Do you get more done if you wake up earlier?


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Just wanted to see what CAG's thought. I think you'll eventually, after you wake up you have more time in the day to do things (since most people like to sleep).

Any suggestions for getting moving in the morning? For me I can't seem to wake up without a task to do or some caffeine; which is a problem when the coffee maker is broken. :cry:
Just get up a little earlier each day. For one week wake up 15 min earlier and keep going week by week.
I was up naturally at around 5:30 or 6 every day but I go to sleep at 10:30 each night. I would say that if you are tired when you wake up early, you probably aren't going to get more done. Your body will need a certain amount of sleep either way. I find getting in a schedule works best. If I sleep 8 hours one night, 6 the next, then 10, etc I feel much more tired then if I sleep the same time each night.
I'm not a morning person at all. I get most of my work done from noon to midnight. Thankfully I have a job where I largely set my own schedule.
Yeah if I wake up earlier I go to sleep earlier. Although I guess if I wake up earlier I'm more productive during the day than I would be staying up late night if I slept in.

Oh I used to drink a cup of medium coffee in the mornings, but I'd find on the days I didn't have coffee I'd be DEAD tired. So caffeine is a curse and a blessing.
I seem to get more done when I get up early. During the week, I get up at 3:45 am when my wife goes to work. I can get extra cleaning done (empty and fill dishwasher, take out trash, laundry, etc.), workout, and check out CAG before I have to get the kids up at 6am.
I wake up naturally everyday about 5:30. I usually roll over, watch the news, then get up. I seem to get my best work of the day done betwee 7-11:30, before people really get around to bothering me. About 4pm or so, I'm usually worthless.

This depends on what my tasking looks like though and could change.
[quote name='seen']
Any suggestions for getting moving in the morning? For me I can't seem to wake up without a task to do or some caffeine; which is a problem when the coffee maker is broken. :cry:[/QUOTE]


When I wake up early (5am-6am) I always think I get MUCH more done but the process of waking up is a pain in the ass.

But I just woke up about an hour ago (11am) and I normally wake up at that time (11am):cool:
It's all relative, as long as you're getting the same amount of hours as everyone else, your "day" is just as long.

I do feel more motivated to work after getting up though. If you want to change your sleep pattern, cut back 15 minutes every night until you reach your desired hour. Right now I go to bed around 12:30 to 1 a.m. and wake up around 8 or 9. It feels much better than going to bed at 4 a.m. and waking up at 1 p.m.
No Dose are real, have been around for ages. Just caffeine in pill form. Will wake you up, probably not great for you though as it's a lot of caffeine. Not a tremendous amount, but around 2-3 cups of coffee worth so you don't want to take more than one pill etc. Think there are some other brands out there with even more caffeine.
[quote name='panzerfaust']
I do feel more motivated to work after getting up though. If you want to change your sleep pattern, cut back 15 minutes every night until you reach your desired hour. Right now I go to bed around 12:30 to 1 a.m. and wake up around 8 or 9. It feels much better than going to bed at 4 a.m. and waking up at 1 p.m.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I go to bed around the same time, get up between 8-10 depending on how tired I am. Usually eat breakfast and go to the gym or go for a run, shower and hit the office between 11 and noon most days.
[quote name='panzerfaust']It's all relative, as long as you're getting the same amount of hours as everyone else, your "day" is just as long.[/QUOTE]

This. If you wake up at noon, but are up until 2-3AM doing stuff, then it shouldn't be an issue. However, if you wake up at noon and are somehow back in bed by 9PM, then yeah, you wont get as much done.
I'm usually the most focused either right after I wake up or during insane busy periods before I go to bed. Times around 5 or 6 pm are notoriously bad for me, I just want to zone out.
I find if I wake up early, I tend to not want to do anything, so the later the better. Maybe it's just my procrastination, but I find I'm more likely to go to the store at a time in the evening / night rather than the morning or afternoon.
No, also coffee doesn't do squat for me. Either way I have a night job so it works out for me. It's not grave either.

I even have a hard time gaming in the morning. I think the "earliest" I've ever turned on a game system is like 12pm.
I don't get off work till midnight, so I usually stay up till 2-3AM waking up around 9 or 10AM. I wish I could wake up earlier but I just can't
I like to listen to sports radio to get going in the morning. Specifically The Steve Czaban Show on Sporting News Radio. He talks about more than sports and he and his crew are HILARIOUS! I wake up a 6AM each morning and that show makes it worthwhile.
I have had horrible sleeping problems for years, but I do find that I get more done during the same amount of time if I wake up in the morning as opposed to the afternoon or evening. I'm not sure why.
[quote name='SEH']This. If you wake up at noon, but are up until 2-3AM doing stuff, then it shouldn't be an issue. However, if you wake up at noon and are somehow back in bed by 9PM, then yeah, you wont get as much done.[/QUOTE]

Yup. Noon is 5AM somewhere else. ;-) Just say you're on whatever other time zone's time.:whistle2:D

I get tons done post 10PM. Get nothing done regardless of how early I get up from 6AM-noon.
I'm basically a night owl. So if I'm left without a schedule, my sleeping hours drifts naturally to about 2AM to 9AM. That's what happened in college.

Now that I'm working, I wake up at 6:30AM and go to bed at around 11:30PM. However, just because I get up early, I get next to nothing done before 9AM, no matter how much I sleep or when I sleep. My metabolism just doesn't kick in at all until after 9AM. I also can't eat anything 95% of the time before 8-9AM without feeling like I want to throw up.

I've noticed since middle school that my energy peaked in the late afternoon / morning evenings, and it still does. I typically can get more done in those hours than the rest of the day. And I was worse in senior year of high school, going to bed at 3-5AM and getting up at 9:30AM (my first class in senior year was 3rd period at 10:30, because I only needed 1 class my senior year). Thinking back right now, I probably had trouble in school that year because that's when my sleep cycle hit the extreme. Thank goodness my rankings were frozen towards the beginning of that school year.

But to answer the op, no, I definitely do not get more done if I wake up earlier. I'm pretty much a zombie the earlier it is.
Never. I'm always most productive in the stretch from 1AM to sunrise with a big 'rush' to finish whatever I'm working on as the sun just peeks over the trees.
Monday-Friday: I usually go to bed at 12:00 AM. If not 12:00, then I stay up until 1:00 AM. And I get up at 7:20 AM everyday to be at work at 8:00 (I live a block away from work ;) ).

I'm actually most productive starting around 9:00 PM and continuing until 3:00 AM or so. In my college days, that's when I'd get 90% of my work/studying done. Most of that productive time isn't really put to get use anymore; I have to sleep during it.
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Officially I get much more done when I wake up. I don't wake up at like 5am usually like TMK but I do prefer to get up at like 6ish. The problem is when I live with people. When I live with people, most people don't like to wake up early and I HATE waking people up. So when I'm by myself it's awesome. I live with my sisters now and it's annoying. I wake up and I don't bother getting up anymore. Eventually I've taught myself to sleep in till like 8ish when I turn off my alarm. Really the only exception to that was when I lived with Girl. a) she didn't mind me waking her up b) we were sleeping together so kinda hard to avoid
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