Do you believe in ghosts?

[quote name='ananag112']My great uncle saw ghosts before supposedly and even wrote a book on it. The story basically goes that his best friend was about to get married, but a few weeks before it was reported that the bride to be died. So, this friend gave a package to my great uncle to give to the bride's parents. So he goes off on his bicycle (this was in India in around the 1950's), through the woods to give the package. On the way there, his bicycle gets a flat tire and he hears wierd noises and all this other scary stuff. Well he gets there and the door opens and inside is the bride that was suppsoedly dead. He is shocked, but she acts like nothing happens and offers him coffee. He says okay and sits down and is puzzled as to what happened. He hears a crazy noise and he sees this woman on top of the stove on fire and the house catches on fire. He runs out of the house and runs into the parents of the girl. He asks them what the fuck happened and they think he is crazy and confirm that the girl died.

All this crazy other stuff happened to this other guy as well. His mom was blind all her life, but one day she went to temple and she was suddenly able to see.

I don't know how much of this is actually true, but he has it in a book and the story of his mom is true.[/QUOTE]

Do you have the name of this book?
I was just thinking (and I know I've heard it before), but why aren't ghosts naked? If they're souls then do your clothes go with you when you die or what? That makes no sense.

And also, in response to Rozz, "orbs" are dust (or rain, snow, what have you, anything in the way of the camera), they're the most retarded grasp at the paranormal that I've ever seen. I've seen good ghost pictures, but orbs are just something somebody came up with because they desperately wanted to be involved with the paranormal or something. No offense to you (offense to the people that made it up).
[quote name='vietgurl']Do you have the name of this book?[/QUOTE]

I don't actually as the book was published in India. It was written in English however and I think I have a copy somewhere. I will try and find it.
[quote name='dude2003']my theory is correct. everyone who live on this planet will die sooner or later. unless you think your mailman and the guy who offers to clean gutters are immortals.

oh and i dont believe in the ghosts[/QUOTE]

Might want to take your sarcasm meter into the shop for service. ;)
If you've never seen a ghost, you just might not be looking in the right places. New construction homes will not have them. Old houses will increase your odds.

If anyone visits Gettysburg, PA this summer, try staying at the Farnsworth House Inn. Go here for more info:

I've already related many of my ghost experiences in Trakan's link.
[quote name='A7las']I saw two ghosts in my bedroom when I was about 10. They looked like a couple, and they stood a few feet away from the end of my bed. They were both dressed in what I can best call 60's adult clothes. Both of them were waving and smiling at me, but this didn't stop me from being freaked out. [/QUOTE]

Hell, I saw the friggin' Easter Bunny when I was 10. I snuck out of the bedroom and saw him in the living room hiding eggs and stuff. He was about 6' tall with long ears that pointed straight up. I remember telling all my friends that, while Santa Claus might be your parents, the Easter Bunny is real! And no, I'm not just making that up.

The point? 10-year-olds see lots of stupid things.
[quote name='SpazX']And also, in response to Rozz, "orbs" are dust (or rain, snow, what have you, anything in the way of the camera), they're the most retarded grasp at the paranormal that I've ever seen. I've seen good ghost pictures, but orbs are just something somebody came up with because they desperately wanted to be involved with the paranormal or something. No offense to you (offense to the people that made it up).[/QUOTE]

I was going to mention how silly I thought the notion of orbs were..
[quote name='Rozz']There are ghost resesearchers who claim to have all took pictures of the same area with different cameras and they both got orbs in the pictures. I'm not saying this is true however, it's just whats been said...

And I didnt say I believed in orbs or anything like that. You all have a right to be skeptic and I never thought anything about this "orb" or whatever the fuck it was. Maybe it was something, maybe it wasen't. I was just meantioning what ghost hunters consider orbs were in the picture. :lol:[/quote]

Yeah I understand, like I said, no offense to you. There are people that will make up all kinds of shit though with things like the paranormal, so I wouldn't trust at least half of them, especially anyone trying to make a profit.

Some ghost pictures are interesting and can't easily be dismissed, but then there are "orbs" that are dust "energy" that is light just smeared because the camera moved while the shutter was still open, and then pictures that are just double exposed or otherwise very badly taken. Those are the pictures from the crazies, don't believe a word they say.
[quote name='Fanboy']Hell, I saw the friggin' Easter Bunny when I was 10. I snuck out of the bedroom and saw him in the living room hiding eggs and stuff. He was about 6' tall with long ears that pointed straight up. I remember telling all my friends that, while Santa Claus might be your parents, the Easter Bunny is real! And no, I'm not just making that up.

The point? 10-year-olds see lots of stupid things.[/QUOTE]

Not all kids in 5th grade believe in the easter bunny.. or are insane for that matter.
So keep your generalizations to yourself, because I don't appreciate being called a liar. I hate people who stereotype children as stupid just because they were when they were growing up. That is, if they have grown up.
I don't know if I believe or not. But, I have lived in a house that unexplained things were a regular occurance. Doors slamming in the middle or the night. After a few times putting a doorstop to prevent it only to hear the door slam. Then, go and investigate and the doorstop is on the other side of the room. At this time we didn't have our dog, so I couldn't place the blame there.
We had a TV in the bedroom that would just turn on and off without explanation. The same TV would also just start changing channels, but only if we were asleep(I'm a notorious sleep with the TV on guy for background noise). When we moved, no problems with the TV ever again. Once we got the dog there was one room in the house that the dog refused to go in. Weird stuff. But, I never saw anything that resembled a ghost.

