dragon age vs mass effect


9 (100%)
Hello. Was just wondering in your opinion if it would be better to play mass effect or dragon age first? I picked up dragon age from best buy on black friday for 24.99 and I am just wondering if I should just go at it or grab mass effect and go at that first? Thanks for any help opinions and what not.
[quote name='floormat']Hello. Was just wondering in your opinion if it would be better to play mass effect or dragon age first? I picked up dragon age from best buy on black friday for 24.99 and I am just wondering if I should just go at it or grab mass effect and go at that first? Thanks for any help opinions and what not.[/QUOTE]

Dragon Age has pretty much integrated multiplayer into the main campaign, right? You might as well play it first while the game is still hot from release. Mass Effect is entirely single player, so no rush.

Dragon age blows Mass effect out of the water imo.

But really it would probably be better to go on your preference.

Sci Fi vs Medieval Fantasy.
Gun oriented vs Sword and spell oriented.

You should play both eventually anyways :)

[quote name='HotShotX']Dragon Age has pretty much integrated multiplayer into the main campaign, right? You might as well play it first while the game is still hot from release. Mass Effect is entirely single player, so no rush.


Nah, Dragon age has no multiplayer whatsoever, you're probably thinking of Demon Souls.
I liked them both...combat got stale for me in DAO unless it was a special fight - boss/dragon etc

Planet exploring was fail in ME

both are solid 9/10 games
Both are good games, and different, with one being a more traditional PC RPG and the other a shooter RPG.

I would say play which ever one you fell like playing first. If you feel like playing a fantasy game go with Dragon Age, if you feel like playing a Sci-Fi game go with Mass Effect.
I am just starting out in ME(about 4hrs in) and I picked up DA:O yesterday. I prefer the sci-fi setting but I loved Bioware's KOTOR game, and I'm really enjoying Mass Effect so far, so I hope that I will enjoy DA as well.
I like Dragon Age a lot better. However, you should play Mass Effect first, since if you like it you'll want to beat it before Mass Effect 2 comes out in January.
[quote name='Ryukahn']However, you should play Mass Effect first, since if you like it you'll want to beat it before Mass Effect 2 comes out in January.[/QUOTE]

That's shouldn't matter, since both ME games are single player games--thus no need to worry about getting the sequel day 1 when there's an active community etc.

Play ME whenever, and then pick up ME2 down the road after price drops or when it's available on Goozex etc.

I loved ME, but won't be getting ME2 anywhere near launch. Still have Fallout 3 untouched as it's tough to find time for RPGs which are tough to play with a hectic schedule. Once I get through that (probably this summer hopefully), I'll find time for ME2 and maybe Dragon Age as well.
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Out of the 2 I liked ME more. DA:O has to much dialog in it for me. Also I'm more into Sci-Fi than mid evil things.
IMHO, I'll play Diablo 2 or buy the game for the PC before I play dragon age again on the 360. Just didn't interest me using a controller for that kind of game. I'd say, Play ME first if your into the Shooter RPG aspect. If you like click and kill on a controller, then go DA:O. Just my .02
Fable 2 and DA:O are pretty different games really. If you've ever played Baulder's Gate or Neverwinter nights I'd compare DA:O to that type of game. If you like Fantasy RPG's though, you can't really go wrong.
[quote name='mission42']Fable 2 and DA:O are pretty different games really. If you've ever played Baulder's Gate or Neverwinter nights I'd compare DA:O to that type of game. If you like Fantasy RPG's though, you can't really go wrong.[/QUOTE]
Alright. How does it compare to fallout 3?
It... doesn't, really.

I'd take Dragon Age over Mass Effect, but they're both damn good. Dragon Age just rewards micromanagement so much more.
Can't go wrong either way, but Mass Effect is a masterpiece. Simply put, it's one of the best games ever, IMO. The story is the best sci-fi story since the original Star Wars trilogy. The gameplay is better than decent, but pretty damn solid for a shooter/RPG hybrid.

I hope I don't sound too over the top. ME really is that good and I tend to be pretty critical of most games.

Dragon Age is fun, I'm playing it now. But, it lacks in what I call "epic storytelling". Whereas, Mass Effect has that in spades.
I'm surprised that some people actually like Mass Effect over Dragon Age.

Having finished Dragon Age, I decided to play through Mass Effect again, since its sequel is coming out soon, but I cannot stand playing through it anymore.

The dialogue in Mass Effect is so boring. Virtually everything you select from the left side of the dialogue wheel results in Shepard asking a straight-forward question, without any interesting outcomes, and the phrases you select from the right side of the dialogue wheel rarely match what Shepard actually says. I hate having so little control over my character's actions -- especially in a Bioware game.

