Documentary ... 9/11 staged

Is this how the Government was allegedly involved with 9/11? Will that ever go away? These people need to go back to believing that the government is collaborating with U.F.O.s again. And nobody pays any attention to bigfoot anymore either. :cry:
Ehhh it can be argued a couple of ways:

1.Bush knew it and decided to ignore it.

2.They didn't take it seriously.

I wouldn't be surprised if this would've happened on Clinton's watch since our eye seemed to be off the ball, you'd have thought Oklahoma City would've taught us better than that.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Well, it's possible. I mean we all know about the holocaust being a hoax, right?[/QUOTE]
The Germans and Italians don't, apparently.

Anyways, this "documentary" is probably akin to that radio host that talked about how the plane flying into the pentagon was a hoax.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Either you missed the sarcasm in mine, or I missed it in yours.[/QUOTE]
It is illegal for Germans and Italians to publish anything saying that the holocaust was a hoax. Or, so I've heard somewhere (possibly on this forum).
That's actually illegal in a lot of countries, most countries have hate laws. It's illegal in germany, australia, u.k., canada (only publicly from public figures I believe) etc. Enforcement varies greatly though.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']That's actually illegal in a lot of countries, most countries have hate laws. It's illegal in germany, australia, u.k., canada (only publicly from public figures I believe) etc. Enforcement varies greatly though.[/QUOTE]
I assume you get the joke now?
Maybe it was Air Force One that crashed on 9/11 and the President Bush that we know now is a robot. But its not a very good robot and sometimes goes a little haywire.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']I assume you get the joke now?[/QUOTE]

ya. I thought your original post might have meant the victims didn't seem to think it was a hoax.
I like how some of their evidence is that the pilot who flew the jet into the Pentagon had trouble landing a single engine plane. Well obviously he had a lot MORE trouble landing a jetliner!
Cancer Man (aka Cigarette-Smoking Man) did it. Just ask Mulder. The truth is out there.

Oh, and is your strait-jacket comfortable? We'll be serving electro-shock at 1 p.m. We hope you enjoy it.
Ok, conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination are one category but these 9/11 ones are just sooo far fetched its not even funny. This guy is a nut, he's picking and choosing the evidence. I've thought of a counter to just about everything he uses as "evidence" so far.

So, watching further, I see in one of the videos of the WTC tower collapse that you can definetly see the outer wall bending just before the tower starts its pancaking collapse, which directly supports everything we've heard about how the towers collapsed.

The news reported that there was an explosion that collapsed the tower. We all know the news should be trusted to be 100% correct at all time... President Gore anyone?
I dont believe we knew it was going to happen, but Bush sitting in that classroom reading a kids book not knowing what to do, was pretty scary though. I dont know how people voted for him in mind that he could get us through this war.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I dont believe we knew it was going to happen, but Bush sitting in that classroom reading a kids book not knowing what to do, was pretty scary though. I dont know how people voted for him in mind that he could get us through this war.[/QUOTE]

Then compare that with his speedy response to the Katrina disaster. It only took him a week there. :applause:
Its a good thing the line "according to wikipedia" is in the last 10 minutes of the video cause if I had heard it at the beginning I would have been deprived of that hour of excitement.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Its a good thing the line "according to wikipedia" is in the last 10 minutes of the video cause if I had heard it at the beginning I would have been deprived of that hour of excitement.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RedvsBlue']

So, watching further, I see in one of the videos of the WTC tower collapse that you can definetly see the outer wall bending just before the tower starts its pancaking collapse, which directly supports everything we've heard about how the towers collapsed.


True but that doesn't disprove the "controlled demo" theory either. The buckling would have occured in either case. Reading official engineering comments, their theories sound fine with a few questions. Basically, engineers create a "perfect storm". The loss of some structural members (although those were design mainly to resist shear, the weakening of the steel due to fire (something this documentary overlooks), and eccentricities of shifting loads. I wonder why those eccentricities weren't more visible in the collapse.

And it doesn't explain Tower 7 either.

