Don't let the bed bugs bite.... I thought it was BS.....


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So last sunday my sister offers me nice bed frame, just the frame no mattress. I'm like cool, it's a nice wooden frame that she paid about $1700 with the rest of her bedroom set. Frame is in great shape and what not, I install it and sleep on it on Sunday. Monday I wake up go to work just fine, while at work I start developing these mosquito bite looking things. I thought it was an allergic reaction to something I ate, I have gotten hives before from eating eggs. Monday night I sleep in the bed again situation doesnt get better, Tuesday night I slept in the bed again.

So wednesday I have my aunt who is a doctor check it out, she immediately told me it was bed bugs. Im like what the fuck, I had never been bitten by one of these things. Well sure enough they travelled in the bed frame that my sis gave me. What the hell can I do now, last night I slept in the living room, I took my matress and boxspring out and they are sitting on the deck. I used one of those shark steamers on the bedframe and sure enough 20-25 of those things ended up dead. I called an exterminator who charged me $150 to spray the room. Now my room stinks of pesticide and I really dont feel comfortable sleeping in that room again. Exterminator guy said they had not laid any eggs yet and that they should all be dead after the crap he sprayed, he was trying to comfort me by telling me that if i get bit again in the next few days and he'll come back and re-spray. Any of you guys ever have to deal with this crap before and how did you go about completely getting rid of them....
dude, that really sucks.. why didn't your sister tell you she had bedbugs at her home... you really got the shaft.. .bed bugs are impossible to kill off

btw hwats a shark steamer?
[quote name='billyrox']

btw hwats a shark steamer?[/QUOTE]

This happened to me at a hotel before. I thought it was perhaps the detergent they had used to wash the linens, but infact, it was identical to what you described.
hey i know exactly how you feel. in july i moved to these apartments called Tov Manor (fuck em) in central NJ and i was getting all these bug bites. i would say like 2 dozen! I moved out and had to toss alot of my shit like the bed frame, mattress, 3 piece wrap around couch and living table.

Im treating my new place just in case they are still there. You MUST remain vigilant if you want these fuckers to go away. Mine ended up to be fleas when i initially thought it was bed bugs. Do not pay the exterminator because they friggin suck. go buy a fogger for bedbugs (walmart, home depot..) and take care of it yourself. If you have carpet, go buy 20 mule team borax (walmart, target..) its a laundry detergent booster which kills bedbugs, fleas and such. Dehydrates them or whatnot. pour the borax on the carpet and vacuum hours later. do this once a week or twice a month. I am doing it once a week and the fogger twice a month for probably 4 months...!

do a google search for more options but I would just do what i just instructed because exterminators will rape you for something you can do yourself.

yea, its alot of work but you gotta stay on top of it. just keep at it..sorry your going thru this shit
wow...i'm scared it's gonna happen to me too as i just moved, but not yet.

best of luck man! and thanks mr burnzzz. if i ever develop the problem , I'll try out your solutions.
[quote name='lilboo']Can you even see bed bugs? I'm always crazy and paranoid about this stuff.[/QUOTE]

They're slow and about the size of a watermelon seed. Problem is they'll tend to hide in the matress or couch or whatever.
I haven't personally dealt with bed bugs but my best friend's apartment was infested with them. He had to throw away 2 couches and a bed from his sister's room. The exterminator did seem to fix everything though.

They were definitely visible because I caught sight of one sucking blood from my friend's leg.
What does your bites look like? i have been getting them on my leg. my mom thinks it bed bugs too so she examined/cleaned out my mattress but we didnt see anything.
[quote name='lilboo']Can you even see bed bugs? I'm always crazy and paranoid about this stuff.[/QUOTE]

you can definitely see them, you can see the blood in them that they have sucked from you, problem is that the younger ones are super tiny, you can see them but hard to spot. i might just end up throwing the matress and frame away if the problem is not solved. I'm gonna use my brother as a guinea pig and have him sleep on my bed once I set it back up to see if there are bugs left. I got too many damn bites to be able to tell if they are new or old.
The only way to really tell you have them is to either catch them or find where they hide (usually in the bed frame or mattress if it's ripped). We had an outbreak on-campus a few years back, and we had to deal with some. It's a real pain in the ass. You have to seal up your clothes for 12-18 months, constantly wash the clothes you wear, and get your room sprayed every month until they stop biting.
This thread is the reason I remembered I had a Shark Steam Cleaner, remembered to change my sheets, and realized that it wasn't a cockroach the other day on my bed.
[quote name='tcrash247']Thanks mtx, now I won't be able to sleep tonight.[/QUOTE]

tonight will be my first night back in that room, we'll see if i can sleep
[quote name='anubis20']tonight will be my first night back in that room, we'll see if i can sleep[/QUOTE]

bring a gun.. good luck
I had these fuckers for 6 months. I was in school housing in college so it was on their dime, but it took about 6 times from the exterminator. They used to use DDT on them, but now they have to use this watered down crap that usually won't kill them the first time. Best thing to do is to fry them with UV by taking your stuff outside. Wash all your clothes in the hottest water, and steam clean the carpets. That might not even guarantee it.
Get a mattress cover, also. There were ads for these things all over NYC while I was there this past weekend. They must really have a problem with them there!
your situation does majorly suck bro, but honestly, bed bugs have become pretty rampant, especially in big cities.

i wouldn't get too paranoid though... the guy sprayed, get some nice clean sheets on that sucker and you should be good to go.
Get some mattress and pillow covers and make sure that you thoroughly clean all of your bedding.

