Dragon Age II - Gen. Discussion and Info - Mark of the Assassin DLC 10/11 800 pts.

Score! It looks like the new issue of Game Informer confirms Anders as the last companion of the party. His dialog is said to change based on the Awakening epilogue. Very happy about this news. I just hope they didn't change his VA and he hasn't turned into a complete saint over the years. If his personal quest doesn't involve a reunion with Sir Pounce-A-Lot I'm going to be extremely disappointed.

My initial canon play-through party of Hawke, Anders, Merrill and She-Hu... er... Aveline is complete!
Sig and the better Howe I can understand but Velanna? Really? ...Please explain. Unless I missed something she was a super bitch who cared next to nothing for you 90% of the time. In my epilogues she turned tail and ran anyway so I was glad her sister remained in service of the Architect.
[quote name='Big St3ph3n']To bad my Anders died. :([/QUOTE]
Doesn't make any difference, BioWare has already said that they will retcon "epilogue deaths" if they want to bring a character back. He'll probably have a funny "I got better" line though.
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Umm wtf?

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Doesn't make any difference, BioWare has already said that they will retcon "epilogue deaths" if they want to bring a character back. He'll probably have a funny "I got better" line though.[/QUOTE]

Thats great! I was pissed at the end of Awakening,
when it showed the end text/pics and all of the people i didnt take with me, died. RAGE :bomb:
Glad to see bioware is doing that. :)
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
A new "exclusive" (lol riiiighhhttt) DLC item for Best Buy has also shown up: Amulet of Ashes

Anyone else convinced more than half of this so called DLC is actual in-game items they've just decided to throw at us as soon as humanly possible? God knows I am. It's free though so that is essentially all that matters.[/QUOTE]

Another exclusive? shit. Maybe I'll just get a PC version instead. At least I could get the DLC somewhere in the internet.

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Doesn't make any difference, BioWare has already said that they will retcon "epilogue deaths" if they want to bring a character back. He'll probably have a funny "I got better" line though.[/QUOTE]

No wonder. At the end of Awakening, the game didn't auto-saved so pretty much what happens in the epilogue on that game didn't really matter.

And Anders? Hah. The dude was enjoyable. I was afraid there were not going to be any jokers on the team as the rest look like they have sticks up their asses.
So I had to cancel my Amazon Prime before it renewed because I was having issues at the time with finances and wouldn't be able to purchase it until this week. I went in and changed my 2 day shipping option to super saver because I had to cancel my Bioware Signature Edition. Guess which item they deleted from my order after cancelling Prime. Im not happy :/
Holy Harvester, Batman!
We've got a new vid and screenshots galore! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8n_oa5xK4w You know you want this game. Don't deny it. We won't judge you.
Wow! I don't know if it's because they've significantly polished the engine, or if previous promotional materials just sucked, but that video really shows off the new art style in a way that the previous videos and screenshots didn't. The bold colors, characters "popping" against the backgrounds-- it looks gorgeous.

If anyone looked at the previous screenshots and thought that the backgrounds looked too plain or the textures didn't look as detailed as Origins (which are valid reactions), I think watching this video will help you "get" the effect BioWare is going for. It's not supposed to be strictly "better" than Origins-- it's a lateral move into something perhaps less detailed but more stylized and striking. Again, wow.


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one month from release and this is the most gameplay we've seen!

It looks bad. The UI is dreadful, the combat looks awkward, it has Mass Effect's dialogue which isn't welcome in a franchise that was a throwback to CRPGs and the art direction is ...interestingly laughable, at best.

Looks terrible. The only plus is the skill tree does look better. But real leg up on Origins and the art direction really boggles it down.
The official Bioware Twitter account said Mike Laidlaw would be playing a live demo and answering question on Friday at 11 am Pacific.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Anders just got his bio page up on the official site and I must say he has changed. He did one hell of a job of keeping the full scope of his hatred toward the Chantry a secret. It's like Wild Flower from JE all over again, haha. So hyped.[/QUOTE]
Whoa, that is a big change. I foresee a rivalry since I plan on playing my Warrior fem-Hawke as a pro-Chantry, mage-hating a-hole.