So, I don't know if I believe in ghosts or not. But, I did live in a house that spooked me enough to move out of.
About 5 years ago my sister went back to Vietnam for vacation. I think she stopped by Thailand too, can't remember much. Anyways when she came back to Texas(she and her husband and kid was living with us at the time), every once and a while she would become possessed. Whenever she was possessed, it sounded like some girl possessed her, frightened, and talking gibberish.

My mom would tell her husband to get some help, but instead he decided to shave his head(like a monk) and do some prayers, which didn't help. They moved back to Missouri , I think she still gets possessed but more rare than before.

One of my nephew's said him and his friends were playing a ghost game using chopsticks. I was interested in it and told him lets play it. So we connected the chopsticks together(have to hold onto them as well), him being across and facing me. We would ask if there's a ghost in the house. If the chopsticks bent towards each other it means yes, if it goes outward, it would mean no. Anyways we'd ask the ghost questions and the chopsticks sometimes moves inward, sometimes outward. We tried using our fingers instead of chopsticks and it worked as well.

So yeah, I believe in ghosts, ain't gonna touch a Quija board either.
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']
Or, onetrack, you said that one of your relatives always heard knocking when a family memeber passed away, right? But... I don't know if I buy that. Why? Well, because, when I watch baseball, I call home runs all the time. "This guy is gonna homer!" Most of the time, it doesn't happen. But you know what? Ocassionally, it does. Does that make me prophetic? I don't think so. The reason I make this comparison is because if your aunt did hear knocking, I'd venture to say she heard it a number of other times, too, even when somebody didn't pass away.

The nephew I said about playing the chopstick game with told me something similar. He said his aunt(not my side) told him that her dad came to her dream saying *goodbye, i'm leaving*. When she woke up later that day, she got a call from the hospital telling her that her dad passed away.
[quote name='gokou36']About 5 years ago my sister went back to Vietnam for vacation. I think she stopped by Thailand too, can't remember much. Anyways when she came back to Texas(she and her husband and kid was living with us at the time), every once and a while she would become possessed. Whenever she was possessed, it sounded like some girl possessed her, frightened, and talking gibberish.

My mom would tell her husband to get some help, but instead he decided to shave his head(like a monk) and do some prayers, which didn't help. They moved back to Missouri , I think she still gets possessed but more rare than before.

One of my nephew's said him and his friends were playing a ghost game using chopsticks. I was interested in it and told him lets play it. So we connected the chopsticks together(have to hold onto them as well), him being across and facing me. We would ask if there's a ghost in the house. If the chopsticks bent towards each other it means yes, if it goes outward, it would mean no. Anyways we'd ask the ghost questions and the chopsticks sometimes moves inward, sometimes outward. We tried using our fingers instead of chopsticks and it worked as well.

So yeah, I believe in ghosts, ain't gonna touch a Quija board either.[/QUOTE]

If you know anyone in Vietnam or even in Santa Ana, there are people who can try to unpossess her. There are a lot of Viets that deal with "bua"...basically charms that consist of dead spirits being trapped and enslaved to do the person's bidding. You might even be able to find a Buddhist monk who can help you.
Na I don't think ghost are real. And if they are what does it matter, since no one has ever been reported of dying from a ghost.
[quote name='trytej']Na I don't think ghost are real. And if they are what does it matter, since no one has ever been reported of dying from a ghost.[/quote]
Even if somebody actually was killed by a ghost, and there actually was a witness, do you really think that it would be reported that way?
Thats a tuff one.
If you believe in ghost's, you probably believe in a afterlife.
I did not experienced anything like that in my life. But i really want to believe that there is a afterlife.
So far, i seen no concrete evidence what would suggest, that there are ghosts around us.
But even if people seen a ghost and there is hard evidence, anybody who claims that would be regarded as an idiot. A fool...
[quote name='Rozz']There are ghost resesearchers who claim to have all took pictures of the same area with different cameras and they both got orbs in the pictures. I'm not saying this is true however, it's just whats been said...

And I didnt say I believed in orbs or anything like that. You all have a right to be skeptic and I never thought anything about this "orb" or whatever the fuck it was. Maybe it was something, maybe it wasen't. I was just meantioning what ghost hunters consider orbs were in the picture. :lol:[/quote]

It makes it hard in todays world. Since anybody could alter pictures and edit it to a ghost picture, its not really evidence anymore.
I seen a while ago a tv show, where a women was a psychic (hell yea) and she was visiting a family. They showed her a picture taken a while ago, where some shadow was present in the middle of the picture. Well, supposetly that was a ghost taken with a camera.
They claimed to haven taken several pictures (the family) and allways had the shadow in it.
Personally, it did not convince me. Partly its a tv show anyway, and partly people tend to fake a lot.
bread's done