Does the fact we are CAG mean we are poor? What do you do and whats your salary?

20 year old junior in college, i work part-time during school at 13/hr... pretty happy with that.
[quote name='neocisco']Oh, shut up. :)[/quote]

Well, I'm leaving my current job in about 2 months if I time it right... so I'm looking at a HUGE paycut but I will be commuting less and hopefully working saner hours (like home by 7 p.m. most nights). It will be totally worth it. So ask me again in two months and my answer will change to "A lot less than I used to." :D
40,000 a yea, work for systems analyst. 40,000 isnt a lot, but I never went to college, and I was kicked out of high school (went back later)... so not bad
[quote name='lilboo']i make $9.25 an hour as "Scanner Operator" lol we just play with a PC/Scanner all day..laugh..and..go home. Mmmm it's a good time and easy work. :D[/quote]

Same here! Scanner operator at my university. We get some pretty cool projects though. Last semester I was doing original manuscripts from HP Lovecraft. I scanned maybe his first sketch of a Cthulu XD
I work for Chrysler as a dealership assessor. Pays $700 a week + $40 per day for food. I have an assigned # of dealers to see per week (generally 10), so last week I took Monday off, worked my horseshoes off Tuesday through Thursday and was heading back home Friday morning. I still got paid $940 for the week, $240 of which is not taxed, thank God.
Careerwise: Don't be afraid to take chances or try things. The job I currently have, and have been doing for almost five years, I really had no idea it even existed. And I got here via a rather random path--graduated college in 1995 with a BA in Criminal Justice; first job out of college was third shift at a C-store; by the end of the summer I was a certified manager. Moved, transfered, new store sucked, quit and went to waiting tables. Moved again, became assistant manager of a Dollar Tree, eventually quit that and worked some temp jobs including stupid menial things. Then the last temp job was as a CSR in a call center for a major medical equipment manufacturer and service company; became CSR, then dispatcher, then lead [stress of a supervisor without the pay or authority], then now, I do number crunching on service statistics. Been doing that for almost 5 years, been with the company almost 8, and am making good money + benefits for what I do, but of course would not mind more :)

Being frugal does not mean you're poor or 'cheap', it means you're wise. There is absolutely nothing wrong with maximizing your spending dollar. And I, and probably most of us, are willing to spend money where it counts, on important things, even though we might try to get the most out of *that* dollar too.
I work as an assistant project manager for a general contractor in Manhattan, i went in with no experience whatsoever(my college degree is in journalism) so I started out in the plan room making nothing, 25k a year. i make 30 now, but they also pay for me to go to grad school at nyu, so i guess its not too bad for now...
Student and umemployed. I'll probably get a job in a couple of months for the holidays, like I did last year.
Full time student, but I also do ABA Therapy a couple times a week. I'm a free agent, so I can charge what I want. Right now I go for 15.00 an hour. This May I will most likely bump that up to 18.00 an hour.

I also work with my dad when he needs me. He's a contractor and just gives me 10.00 an hour untaxed to help him with heavy lifting and such.
I'm an engineer (mechanical engineering degree). Its a living, a pretty good one most of the time. The job is good, pay is decent, benefits okay. It took me 5 years to repay the school loans, but it was worth every penny. It beats working a lot of other jobs.

[quote name='Mookyjooky']40,000 a yea, work for systems analyst. 40,000 isnt a lot, but I never went to college, and I was kicked out of high school (went back later)... so not bad[/quote]

What does that type of work typically consist of?
[quote name='Maklershed']I'm an Account/Auditor for state government. The pay sucks horribly but the work isnt too difficult and my benefits are pretty good.[/QUOTE]

Government jobs are secure, especially after you get some seniority.
[quote name='javeryh']Well, I'm leaving my current job in about 2 months if I time it right... so I'm looking at a HUGE paycut but I will be commuting less and hopefully working saner hours (like home by 7 p.m. most nights). It will be totally worth it. So ask me again in two months and my answer will change to "A lot less than I used to." :D[/quote]