Her relationship with Bethany is going to be... interesting. :)
Sounds like a full blown comedy in the making. Imagine the impending chaos if she and Anders were to hook up in front of your Hawke. I hope we can still kill/kick out party members. If a Templar/Mage war happens I'd love it if one of your former members were a mid-boss because of it.
I am relishing the possibility of turning your own sister over to the Templars. Not because I have anything against Bethany, it would just be crazy dramatic.
[quote name='siradam134']http://www.giantbomb.com/quick-look-road-show-dragon-age-ii/17-3772/

one month from release and this is the most gameplay we've seen!

It looks bad. The UI is dreadful, the combat looks awkward, it has Mass Effect's dialogue which isn't welcome in a franchise that was a throwback to CRPGs and the art direction is ...interestingly laughable, at best.

Looks terrible. The only plus is the skill tree does look better. But real leg up on Origins and the art direction really boggles it down.[/QUOTE]

Funny, I thought the clip made it look like a huge improvement, and I'm anticipating the game even more!

The demo should help move people's decision in one way or the other. If it sucks, we'll find out then.
I just watched that champion trailer and my response is.....hamina hamina hamina.

Can't Friggin Wait!

They made each class so badass looking, I don't know which one to play as first.
Looks better than Origins to me. I like Origins but did not love it. This looks like a lovely combo of the best Bioware has to offer.
Now that the game is slowly creeping up on us, I'm finally starting to get more and more excited for it. I can admit that the release of ME3 this year has cast a huge-ass shadow over every other game for me, but after watching some interviews and dev videos I can finally sink my teeth into the idea of playing this.

Some of the things that have been getting me pumped as of late:

  • The overhauled leveling/attribute system.
  • Classes having unique/distinct playing styles.
  • Institution of a class tree system (versus DA:O's simple-ass leveling).
  • Being able to pick from different squadmates at certain points of the game on the conversation wheel and getting their two cents on the current situation.
  • The Friendship vs. Rival system replacing the Love/Hate/I'm Leaving Your Ass Right Now system.
And I don't care how much they want to say that the Warrior and Rogue classes will be as fun as the Mage, I'm sticking to my ultimate goal of Battlemage. You can beatdown, backflip, and throw all the smokebombs you want - I'll be busy raining down hell on everyone and making you all look better :cool:
Avoiding that link like the plague indeed. Ugh... next tuesday (MVC3) can't come around fast enough. I desperately need something to keep myself preoccupied for the next couple of weeks.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Avoiding that link like the plague indeed. Ugh... next tuesday (MVC3) can't come around fast enough. I desperately need something to keep myself preoccupied for the next couple of weeks.[/QUOTE]Here's my expert advice:
do another Mass Effect 1 and/or 2 playthrough.

Always keeps me occupied :cool:

X... you severely underestimate how much how I played the first one (nowhere near as much as you though I suspect). Last I recall I've put in well over 300+ hours spanning 7-8 profiles. I'm kind of sick to death of it personally. I've done and seen almost everything it has to offer unfortunately. Pretty sure I've spent a little more than half of that time importing those to ME2 w/ DLC still trying to figure out where I stood on all the changes. Now the only way I can justify playing it is with new DLC.

Amazingly enough I've somehow broken my ME1 benchmark by what I suspect is well over 150+ hours spanning five profiles w/ all DLC in Origins because there is just so much to do. I partially blame the shooter genre for shoving right back into the direction of RPGs when most developers can't seem to write a decent piece of net code to save their lives... but I digress. If it weren't for ME2 handled a large majority of side quests I probably would have dedicated another 60+ hours to this new sixth profile. I already have three full game profiles for that anyway. He's sort of a test case for save importing to DA2 at the moment.

