Do your parents have a Facebook profile?


Dick Tracy

My parents don't. They barely know anything about the Internets, and thus are terrified of it. (And they're not even that old.) They have the Internet (in tiny Dell Netbook form), but they only use it for news reading and recipes, and things like that.


They do have a fake Facebook profile that they use to spy on extended family members. :lol:

Ingeniously, I don't use my real name on Facebook, for a multitude of reasons -- so they legitimately have no idea that I have a Facebook account. (They've asked me if I have one, and I deny it to avoid digital Luddite speak from my dad.)

My parents are online creepers.

Anyway, I sometimes see friends' parents commenting on their status updates, and I think, "Man... I couldn't imagine my parents doing that."

in b4 facebook is gay
My parents have a facebook. Not sure how or how often my mom uses hers, but dad's used his to get back in touch with people he lost contact with years ago. I have one as well from when I signed up a few years back at the suggestion of a guy I worked with, but I haven't touched it since so now I just say I don't have one.

Probably a good thing since I prefer my parents don't read what I write online since I sometimes vent about crazy shit and would rather see it read by random strangers as they won't get up in my face about it.
my parents don't have a fb because they don't like computers
but my girlfriend's parents have a fb and so do her grandparents
it's scary because since we've been together they've basically learned a lot about me
via google
and my facebook

also, another question to you, the people of CAG, if your girlfriend's mom/dad has a facebook do you add it? seems like a bad idea.....or good idea to get in good with the parents~
My mom has one and I'm friends with her. I know that's usually a faux pas but once you start getting into your late 20s things kind of change in your interactions with your parents. If I was still in my early 20s or teens there's no way I'd be friends with my parents on facebook. These days I don't really have much that I would want to keep from my parents.

The other thing is with me being out of state for school its a quick way to keep in touch. I don't always have time to give my parents a call so facebook is a quick and easy way for them to see how I'm doing at school.
Anyone who thinks facebook is anything more than a phonebook now is kidding themselves. It's simply a place to catch up with old friends, share pictures with family, and be informed of comments that your friends make to people you don't even know :)roll:). Everybody is on it. EVERYBODY (I've known of several homeless people who have facebook pages).

It stopped being "cool" a long time ago, and somehow just became "necessary". I don't exactly love what its become, but it doesn't surprise me either. In truth, it is a very low effort way to keep in touch with people. There are several things I hate about it, but you take the good with the bad.

Also, as RedvsBlue pointed out, maybe your age has something to do with how your perceive it. I'm 28 and appreciate that my parents can show me pictures when they take trips to NY to see my relatives or when my sister posts pictures of my nephew that I only get to see once a year. I'm really not concerned with how "cool" that is. The question I have for some of you is what are you wanting it to be?
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Yeah. My folks share one account. It's sort of an easy way for them to see pictures of the kids. It's also nice to see what cousins are doing since I never actually talk to them except at family reunions.

You know you can arrange your friends on facebook so certain friends (relatives) see your status updates and certain friends (actual friends) see a different status update?

Edit: Forgot to mention that my mom calls it "The facebook". As in "Why did you say that on The Facebook yesterday?"
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[quote name='n8rockerasu']Also, as RedvsBlue pointed out, maybe your age has something to do with how your perceive it. I'm 28 and appreciate that my parents can show me pictures when they take trips to NY to see my relatives or when my sister posts pictures of my nephew that I only get to see once a year. I'm really not concerned with how "cool" that is. The question I have for some of you is what are you wanting it to be?[/QUOTE]
Not everyone has the same relationship with their parents.

I'm extremely introverted, which probably has to do with me being an only child. I'm not awkwardly silent, or anything, but I'm very emotionally stoic in person (I do the whole hiding behind humor and interests routine), and I just don't feel comfortable with including my parents into a realm where I have an infinitely easier time expressing myself beyond my personal interests.

I have a very good relationship with my parents, and speak to them almost daily. I think I'd soften up to the idea of them seeing deeper within me as I age, but not presently, what with them not understanding the Internet or facebook.

I'm pretty sure my dad thinks all facebook users are trying to become famous. :lol:
My mom does. My dad never uses the computer.

I'm of a same mind of n8rockerasu. I'm 32, and one of my main uses for Facebook is sharing photos etc. with family and friends. I don't really use it for much of anything else really. And I'd never post anything on a site like that, that I wouldn't want family, employers to see etc.

