Dokidoki Majo Shinpan! 2 DUO [First Print Limited Edition Box] - $39.90

They were selling it for $59.99 last week, so you're not really saving $60 dollars here, just $20.
Meh this game is kinda pointless. Seriously just go masturbate to lolicon (it isn't exactly the hardest thing to find) and save yourself $40.
I'm almost afraid to ask if you're being serious about that, Shady.

You post a deal thread about a 17+ rated game where the sole object is to fondle young "possessed" schoolgirls while their oversized tits bounce around to make them love you, and you feel it's innapropriate to talk about the big M in the same thread? The hippo is critical, or sarcarsm not received.
Anyone who played the first game could tell you that boob fondling definitely is not the 'SOLE OBJECT' of the game. In fact, it rarely happens in the game.
That's the whole gimmick to this game. If I was in the market for this, I sure as hell don't want to be reading moon speak I don't even understand. In fact, I don't want to read at all.

He's just giving us a link to the LE version for anyone thats interested. That =/= talking about "burping the worm" >_>...

Anyway, not interested. Got over my "OMG IT HAS AN LE!1!!" fad months.
I already own the Limited Edition and I love the 2nd game. Some nice improvements over the first, and knowing Japanese is definitely not necessary to complete the game.
[quote name='Distrato'] guys get freaked out from the word masturbate? You guys aren't on the internet much hunh?[/quote]

Surely he was being sarcastic, but it didn't translate to text right, and don't call us hunh. :)

SEANMCC: I never said it involves boob fondling, that's all you. I said fondling scholgirls while their tits bounce around and make them love you.

I almost forgot the best summary ever:

This game and masturbation go hand in hand. (or: another whacky Japanese game!)
Man, you guys are a bit dense. There was definitely sarcasm in that post, but the main point wasn't about not talking about the act of masturbation.
bread's done