This guy is simply doing what the official explaination does. Providing only one slanted way it could have happen w/o presenting all of the evidence.
omg...i just started watching the first 10 mins of this thing.... its defently got my attention..

back to the video.
just finished this.... thats it..i do not plan on working for the government in the future...and to my surpise chantilly, va was mentioned in the video....THATS WHERE I LIVE :O
[quote name='ITDEFX']i do not plan on working for the government in the future[/QUOTE]

That's unfortunate, because you're their ideal employee: someone who will see and accept everything at face value, regardless of evidence otherwise. Someone who won't ask questions, most certainly not their own questions.
[quote name='Ledhed']That's unfortunate, because you're their ideal employee: someone who will see and accept everything at face value, regardless of evidence otherwise. Someone who won't ask questions, most certainly not their own questions.[/QUOTE]

Its ironic really cause the point of the video was to question the government's official story. Basically what they're saying is that a 1 hour video should make you change your entire opinion on 9/11, without question, and believe that there is a huge government conspiracy.

Unfortunately, as more time goes by these 9/11 conspiracy theories are only going to become more popular because the original even will have faded in everyone's memory and people that aren't even alive will more readily believe a conspiracy because they weren't there. Just look at the JFK assassination, the conspiracy behind that has only gotten more popular as time goes by to the point now that most of the public finds it more believable that there was some huge government conspiracy rather than just some nut with a vendeta.
[quote name='Ledhed']That's unfortunate, because you're their ideal employee: someone who will see and accept everything at face value, regardless of evidence otherwise. Someone who won't ask questions, most certainly not their own questions.[/QUOTE]

well i clearly remembered a number of things on some of the news channels that were broadcasting diffrent views of the towers during the event. A lot of things just didn't feel right and the way the building fell and so on. When those towers fell, there was no way they could have been brought down by the fires by those two planes. Yes I remembered seeing a number of exposions not near the actual impact but they were never explained, only mentioned. The black boxes were I thought were a priority after the recovery of any survivors and bodies. But of course, we never will see the data from those things.

The release of the names and pictures of the hijackers came too quickly after the events and the blame was easliy shifted to someone the public barely knew about.

Yes there are a number of hmms..but then that video did bring up a number of questions..

1. The video claims that the flight that crashed towards in PA had several people talking from airphones and cell phones..sounding pretty clear and such.. yet does anyone recall using a cell phone in 2001 above the towers signal area technology and can hear fine?

2. The video does not mention the "Passanger revolt" that occured on the flight where they attempted to take down the hijackers. That did happen.

3. I don't believe in the explination about vital parts of the aircraft hitting the pentigon vaperizing. Something can't be vaperized..this aint star trek with phasers set to vaperize.

4. The video does not explain why this had to happen on 9/11 was it someone's cruel idea to have it set on a number you dial in case of emergency?

5. The part about passangers being removed and the whole flight 77 plane in a diffrent location was confusing.

6. Are you telling me that we have no G2A missles that could have locked on and intercepted those aircrafts?

Something is up... I wouldn't be suprised if the government does something in the next few years to allow the president to have a 3rd term in office or the next guy is someone who can be controlled. whats the big picture here?
You can think whatever you want to think, ITDEFX. My point is, you should be forming your own opinion, not simply adopting something you've seen or heard without using your own judgement on the matter.

Like RVB said, regardless of who's "side" you're on, your opinion doesn't account for shit if it isn't your own. If you're so easily influenced by something like this film to the point where you'd reconsider and dramatically alter the opinion you've held since the actual event, without even taking a moment to research the new info you've been presented with for yourself, then why even bother changing your stance to begin with? Either one would be based on what you've been told or have overheard, and not what you yourself know.

Ask your own questions, and find your own answers.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']

Unfortunately, as more time goes by these 9/11 conspiracy theories are only going to become more popular because the original even will have faded in everyone's memory and people that aren't even alive will more readily believe a conspiracy because they weren't there. Just look at the JFK assassination, the conspiracy behind that has only gotten more popular as time goes by to the point now that most of the public finds it more believable that there was some huge government conspiracy rather than just some nut with a vendeta.[/QUOTE]

Well, in this day and age. It is much easier to "check" your memory of the events. Also, the forgetting works both ways. We have forgot many of the key inaccuracies of the official story.
[quote name='ITDEFX']The release of the names and pictures of the hijackers came too quickly after the events and the blame was easliy shifted to someone the public barely knew about.[/QUOTE]

Well, we were briefed in basic training back in June 2000 about the Bin Laden and his threat to America. So, while the general public didn't know much about him, the military knew he was a threat well before 9/11.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']Lock, Delete, Ban

Even the most vehement Bush haters dismiss the conspiracy theory of 9/11.