Brak makes a good, common sense point about the introvert/extrovert thing. Social networking sites are going to appeal more to the extroverts--though there also a way for the semi-introverted to keep in touch with friends/family as well. But very reclusive/introverted people aren't going to care about sharing info, photos etc. with others etc., nor want their family seeing their posts etc. as they're probably more private etc.
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Lulz Facebook is so ga........... OH GODAMMIT OP !!!

Seriously no-one on my family is on Facebook except me and I seldom spend any time on it, I couldn't give a shit about the daily minutia of other people lives.
[quote name='eldergamer']

Edit: Forgot to mention that my mom calls it "The facebook". As in "Why did you say that on The Facebook yesterday?"[/QUOTE]

Well that was the original name of the site. :lol:
My mom has facebook but it doesn't bother me. It is good for sharing pictures with her. And my grandmother has facebook but she doesn't know how to use it too much.

The only negative of being friends with my mom is that I get friend requests from family members that I haven't seen in years and/or have no interest in being friends with. She wanted to list me under family on the side bar and I told her no.
[quote name='eldergamer']Edit: Forgot to mention that my mom calls it "The facebook". As in "Why did you say that on The Facebook yesterday?"[/QUOTE]
... and so it was written, and so it shall pass; so says The Book of Faces.
Both my parents do. Most of my aunts and uncles do too. I'm friends with then all, I have them all in a custom group called "family" and they can see a lot of stuff on my profile (mainly pictures and posts by other people). I wasn't friends with them at first, but then I felt bad. A few privacy adjustments and a custom group, problem solved. My dad leaves very "dad" comments and it's pretty funny.
[quote name='Brak']Not everyone has the same relationship with their parents.

I'm extremely introverted, which probably has to do with me being an only child. I'm not awkwardly silent, or anything, but I'm very emotionally stoic in person (I do the whole hiding behind humor and interests routine), and I just don't feel comfortable with including my parents into a realm where I have an infinitely easier time expressing myself beyond my personal interests.

I have a very good relationship with my parents, and speak to them almost daily. I think I'd soften up to the idea of them seeing deeper within me as I age, but not presently, what with them not understanding the Internet or facebook.[/QUOTE]

I can understand that, but it kind of addresses my point. Facebook isn't a blog/journal, and I wouldn't use it to write about anything too personal. I know some people do, but with the nature of how many people can see it, to me it just feels like airing out dirty laundry. As it's evolved, the site is now more like a place to just share photos/information/pleasantries (and to sound off on politics...which people do far too often). If there's really that much stuff you don't want your family to see, then take Ramstoria's advice and create groups and make privacy restrictions. If they're really not very internet savy, I doubt they'd even notice.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I can understand that, but it kind of addresses my point. Facebook isn't a blog/journal, and I wouldn't use it to write about anything too personal. I know some people do, but with the nature of how many people can see it, to me it just feels like airing out dirty laundry. As it's evolved, the site is now more like a place to just share photos/information/pleasantries (and to sound off on politics...which people do far too often). If there's really that much stuff you don't want your family to see, then take Ramstoria's advice and create groups and make privacy restrictions. If they're really not very internet savy, I doubt they'd even notice.[/QUOTE]
I agree with what you're saying, but I don't post anything I'm embarrassed of -- or even that personal, to be honest.
Probably just because they don't understand what facebook is for.
My mom has one, but my dad uses it more to read people's statuses out loud and mock their free time activities.

I did accept my mom's friend request...but put her on a lockdown list where she can only see my profile picture.

It's not that I have anything terrible on my Facebook, but I could do without the "lol" comment from her, along with the mental image of my dad reading my status out loud.
[quote name='seanr1221']My mom has one, but my dad uses it more to read people's statuses out loud and mock their free time activities.

I did accept my mom's friend request...but put her on a lockdown list where she can only see my profile picture.

It's not that I have anything terrible on my Facebook, but I could do without the "lol" comment from her, along with the mental image of my dad reading my status out loud.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, a pretty large portion of my friends list is on limited profile. They can't see my wall or anything else I post unless I specifically allow it.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']also, another question to you, the people of CAG, if your girlfriend's/boyfriend's mom/dad has a facebook do you add it? seems like a bad idea.....or good idea to get in good with the parents~[/QUOTE]


also what happens when you die

ok thanks
Let me give you the quickest, most simple rundown of my facebooking life as humanly possible.

