Do you have a phobia?


Personally, I'm arachnophobic. For some reason spiders scare the crap out of me :(
I would have to say earthquakes. Im a big guy, and the ground is the only thing I know that is "stable" so if that were to move on me, I would probably shit my pants.
[quote name='ex0']Personally, I'm arachnophobic. For some reason spiders scare the crap out of me :([/quote]

Same. I'm just not a big fan of bugs in general. Also, heights bother me to some extent.
completely and utterly afrid of the dark. total dark i can somewhat take, but if there is only a slight light, i get incredibly paranoid. the worst is walking into lght with my back to a dark hallway. im constatntly looking over my shoulder. im very paranoid.
I fear bees and wasps. I have never been stung and I don't plan on it happening. That's the only "irrational" fear that I have.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I must say that paying full price for a game is terrifying.[/quote]

I knew that was coming...I cant believe nick didnt get to it before you did.
I'm arachnophobic. Not just afraid of spiders, but completely, irrationally paralyzed with fear of them. I've almost gone off the road when spotting one in my car. One got on me when I was at work one time (on my shirt) and I had to leave. Went home, took a scalding hot shower, but couldn't shake the feeling that it was still on me. I got right back in and took another scalding hot shower, and then another one after that. I felt sick to my stomach the rest of the night. All because that stupid little thing was on my shirt. I can't imagine what I'd do if one actually touched my skin.
True story:

I was staying with my mom because my dad was out of town. It was about 3am and I was in my bedroom with 2 cats and with the door shut. Of all things, I was reading the Manson story and it was at the part where they were describing how they used to break into people's houses in the middle of the night and just sneak around for "practice".

Well, I can hear when there's water running in the house. I guess the pipes are in just the right place. Also, the back of the house faces a really busy street. Anyhow, I hear something bang and figure it was probably just a truck or something on the road. Then about a minute later, I hear some water running. Shortly after, my mom screams.

I freak out. The cats freak out. I didn't know what to do. I jumped and called 911. The lady tells me to go out there and see what it is. Now, I'm thinking she's crazy. I'm thinking that there's someone in the house and they've stabbed my mom and they were washing the blood off the knife in the sink. I'm thinking they've already stabbed and killed my mom, wtf can I possibly do except get stabbed and killed myself?

So, she finally convinces me. I throw open the door and turn the hall light on, all in one fell swoop. I look down the hall to my mom's room to find her dancing around. I'm all freaked out and yelling at her "Mom, what's wrong? What happened?"

This is when she tells me that something woke her up. (Must have been that bang.) She decided she had to go to the bathroom (running water = flushing toilet). Then she discovered that she had a lizard on her, and proceeded to scream. She was dancing around trying to get the lizard off of her.

I tell the 911 oeprator how much of a dumbass I am and eventually fall asleep in the same bed with mommy. I didn't pick that damned book up for another week.
Im afraid of drowning, and I have not gone swimming for more then 5 years because of it, though Im not sure if its a phobia. Once my brother(whos two years younger then me) foolishly jumped on top of me when I was in a pool, and I was underwater for quite some time. When I got back up I had a splitting headace and was gasping for air, so I went home early.
Another time I was at a water park, in a wave pool. I was swimming aroud when the waves started, and I did not have anything to keep me above water. Because of my stupidity the waves kept me under the water until they stopped.
I also believe its because of this that im afraid of not being able to breath. I hate getting my hair cut, because they have that thing so tight around your neck.
that reminds me of a really irrational fear of mine. i cant take things with the neck. i cant have things touching my neck. i cant wear turtlenecks or ties, they make very uncomfortable. the same holds true for things on tv or movies. i see a neck get slit, i cringe.

i also cant take compound fractures in a movie. it makes me sick. and im pretty hardy for gore.
[quote name='magilacudy']Ever since I got into an accident I drive really carefully, and I have a sense of uneasiness I can't get rid of.[/quote]

Same here. There's no longer any joy to driving, and I now stay off the road as much as possible.
[quote name='MisterRaven'][quote name='magilacudy']Ever since I got into an accident I drive really carefully, and I have a sense of uneasiness I can't get rid of.[/quote]