I had bed bugs a few months ago and the exterminator made us pull everything away from the walls so that he could spray the floor boards. He also showed us how to inspect for future infestations. Check along the baseboards for small white eggs, also along all of the seams of you mattress, pillows, couch cushions; really anywhere that is dark for them to hide in.

Luckily they move really slow so they don't completely infest your house or apartment; but keep an eye out and do weekly inspections of the places I mentioned above and you should be OK. The exterminators are pretty good at getting them all.
here is an update, Been sleeping in that room for 2 days and so far no bites. There is however the psychological effect, its easy for me to fall asleep but I am waking up 3 to 4 times during the night checking to see if there is none of these bugs feeding on me, oh yea and last night I actually dreamt about them.
[quote name='anubis20']here is an update, Been sleeping in that room for 2 days and so far no bites. There is however the psychological effect, its easy for me to fall asleep but I am waking up 3 to 4 times during the night checking to see if there is none of these bugs feeding on me, oh yea and last night I actually dreamt about them.[/QUOTE]

just wait... you will wake up with bites soon
did you bring teh frame back in?

If these things are resiliant like fleas they will be back.

Wash everything in that room.

Man I would go crazy on that room and gett those bug proof zipper bags for the pillows and mattress I put back in there.

Keep us posted in a week or two, if they do or dont come back.

I have been hearing more and more about this happening to people that travel and get them in their suticases as well.. then bring them home.
I have bed bugs.The little bastards will give you a bad case of insomnia for sure.All you can really do is wash your clothes in hot water,dry in hot heat,and vacuum your mattress.I been using bedbugpowder and it seems to work.
Don't forget about second hand smoke from used videogames. I recently got this response after blowing smoke in the bubble mailer and sealing it shut:


Not sure if it was the mailer you used or what but the game and mailer really smelled like smoke/cigarettes ... I have never run into that one before!

Since I don't make it a point of smelling my games while playing them, I gave you positive feedback nevertheless. I'll spray it with Febreeze and air it out for a while just the same.

Thanks Again - the game looks like a lot of fun.
[quote name='Snake2715']did you bring teh frame back in?

If these things are resiliant like fleas they will be back.

Wash everything in that room.

Man I would go crazy on that room and gett those bug proof zipper bags for the pillows and mattress I put back in there.

Keep us posted in a week or two, if they do or dont come back.

I have been hearing more and more about this happening to people that travel and get them in their suticases as well.. then bring them home.[/QUOTE]

You must work at NASA necause my best friend's dad wprks there and he told me almost the same exact thing when we were having hot dogs at dairy queen two days before the other day. Parently some guy in his science lab had bed bugs from a porto rican foreign exchange student they got and they had to fight the bugs with lots of chemicals and shit.
[quote name='Scobie']You must work at NASA necause my best friend's dad wprks there and he told me almost the same exact thing when we were having hot dogs at dairy queen two days before the other day. Parently some guy in his science lab had bed bugs from a porto rican foreign exchange student they got and they had to fight the bugs with lots of chemicals and shit.[/QUOTE]

I can verify this.
Son of a bitch!!! Got 2 bites in a row, which leads me to believe it was the same bug. I looked around the room and on the ceiling I see this black spec, I look closer and it was a friggin bed bug, Im calling the exterminator tomorrow so he can come and spray again, 4 nights no bites, there must only be a few left. The one I killed was full of blood which leads me to believe it was the one that bit me. It was young looking as the bug was kind of a clear color and not the typical dark brown color. fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[quote name='anubis20']Son of a bitch!!! Got 2 bites in a row, which leads me to believe it was the same bug. I looked around the room and on the ceiling I see this black spec, I look closer and it was a friggin bed bug, Im calling the exterminator tomorrow so he can come and spray again, 4 nights no bites, there must only be a few left. The one I killed was full of blood which leads me to believe it was the one that bit me. It was young looking as the bug was kind of a clear color and not the typical dark brown color. fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

most likely an egg of one hatched.

Deep freeze helps. Anything below freezing for a few days will kill everything.

[quote name='shieryda']Do the bugs transmit diseases?[/QUOTE]

They have the potential to, but haven't. They don't really spread past their local feeding spot. And there haven't been cases where a transmitable disease has been widespread, unlike mosquitos.

I assume that whoever it's feeding on, next to the person you're sleeping with, probably doesn't matter.
bread's done