Whenever I post a status, my parents WILL comment on it and say the stupidest most annoying things ever.

My Dad ALWAYS puts a space between the last word in his sentences and then an
exclamation point.
Example: "this is how he types !., also clean your room !"

My Mom randomly brings up silly things that only she could possibly remember.
Example: *I write status saying I'm bored*
Her: "Thats why you're on facebook, you teenager LOL remember that it's *insert relative's name I haven't spoken to in 2 years name here* birthday next month."

My Brother deletes EVERYTHING from his FB wall, no matter what it is, It's 100% wiped clean of EVERYTHING at ALL TIMES. He never posts or comments, but he makes sure to keep his page BLANK.

My parents are also Christian (like myself) but they HATE cursing of any sort. (hell, damn, crap, shit, even !@#$ in the place of fuck isn't allowed)
So whenever I wanna post a status that I WANT people to read, I hide it from my parents. but if I do it too often they get suspicious and tell me to stop hiding it from them alongside the threat of taking away my computer (my one and only means of communication with the outside world). -_-
So every day, at least 3 times, I have to post a vanilla boring ass clean status to keep them happy and out of my hair.

And that, is that. *facepalms*
I'm 16. :p
They're just uptight, which is one of the reasons I have to hide all my M rated games like they're made of gold.
No. They'd probably never be able to navigate it anyway. It's a miracle that my mother can use Netflix and my father can even find Google. I was out of state once and called my father back home and had to walk him through going into my email account and finding an email from eBay to print out and ship an item I had sold. It was the most frustrating experience ever.

A lot of my friends' parents have Facebook accounts. Even grandparents. Sometimes it's awkward, sometimes it's creepy, but most of the time it's just funny. Most of the time, those folks are completely oblivious to the culture that the internet has generated, and as such, any interactions just come off as comically out of place.
[quote name='Mayson']So if Facebook is for losers now, what are all the cool kids using these days?[/QUOTE]

They hide their messages in graphic amateur porn. Keeps out most of the unwanted.

My mom has a facebook account, and looks at my friends pages makes comments on their status. Sometime she comments on my status update with a "shut the hell up" or silly video.
[quote name='Mayson']So if Facebook is for losers now, what are all the cool kids using these days?[/QUOTE]


Why wouldn't OP use his real name on Facebook? Unless you're under 18 or in witness protection, I don't see many good reasons not to use your real name.

I was part of Facebook during the whole "real colleges only" era and everyone I know uses their real name and interacts like normal human beings on the thing. None of that weird shit you see on humor sites making fun of people's stupidity on Facebook once it was opened up to the general masses. I guess my point is, I just can't imagine friend requesting someone I knew from school or in "real life" using a fake name. For one, most everyone has their profiles on high privacy settings and wouldn't accept a "fake" friend request anyway, and secondly, I think it would be awkward as fuck to say "Hey this is Steve Blart but please accept my friend request under the name Dick Johnson."

I guess I can understand if you participate in something potentially 'embarrassing' to the general public, like online Dungeons and Dragons or belong to the local BDSM club but you want to engage with other like minded people via Facebook, then perhaps a second "fake" Facebook account is warranted. But not as your first account, not unless you don't want to have a real first account and interact with people you know offline.
[quote name='kodave']Why wouldn't OP use his real name on Facebook? Unless you're under 18 or in witness protection, I don't see many good reasons not to use your real name.

I was part of Facebook during the whole "real colleges only" era and everyone I know uses their real name and interacts like normal human beings on the thing. None of that weird shit you see on humor sites making fun of people's stupidity on Facebook once it was opened up to the general masses. I guess my point is, I just can't imagine friend requesting someone I knew from school or in "real life" using a fake name. For one, most everyone has their profiles on high privacy settings and wouldn't accept a "fake" friend request anyway, and secondly, I think it would be awkward as fuck to say "Hey this is Steve Blart but please accept my friend request under the name Dick Johnson."