Same here. There's no longer any joy to driving, and I now stay off the road as much as possible.[/quote]

Thirded. Is this more common than I had originally perceived? It seems as if I'm the only one that doesn't enjoy driving, but I remember i did before i got into my (minor) accident.
i have a fear bad trades, people who are not honest. i see things in my dreams somthing is telling me to watch out for oh no it's coming back....cloudspekk
Hospitals scare the living crap out of me they smell like death. My fear is i'm going to need some minor surgery done and I'm going to die becuase I won't step foot in a Hospital .
[quote name='MorganWebbLover']Hospitals scare the living crap out of me they smell like death. My fear is i'm going to need some minor surgery done and I'm going to die becuase I won't step foot in a Hospital .[/quote]

Same here. They give me the creeps.
creaking noises at night...*shudders* always reminds me of the guy from Scream, seems like he's gonna come and slit my shaq-fuing ass...i don't wanna die! :cry:
it's ironic that im scared of the guy from scream, but sweet tooth from twisted metal black (on my sig and avatar) is my fav game character...and he's a chaotic killer clown...:)
Mirrors. I always have the feeling that when I look in the mirror, theres going to be something behind me or I'm going to be deformed or something horrific.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Mirrors. I always have the feeling that when I look in the mirror, theres going to be something behind me or I'm going to be deformed or something horrific.[/quote]

u mean something behind u that looks like your avatar? lol just kidding... :lol:
[quote name='swetooth9'][quote name='Mr. Anderson']Mirrors. I always have the feeling that when I look in the mirror, theres going to be something behind me or I'm going to be deformed or something horrific.[/quote]

u mean something behind u that looks like your avatar? lol just kidding... :lol:[/quote]

Haha, that was the highlight of my day. Thanks.
I hate taking a shower when I'm the only one home. I keep hearing things and feel like someone is in my house.
Spiders as well. Too many horrible, horrible experiences with them. Seriously, I think they know and feed off my fear.

Why is it that so many people are afraid of spiders? Seems too common to be a coincidence...something genetic? I dunno, I just used to really love the outdoors, but I have to look everywhere lest I get a surprise.

The first time I went to Joshua Tree park, I went into the bathroom right at the entrance. I wash my hands, and on my way out I spot this thing. Big, black, hairy, and right there by the door. I was totally trapped. This thing was fist sized. I was so afraid to make a break for the door that it'd turn to me. I finally manage my way outta there and tell the nearby park ranger. She goes and takes a look, and says "'s a baby tarantula...." That's when I left. Then there was the time at the LA zoo....

Nevermind...not going to be able to sleep tonight now....
[quote name='Ebraum']I hate taking a shower when I'm the only one home. I keep hearing things and feel like someone is in my house.[/quote]

That would be my other phobia. I always feel like when I open my eyes after washing my hair, theres going to be someone standing ther. Shuuuudder.
[quote name='Ebraum']I hate taking a shower when I'm the only one home. I keep hearing things and feel like someone is in my house.[/quote]

me too! it feels like some1 will sneak in and stab your shaq-fuing ass, lol...

to mr anderson: thanks! at first i thought u would get mad :lol:

i think ppl are scared of spiders (including me) b/c they have so many legs and eyes and are almost EVERYWHERE! just a guess :roll:
Im kinda afriad of big nick! His potato head scares the crap out of me!

Does any one remeber the noid? He scared the crap out of me too!
[quote name='Ebraum']I hate taking a shower when I'm the only one home. I keep hearing things and feel like someone is in my house.[/quote]

Yea, I feel the same as well.
I also dislike spiders, but only if they surprise me. I fi find one on the floor, I'm shocked to see it, but then I just grab a paper towel, lead it onto it, and toss it outside. One time there was one in the towel I was wrapping my hair in, so I look it and its there...THAT was a shock.

I more hate cockroaches. I SMASH the buggers! Mwahaha! One crawled in bed with me one night. I nearly freaked. Shudder.

I also hate heights, and I used to be scared of going over bridges. I went to the lighthouse on a field trip, and i couldnt go up to the edge to look over because i got so dizzy.

