Do you wear glasses/contacts?

The Mana Knight

41 (100%)
Previously when I got answered this question, I'd say no. However, I avoided getting my eyes checked for years and one of my co-workers got me to do it. I ended up finding out I really needed to be wearing glasses (due to bad astigmatism along with finding out I was far sighted in one eye, and another eye heading towards near sighted). It was tough to tell I needed vision correction since my eyes were use to adjusting to see properly (although I had a headache almost everyday) and they somewhat canceled each other out. Since I started wearing glasses, its like I can't see that great with them off and I start to get headaches (wearing them has completely removed my headaches).

I hope to get contacts sometime, but worry a little about not being able to get them in my eye since I flinch when stuff comes near my eyes.
glasses for almost 20 years now. dont like contacts, probably wont get surgery anytime soon. maybe if my insurance covered more than 15%.
I've worn glasses since I was roughly 7 or so and contacts since freshman year of HS. I still wear both, alternating between the two based on general lazinesss. It's been my experience that you'll see better through glasses than through contacts, and the contacts only real benefit is comfort/appearance. You sacrifice some of the clarity in exchange for not having glasses on your face.

I've got a slight astigmatism in one eye, but nothing terrible. My optometrist bumped up the prescription on the affected contact lens to compensate by 0.25, and I don't really notice any difference between the two eyes. They do make contact lenses specifically designed for astigmatism, but I've never used them.

Putting contacts in your eyes is tricky at first, but you get used to it. The trick (for me, anyways) has always been to use one finger to pull down the bottom eyelid and the other to put on the lens - I always look up when I'm doing it and sort of fake myself out I guess. Works like a charm.
I mostly wear contacts, have had them for almost 9 years. For me, it was mostly the first few weeks of having them that took some time getting them in. Got glasses last year mostly to use at home, at night, or when my contacts bother me once in awhile.
One contact in my left eye for the past 4 or 5 years. Everybody flinches when something comes at their eyes, but your own controlled hands going at your eyes shouldn't make you flinch. You can get used to contacts and the optometrist will probably give you a pair free to try out at your next exam if you want.
[quote name='tiredfornow']So many nerds with bad vision. Love my perfect vision. :)[/QUOTE]

Being a nerd doesn't necessarily mean you have bad vision, yet having bad vision automatically makes you a nerd. Thank you, modern society.
Glasses since 7th grade. Contacts are too fucking annoying and uncomfortable to deal with. I stopped trying to use them after I would lose one every few days to the bathroom sink.

I'll eventually get surgery, but I'll probably wait until I'm 21+
I wear both contacts and glasses depending on the day. If I'm going to the gym before going to work etc. I'll wear my daily disposables. If I'm not, I may wear my glasses. Have had glasses since 4th grade, contacts since 10th. Considering Lasik at some point, but I'm wary as most people I've known that have gotten it have issue with dry eyes or night vision (or both).

I used to wear contacts more, but I switched brands this time and I don't like the ones I have now as much. Tend to get blurry pretty quickly when reading or staring at the computer which is all I do. Unfortunately I didn't have the issue until I had cut off all the UPC codes off the boxes so I couldn't return them.

I have a years worth, I doubt I'll finish them. I'll probably finish the 2 boxes I have opened and then see about donating the other boxes if possible and switch back to my focus dailies.
[quote name='tiredfornow']So many nerds with bad vision. Love my perfect vision. :)[/QUOTE]Hey, I'm no nerd. ;)

Anyway, I had/thought I had perfect vision for a while, but now I wear glasses. It will happen to you one day. :p
I had contacts for about 3 years then lost my insurance and went with out anything for a few years. I got glasses a couple years ago and I prefer them.
20/10 vision. Both parents didn't need glasses until their mid-40s and even my mother only needs them to read to this day (she's in her late 50s). I hope I last that long!
[quote name='SpazX']I use these and they're very nice:

The also have the toric version for astigmatism.

I used to wear CIBA Vision O2 Optix and the Biofinity ones are much better IMO.[/QUOTE]I'll need some which are good for astigmatism, since mine is pretty bad. I have to wait until my next benefit term to try getting them, although my coverage isn't that great.

I was a bit angry my co-worker made me get my eyes checked (I had to pay $360 or so for eye exam + iZON lenses (insurance didn't really cover the lenses, but the ladies convinced me to get them) + frames)). But oh well, at least I can see better, just wish I could go without wearing them more (but can't).

