Does anyone play as many crappy games now as they did back in the day?


12 (100%)
I don't know if it's because my selection was a lot smaller or because my tastes weren't as discerning, but I remember playing A LOT of terrible games in the NES era especially. Games that were so basic that they'd have things like "Karate" on the box and an unrelated picture. It kinda went away for me in the SNES era (although I remember playing an NCAA basketball game that was awful) and I never played anything on Sega unless everyone told me it was excellent. I play an occasional bad one every now and again (Peter Jackson's King Kong) but I feel like even the crappiest of games today can't match up to those in the past.
I never really played many terrible games. Until I was old enough to work, I'd just get a couple for my birthday and a couple for x-mas and may be another 2 or 3 throughout the year. So I was pretty selective and just got the big games like the Nintendo franchises, Final Fantasy series, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and so on. A few duds here or there, but not very many.

Once I started working (N64/PS1 generation) and to present I'm still pretty picky about only playing AAA games--especially today now that time for gaming is harder to come by.

So I've never really been much on playing anything other than games I'm pretty sure will rate as personal AAA or close games for me, and I do a pretty good job of sticking to that.
Define 'crappy' games.

I've found that I end up liking games that people found to be junk and hated ones that people rave about.

Case in point, I could not stand Fallout 3 or Oblivion, but I loved (insert game most hated).
I'm having flashbacks of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Festers Quest all too vividly as I read this posting...
Hmmm... well a few years ago... like 2006-2008, I probably played more crappy games than I ever have in my life. The scary thing is, they were getting good review scores, too.

Things have gotten better to an extent, though.

And I still play the occasional shitty game on purpose just to mock it.
I played the Catwoman game some years back thinking it couldn't be as bad as the movies made it seem :(

Come to think of it, I remember back in 2007 trading some lady a free cell phone I won from a contest for $180 and her Gamecube collection. Unless she hid them or didn't include them, there wasn't a single Mario or Zelda to be found in the 50 games in that cabinet. It was all licensed stuff or games so obscure that they fetch money only from collectors (the '03 NBA game).
Sadly, no. I played some truly horrible games in the N64/early-Cube eras, but that was pretty much just because I rented games every couple of weeks and couldn't play M-rated games.

I miss it only because there was something special in finding a real piece of crap. It also helped me learn to look past certain bad pieces of a game and find the gold sheen.
I think it is about the same for me. I found the Genesis game Cyborg Justice fun, while my friends thought it was lame. Same goes with Time Shift for the Xbox 360. I also enjoyed Silent Scope with the Dreamcast controller.
I had a great time over the years playing a lot of crappy games. I would say I definately OWN more crappy games (Dark Void, Darksector, Conan, Beowulf, etc). I don't play them as often as good games, but there is something I find satisfying in playing a really crappy game. I think it helps me appreciate the really good games better.
I don't tend to play overly crappy games most of the time unless I'm at a party (I played wipeout yesterday for example). What I do notice is I have played more games that I maybe don't like than I used to, but that's mainly because I actually started working in 2007, so I had to be more picky as a child with which games I got. Not to say I didn't get some clunkers as a gift, but it seemed generally alright for the most part.
Well I know in 1989 I didn't have amazon or any gaming review sites. Sure there were magazines and all but that's less instant knowledge. For the 8 bit and 16 bit generations I rented a lot more than I bought. So I only lost 4 bucks or so for every terrible game. These days I don't really buy without reading reviews first. Even ones I'm really excited about. If its higher than a 6 on ign I'll usually still buy it.
No because I don't even have time to finish the really good games nowdays. In the NES era, we played crappy games because that was all that was available. Most games lasted 2-10 hours back then.
Well when your a kid every game looks awesome.

I remember saying "goonies 2?!!!! I have to get it" or "Dinowarz?! Its got dinosaur robots fighting on the cover. I have to get it!" or "Godzilla! Oh sweet jesus it looks awesome".
[quote name='panzerfaust']I bought Resonance of Fate so honestly I have no idea what I'm doing these days.[/QUOTE]

I had the opportunity to get that for free today at Walmart with my purchase of L.A. Noire, but have heard rough things (largely the difficulty... which I'm not a fan of hard games). So I went with Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Correct choice?
[quote name='Retom7']I had a great time over the years playing a lot of crappy games. I would say I definately OWN more crappy games (Dark Void, Darksector, Conan, Beowulf, etc). I don't play them as often as good games, but there is something I find satisfying in playing a really crappy game. I think it helps me appreciate the really good games better.[/QUOTE]

I must agree with you on this one. I feel the exact same way. There is no problem playing Triple A titles all the time but games that are not considered such provide a different and often unique experience. For example, Dark Void. I loved it for the fact it mentions the Bermuda Triangle and includes a backstory of people related to such event. I believe is best to be diverse in such way so that one's judgement towards videogames can improve and expand.
Back when I was a kid, mostly any videogame was entertaining.

We found ways to make unfun games fun.

For example I remember getting a nascar game as a kid and had a blast driving in the opposite direction and causing massive pileups. As an adult the game would have been horribly boring, but as a kid it was pretty damn fun. \

To answer your question, no, sadly I do not play crappy games as I don't have the time/luxury I once had years ago. :cry:
Well, I had no money when I was a kid, and nowhere to buy games in my town.

Now, granted, I haven't gone back to see if some of the games I played back then because my brothers had them were any good. I know Rocket Knight Adventures and Mutant League Football and what-not were solid, but what about that old Genesis Ren & Stimpy platformer?
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