Downgrader = Dead

Another hit for Sony...Who is going to buy a new PSP now when they can't play any good games? Wait, there is Lumines!
[quote name='gizmogc']Another hit for Sony...Who is going to buy a new PSP now when they can't play any good games? Wait, there is Lumines![/QUOTE]
Oh come now, PopoloCrois is coming out, uhh... eventually.

... *sigh*
I'm actually not too suprised considering all the pleas for donations and all the really whack fake videos with pauses they showed.

But it's a bit suprising since they did release the version ghoster =)
man this is a real bummer :whistle2:( looks like i need to try to switch my PSP with someone selling a 1.5 and add some cash to the deal.
[quote name='gizmogc']Another hit for Sony...Who is going to buy a new PSP now when they can't play any good games? Wait, there is Lumines![/QUOTE]
Showing his love for the ngage by crapping every PSP thread in existence!

w00t! Maybe now ngage sales will go into double digits!
Yea they did it just to get money. People where donating to them left and right and they knew the downgrader could not be possible so they said fuck it. I say they give back all the money people donated.
[quote name='gizmogc']Another hit for Sony...Who is going to buy a new PSP now when they can't play any good games? Wait, there is Lumines![/QUOTE]

Shut. The. fuck. Up.

You've been shoveling your lame ass opinion in every topic since the dawn of the PSP.

No more.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Shut. The. fuck. Up.

You've been shoveling your lame ass opinion in every topic since the dawn of the PSP.

No more.[/QUOTE]

I sure have. However, unlike 95% of people that 'bash' a system, I actually own one with many games (or have, traded/sold most of the, now). Sorry if you don't like my opinion, but atleast Im not a Sony fanboy.
[quote name='Quackzilla']How about instead of being a whiny little bitch you go to to and stop annoying us?

You will be more appreciated there.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Like I said, if I bash a system, its because I actually OWN it. You on the other hand bash something you have never played before. Its funny, I block all you're messeges but still feel compelled to read you're comments. Oh well. For now on, I will no longer read anything written by you. I will however miss the 'N-Gage sucks!!!!1!11' and 'PSP is the best!!!!'. Farewell Quackzilla!
[quote name='BREVITY']lol, those WAB people seem like real drama queens.[/QUOTE]

You noticed that too? It seems like the whole PSP homebrew scene is always crying about something somebody else did. Though I still expect a downgrader to show up at some point, somebody will figure it out even if these guys can't.

As far as bashing a system in a thread that isn't bashing it, show a little class. Would you go up to a normal conversation about the PSP or whatever and just start ranting and raving if nobody asked? Damn social misfits get your act together and at least act half human on the internet.
bread's done