I still barely know if I should wear them all the time. My eyes aren't really bad, but the only thing the doctor said was I need to be wearing glasses (after the extensive exam, he said everything was fine except my eyesight, and I needed to be wearing glasses).
I've technically needed glasses since second grade, but I never wore them until 3 years ago when my vision just become blurry one day, and I couldn't see clearly. Been wearing glasses ever since. I've gotten used to them and rather like them, so I've never considered contacts.
Glasses since 4th grade- I don't know my prescription off the top of my head, but my vision is terrible- I think I can see clearly about 5 inches in front of my face, then it all goes blurry. It's pretty much been that bad all along, but being put in the front of the classroom most grades, plus having a knack for identifying things based on color/general outline, no one noticed (I was even in advanced classes.) They caught it with an all-student mandatory basic check. I remember my first eye appointment- I couldn't see the big 'e' at the top of the chart. Seriously.

It's been a couple of years since I've been to the eye doctor, I should really go and get a new pair of specs... I've been putting it off for cost (my insurance now is fairly crappy) and not wanting to use my backup glasses. I got a rimless set last time that I adore, my old wire frame backup pair now feels really heavy on my face. I'll probablu go mid-April/early May though, use leftover money from Sakura Con and going to my fiance's friend's wedding reception.

I have no interest in contacts- I don't want the hassle of cleaning them, losing them, or jamming them in my eye. Besides, I really like the frames I have now, they really suit me. (I got a ton of compliments right after I got them.)
I've had glasses for nearly 16 years now. I have discussed surgery with my doctor and he seems to think that my sight has leveled off enough to have a successful surgery. It still makes me nervous to think about having a laser pointed in my eyes.
[quote name='i_bent_my_wookie']I've had glasses for nearly 16 years now. I have discussed surgery with my doctor and he seems to think that my sight has leveled off enough to have a successful surgery. It still makes me nervous to think about having a laser pointed in my eyes.[/QUOTE]I'd like surgery too, but I'll wait until my vision stays the same for a while.

While I like being able to see, can't say I really like the pair of glasses I got. There are certain pairs I wish I had, but my doctor's office didn't have that wide of a selection, and ladies there pretty much picked a pair they thought looked good on me. That's why I'm tempted to pick up another pair to style in them better, but it would be a lot of money.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']I remember my first eye appointment- I couldn't see the big 'e' at the top of the chart. Seriously.[/QUOTE]

I can't see the "E" with my right eye. It's just a big black blob.
[quote name='i_bent_my_wookie']I've had glasses for nearly 16 years now. I have discussed surgery with my doctor and he seems to think that my sight has leveled off enough to have a successful surgery. It still makes me nervous to think about having a laser pointed in my eyes.[/QUOTE]

The laser pointed in your eyes? What about the knife they're gonna cut your fucking cornea with?
i wear glasses / contacts each about 50% of the time. i do a lot of computer work so my eyes get really irritated if i wear contacts all the time.

i want lasik but they said my eyes are too dry for the current technology, they suggested i check back in a couple years because they're developing techniques that are better for people with dry eyes...

i think i look much better without glasses. i think just about everyone looks much better without glasses.
[quote name='Koggit']

i think i look much better without glasses. i think just about everyone looks much better without glasses.[/QUOTE]

i think i look better with glasses. i got a big face, glasses help. either that or the last 20 years just make me think that.
Got my first pair of glasses ten years ago and couldn't stand them, so I got contacts a year later and never looked back. They're so inconvenient. I don't really like having things on my face all the time, plus only being able to see within the frames/lenses is annoying. I've thought about getting surgery, but I'm afraid that they'll fuck up and I'll be left blind.
post otherwise-identical pics with and without on hot or not and find out

hot or not still exists, right?

if not, hey, remember hot or not? ah good times right
i wonder if they still have hot or not... well even if they do, i wouldnt put those pictures on there. how devastating would it be to my self esteem when the with glasses shows up with a 4.6 and the with out has 4.8
[quote name='lmz00']Got my first pair of glasses ten years ago and couldn't stand them, so I got contacts a year later and never looked back. They're so inconvenient. I don't really like having things on my face all the time, plus only being able to see within the frames/lenses is annoying. I've thought about getting surgery, but I'm afraid that they'll fuck up and I'll be left blind.[/QUOTE]Yeah, it kind of sucks when I'm looking up/down away from my glasses and not being able to see. In ways it would be nice seeing all around. Really doesn't help that my glasses are small.