Here's hoping my ruthless soon-to-be king "consort" of a vengeful Cousland makes an appearance in the sequel. I suspect I may have to transfer some saves elsewhere though to make enough space for him. ;\
It looks to be a pretty easy 1000 really. Doesn't even seem to require multiple full playthroughs. I'm thinking I will do my first PT "blind" though; pure RP'ing, no metagaming, no purposely going for achievements if it's not something I would do anyway. Second playthrough I'll use to mop up any missed cheevs.
[quote name='Ergo Proxy']Was there a demo for the first one? Eh, I really cant wait for this. I think it comes out the same day Bulletstorm comes out.[/QUOTE]


The more I look at this game, the more I'm looking forward to it. I was gonna be a warrior like my first playthrough in Origins, but mage looks like too much fun to pass up! Especially that move pulling enemies apart, literally.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL.

X... you severely underestimate how much how I played the first one (nowhere near as much as you though I suspect). Last I recall I've put in well over 300+ hours spanning 7-8 profiles. I'm kind of sick to death of it personally. I've done and seen almost everything it has to offer unfortunately. Pretty sure I've spent a little more than half of that time importing those to ME2 w/ DLC still trying to figure out where I stood on all the changes. Now the only way I can justify playing it is with new DLC.[/QUOTE]Oh, my advice wasn't intended as "you haven't played it enough" type of thing, just a simple "for old time's sake" kind of deal. You know you at least have to take one more trip down memory lane before ME3 comes out ;)

Though I don't really get into specifics/detail with how much total playtime I've put in it, I will say that your suspicion is certainly correct :cool: I can admit that I've put ~120 hours in since the start of December, though.

I can't quite remember the total time I put into DA:O (+ DLC), but I know it abruptly came to a halt after playing Witch Hunt :bomb:
[quote name='Ergo Proxy']Was there a demo for the first one? Eh, I really cant wait for this. I think it comes out the same day Bulletstorm comes out.[/QUOTE]

Only if you went to PAX Prime 09 and waited in line for what was a 5-6 hour wait for some people (they took in groups of 15-20 at a time and the demo was 30 minutes long.)
Report on the first review, from PC Gamer UK. It's very positive overall!

I am a little concerned about the focus on Kirkwall as a location (I like my adventures to span a lot of different terrain, makes things feel more "epic"), but I appreciate that they're aiming for something different and I'm keeping an open mind.
So long as Kirkwall is either huge in comparison to Denerim or more areas are unlocked as the game progress I won't have a problem with it. I'm one of those gamers who believes the illusion of exploration is vital to my personal enjoyment of more traditional and action hybrid RPGs as a whole. One of the main reasons I enjoy the genre is because I have the opportunity to relax and smell the roses. I want to feel as though I've gotten my money's worth at my own pace not blaze through the main story to recoup even half of it because the lore eclipses everything else. I have plenty of pick up and play titles in my library to satisfy those sort of "speed run" moods.

Great review. I just hope the side quests are little more worthwhile this time around.
Here is a list of facts covered in the live chat, by a BioWare forum member:

Biotic Sage wrote...