The real question is what will the job change do for your shart potential?
I make $8.10 at Menards, but the bulk of my hours come on weekends, during which I make $10.60... when you consider that minimum wage here is $5.15, I'm actually making a lot of money. So I do thought for about 20-25 hours a week. I usually come home with about $200 / week..
around 15k on job and another 5k selling games . around another year or two i should have my 4 year degree in gen ed. and 2 years in business. THat is if i can pass math 153 (screw you math 153) LOL

suck to have 57 credit classes done and one stupid class keeping you for getting the thing
I'm a student, so right now I work less then 10 hours per week, if that. During the summer I almost work full time making a little less then $7 an hour.
I'm work the reception desk at a small college. It doesn't pay much but I'm doing the starving artist thing....I do get benefits though....
[quote name='slidecage']around 15k on job and another 5k selling games . around another year or two i should have my 4 year degree in gen ed. and 2 years in business. THat is if i can pass math 153 (screw you math 153) LOL

suck to have 57 credit classes done and one stupid class keeping you for getting the thing[/QUOTE]
You make 5K/yr selling games? Do you claim that as income? How much time did you put into that?
Student. I just do side jobs. Burning CD's and DVD's for people, getting moving jobs for me and my friends, eBay, Surveys. I've never been able to get a legitimate job. I apply everywhere, but I never get the call back. In my life I've only had about 4 interviews and that's an overestimate. I've been looking for work since I was 13.
I also live with my parents though, and basically my and my lil sis have had our own aparment since I was 12.
My wife and I both work for the Department of Homeland Security. She has 4 years in, I just hit the 2-year mark. We make about $65k a year together, which isn't a lot of money in the grand scheme of things, but down here in Alabama, that is a very nice income. My city (Mobile) is actually the 11th most poverty-stricken city in the United States, so $65k a year is great for this area.

We get the Federal BCBS, which has been a Godsend. With a baby on the way, it has been amazing. Our plan covers all expenses from the time you find out you are pregnant, until after the birth, so we pay nothing for the entire 9 months, as far as doctor/hospital bills go.

The best part about my job is that it is a gov't job. Job security is a great thing, and it is easy to transition to other gov't jobs laterally. I have an app in with Customs and Border Protection, because they are on the GS pay scale, which offers pretty much guaranteed regulated raises.
Manager in Training. Around 32k a year and hopefully I get promoted to become a store manager so I can get paid 60k a year plus bonuses.
Well I'm planning on quitting my job. Can't stand it anymore. I was thinking about becoming a Word Processor for a Law Firm. The pay is around $25 an hour and I type 90 wpm.
I'm a board operator at a local radio station. Just started last Sunday (Sept. 24th), and I'm not 100% sure what I'm getting paid per hour. It's a start though, and a foot in the door to the radio business, which is what I've been wanting to get into. But I've got minimal bills (satellite, internet, car insurance), and a nice amount in the bank right now, so I'm comfortable making modest money.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I'm a board operator at a local radio station. Just started last Sunday (Sept. 24th), and I'm not 100% sure what I'm getting paid per hour. It's a start though, and a foot in the door to the radio business, which is what I've been wanting to get into. But I've got minimal bills (satellite, internet, car insurance), and a nice amount in the bank right now, so I'm comfortable making modest money.[/QUOTE]

(I have the same job, and it fucking sucks.)
Originally took over the family business (Nissan Orland Park) as many know my father passed away so I lost my mentor and sold it. Opened a restaurant in South Elgin, sold it off also. Just got rehired back at Best Buy as a Magnolia Project Team leader for implementing them into 33 new stores in the chicagoland area pays $65,000 a year. I wanted to stay at the restaurant, but could not handle the hours. I basically never went home and I want to start a family someday. I couldn't be happier working for Best Buy again. They truly are one of the best companies to work for in America.
[quote name='Brak']WELCOME TO HELL!

(I have the same job, and it fucking sucks.)[/quote]I love it. I get paid to press a couple buttons per hour, while watching sporting events. The only downside is that I don't get ENOUGH hours, and my ass gets tired from sitting on it all night while watching Monday Night Football.
[quote name='Maynard'] I couldn't be happier working for Best Buy again. They truly are one of the best companies to work for in America.[/QUOTE]

The pay is good, and it has good benefits, but damn if that store isn't like fucking high school all over again. I've worked there, my friend has worked at one, and now my girlfriend works at the store I used to, and even after 4 years the place is still the same.

No one can keep their mouth shut about anything and everyone is out to step on everyone else. The very first day my gf ever worked people were telling her how so and so is a lesbian, this person is having an affair with this person, this manager is a bitch. Luckily she just smiles, nods, and dosen't get involved with any of that shit.

My favorite line is someone came up to my gf, and said "You know, I tell you this because we're friends, but alot of people here think you are mean and are scared of you", however, everyone is always talking to her except this one girl, so I think that it was this girl's way of saying "bitch I don't like you".

