all means, waste your money :) I've gotten over $300 back since last summer :D
Yeah I'll bet you did. 60 days is too long for M$ to hold your money, if it's not instant then they don't deserve my info to send spam to.
[quote name='DPsx7']Yeah I'll bet you did. 60 days is too long for M$ to hold your money, if it's not instant then they don't deserve my info to send spam to.[/QUOTE]

They aren't holding anything, they are giving you THEIR money for buying through their site. I have yet to receive spam from them either, FYI.
[quote name='Malik112099']Everything loses its novelty over time.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mission42']I beg to differ....Boobs don't.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Thomas96']damn good point... after all these years.. I still love em!

Good graphics doesn't lose novelty, if it looks good then it'll always be appreciated. Look at games like Super Mario World, F-Zero , SM Sunshine, Okami, SoTC, games looked great during their time and they're still great looking games that can still be appreciated.[/QUOTE]

They did for me.
That's why I moved to Japan! :lol:
[quote name='SynGamer']Are you still fucking going on about paying $600 for a 26" HDTV? I've already pointed out you can get a 26" HDTV for $200-250 depending on Bing cashback and other deals. Seriously, you need to find a better excuse or shut the hell up.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='jh6269']@cheapest,

I saw some deals on 36" samsungs for around 700 or so. Wait for black Friday and shop around.

Take the plunge, you will be amazed what the games were meant to look like.

My friend and his cousin came over and we were playing COD4, and he was amazed what the game looked like in HD ( he has a SD TV).

Drop the 600-700 on a samsung. I got a 46" samsung, and I love it.[/QUOTE]

I hate waiting for rebates, I've hated Black Friday every time I've tried going out to shop on that day and I don't need a huge tv. Plus, I don't wanna pay $500-700 for one.

These are all valid reasons why I'm sticking with SDtv, but the biggest one being that I'm just NOT impressed with them for the added price.

I don't watch much tv, I don't watch very many movies and I don't really care what my games look like so long as I can see the picture on the screen to be able to play them.
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I guess you'll need to wait longer then, because you've kind of painted yourself into a corner... IMO, $500-$700 is a bargain for an HD LCD. I paid $2300 for mine.

Anyway, now they're coming out with more reasons to keep prices higher; for example, the 120 or 250 Hz ones are higher, and so are the 3d capable.

I'm satisfied with my older model for now.

If I were you, I'd figure out what you want to spend and find a TV for that price in a Black Friday ad, or on the web.

After spending 45 seconds on the interwebs I have concluded that the powers that be that want to charge you $600 for a 27" LCD are really ripping you off!!!

That's a pretty decent starter set, and an excellent price tag that's somehow less than $600????

But I think you were just using hyperbole to hammer home your point that you are FILLED WITH RAGE at everything in the gaming world right now. (Or maybe you aren't? But I do see a lot of rage filled angry posts from you on these forums)

But anyways, keep up the good fight dear sir, one of these days progess will halt and all will be right again.
bread's done