 Cross class combos
 Staggered target (warriors do it)
 Team work, vital at higher difficulty levels
 Fist of the Maker (top first force mage)
 Toggled helmets
 Buffs fade outside of combats
 How long for playthrough? Longer than ME2, DAO (50 hrs)
 Mages will be able to wear armor (armor based on strength and con, not class)
 Wide variety of weapons; each class has own sets of weapons, able to equip to followers or Hawke.
 Party member fixed armors; upgrades found during quests or purchased; enchantable with runes; over time companions will sometimes change their outfits
 Enemies do level based on character level, but some are on a case by case basis
 Hard designed for whole party building
 Archers have more force to their attacks than dual wielders
 Big political elements from DAO and DAOA will impact Kirkwall
 Fatigue is gone from DA2; if you meet requirements you can wear armor without penalty
 Reserved stamina/mana is in percentages; operates much like fatigue
 classes are more balanced; warriors and rogues up to mages’ standard now
 Mike’s favorite character: Isabella
 Companion’s interact with each other; extensive banter in certain areas; followers visit other followers at each others’ homes
 Dog acts as 5th (weak) party member
 Cameos from Origins may make appearances
 Romances in Dragon Age 2: vary based on friend/rival status; Love/Hate romance scenes
 Mike’s favorite class: Rogue/Archer
 Interface is main difference between console/pc
 Crafting exists: able to create runes, poisons bombs, etc.; find individual resources and reporting to crafters, not individual elfroots
 Caves, dungeons, deep roads, abandoned highways, craggy coasts; mainly a hub location
 Hawke does have a core location, like the map; changes over time; crafting, store equipment

I'll post a link to the archived video as soon as it's available. Not a lot of new information revealed by the questions, but there was some pretty substantial gameplay footage.

ETA: www.livestream.com/electronicarts/video
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Report on the first review, from PC Gamer UK. It's very positive overall!

I am a little concerned about the focus on Kirkwall as a location (I like my adventures to span a lot of different terrain, makes things feel more "epic"), but I appreciate that they're aiming for something different and I'm keeping an open mind.[/QUOTE]

How did they review a game that went gold today already?
[quote name='thrustbucket']How did they review a game that went gold today already?[/QUOTE]
Even though the game wasn't gold until today, I'm sure that it's been finished in terms of actual content for a long time, and the past few months have just been bug fixing and final polishing. BioWare probably sent out some early copies for reviewers.
FYI Bioware took away the early PC demo away from Gamestop employees so everyone has to wait for the mass demo. Non-Gamestop employees were getting the codes, but they sent each store 20 codes, and no Gamestop currently has more than 10 employees at a location so of course they were going to give them out to friends.
[quote name='MSUHitman']FYI Bioware took away the early PC demo away from Gamestop employees so everyone has to wait for the mass demo. Non-Gamestop employees were getting the codes, but they sent each store 20 codes, and no Gamestop currently has more than 10 employees at a location so of course they were going to give them out to friends.[/QUOTE]

Gamestop employee's aren't always the most trustworthy bunch. I don't blame EA/Bioware for pulling the PC demo. That's why I'm loyal to the couple that I've grown to know and they're good peoples. They seem like decent folk and they take care of me, so I keep going back to those particular stores.
The whole GameStop demo thing doesn't add up. Presuming that the "security reason" they cited for changing their mind is that the GameStop employees would leak the demo to the general public, I have two questions:

1) Why would they have ever not thought that it would get instantly leaked; and

2) Who cares if it does get leaked? Isn't the whole point of a demo that as many people get their hands on it as possible?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']The whole GameStop demo thing doesn't add up. Presuming that the "security reason" they cited for changing their mind is that the GameStop employees would leak the demo to the general public, I have two questions:

1) Why would they have ever not thought that it would get instantly leaked; and

2) Who cares if it does get leaked? Isn't the whole point of a demo that as many people get their hands on it as possible?[/QUOTE]

We're still getting the demo prior to the game's release, so why not fuck over Gamestop and it's employees? It's all good from where I stand.
LOL. Point is if they were going to renege on their deal they should have at least pushed the release date for the console version ahead of schedule for us. They honestly have nothing to gain or lose from a demo being pirated. It's just Bioware/EA's moronic PR team causing a ruckus again for no viable reason.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL. Point is if they were going to renege on their deal they should have at least pushed the release date for the console version ahead of schedule for us. They honestly have nothing to gain or lose from a demo being pirated. It's just Bioware/EA's moronic PR team causing a ruckus again for no viable reason.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, what's to loose or gain by some people getting access a few days earlier? Doesn't make sense.

Maybe....shudder....the game stinks!!! Say it ain't so!
bread's done