I guess I can understand if you participate in something potentially 'embarrassing' to the general public, like online Dungeons and Dragons or belong to the local BDSM club but you want to engage with other like minded people via Facebook, then perhaps a second "fake" Facebook account is warranted. But not as your first account, not unless you don't want to have a real first account and interact with people you know offline.[/QUOTE]

Generally it's so people can't find you.
hell no they don't, I have one myself and used an alias myself recently. I just use to it find some friends from HS which has been about a decade from now....
If people have a Facebook page just to stay in touch with people, why don't they just use email and cut Facebook out of the picture? I don't have a fb account and some people I know act like they can't get in touch with me even though they have my freaking email address.
[quote name='panzerfaust']because fb is a million times more casual and accessible than writing out emails?[/QUOTE]

Last time I checked, writing out an email was just as easy as sending somebody a message on Facebook. It's also a lot more private, so the whole fucking world isn't seeing the conversation you guys are having.

Facebook is just for stalking ex girlfriends/boyfriends and making fun of all the people you went to high school with getting fat and popping out kids. The whole Facebook thing is completely fucking stupid, and I'm constantly amazed when people act shocked and disturbed when you tell them you don't have a Facebook account.
Last time I checked, writing out an email was just as easy as sending somebody a message on Facebook

It's also a lot more private

Well you can send private messages on facebook too

Facebook is just for stalking ex girlfriends/boyfriends and making fun of all the people you went to high school with getting fat and popping out kids. The whole Facebook thing is completely ing stupid, and I'm constantly amazed when people act shocked and disturbed when you tell them you don't have a Facebook account.


Nothing wrong with not having a facebook, but it's incredibly useful to a lot of people. Especially those networking and meeting new people all the time, it's just really convenient, and allows you to share photos and information with people with very little effort.
I use Facebook for all my trolling needs and obligations.
It doesn't hurt to make a few 12 year olds cry in the process, either. :)
Other then that, I use Skype and AIM for friends. :whee:
[quote name='WeaponX2099']I thought was for tumblr for art and porn. Hmmm.[/QUOTE]
Depends on what you follow! Tumblr is certainly not a Facebook replacement, it doesn't fit the same role as Facebook, but it is definitely the trendy thing these days. I rather enjoy it.

[quote name='Blackout']Last time I checked, writing out an email was just as easy as sending somebody a message on Facebook. It's also a lot more private, so the whole fucking world isn't seeing the conversation you guys are having.

Facebook is just for stalking ex girlfriends/boyfriends and making fun of all the people you went to high school with getting fat and popping out kids. The whole Facebook thing is completely fucking stupid, and I'm constantly amazed when people act shocked and disturbed when you tell them you don't have a Facebook account.[/QUOTE]
This whole post is pretty stupid, but the second half is worse. You don't need to spill your life on Facebook, but saying that email and Facebook are the same thing, and Facebook is completely useless, is really, really ignorant.
[quote name='Rocko']Depends on what you follow! Tumblr is certainly not a Facebook replacement, it doesn't fit the same role as Facebook, but it is definitely the trendy thing these days. I rather enjoy it.


I think tumblr is interesting, and I agree that Tumblr is most def not a facebook replacement.
[quote name='Rocko']Depends on what you follow! Tumblr is certainly not a Facebook replacement, it doesn't fit the same role as Facebook, but it is definitely the trendy thing these days. I rather enjoy it.

This whole post is pretty stupid, but the second half is worse. You don't need to spill your life on Facebook, but saying that email and Facebook are the same thing, and Facebook is completely useless, is really, really ignorant.[/QUOTE]

Not really. I don't know how old you are, but it seems like most people in the age range of teenager-23 is a complete fucking moron on Facebook. All they do is spill their life on their pages. I can't even begin too tell you how much drama I would see on with Facebook when I used to have an account. It was amazing.

Everyone thinks they're a movie star on that thing too. People would go to Mcdonalds, and take like 200 pictures of them eating a double cheesburger and sipping on a sweet tea. When people would have parties, there were more cameras out than actual beer at the party. It boggles my mind. I knew chicks (and a few guys) who would keep all their exes on their page just to keep tabs on them. I mean really, that's not healthy, but it seems like a lot of people do that sort of thing.

It's pretty much the reason why I cancelled my account, and just kept in touch with the people I needed to. I mean realistically, there's no way in hell people actually have over 100 friends that they keep in contact with on a daily or weekly basis.

For the older crowd I'm sure it's great to share pictures with family and stuff, but from my point of view, it does more harm that good. Then you get into the territory of your family and parents adding you, and it's just a big mess.
bread's done