Some claustrophobia too. I hate not being able to move, as shown how much I struggle when hubby pins me for reasons other than what I'm sure you're thinking about. o_O
The only real fear I have is that I worry that I will fail those who depend on me.
Of course, this doesn't really ever go to the level of a phobia, because I've never really experienced crippling fear.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Mirrors. I always have the feeling that when I look in the mirror, theres going to be something behind me or I'm going to be deformed or something horrific.[/quote]

i used to live in a house that had a closing medicine cabinet. i was always scared that when i would close it, someone/thing would be stsnding behind me.

and yea creaks freak me out too. my wall has taken to emitting a horribly loud crashing noise at random intervals. scares the shit out of me. seriously, ive had to change my sheets so many times.
i absolutely hate spiders. hate. if i see one or one comes near me i act like a little girl and squeal, it's actually kind of embarassing. i'm like that for most insects, really, especially ones that fly. i hate ones that fly. and centipedes. just typing that gave me a chill.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I fear bees and wasps. I have never been stung and I don't plan on it happening. That's the only "irrational" fear that I have.[/quote]
I too have a phobia of bees and wasps because of a time when I was stung. It was my sophomore year and I was getting my things out of my locker when I think a mosquito had just flown into my ear, so I slapped my ear hoping to kill the mosquito, but wouldn't you know it was actually a bee that had flown inside my ear. The part that sucks the most was I couldn't get the stinger out, which still had the pulsating venom sack attached to it, for over an hour because the stupid school nurse had left early.

[quote name='MorganWebbLover']Hospitals scare the living crap out of me they smell like death. My fear is i'm going to need some minor surgery done and I'm going to die becuase I won't step foot in a Hospital .[/quote]
My twin bro is also absolutely terrified of hospitals. Every time something happens and we have to go to the hospital, he will make any excuse not to go because he hates them with a passion. He says it has something to do with the fact that it looks so clean, yet like you said MWL, they smell like death. The only time I have seen him in a hospital is when my dad had an appendectomy, and I think he was there 3 times in a little over a week, none of the visits for more than 15 mins at a time.
i've got a phobia of phobias... i'm just so scared that one day i will be afraid of something... and that scares me..

no actually i have a fear of heights... also seeing very large objects being destructed scares me.. like the titanic sinking... airplanes crashing... but like i said big boats sinking just freaks me out..dunno why..
I'm scared of heights not even real high heights but like on the second floor of a mall but I force myself to look down over the railing.

Driving don't know why I get all nervous before I have to drive but once I'm out on the road I'm fine.

Bugs. Big time bugs. Freshman in high school so freaking hot decided to sleep with no shirt on and I fall asleep feel something on my chest wake up...yup 3-4 roaches running over my chest. Oh yah that didn't fucking traumatize me or anything

This one is kind of strange but filthy disgusting stuff. For example had to get rid of my washer and dryer the other day and they'd both been there for about 20 years guess some stuff was trapped underneath it. All gross and covered in dust and grime. Wouldn't touch it. Got some gloves. Or if I have to touch gross stuff have to wash my hands right afterwards I'm such a puss haha.

Tornados. Freaking scare the hell out of me when it starts storming I'll turn on the weather channel and local channels to see if there are any warnings and such.

Could go on but why.

[quote name='ex0'][quote name='Ebraum']I hate taking a shower when I'm the only one home. I keep hearing things and feel like someone is in my house.[/quote]

Yea, I feel the same as well.[/quote]
me 2 also i have a phobia of paying full price for video games
I'm not afraid of heights - just afraid of falling, and I don't know what it is called, but when I am on a high place I always get the inclination to jump off. One of my colege professors had it as well.

