Do you smoke? Why?


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I asked this question to a friend of mine today. I dont understand the compulsion. he couldn't give me a straight answer.

So I ask. Do you smoke? and why do you smoke?

(Not talking about Marijuana)
I like how you can select both "Yes" and "No".

I don't, simply because it's not even calming. It sets you on edge, and that's only for your first several weeks of smoking (to the extent of my knowledge). I find it quite disgusting, and always try to carry a gas mask around in my backpack so that I can put it on when there's a smoker at my bus station or something.
[quote name='joe2187']I asked this question to a friend of mine today. I dont understand the compulsion. he couldn't give me a straight answer.

So I ask. Do you smoke? and why do you smoke?

(Not talking about Marijuana)

Oh, nvm then.

No, because I'm not retarded.

[quote name='Full_Throttle'] I find it quite disgusting, and always try to carry a gas mask around in my backpack so that I can put it on when there's a smoker at my bus station or something.
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I never understood the reason why either. Both of my grandparents died of lung cancer because of it so I have no compulsion to do it.

When I ask people about it as well, the clearest answer I've gotten is that it's a "social" thing to do.
Nah, I don't, I'm waiting for the 'How to Smoke' DS game, and then when I'm deeply hooked I'll get that 'How to quit Smoking' DS game.
Hahahaha, I love the tags. Reminds me of "HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS".

And oh my fucking god, hahahahahaha, I ROFLd at Sofa King's post. How long ago was that, like, a year and a half?
I smoked for a good(I use the term loosely) 11 years, maybe more. I started when I was 11. I am not proud of it, just saying. One day, I woke and decided I was done. I haven't smoked since. That had to be about 5 or 6 years ago. I did it for that long and I still don't know why I did it. I enjoyed it and I was good at it.
[quote name='spoo']I smoked for 7/8 years and I quit last June.[/QUOTE]

Bravo to you :applause:

I have see the damage smoking can do in a very up close and personal way.
Its not a good thing.
I started smoking when I was 20 or so. Nothing influenced me to do it. A few of my friends did but they weren't my main friends at the time so they had nothing to do with it. I decided to try it on my own accord. I find smoking relaxing and it has nothing to do with the nicotine. I enjoy going outside, sitting in a chair with a book and smoking. Yea it's not healthy, I hear that shit all the time and I don't care. I don't see how it's "wrong."
Nope. And never will because its to much work.

I dont know how one could even start smoking. It has to be the single most cost drain in America today. How do you start a habit that requires you to spend that much more money a week and will get taxed about a 100 times.

I grew up insanely poor and I always perked an eyebrow up whenever I seen any of my friends smoking. I just couldnt understand how someone who was as poor as I was could afford to buy all those cigs a week?

Then given the fact that you have to go all out of your way to even do it. PC police have banned it in almost everything (including bars somehow? How did that happen?) so you have to be the ass standing outside huddled in a corner like a crack fiend.

To much work.
No, as I have first-hand experience in seeing the damage it does to a person. Smoking is quite a moronic activity.
I just despise it for some reason.
I've learned to be more tolerant of it over time, but it just twists my knickers :bomb:
The last two girls I would liked to go out with smoked, so I just gave them up....

OUT OF CONTEXT:It seems ever girl I try to go out with has something REALLY wrong with them.
I've dealt with rabbit fetishes, asexuality, some with diseases and others that had kids! (All in High School)
I smoke because I'm addicted to nicotine. Simple as that. I plan on quitting in the near future. I got a script for Chantix, then got pissed when my insurance wouldn't pay for it. You believe that?
[quote name='chasemurata']No, as I have first-hand experience in seeing the damage it does to a person. Smoking is quite a moronic activity.[/quote]

It's moronic when people get drunk and do stupid shit like drinking and driving yet there isn't a public crusade for prohibition again.
[quote name='deszaras']It's moronic when people get drunk and do stupid shit like drinking and driving yet there isn't a public crusade for prohibition again.[/quote]

true but drinking in moderation isnt really harmful, but smoking is.
In actuality minimal-moderate drinking actually is beneficial to your health. That being said there's nothing good that comes out of smoking. I do admit to having a cigar every now and again. Usually for celebratory means or out golfing with the boys. I probably average about 4-5 cigars a year. In some great hypocrisy though, I'm pushing my wife to quit smoking cigarettes.
[quote name='Dandeschain']I smoke because I'm addicted to nicotine. Simple as that. I plan on quitting in the near future. I got a script for Chantix, then got pissed when my insurance wouldn't pay for it. You believe that?[/QUOTE]

Make sure you are ready to quit for sure. I used Chantix to quit and it worked wonders for me but it still wasn't easy to quit by any means. I still get strong cravings at least once a week and I haven't smoked in a year. I just know too many people that have quit using Chantix and other things (patches, gum...) and they are all back to smoking as much as they smoked before.
I don't smoke. I have some relatives who smoke, which I always thought was disgusting and so I hate going over their houses. My friends didn't smoke in that easily influenced stage of my life so I never really saw any reason to start and plenty of reasons not to.

