Does anyone know how the Rep work?


1 (100%)
Guys, I was wondering if anyone knew how the Rep works for my gamer profile? My reputation is 88% preferred and 17% avoided me. I had good rep until recently. I had all 5 stars. I then hosted a game in Ghost Recon. I was in the lobby and exitted the lobby because I was going to sleep. I never started up the game and when I exited, there was one person in the lobby. Anyway, when I woke up, I found out that now I have not even half a star for my gamercard. I had a friend try to prefer me and it did not even change. The guy gave me a bad rating because I quit early, which is not true becausde I only quit the lobby. I gave bad feedback in return, but now I got less than half a star and have 88% preferred. Just wondering if anyone else knew how the rep works.
The more people you play that leave a positive review or no review at all, the higher your Rep is. If you've only played a small number of games online, even if you have 100% Rep, a negative player review can take it down pretty fast.
Ahh that makes sense, because I've been wondering why my friends leave me good rep and I'm still stuck at 3 stars. I'll have to play more online.
I've got 4 1/2 stars with 100 positive preferred. I think it works pretty good. If there connection to you was bad they would put avoid so that they don't get a bad connection next time. Don't feel bad, it's when you get 10+ avoids for being a jerk or cheating that people will REALLY avoid you.
Yeah, don't take it hard if someone avoids you. The matching process uses that in how it decides who to stick you with. As long as you don't have a really low rep your fine. I don't think the rep is used for anything else. Major Nelson had a show about it a few months back.
I don't know the rep system is wierd.
I've had plenty of negative feedback and I'm still at five stars.
Holy crap you got alot of gamer points heh.
bread's done