I also can't see aliens on tv before going to bed.
[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='MisterRaven'][quote name='magilacudy']Ever since I got into an accident I drive really carefully, and I have a sense of uneasiness I can't get rid of.[/quote]

Same here. There's no longer any joy to driving, and I now stay off the road as much as possible.[/quote]

Thirded. Is this more common than I had originally perceived? It seems as if I'm the only one that doesn't enjoy driving, but I remember i did before i got into my (minor) accident.[/quote]

I was involved in an accident last summer. A tractor trailer ran off the road, overcorrected, and slid toward me sideways. I pulled off the road, then ducked at the last second; he took off the roof of my car, leaving me with just a small scratch on my forehead. I expected to be really traumatized by it, but I have to say that it hasn't really bothered me that much. True, for the first month or so after it, I drove a bit slower and was very cautious. Even now, I'm still nervous when I'm passing a tractor trailer, or when I see another car make a sudden movement. Those two occurrences are rare though, and overall, my driving is the same as it was before my accident.

[quote name='GuilewasNK']I fear bees and wasps. I have never been stung and I don't plan on it happening. That's the only "irrational" fear that I have.[/quote]

Here's another experience I had that should have traumatized me, but didn't. When I was in middle school, I was walking in the woods, when I stepped on an underground nest of yellow jackets. Because it's underground, you can't see it; all there is to see is a hole the size of a nickel where they crawl out. I stopped to look around after taking a few steps (at this point not realizing I had stepped on it). When I turned around, there was a wall of bees. Behind me was a wall of briars. I chose the bees. It was a quarter-mile run back to my house with bees in my pants. I eventually took them off halfway there. I ended up getting stung seven times. Since then though, I've learned that when a bee is around you, if you just don't bother it (or even better, stand still), it won't bother you.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin'][quote name='Mr. Anderson']Mirrors. I always have the feeling that when I look in the mirror, theres going to be something behind me or I'm going to be deformed or something horrific.[/quote]

i used to live in a house that had a closing medicine cabinet. i was always scared that when i would close it, someone/thing would be stsnding behind me.

and yea creaks freak me out too. my wall has taken to emitting a horribly loud crashing noise at random intervals. scares the shit out of me. seriously, ive had to change my sheets so many times.[/quote]

lmfao! :lol:
I'm terrified of flying. I can't get on an airplane anymore. I somehow convince myself that it's ok and then when I'm up there I just want to kill myself for being so stupid. I promised myself that I would never get in an airplane again.
[quote name='Danimal']I'm arachnophobic. Not just afraid of spiders, but completely, irrationally paralyzed with fear of them. I've almost gone off the road when spotting one in my car. One got on me when I was at work one time (on my shirt) and I had to leave. Went home, took a scalding hot shower, but couldn't shake the feeling that it was still on me. I got right back in and took another scalding hot shower, and then another one after that. I felt sick to my stomach the rest of the night. All because that stupid little thing was on my shirt. I can't imagine what I'd do if one actually touched my skin.[/quote]

Me too.
Bees & wasps for me. I think it goes back to when I was 3 years old, and tried to move a chair. On the underside of the arm rest, my fingers touched a wasp, and I got stung. Since then, I fear them. Although I push myself to kill them when I can, it's a fear I can't beat.
Somone mentioned drowning, which reminded me of another one of my irrational fears. While it doesn't hinder me, I get a little apprehensive when I'm out swimming in a lake and I can't see the bottom anymore. I'm not afraid that I'll drown, but I'm afraid I'll touch a fish or something icky with my feet, or that a fish will bite my toes. It's kinda funny I guess :oops:
Wow I can't believe I am the first to say this, but I am totally afraid of snakes. Can't stand the things, whenever I see one, even if it is behind a glass wall at the zoo, I freak out. I don't care if it is a small little snake or a big one, can't stand the things.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']completely and utterly afrid of the dark. total dark i can somewhat take, but if there is only a slight light, i get incredibly paranoid. the worst is walking into lght with my back to a dark hallway. im constatntly looking over my shoulder. im very paranoid.[/quote]

I get like that too. I live in an apartment complex with long dark hallways. Everytime i have to go out there, my walks often turn into runs. I guess, more specifically, it is the fear of the unkown that freaks me out. Not knowing if someone is following you. Freaky stuff.
Spiders, heights, and being held down (especially if I can't move my arms or legs). If anyone ever got me in a plane, held me down and put spiders on me, someone would die.
bread's done