[quote name='uberpwner93']I think it is sick and disgusting. It's just wrong.[/QUOTE]

Come on, you have a murderer smiling at being sentenced in your sig!
My friend brought a hookah over my house the other night. It was pretty tasty. He loaded it up with some watermelon flavored tobaccoh. Afterwards I read up on the effects and a single session that can last up to two hours is the equivalent of 50 ciggarettes. Never again. Stuff started hurting my chest too so yeah no thanks.
Smoke on average 1 cigarette a day during the work week(M-F)

It's a way to get out of the office, clear my head, etc...

Yeah, I could go for a walk, but bleh...

When I'm out drinking in bars that number goes waay up.
No. My mom has always coughed and hacked from smoking for a long as I can remember so that was a pretty firm deterrent. Plus I just hate the smell.

I will smoke a good cigar once or twice a year, but I don't really inhale much.
I don't smoke. Actually, there was a period of time a number of years ago, before I was married, when i got slightly caught up in the short-lived (pun perhaps intended) cigar craze. I have to say that it was kind of enjoyable, but very, very smelly. And of course terribly unhealthy. I probably only smoked around 7 or 8 cigars all told during that period and haven't smoked a cigar (or anything else) since, but I have to admit that I occasionally find myself eyeing the rack of cigars at the liquor store. Is that because I liked it or because I got slightly hooked? Maybe both. But I have kids now and so I would never smoke now - I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did. I can't say what will happen, though, if after the kids have grown up I'm ever diagnosed with a terminal disease and given a year to live. :)
I started smoking when i was 17 and im 25 now, but my goal is to quit by my 26th b-day, so hopefully I can be nicotine free lol. Oh and I smoke the chronic as well but I dont think ill ever stop smoking that.
No. I smoked for a couple months a year ago but that was really only when I drank. I stopped when I started thinking about smoking regularly. I'll smoke a cigar very rarely for celebration purposes, but that's maybe once a year.
I don't smoke. I use to did for a couple of months, and quit like it was nothing. I don't get addicted to anything. I sort of miss some of them though...
In high school I occasionally smoked, and in college I did the "smoking while drinking" think. Purely optional both times (that is, I could go weeks without smoking then I'd have half a pack in the evening). It was basically just something to do.
After getting married I smoked a pipe for a while. Pipe smoking is drastically different from cigarette smoking (and as much disrespect as cigarette smokers get, pipe/cigar smokes aren't even allowed in most places; I can't speak for cigars, but while a pipe can produce more smoke than a cigarette, pipe smoke can also be much nicer smelling.)
My perception of cigarette smoking is that it increases stress rather than decreasing it. Pipesmoking, on the other hand, does decrease it--there's a lot more to it than flipping open a pack and flicking a lighter. if you're stressed, and you start a pipe, by the time you get the pipe going well, you're likely to be less stressed. The very actions in building a pipe are soothing. There was a study from the Surgeon General that said pipe smokers live longer than non smokers (and of course longer than cigarette smoking). Though of course there are health hazards to balance out the psychological benefits.
After my son was born, I quit smoking anything.
As far as I'm aware, cigarette smoking has virtually no benefits other than satisfying an addiction (which wouldn't be there had the person not started smoking). As has been mentioned, drinking in moderation (one glass of wine or a one beer or one mixed drink a day) does have some health benefits (again, you have to balance that with the potential health risk, but the risk/benefit is different for each person.)
I will say this, when I wasn't smoking, I could rarely stand to be around smokers. And I hate going places -bars, concerts, casinos, etc.--that are heavily populated by smokers.
I came very close to smoking in H.S., due to my friends doing it. Thankfully I resisted the urge, and never did it.

I played football with friends, and my entire team took a smoke before the game except me. You better bet I was tempted to (some were friends I didn't even know who smoked).
I've never even tried it. In my 33 years I've never met someone who smoked that didn't want to stop. No good can come of it.
I've been smoking for a good decade now. Why I do it is more or less unknown to me. The best answer I can give you is that I'm pretty obsessive compulsive and if I don't smoke every two hours that I'm awake something starts to feel wrong. On the otherhand I smoke American Spirit Ultra Lights which is about as non-offensive to your body as you can get and still smoke. I like the ritual of it more than the taste/effect.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I came very close to smoking in H.S., due to my friends doing it. Thankfully I resisted the urge, and never did it.

I played football with friends, and my entire team took a smoke before the game except me. You better bet I was tempted to (some were friends I didn't even know who smoked).[/quote]

You are the biggest wet blanket!

Just kidding. Seriously, good for you. Doing things because your friends are is a fucking stupid reason to do anything.
Smoked for 10 years. One one of the main reasons I continued was in the military as with most places, smoking is a great reason to get away from work for a few minutes. But, my wife said enough is enough, and I had to agree with her it was time to stop, I was over a pack a day and occassionally doing dip as well. Its not a habit I would want for the rest of my life and after 2 years without smoking its been great.
Honestly I can see how someone can fall into the peer pressure of smoking, especially if there drinking. At a party or something Ive been offered multiple times a night, however Ive always said no and they always congratulate you when you say you wont get started on that shit. Everyone Ive talked to has said its horrible and to never start because its so hard to quit, so Ive just stayed away.
bread's done