I would rather be broke than ever work at BB again... all jobs have some degree of drama but BB multiplies it by 10000.
[quote name='javeryh']Well, I'm leaving my current job in about 2 months if I time it right... so I'm looking at a HUGE paycut but I will be commuting less and hopefully working saner hours (like home by 7 p.m. most nights). It will be totally worth it. So ask me again in two months and my answer will change to "A lot less than I used to." :D[/quote]

OK, I'm now on the fence about leaving NYC. The pull of the salary is too great to ignore. I'm probably only staying here for another 2 years or so because the ultimate goal is to work in-house so I'm just going to suck it up for the money. The job opportunities will be better for me in 2 years coming out of a big NYC firm as opposed to a smaller one outside the city. Basically the choices are stay here and have my life suck but make roughly $230k or take the offer outside the city any have my life suck less but make $150k. Either way I'm in it for 2 years max (and then it's probably a cut down to $140-$150k no matter what) so I figure I might as well work with the big boys, have a shitty 2 years and make more money. 2 years isn't that long and there's a light at the end of the tunnel...
[quote name='icecubedx5']WTF? I thought Best Buy pays like $6.75 an hour.[/quote]i think that Maynard guy is more than just your average Entertainment Weekly pushing register jockey.
Man what do you do for $230K and why would you ever leave that? I'd pick up dog shit around the city for 5 years if it meant that pay. The way I look at it, the average person makes like $45k and you make 5 times that amount, so you could retire after 5 years of over there. (BTW, I guess money really doesn't buy happiness like in your case, but not having the burden of financial security must make life so much easier).
[quote name='icecubedx5']Man what do you do for $230K and why would you ever leave that? I'd pick up dog shit around the city for 5 years if it meant that pay. The way I look at it, the average person makes like $45k and you make 5 times that amount, so you could retire after 5 years of over there. (BTW, I guess money really doesn't buy happiness like in your case, but not having the burden of financial security must make life so much easier).[/quote]

I'd rather pick up dog shit around the city for 5 years then do what I do. The money is nice and it sounds like a lot but believe me, it goes fast. Taxes take almost 1/2 (since I get taxed in NJ and NY). My tiny 1,200 sqft. house has a $500,000k mortgage plus roughly $12,000 annual in property taxes. I also have shitty benefits so I pay about $800 a month to cover that. There's also the wife (who doesn't work) and kid (who is expensive as hell) to take care of not to mention the regular costs of living like food, car, cable, phone, etc. If I take a paycut it will seriously affect my lifestyle (which isn't all that great to begin with but at least I can buy video games whenever I feel like it). I don't have any expensive hobbies or school loans (paid it off last winter!) or any weird monthly expenses yet at the end of the month there's not that much left over for personal (fun) use.
Student. Out of college I should be making $47K plus benefits.

But let's just say my family is far from poor ;)
I am a full time student. XD I don't work but I plan to do some interships for some video game companies in Washington. Hmmm I am still researching them though. So basicly, I make like -$4000 a year in loan money. haha!
[quote name='BryceDraven']I am a full time student. XD I don't work but I plan to do some interships for some video game companies in Washington. Hmmm I am still researching them though. So basicly, I make like -$4000 a year in loan money. haha![/QUOTE]

Why are you still here?
I work in a call center at $8.90/hour. I deal with complete idiots every day, some of whom work there too.
[quote name='guyinga']I work in a call center at $8.90/hour. I deal with complete idiots every day, some of whom work there too.[/quote]

Hmm, i would have guessed that you worked on Altered Beast
[quote name='javeryh']. I don't have any expensive hobbies or school loans (paid it off last winter!) or any weird monthly expenses yet at the end of the month there's not that much left over for personal (fun) use.[/QUOTE]

I don't doubt that NYC is expensive but I really find it hard to believe you are just scrapping by on 230k.

My wife and I combine about $140k with a similar size mortgage, 2 kids in day care (Which is really expensive in addition to whatever costs are associated with kids), about $600 for health care per month and the usual expenses, 401ks, college, etc.

And we do alright.

By the I am an architect.
I teach English in Japan for about $35k per year. I guess that breaks down to around $19 an hour. I've got no complaints - for just having graduated college, it's a good salary.
This summer I washed dishes for $8.50/hr during the day and $15/hr at night. Cleared a few grand in the end. Not great, but not horrible; gotta start looking for a new gig when I get back to campus in a few weeks.
bread's done