Don't knock it till you try it: Weird food combos!

Bagels and sour cream with hot cheetos in the middle is really really good. For some reason it became famous during my 7th grade which was umm.....11 years ago
Mine would be toast with peanut butter, handful of pre-made salad, cheese, and tartar sauce. Sounds quite weird but is excellent.
[quote name='lilboo']Well that's not really weird. That's just using a wrap for a PB&J because you forgot to buy bread :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but my in-laws now think I eat tortillas with everything. They're always saying, "Is it a thing with your culture?"
[quote name='Dante Devil']Yeah, but my in-laws now think I eat tortillas with everything. They're always saying, "Is it a thing with your culture?"[/quote]

:lol: I can relate. My ex-girlfriend's family, who are Mexican, would always cook up some white rice for me whenever I ate at their place, and I'd get a choice of Lee Kum Kee along with Valentina and Tapatio. It's not like it really made any sense to give me that along with tacos and tamales, but it's the thought that counts, right?
The strangest thing I can say that I used to do was that I used to eat my french fries with southern gravy. It wasn't that often, but it was great.
Gotta try that fry and ice cream thing, though.
When Subway had those Chicken Bacon Ranch subs with hotsauce it was amazing. I had never even thought of hotsauce and ranch together but they compliment each other perfectly.

I also like dipping pretzels in spicy brown or dijon mustard.
Also, I used to take tootsie rolls and dip them in things. Like peanut butter, cake icing and other things. I was usually drunk though.
I don't think I'd do that now.
I remember when I was little my grandma would eat cheetos and rice. Then wash it down with Dr. Pepper :lol:

Come to think of it, she would also eat potato chips with rice.
This isn't particularly weird in combination, but weird in practice. I often eat pretzels (Nibblers variety), and, after chewing it, squirt in a bit of a nice barbecue sauce, continue chewing, and swallow. My friends give me the oddest look. :oops:
First: Unique to my family is taking Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper and putting a thin layer of cottage cheese on the top. The mix between hot and cool is pretty amazing and I have converted many.

Next: Hotwing Pizza. Take Crust, Spread Ranch Dressing, Mozarella Cheese, Strip Hot wings (I like the Tyson/Aldi's Generic Brand Hot'N'Spicy Wings), Top with a bit more cheese, and bake at 400 for 25 minutes. OWNAGE is yours.
pretzels with soucream dip , doritos with chili and cheese, peanutbuter and syrup sandwhiches( we at these as kids i cant stand syrup now) fish stick sandwhiches with syrup ( again a kid thing), and when i was really young my sister introduced me to the sugar sandwhich ( think tang sandwhich only with sugar). outside of foreign food thats the weirdest stuff ive eaten. oh yeah i recently tried doritos in my left over chicken soup juice.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']When Subway had those Chicken Bacon Ranch subs with hotsauce it was amazing. I had never even thought of hotsauce and ranch together but they compliment each other perfectly.

I also like dipping pretzels in spicy brown or dijon mustard.[/QUOTE]

Dude. Buffalo Wings? Harro? That combo is pretty old.

Pretzels: Anyone ever had peanut butter dipped ones? Pretty good, actually.
Not sure if anyone has said this cuz I'm too lazy to go through all the pages..

but cottage cheese and applesauce.. It's pretty good lol
Such an interesting topic must live. Live, live, live again!!! *Stabs dead topic with rod, lightning strikes it, topic wakes up and kills my best friend, then goes on murder spree until I chain topic to the bottom of Crystal Lake.*
Scrambled egg sandwich with bbq sauce

ranch on pretty much anything

over medium egg on a burger

used to eat rice with maple syrup when I was little with my grandma

like to put chips on sandwiches sometimes

had a friend that put a mayo and mustard mix on his pizza

had a cousin who put ketchup on ice cream

have MANY cousins who put salt on watermelon (yuck)
[quote name='Malik112099']
have MANY cousins who put salt on watermelon (yuck)[/QUOTE]

Try it. It makes the watermelon taste more strongly, not more like salt. Works with all foods, but fruits especially well.
French fries dipped in chocolate milkshake. Pizza in ranch dressing. That is all.

Oh and macaroni and cheese mixed with corn. Good stuff.
When I was a kid, I would put french fries on my cheeseburgers from fast food restaurants. I also put Flamin' Hot Cheetos on a cheeseburger before too.

Shit was tasty.
[quote name='crazytalkx']MUTHAfuckEN ROSCOE'S

That looks unimaginably delicious.
This came as such from the grocery store, so it might not be that weird. But my wife accidentally bought a chocolate bar with chili powder that grew on us eventually.

Failed combos are more memorable. The Dutch like salted black licorice, and one of my friends is Dutch, and I didn't know that before trying the licorice. It was of the double salt variety, which I guess is like having extra cheese on a pizza in concept, or extra rape at the prison in practice. And I've tried for years to enjoy the fried shrimp body that you get when you order amaebi from a sushi bar, but it remains repulsive. Does anyone like that?
[quote name='diaeresis']This came as such from the grocery store, so it might not be that weird. But my wife accidentally bought a chocolate bar with chili powder that grew on us eventually.