Take a walk.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Six thousand people didn't just agree to die, and nobody agreed to kill them except for the terrorists.

Now I'm waiting for the OP's topic on how the Holocaust never happened.
[quote name='Blade']Agreed. Six thousand people didn't just agree to die, and nobody agreed to kill them except for the terrorists.

Now I'm waiting for the OP's topic on how the Holocaust never happened.[/QUOTE]

Three thousand.

Also, if we banned people for making foolish and/or untrue statements on the vs forum, it'd be a lonely, lonely place.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I dont believe we knew it was going to happen, but Bush sitting in that classroom reading a kids book not knowing what to do, was pretty scary though. I dont know how people voted for him in mind that he could get us through this war.[/QUOTE]

So, you're saying Bush, after seeing something THAT traumatic, should have just popped right up with an immediate plan? Yeah, ok. Imagine, hypothetically, you walk into your house, and your mom, dad, pets, and any siblings you all have are all lying on the floor, dead. Are you gonna see that, and then, 2 seconds later, say "I vow vengeance!" and then whip up an elaborate plan? No, you would be in such shock, you wouldn't know what the hell to do. "But he's the President, he should be prepared for stuff like that!" you say? Yeah, right.
[quote name='mykevermin']Three thousand.

Also, if we banned people for making foolish and/or untrue statements on the vs forum, it'd be a lonely, lonely place.[/QUOTE]

Three thousand, my mistake.

This thread is completely inane. Questioning the moral integrity of this government on THIS issue, that they would destroy the entire basis of World Trade (Center), reminds me of an adage: "If you don't like the game, go play somewhere else."

Everyone continually questions the government, but they're still here. They're negatively questioning the system that gives them the freedom to question the system. Other countries don't get the freedom to have two children. I think the principle of freedom of speech is that everyone would be happy with the freedom and not criticize the government wanting more and suspecting it of foul doings.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Its ironic really cause the point of the video was to question the government's official story. Basically what they're saying is that a 1 hour video should make you change your entire opinion on 9/11, without question, and believe that there is a huge government conspiracy.

Unfortunately, as more time goes by these 9/11 conspiracy theories are only going to become more popular because the original even will have faded in everyone's memory and people that aren't even alive will more readily believe a conspiracy because they weren't there. Just look at the JFK assassination, the conspiracy behind that has only gotten more popular as time goes by to the point now that most of the public finds it more believable that there was some huge government conspiracy rather than just some nut with a vendeta.[/QUOTE]

But the lone "nut with a vendeta" story doesn't appear likely, even when you look at how JFK was hit. It's not that it is necessarily the government's doing, just that to many it appears very unlikely it was oswald (or oswald alone) doing all the shooting. Many conspiracy theories require active hunting and actively looking for problems, the JFK one doesn't really.
This documentary is not the true depiction of the 9/11 attack. It does offer its theory however skewed that truth is. I didnt really state my point of view in my post, and after watching the video I was interested in seeing how much if anything stated was actually true. Conspiracy theory, fucked up entertainment ... this vid is a lot of things, but again it made me personally want to learn more about how much of it was bullshit or not.
Skepitcal of this video I found things like this segment from Penn and Teller's Bullshit 9/11 Coverage:
[quote name='Blade']Three thousand, my mistake.

This thread is completely inane. Questioning the moral integrity of this government on THIS issue, that they would destroy the entire basis of World Trade (Center), reminds me of an adage: "If you don't like the game, go play somewhere else."

Everyone continually questions the government, but they're still here. They're negatively questioning the system that gives them the freedom to question the system. Other countries don't get the freedom to have two children. I think the principle of freedom of speech is that everyone would be happy with the freedom and not criticize the government wanting more and suspecting it of foul doings.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='VanillaGorilla']So, you're saying Bush, after seeing something THAT traumatic, should have just popped right up with an immediate plan? Yeah, ok. Imagine, hypothetically, you walk into your house, and your mom, dad, pets, and any siblings you all have are all lying on the floor, dead. Are you gonna see that, and then, 2 seconds later, say "I vow vengeance!" and then whip up an elaborate plan? No, you would be in such shock, you wouldn't know what the hell to do. "But he's the President, he should be prepared for stuff like that!" you say? Yeah, right.[/QUOTE]

Bad analogy alert!!!

