Don't buy a sprint phone or use their service!


I have been a sprint customer for about 4 years and let me tell you i have never been more furious about a cell phone company than i am right now. My old phone the Sanyo 8100 decided to break tonight, no biggie, it happens. Fortunatly I had an old Sayno 4500 laying around that I can use to get by till I can afford a new one. So I go to Sprint to have an ESN change. No problems there but I found out sprint has been over charging me 10.00 a month since this past March. You see my plan is for unlimited nights and weekends, but they are double charging me for 2000 night and weekend minutes.You see I was on a 3rd party employee plan but when I left my job , I had to switch to a regular service plan. I was kinda ticked then but I figured I'd call customer service and explain the situation and just get the charges credited to my account which would pay my bill off for a couple months. I call customer service and am pretty much told it is my fault and that i can't dispute the claims. so I ask to speak to a supervisior. I guess that was the code word to pissing this guy off and he just starts giving me a line about how that's not gonna change anything blah blah blah. I say I want to speak to him anyways and was then put on hold 10 minutes before being hung up on. I then call back and was told by someone else that I could not talk to the supervisor because HE DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE THE CALL. I finally convinced them to let me talk to him after a few choice words and he pretty much said he wasn't gonna do anything about it. I admit I wasn't in a pleasant mood by this point and said i few things I probably wouldn't have said. I did tell the guy I have been in customer service for many years and that this was possibly the worse case of customer service i have ever been a part of. he then said well it's taken off your bill now and then hung up. anyways, I just wanted to vent and let anyone know to stay away from this company if you are considering a cell phone. I was also considering taking this to the better business bureau but I mean it's only 100 but it's the principle more than anything.
[quote name='SuprTnr2']Moral of the story is, Sprint sucks, and they suck hard. Especially their CSR's.[/QUOTE]

I have sprint I have had it for a year and no problems at all. On top of it all I sold sprint phones for a year. Yes they do fuck up sometimes. like in the OP case the double charge was their fault but being ignorant with a CSR gets you no where. Yelling and screaming does nothing more then piss off a CSR and they wont give you what you want for yelling and screaming. So I think you get what you deserve. Stay nice but firm when talking to any companies CSR. However I dare say 90% of the "problems" people have with sprint is cause they are to stupid to read their contracts or ask questions. I sold phones for a year and I would piss people off cause I would explain everything to them, and they were just wanting to leave with their new phone. See my point to this OP not your fault however just calling back and being nicer to the CSR would get you extremely far. you know the whole saying fly's honey and vinegar.

Another thing when I sold phone people would come in to the store I worked at and would be like sprint sucks fuck sprint. Then I would ask them about it and they always said the same thing, I have had them for 9 years and they suck. I hate them, hey you got any new phones in for sprint?
I Live right across SPRIT/NEXTEL Headquarters. They can't even have a good service here. People who work there say "IT SUCKs! NO Service again! NOOOO".. and I say.. "Why don't you use my T-Mobile?" GET more... :lol:
actually i was very nice in explaining the situation. the problem arose when they basically refused to help resolve it, that's when i became upset. and there was no yelling involved I just asked to speak to a supervisor because of the rudeness I was recieving from the particular CSR i was dealing with. when I called back after being disconnected the CSR i talked to was very nice and we had a good conversation. I am not saying Sprint sucks as a company, I just feel that if a mistake is made on their end, they should be wiling to correct it to give good customer service
I used a different service for a couple of years. When I needed a new phone, I saw that Sprint had a good phone free if you sign up for two years. So I figured that I'd do that and give them a shot. They are one of the biggest cell services so they can't be that bad. I was wrong. Their reception sucks and they charge more than they should. I do more cussing over lost calls than I do actually talking on the phone. I've decided to break contract, pay their fee for doing so, and go back to a good company.

fuck Sprint.
I am a Verizon user and always have been. I think a lot of it has to do with the phone too. I have a VX6000 for a few years now and I am thinkg about getting another LG. The 9800 probably. What are you all using?
It's a location thing. Sprint is by far the best service in texas.Many small towns have sprint with stronger signals than any other. I've lived in college station, kingsville, san antonio and corpus and sprint has always done better than my friends loser services.
I had sprint for years, switched to nextel due to a decline in sprints reception in my area, and there shitty customer service. I switched to nextel, and not those fuckers sell out to sprint.
I have yet to purchase a cell phone. I hear so many bad things about every single company' Its all so very confusing.
theyre lame.

so i hear from a guy at work that he gets a military discount and he uses sprint.
so i tell the wife and shes calls about it and yes they do give a discount to active military, great, except since th eplan is in my wifes name they wont give us a discount.

fuckin retarded. that was tonight.
tomorrow i call and talk to supervisors supervisors.

itd be nice if they were just helpful the first time around. i hate havign to deal with 72389753892356982 people to get one sinple thing done
[quote name='Xevious']I have yet to purchase a cell phone. I hear so many bad things about every single company' Its all so very confusing.[/QUOTE]

I felt the same way for a little while, but phones can so much now, especially like the on I am looking at, the vx9800. They do so much it is good to have one even if you aren't on the phone all the time. They are cameras, mp3 players, you can even post on CAG from the thing.
Don't go to Alltel either. I worked for them a couple years ago and eventually just stopped going because I felt like every day I was being forced into screwing people over via company policy.

We were even encouraged to go back in and change peoples sales so that we could get credit for them instead of the people who actually did the sale. Was amazing.....

People tend to have really bad attitudes when dealing with Cell Phone company CSRs but really I don't blame em. Any small window of opportunity to screw someone and they take it.
bread's done