Molé, dood. Big in Central/South America.
Some ain't that crazy , But here's the latest craze (at least here in central florida ) get a McDonalds double cheese burger and an apple pie , insert the apple pie in the center of the double cheese burger and OM NOM NOM enjoy..... (haven't tried it yet but every one that tries it , loves it .... people already named it ... but i can't remember ... sorry)

I've seen people eating pineapple w/salt , fries dipped in chocolate shakes , fries in burgers , chips in sandwiches , and one of my favs. vienna sausages w/vanilla creme cookies.

Bon Appetit'
^Same, Mayo and Fries are the best.
Ranch and Pizza.
Ketchup and grilled cheese.
Sourcream and everything.
Neapolitan ice cream and coke...

Nothing crazy - but this thread has convinced me to try some things. I'm going to try fruit and salt tomorrow!
Macaroni and cheese + A-1 = vomit

My friend told me to try this, and I spit it out almost immediately. Also, my girlfriend tried to tell me that Mac 'n Cheese + ketchup is amazing, but it was disgusting.

Also, not very weird, but I love putting Doritos on sandwiches. That extra crunch and flavor really makes a difference.
Slightly stale (just starting to lose their crunch) Nilla Wafers with bbq sauce. As the cookies age, they lose a bit of their sweetness and make a perfect combination whit the sauce.
[quote name='HELLAWAITS']Some ain't that crazy , But here's the latest craze (at least here in central florida ) get a McDonalds double cheese burger and an apple pie , insert the apple pie in the center of the double cheese burger and OM NOM NOM enjoy..... (haven't tried it yet but every one that tries it , loves it .... people already named it ... but i can't remember ... sorry)

I am oddly tempted to try this...
[quote name='Nibi']Tabasco in my coffee.[/QUOTE]

I like spicy food but I dont know. Maybe one day...

[quote name='PlumeNoir']I like my french fries with italian dressing, but that really isn't too weird.

Years ago, when I worked retail, there was some bastard who would steal lunches from the fridge in the breakroom. After it happened to me a few times, I brought in one of my favorites when I was young: Peanut Butter and tuna fish sandwiches.

My lunch disappeared one more time...then never again.[/QUOTE]

I need to find a way to sabotage my soda cans in the freeze at work. Damn people keep on stealing them. I was thinking of pacing it with laxative.

Reality's Fringe;5784683 said:
Tuong Ot Sriracha on anything.

That thing is good in vietnamese subs and in spaghetti.
[quote name='crushtopher']Macaroni and cheese + A-1 = vomit

My friend told me to try this, and I spit it out almost immediately. Also, my girlfriend tried to tell me that Mac 'n Cheese + ketchup is amazing, but it was disgusting.

Also, not very weird, but I love putting Doritos on sandwiches. That extra crunch and flavor really makes a difference.[/QUOTE]

As long as it's the fake ass box of Mac n Cheese, then yes, ketchup is really good with it :)
toasted peanut butter and green onion sandwich .... instant heartburn.

I've had pineapple on a burger once... it was good!
[quote name='ryoga79']my friend dips french fries in her Frosty. Good stuff.[/QUOTE]

My girlfriend does the same thing. It's not bad. Also, dipping them in ranch works too (but not with the Frosty).

I enjoy mashed potatoes with A1 sauce, or mashed potatoes mixed with cinnamon apple sauce.

Peanut butter on apples or bananas is also delicious.
My wife makes banana and mayo sandwiches (her mom and grandmother used to make them). I nearly hurled the first time I saw that concoction - and then I tasted it. It is very good!

I used to put cheese flavored junk food on my tuna sandwiches when I was a kid. Tuna and cheeseballs, tuna and Doritos, tuna and name it.
Syrup on Spaghetti, when I was younger.
Also, 2 Ritz Crackers w/ Peanut butter in between + Blackberry Jelly + Cottage cheese to top off. Takes a while to make, so go ahead and make like ten

And to the person who posted about banana and mayo sandwiches, thank you for reminding of those.
[quote name='HELLAWAITS']Some ain't that crazy , But here's the latest craze (at least here in central florida ) get a McDonalds double cheese burger and an apple pie , insert the apple pie in the center of the double cheese burger and OM NOM NOM enjoy..... (haven't tried it yet but every one that tries it , loves it .... people already named it ... but i can't remember ... sorry)

Fruity McGangBang?

It sounds like the McGangBang in concept(dbl cheeseburger with a McChicken in between the meat patties )

[quote name='darthbudge']I am oddly tempted to try this...[/quote]

Why am I not surprised?

I think this is disgusting, but my mom eats this a lot.

She has a can of plain pumpkin with raisins, sunflower seeds and either Sardines or Tuna.
bread's done