Do you feel that the Nintendo classics line for the GBA is a rip off?


I'm just wondering because don't get me wrong, these are classic games. My favorite gave, Castlevania was recetly released. However, with the amount memory a GBA game can hold, ( I have no idea but they can fit classic SNES and new GBA releases on these small carts) is it kind of a rip off that they are putting maybe one 2 - 4 megs game on a cart that can probably hold more then ten times that? What are we paying $15 - $20 for exactly? Not full color instruction manuals or cool bonuses. I'd rather see collections or possibly they have to versions on the cart (origional and a remix version with better graphics)
I feel most are, a couple aren't. Castlevania and the Zeldas I can see paying $20, the rest, $10 max. Except Pac-Man. Screw them for including that.
I'd like to seem them as collections too, similar to the upcoming Megaman collection for GBA (all three NES Castlevanias would've rocked). But it's a well-known fact that Nintendo likes to squeeze all the money they can out of their old games.
I think it's a nice idea, but I agree that there is much more they could do with it. Why would anyone spend $20 for SMB when they could probably get SMB Deluxe somewhere for the same price, and get the Lost Levels (also part of the Famicom Mini series in Japan) and other bonuses to go along with it? What about Donkey Kong? Considering they could fit that on a damn e-reader card, they could have easily fit all 3 DK games on it (as well as DK's missing level). I see a lot of potential in the series that Nintendo is passing on simply because they can sell old games for $20 while doing very little to actually produce them.
They wouldnt charge that much if people bought it at the expensive price. Wouldnt a PS2 be a rip off because they cost 300 bucks at the begining and they were prone to get the DRE screen. Its just business thats all
I bought Castlevania. I played it a bunch and even beat it, which is something I couldnt do in my youth. I am very pleased with it. I think everyone should buy at least one.
Who could possible argue that they aren't ripoffs?

They should be packing in several games per cart. Even if they made it one great game with a few good games.

I won't touch any of these.
[quote name='schultzed']Who could possible argue that they aren't ripoffs?

They should be packing in several games per cart. Even if they made it one great game with a few good games.

I won't touch any of these.[/quote]

I couldn't agree more. If they were putting them out with, say 4 games per cart, I'd be picking them up for my 7 year old to experience. But $20 each? Not a chance.
They are absolute rip-offs. $20 for an unenhanced 15 year-old port is not my idea of a good investment. There should have been two-three games on a single cart. Look at Super Mario All-Stars and how great a value it was to get four enhanced nes games all available on one cartridge.
They're not forcing you to buy them, but obviously quite a few people are. I haven't bought any since I have most of them for NES already, but I am very tempted to get Zelda II just case I love that game so much.
Yep total rip off at 20$. They should either package 2-4 games on a cart and charge 20-25$ Hell, even 30$ if they put one whole series on each cart. Or they need to charge 9.99 for 1 game.
They're rip offs.

In fact the worst part os that the resolution is squished to make them fit a GBA screen. They could have easily remixed all these games.

Zelda: zero mission, Who WOULDNT buy that? atleast take the 8 bit graphics and give them a makeover, dont even change the game play, it'd be worth it just for cooler looking sprites. Final Fantasy I & II may have had the game play changed but it's still worth the 30 bucks because they actually DID something to it.
The whole gimmic in Japan was that they looked like mini famicom carts. They should've made them look like mini NES carts here, and they could've gotten off on the niche-plea. But as it stands, the US releases are complete and utter ripoffs.
Yes, pricing is indeed a bit steep considering what is being offered... nearly 20-year-old unaltered NES games.

The only classic I picked was an imported Kid Icarus from the Famicom series. I would like to see Punch Out make into the classic series as well.
Yeah they do charge too much for them, they should include more than one game. I'm guilty though, I couldn't resist Super Mario Bros when I got my DS.
Thankfully I at least got it on sale.
i think they are a major rip off. I got zelda for 15 what wasnt bad but then i did something really stupid... I got bomberman AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
You don't have to buy them. Alot of people who didn't get to play them in the first place/don't own the necessary consoles to play them now get to play them on the GBA. I don't think it's all that bad. If you don't like them, don't buy them.
its a good idea for nintendo, not for fans... they could fit all the classics plus about 50 more on one cart.... they just want cash
I wouldn't touch them at SRP but I did break down and get a few when Fry's had them 3 for $35 recently. I never owned an NES and wanted to try some of those Nintendo-owned franchise originators. Others like Castlevania and Bomberman had Amiga versions back when so I felt no urge to play the NES versions.
I was dying for a handheld version of the original Zelda, since it's my favorite game of all time. So that and Zelda 2 were the only ones I picked up, and Zelda 1 I got the import version, because at the time I didn't think they'd bring these out in the US. Most of the other ones are not worth the 20 bucks, especially since you can get Metroid classic as part of Zero Mission, and Dr. Mario with Wario Ware Inc (well actually, it's Dr. Wario, but it's the exact same game)
Complete rip-off. I'm a Nintendo and an old school fanboy and I'm not touching any it. The selection is mainly common games Nintendo released not to long ago and some ports of games that have much superior renditions on the arcade or on another system.
[quote name='Trakan']You don't have to buy them. Alot of people who didn't get to play them in the first place/don't own the necessary consoles to play them now get to play them on the GBA. I don't think it's all that bad. If you don't like them, don't buy them.[/quote]

thank you! The only way to get them to drop prices is to not buy them. Yet I notice that a lot of the people posting here are buying, which is doing nothing to discourage Nintendo's sales strategy.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they started to come out in bundles for GC at $50 if they sell really well on GBA like WarioWare
[quote name='Danimal'][quote name='schultzed']Who could possible argue that they aren't ripoffs?