At first, When I finished Dragon Age, I wasn't really impressed by its overall quality. I enjoyed it, but I wasn't totally blown away. However, playing Mass Effect again has made me really appreciate the effort that Bioware put forth in developing Dragon Age.
glad to know people still digg mass effect. I was afriad it was going to rot on my shelf since it was in my too play pile. I've heard a mountain of good stuff about dragon age it made me worried it would blow ME out of the water by the time I got around to it.
Playing Dragon Age now, but honestly?

I'm... really tired of fantasy games in general. I think too many years of Baldur's Gate, Ice Wind Dale, etc etc has sort of killed it for me.

Dragon Age has FANTASTIC voice acting. The story is interesting. There's a lot of racial and political tension. However, ultimately, it's still Dungeons and Dragons, even after all the effort they put into creating their own game system.

With Mass Effect, the story is weak, the voice acting is weak, but something about the setting excites me.
ME, and DAO are both good... both let you get it on with a variety of peoples.

Both games will have you finding the best items fairly quick, both have nice voice acting, DAO doesn't have playerside voice acting in dialogue. Both have nifty spells and abilities, and decent levling systems. Both have good or evil options, but DAO doesn't "track" them as much. In DAO some characters CAN leave your party if you piss them off, either through singular actions or alot of choices they hate. DAO takes the Fallout 1&2 approach of showing the outcomes of your actions with nice stillshots and epilogues based on many of your decisions. ME is deliberately cliffhangerish since you knew going into the game that this was planned as a trilogy.

It comes down to:
A)Do you want to bang a blue chick, or an elf? (humans are also available in both)

B)Do you want to slaughter many idiots with a gun or a sword?
I heard the marketing for Dragon Age was way off but I didn't think the marketing for Mass Effect was off. I enjoyed Mass Effect a lot but then again I prefer sci-fi games more since I see it as the next western context. Fantasy has been done to death, Dragon Age is a great game from what I've heard but I'd have to rent it first and I'm not on Gamefly anymore/no rental stores reasonably close by for me lol. Basically I think I'd get DA for PC (if you can run it of course) for the mods and community tools :applause:.
I beat Mass Effect and am a few hours into Dragon Age: Origins. So far DA's combat is a little quirky with the moving around targets and switching targets on the fly. I think ME did that much better. It also gets a little out of control with 4 party members on top of one mob swinging away. I chose a Rogue as my class and moving stealthed trying to set up traps and getting a backstab while having a party can be a little annoying. So far, ME seems to be better. Fantasy has been done to death, this isn't much of a different setting but ME's sci-fi universe was a breath of fresh air that was extremely well done.

But I guess it comes down to what kind of a person you are, Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']Dragon age origins was the length of about 6 mass effects.[/QUOTE]


married with 4 kids

so it sounds like this might be a 2 year game for me


Thanks for all the suggestions. I like mid evil and sci fi so it sounds like i'll have a good time both ways. Now just to find the time....

now to include fable 2 in all this mess? hmmm...
There both different games, but the important thing is that there both awesome. Mass Effect is an incredible and Dragon Age seems to be just as good, although Dragon Age will last you a very long time (60-100) hours, I would recommenced picking up Mass Effect, it is shorter and has less depth as DA. Mass Effect 2 is coming out next year what's is bound to be awesome, so yeah pick it up!
I think this should count for something.

Mass Effect is, by far, the better game. The universe, the main story (as well as side-stories), the characters in your party, interaction with NPCs, the voice acting, and the cinematic feel of the game surpass that of any other RPG I've played. That doesn't even include the idea that your character and his/her decisions will transfer over to Mass Effect 2 (and eventually Mass Effect 3), and will affect how those games play out. To quote the article I linked to:

[quote name='IGN Writer Erik Brudvig']Mass Effect is the most significant leap forward for the role-playing genre in the past generation of games.[/QUOTE]
I put 35 hours into ME before I finished it. Loved it to death. Awesome game. However, you can finish it in under 10 hours if you just stick with the main quest (much of the side stuff gets boring and repetitive).

I have put about 30 hours into DAO now and I feel like I am maybe, at most, a 1/3 of the way through. I like taking my time though, and exploring every dialog tree and subquest. Most of the side stuff feel like entire games. It's really awesome. It's also hard for me to justify buying another 6 hour game again.

ME has, by far, better graphics - if that's important to you. DAO is by far longer. Both are very very talky but DAO is more so. If you don't like tons of dialog don't get either but especially skip DAO.

If you put a gun to my head I would probably pick Mass Effect by a nose for it's graphics and totally original and excellent story and setting. That being said, I'm having more fun with DAO than any game since ME came out, including Fallout 3.
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