Do you think that the Sony PS Network will begin to charge $$$ for online play?


Right now, I'm on the fence between buying a PS3 or an Xbox 360. Blue-ray is not that important to me, but saving money is (that's why I'm a CAGer, after all). The fact that online play is free right now on PSN is making me lean towards buying PS3.

However, my cynical and realistic side believe that Sony will eventually start charging for online play. So far, they've had to offer it for free because they fell so far behind MS Xbox Live. But Sony doesn't want to give anything away for free if it doesn't have to. So, I think that Sony will start charging for online play in the future. Little by little, the "free" stuff will no longer be free. And the PSN Plus is the clearest example that this is the direction that Sony is headed.

If I knew that I had to pay to play online, I'd rather just buy an Xbox 360 right now.

What say you? Do you think that the Sony PS Network will eventually begin to charge $$$ for online play?
[quote name='Bertyo']Why did you vote yes for your own poll if you're asking a question?[/QUOTE]

Because I think that Sony will start charging, eventually (just as I mentioned in the original post).

But I'd like to know what other CAGers think, too.
Sony has stated that the PSN will always be free.

As for being behind in XBL, the only think missing is cross game chat.

PS+ is games and more games at discounted prices or free. It has nothing to do with online service.

It comes down what do you want to play? Find that out and go buy the system that you have the most playing it on.
Not until PS4. Even then they may still give online play free but charge for just about everything else. Worse than paying for online play though is DLC. Don't support DLC or else you will be paying almost double for games. That adds up a lot faster than an annual fee. In fact, some people pay more for DLC than they do for the actual game.
[quote name='j-cart']Sony has stated that the PSN will always be free.

My experience is that companies always leave themselves a way out. Their policies can change any time, since they're the ones that set them.

Although I haven't done so, I'm sure that if you read the legal fine print of the PS Network, there will be some sort of exit clause that says something to the effect that Sony can cease the service at any time (just like MS killed Xbox Live for the original Xbox) or start charging for online play in the future.
[quote name='J7.']Not until PS4. Even then they may still give online play free but charge for just about everything else. Worse than paying for online play though is DLC. Don't support DLC or else you will be paying almost double for games. That adds up a lot faster than an annual fee. In fact, some people pay more for DLC than they do for the actual game.[/QUOTE]

I agree. It's too late to implement something this generation without tremendous backlash. Also, with the DLC, it's crazy how many purchases you have to make to get the full version of some games. Just look at Little Big Planet.
[quote name='Vhehs2'] It's too late to implement something this generation without tremendous backlash.[/QUOTE]

If Sony does not ever charge for online play, this will ultimately be the reason, IMHO.

Sony will figure out other ways to nickel and dime us to death in the meantime.
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It came straight from Jack Tretton's mouth that the PSN on the current PS3 will be free.

Sony will figure out other ways to nickel and dime us to death in the meantime.

How is Sony currently nickeling and diming us in the meantime? Online is free. DLC is optional, so are the games. I don't understand where you want to go with this thread.

PSN is free. Find out the game you want to play most and get it on the system that you have the most friends playing it on.
[quote name='j-cart']It came straight from Jack Tretton's mouth that the PSN on the current PS3 will be free.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to believe you, I really do. But of course Jack Tretton would say that if it helps to achieve his sales targets. (And we all know how quickly company executives get booted out when their strategies don't work.)

I just don't put a lot of stock in what a company mouthpiece says, no matter how high up he is.
[quote name='madbst']OP, from your posts, it looks like you want to buy the 360.[/QUOTE]

If I thought that PS3 would start charging for online play, I'd go for 360. But as mentioned, I'm leaning towards PS3 right now because of the free online play.

I'm just looking for other people's opinions on how they think Sony is going to go with this.
The Playstation 3 is almost 4 years old. They would be insane to try to charge for it now, especially with their current marketing.

I think Playstation Plus is as close to charging for online play that the Playstation 3 is going to get. Maybe that will change with the Playstation 4, but I hope not. I like how it's set up now.
[quote name='whuzizname']If I thought that PS3 would start charging for online play, I'd go for 360. But as mentioned, I'm leaning towards PS3 right now because of the free online play.

I'm just looking for other people's opinions on how they think Sony is going to go with this.[/QUOTE]

Your first post says you believe Sony will charge for online. Everyone else's opinion is that they won't (add me to that list). So, PS3 then?
Don't worry. It's been said a lot in this thread, but I'll say it again; Sony would not dare attempt to start charging for online play. It would confuse the casual gamer and piss off the hardcore.

They may add stuff and charge you for it, but what is free now will always stay free.
[quote name='whuzizname']Because I think that Sony will start charging, eventually (just as I mentioned in the original post).

But I'd like to know what other CAGers think, too.[/QUOTE]

You lack common sense if you think Sony is going to charge for online on the PS3. They can't just force something like that 4 years after it's been released. In fact, I recall them going on record and saying the stuff that are free will remain free forever. PS4 is a different story.

I think it's actually pretty stupid to weigh the decision of what console to get based on whether online is free or not anyway. You can get a year sub to XBL for like $30-40. Is .08 to .11 cents a day really breaking the bank for you? Factor the games for each system, factor whether your friends will be able to play with you and vice-versa. Don't factor in a measly .11 a day. I guarantee you waste for money than that on other shit.
Ok, I do not think Sony will charge for online play on the PS3 for the following reasons:

1) It's way too late in the game.
2) It is an advantage for them not to charge for online, since their main competitor does charge for online (the 360 is practically worthless w/o an XBL Gold Account)
3) Many of the developers cite the openness of PSN as a reason to release games on PSN.
4) There is already a backlash for PS+ (from mainly the game blogs/journalists), if they implemented an XBL type pay scheme now, the backlash would be unbelievable.

Also, as a CAG, even if Sony will eventually charge for online, you can save some $$ for at least a few years instead of getting yourself locked into XBL now. I mean, if you believe that Sony will eventually charge for online, I'd take advantage of the free online while it lasts.

At this point, unless you cannot live without the handful of 360 exclusives, it's obvious that the PS3's value is heads and shoulders above the 360. I see no reason whatsoever to lock yourself into XBOX Live if you can help it.

Anyway, that's my opinion, so take it for what it's worth.
[quote name='J7.']Not until PS4. Even then they may still give online play free but charge for just about everything else. Worse than paying for online play though is DLC. Don't support DLC or else you will be paying almost double for games. That adds up a lot faster than an annual fee. In fact, some people pay more for DLC than they do for the actual game.[/QUOTE]
:applause::applause::applause: fuck DLC. Unless it adds significant amounts of storyline to an existing game and not just some multiplayer garbage like modes, hideouts or skins to play as, it's a no buy for me.

As for Sony charging for online next gen, if they do then I go back to playing offline only. I can still do most of the same shit I do online in the games I play online in the offline version, so it's no big loss for me. In the case of Red Dead Redemption, there's more stuff to do offline than online unless you like playing deathmatch or capture the flag or whatever other online modes they have in the game(that I never even bothered to try for more than ONE game).
Hasn't this been discussed like a thousand times already? I smell a troll just looking to argue about shit that pertains to nothing significant. Someone lock this thread.

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