They should be packing in several games per cart. Even if they made it one great game with a few good games.

I won't touch any of these.[/quote]

I couldn't agree more. If they were putting them out with, say 4 games per cart, I'd be picking them up for my 7 year old to experience. But $20 each? Not a chance.[/quote]

i kno others mentioned is also here, but i think its a great idea..i mean..i got my dad zelda for gba (nintendo one) and hes stil playing it..having a ball, so maybe that was worth it.but, yea fitting more on one cart is alot better..AND THEY NEED 2 BRING PUNCH OUT! :)
Ya I agree, they are a rip-off.
But I have bought all most all of them, I love being able to play my favorite classics on my GBA... well DS now =P

I really wished they made them look like small NES games like they did in Japan. I was really mad that the Zelda games didn't come as gold carts.
[quote name='ZForce']I was dying for a handheld version of the original Zelda, since it's my favorite game of all time. So that and Zelda 2 were the only ones I picked up, and Zelda 1 I got the import version, because at the time I didn't think they'd bring these out in the US. Most of the other ones are not worth the 20 bucks, especially since you can get Metroid classic as part of Zero Mission, and Dr. Mario with Wario Ware Inc (well actually, it's Dr. Wario, but it's the exact same game)[/quote]

Having Zelda and Zelda II as portable games is awesome. I think everyone yelling ripoff is a bit harsh. If you have the original games and don't want a portable version don't pay for them. I grew up with the 8-bit Nintendo and the idea of these games being portable was only a dream back then. It's great to think how far technology has come in a short amount of time. Most of the time you can pick these up for $10 to $15 so it really isn't that bad. I'm ok with it.
Nintendo should've put all of them on one card and gave them out for free at Mcdonalds.

Shame on you, Nintento :!:
Let me resonable one should have spent $20 on these from this site. GGCs were in effect at the time of release. So now take it down to $15 and this is what I think.

$15 for a port of an old NES game? Pretty pricey. Being able to take that favorite NES game on the road with you? Well worth the $15. I paid $15 for Zelda and Zelda II and I'd do it again. I bought Mario Bros for the free t-shirt at CC too. The wireless playability of Dr. Mario is a reason that the Wario Ware version is NOT the same. Dr. Mario was also worth the $15 I spent on it.

So for me I have no regrets buying the NES Classic line and I sure hope more are released soon. Like anyone, I hope they will charge less, but I'm a smart shopper so I won't complain.
The fact is they arnt worth 15 in their current state, you can walking to a random Gamestop and buy their cartridge versions for 5 bucks each. They could have made Gameboy Color games of these maybe THEN it wouldnt be so bad.

Each one of these games could have fit on an E-reader card, you get a bunch of them free by playing Animal crossing, The original metroid game is free in Zero mission. They need to drop the price sharply for what they;re selling or bundle them on one multiple cart.

They did this to cash in on ngostolgia, excite people who owned the NES back in the day give them a bunch of stuff they loved and let them pay through the nose. Sadly people willingly let themselves get ripped off buy buying them because they arnt worth the price they;ve currently selling for...
[quote name='screwkick']I think they should price them at $4.99 like the e-reader card games.[/quote]

I was just going to bring this up... Heck, you can still get the e-Reader versions of several of these games for $0.50 or less around these parts.

I agree with the majority of you. Put 4-5 on a single cart and I'd pay even $25 for them.
The Famicom Mini series is awesome, it goes for the whole "retro" thing, with the classic packaging and Famicom themed carts.

The NES series is just an NES game in a regular box with a regular black cart.
[quote name='Quackzilla']The Famicom Mini series is awesome, it goes for the whole "retro" thing, with the classic packaging and Famicom themed carts.

The NES series is just an NES game in a regular box with a regular black cart.[/quote]

The carts are actually gray, but whether that equals a retro look is totally up for debate though. Another issue I have is them only releasing about half as many games for the NES series than they've done for the Famicom series...that is a big letdown IMO.
$20 is a complete rip off for just 1 game. Although I would buy Punch-Out! if they ever did release that, I would never buy the others for just 1 title.

Then again, Nintendo is nortorious for milking their old games for every penny on the GBA.
20 bucks if they wer around five then ok butt yes rippoff! they could make one cart with every single nes game on it. Now that would be cool. There are a couple of these floting around japan. Made by nitondo! pretty coll if you ask me. I would pay 20 for all the cool games. mario, paper boy, punch out that would get my my intrest up alittle.
Agreed, most of the games are not worth the money. Zelda is the only one worth $20 imo. A $9.99 msrp would be nicer.
There are many games for the NES that I wouldn't mind paying $15 for on the GBA. Maniac Mansion, Uninvited, Faxundu, and Contra are just a few that come to mind. The only problem is that Nintendo seems to be releasing only the earliest of Nintendo titles. Many of which have already been released as extras in other games or in compilations.
Yes, they are a rip off. I want Zelda II, but I'm not sure about paying that much, although my NES version is messed up.

I feel that releasing versions of Pac-Man was plain stupid, because has it on the Namco museum and Pac-Man Collection for $10.
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