There a far different reaction to personally finding your loved ones dead at your house as opposed to watching thousands of strangers die on TV miles away.
I'd find it hard to beileve that the government would have the capability to cover up an event such as this. Certainly those detractors of Bush wouldn't give him credit for enough intelligence to produce such a fiasco. The sheer numbers of people that would be involved to produce it would be too much of a security risk to warrant such a program, not to mention the thousands of eyewitnesses that could be potential "lose ends" to such a conspiracy.

With Bush having been in office only 8 months, surely it would have taken longer to plan a hoax like this which only lends creedence to a conspiracy if is is far more reacing than either the office of the president or any one administration.
[quote name='bmulligan']I'd find it hard to beileve that the government would have the capability to cover up an event such as this. Certainly those detractors of Bush wouldn't give him credit for enough intelligence to produce such a fiasco. The sheer numbers of people that would be involved to produce it would be too much of a security risk to warrant such a program, not to mention the thousands of eyewitnesses that could be potential "lose ends" to such a conspiracy.

With Bush having been in office only 8 months, surely it would have taken longer to plan a hoax like this which only lends creedence to a conspiracy if is is far more reacing than either the office of the president or any one administration.[/QUOTE]

In all fairness, these conspiracy theorists think cheney controls everything, not bush. So bush's intelligence matters little in the matter. As long as he can sit in front of a camera and smile he's doing his job.

Personally I think bush is a dumb president. That doesn't mean he's dumb for americans, but that he's dumb for presidents.
[quote name='bmulligan']

With Bush having been in office only 8 months, surely it would have taken longer to plan a hoax like this which only lends creedence to a conspiracy if is is far more reacing than either the office of the president or any one administration.[/QUOTE]

That is what those guys think. Basically, there is a belief that the current division in America is part of the Hoax. So this isn't tied to a particular Bush and Kerry were both members of Skull and Bones. It is a larger organization than even the US gov't.

I probably listen to too much of this kind of thing but it's like mental porn. I know the huge holes in conspiracy theories exist and an astute listerner knows when these guys veer away from the truth. But I gotta tell you, it keeps me entertained at work. And sometimes, these folks ask the questions that real journalists should be.
[quote name='usickenme']That is what those guys think. Basically, there is a belief that the current division in America is part of the Hoax. So this isn't tied to a particular Bush and Kerry were both members of Skull and Bones. It is a larger organization than even the US gov't. [/quote]

The lack of muster for a filabuster an Alito gives much weight to this argument.

And sometimes, these folks ask the questions that real journalists should be.

That's definitely the truth.
So am I the only one who has a problem with that fact that the WTC7 building was taken down in a controlled explosion, when the official explanation states otherwise?

The FEMA explanation claims that WTC7 fell as a result of burning.
[quote name='onikage']So am I the only one who has a problem with that fact that the WTC7 building was taken down in a controlled explosion, when the official explanation states otherwise?

The FEMA explanation claims that WTC7 fell as a result of burning.[/QUOTE]

That's the building claimed to have lost integrity due to diesel tanks cathing fire in the basement, right ? Yes, it seems fishy. Definitely worth a secoind guess or two, or three. Basement fires and the sizemic activity in close proximity could have helped to implode #7. I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility. How falling debris gets into a basement, I'm not sure, though.

I love in this video how they flash a picture of the Popular Science website debunking many of their theories. They should have directly addressed their refuters instead of just dismissing it with a one sentence rebuttal. It would have given the piece more legitimacy.
If anyone's interested in reading about some of the bad science in the conspiracy claims, Scientific American had a story called "Fahrenheit 2777" back in June of 2005.

And it also refers to four or five conspiracy books (one of which was French) for those who want to continue believing in the conspiracy.
[quote name='bmulligan']That's the building claimed to have lost integrity due to diesel tanks cathing fire in the basement, right ? Yes, it seems fishy. Definitely worth a secoind guess or two, or three. Basement fires and the sizemic activity in close proximity could have helped to implode #7. I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility. How falling debris gets into a basement, I'm not sure, though.

I love in this video how they flash a picture of the Popular Science website debunking many of their theories. They should have directly addressed their refuters instead of just dismissing it with a one sentence rebuttal. It would have given the piece more legitimacy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the explanation doesn't make sense. On top of that, the owner(?) of the buildings, Larry Silverstein, admits that they decided to take the building down(pull it) on the afternoon of 9/11 in an interview which can be seen in a 2002 PBS documentary.

Here's a link that includes a clip of that part of the documentary:
bread's done