Some say I look better with, some say without. Many say glasses seem to suit my personality. :whistle2:( I don't know if I'd agree.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Previously when I got answered this question, I'd say no. However, I avoided getting my eyes checked for years and one of my co-workers got me to do it. I ended up finding out I really needed to be wearing glasses (due to bad astigmatism along with finding out I was far sighted in one eye, and another eye heading towards near sighted). It was tough to tell I needed vision correction since my eyes were use to adjusting to see properly (although I had a headache almost everyday) and they somewhat canceled each other out. Since I started wearing glasses, its like I can't see that great with them off and I start to get headaches (wearing them has completely removed my headaches).

I hope to get contacts sometime, but worry a little about not being able to get them in my eye since I flinch when stuff comes near my eyes.[/QUOTE]

I wore glasses for a long time and last year I started wearing contacts. Contacts are awesome and it feels great. Took me a long long time to actually get use to them. Now I don't even need a mirror to put on my contacts and takes me less than one minute to put them on. Advice on putting them on: Just look forward and slowly try to put the contacts on your eyes. If you flinch that's ok: Just hold your contacts near your eyes until you stop flinching. Then put them on. You need to keep trying until your eyes get use to the contacts.

Advice on taking it off: Look up down and take them off so you easily get the contacts off your eyes. If you look forward, you will be having a hard time trying to pinch the contacts off your eyes.
I recently had to get reading glasses, my work has vision benefits. Even though they paid, I still upgraded to Versace frames that are ultra sexy. 4 eyes of dynamite baby!
90% of those polled on a gaming site wear glasses or contacts. Who said staring at a screen for extended periods of time isn't bad for your eyes? :)

Glasses at 5, contacts at 12. The more you want to lose the glasses, the easier it is to get used to contacts. I can reach up touch my eye and it doesn't bother me at all.
I started wearing glasses in 5th grade, but switched to contacts my sophomore year of high school. It was a pain getting them in at first, but I've been doing it for long enough now that I don't even need a mirror. Just like anything else you do daily, it becomes routine, and you eventually don't even have to think about it.

I should have a pair of glasses on hand since my vision is so bad I need my contacts from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep (which is longer than you should wear them), but it's always such a pain getting my prescription. I have bad astigmatism in both eyes, which always makes optometrist appointments fun. My previous optometrist got so frustrated trying to nail down the right prescription, he pretty much begged me to get Lasik. (I think his problem was that he was determined for me to get 20/20 in both eyes individually. My new optometrist seems to have better luck with making me have 20/20 in both eyes together the priority.)
Glasses at three years old. I was born with a vision impairment that's not curable by surgery. Contacts at 14 (so I could drive...just barely make the legal limit).

Contacts are bothersome/annoying for a few weeks, but then, it's like any other thing. Hell, I can put in/take out contacts with no light/mirror/anything, and I'm sure most people are that way.
[quote name='Cantatus']

I should have a pair of glasses on hand since my vision is so bad I need my contacts from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep (which is longer than you should wear them), but it's always such a pain getting my prescription. I have bad astigmatism in both eyes, which always makes optometrist appointments fun. My previous optometrist got so frustrated trying to nail down the right prescription, he pretty much begged me to get Lasik. (I think his problem was that he was determined for me to get 20/20 in both eyes individually. My new optometrist seems to have better luck with making me have 20/20 in both eyes together the priority.)[/QUOTE]I kind of wonder if my astigmatism seems to explain that while my glasses help, they don't fully fix my vision. I had my last eye exam in early Jan., but I'll have another in Nov./Dec. this year. I'll probably go to the same doctor because they have a machine you look into, which reads the prescription your eyes needs to be corrected with (only vision care place in my state which has it). They still tested various lenses on me, but the doctor already had an idea what correction I needed.

And wow at the poll results. So many need vision correction here.:lol: I guess it was destined to happen to me.
I have to wear glasses when I use the computer because I have eye astigmatism. I haven't checked my eyes in over 2 years, though. It's probably time to go in and get a new pair of glasses, too, since my current pair have taken quite a beating.
bread's done