Do you ever feel addicted to this stuff (deal making, trading, etc.)?


21 (100%)
I know it sounds goofy, and it's not like I sit up at night shaking for lack of a fix, but I occasionally find myself spending WAY too much time getting these CAG deals.

I have tons of games (reputebly good games, like GTA:SA and Psi-Ops) that I've never even played because I'm too busy taking advantage of GameRush deals that I fear are ever nearer the end. I'll feel compelled to go out and make a trade, even if its 9 or 10 at night, if I feel that I'll lose the opportunity the next day.

I get more excitement from spending 3 hours driving around town in my Corolla and making trades than I do cruising the virtual streets of Vice City and pimpin' whores. :roll:

Anyone else ever feel like this?
Sometimes. There's nothing quite like getting a great deal on something especially when you know the general public is paying full price. That said, I'd rather spend an hour playing video games than shopping for them.
I thought I was the only one. My gaming collection has grown about 5 times since I found this site, but most of them I have not played longer than 10 minutes.

If it is cheap enough, I'll buy it, because I figure some where down the line, I'll pick up and play it. I guess with the next gen systems coming out, I have a good set of game to keep me busy until the PS3 drops in price.

I do spend way more time on these boards, and traveling to stores than actually playing my games. There are only a few games that I play alot. Everytime I score a good deal on a game, it gives me a good feeling, sometimes better than actually playing the game itself. It was CAG that did this to me. Before this site, I would usually pay MSRP for games but would only buy one or two a year. Now I'm buying one or two a month, at the least.
I know how you feel. While I do still get a lot of enjoyment out of games, I get a lot of enjoyment out of finding a good deal on games. I don't know which I enjoy more now.
I also agree that because of this site in particular, I am spending way too much time looking for deals than anything else. Granted, alot of the time spent on this site is reading past posts, keeping updated on certain topics, etc. Some of the people on this site are damn funny, and conversely, some are just irritating. That said, without this site, I wouldnt have nearly the amount of quality games (and GR credit).
I know what you mean. Sometimes you have to just take a deep breath, commit yourself to spend no more money on games for the month, and sit down and play some games! :p
I just try to find some balance with it. I'm not cheap with everything in life. Games, DVDs, electronic equipment and music is what I'm cheap with. I buy so much of the stuff I have to be. Food and clothing I'm not cheap with at all.

I honestly just want to save money on games so I can have more of what I want. Simlple as that.
This same thought hit me one day last week while I was driving half an hour away to check on the TRU green tag items (again). I've decided I'm really done buying games, even cheap ones, unless I've really going to play it sometime soon. No more buying this one "for down the road" for me. I haven't played a game through since KOTOR about two months ago, now the only time I really play though is at work. Oh well, live and learn I guess.
I enjoy getting the deal as part of the game. Its kind of funny but now games are so big and take a lot of time commitment. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to play it (load times, picking up where you left off trying to remember whats going on). I too have a good supply of games that might not get played too soon. Being busy with work and life. Still working on Vice City, I have san andreas, and I keep playing Socom 2 online instead.

Or checking here for a cool deal!
I definitely don't get into bargain hunting more than playing(that's called addicted to shopping. I'm addicted to gaming.) it is fun to go on a pawn shop hunt on the weekend and search out games that you can turn a profit on though.
and I'll also admit I get a huge kick out of finding a rare game or something i've been looking for. I freaked out when I found Ikaruga for $10 at this random cd store.

but man, if your buying and trading games for the sake of it, you should probably chill for a while.....
i don't spend much time buying games and going to the store a lot, but i have to say that i'm addicted to just looking up deals on this site even though i barely spend any money.
I think it's funny when people are amazed at how many games I own. I like to tell them I get them for really cheap. They are shocked that I've been able to pick up games for $5.
Play various stuff and find something you can really get into. For me that something ATM is HL2. I told myself I wasn't going to go get something on Friday because I a) had to play HL2 and b) didn't really want to play anything else. It worked :)
YTes I too have a problem!

Im in the C A G club

Cant Afford Games without this site!!!!!!

Or a member of CHEAP

Cant Help Employeres Arent Paying!


Bank Ran Out! Kant Eat!

SO yes I need this site. I need it like a man on crack needs a new hit! I check it in the morning. check it at lunch. chech it at dinner. check it before bed. Wake up to check it! I check it when I have money. Check it when I don't ( which tends to be all the time)
[quote name='stemartin7']I love to hustle the stores out of their profits[/quote]

Me too, after that BB calling me a devil.
its definitely not goofy
I have always had an addictive personality
and was always a collector of manyyyyy types of things
not too mention a wheeler dealer sneaky scammer always looking to get over on the "man"
this site has brought that out of me 10 fold
its the rush, its the money saved, its the money made, its the need to have to capitalize on every deal that is unpassable and "worth it"
I am incredibly busy with school, trying to transfer to a different college within the next month and moving. I don't have a lot of time to actually play games right now, but I am out a lot going back and forth from home to school and always find myself looking for great deals. I will not pay retail price for a game unless it is in a situation such as the TRU B2G1, and I usually won't buy an old game unless there is a BOGO or B2G1 deal with good prices. I probably search 3 or 4 different EB and GS stores each week for mispriced and cheap/good games and feel very satisfied when I do. So yes, I know the feeling very well.
bread's done