Dreamcast games that have aged well?


39 (100%)
I finally got my Dreamcast hooked up to my HDTV via the VGA adapter (looks beautiful). While I'm still familiar with most of the great games that came out, some of them haven't done too well over the years.

Whats still fun today on the Dreamcast? I was thinking Power Stone, or really anything from Capcom along with the 2d fighters, but the controller isn't really the best for that. Most of the shmups are timeless. If I didn't play the hell out of Skies of Arcadia and Grandia II back then I'd revisit those.

Sonic Adventure 2 was a bit of a shock, the controls just seem counterintuitive now with only one analog stick.
Although there's a bunch of sequels and different versions, my wife and I still swear that Unreal Tournament on the Dreamcast is the best FPSs we've played. In fact, she just played through it again last month. It's the only game she's better than me in, and we've both beaten it on Master difficulty.

I still have a ton of Dreamcast games, but to be honest the only two I've played in the last few years have been Unreal Tournament and Marvel vs. Capcom 2. But now that they have MvC2 on Xbox Live and PS3, that title found it's way back on the shelf.
I was going to mention Skies of Arcadia, but you already talked about that.

Unfortunately Shenmue has not aged too well IMO..

Virtua Tennis is still a lot of fun.
Yeah, both the Sonic games didn't age well, especially the second one. Power Stone 2 is still a blast with 4-players. Rival Schools is also a lot of fun. JoJo's Bizzare Adventure & Last Blade 2 are two great but overlooked fighters.

Unfortunately there weren't many great RPGs for the DC. Arcadia and Grandia 2 being the best. However I remember I liked E.G.G., not sure if it aged well or not.
Shenmue doesn't stand up graphically but I don't think theres been a game since that has created an atmosphere like that, particularly the time aspects.
[quote name='dafoomie']I finally got my Dreamcast hooked up to my HDTV via the VGA adapter (looks beautiful). While I'm still familiar with most of the great games that came out, some of them haven't done too well over the years.

Whats still fun today on the Dreamcast? I was thinking Power Stone, or really anything from Capcom along with the 2d fighters, but the controller isn't really the best for that. Most of the shmups are timeless. If I didn't play the hell out of Skies of Arcadia and Grandia II back then I'd revisit those.

Sonic Adventure 2 was a bit of a shock, the controls just seem counterintuitive now with only one analog stick.[/QUOTE]
Soul Calibur 2.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Soul Calibur 2.[/QUOTE]
You mean Soul Calibur. :p 2 was only on the GC, PS2 and Xbox.

But yeah, I agree with that. It definitely aged well.

Skies of Arcadia is mostly a yes. Nowadays, it would have had more vocal work thrown in (how it didn't in the first place while Grandia II did in one disc kinda confuses me) and their faces wouldn't look too much like they're a separate texture when expressing different emotions.

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing still looks great, as does its sequel. Crazy Taxi still looks great, as does Jet Grind Radio.

I also agree that Shenmue has...not aged too well. Back then, it was the best looking game next to Final Fantasy X. But that didn't last too long. Phantasy Star Online's definitely showing its age. Especially when compared to its later ports on the GC, Xbox and PC which had upped the visuals a bit (especially NPC models). You look at a tree in PSO, you'll notice its leaves are just two flat textures slapped across eachother.
[quote name='Tsukento']You mean Soul Calibur. :p 2 was only on the GC, PS2 and Xbox.

But yeah, I agree with that. It definitely aged well.

Skies of Arcadia is mostly a yes. Nowadays, it would have had more vocal work thrown in (how it didn't in the first place while Grandia II did in one disc kinda confuses me) and their faces wouldn't look too much like they're a separate texture when expressing different emotions.

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing still looks great, as does its sequel. Crazy Taxi still looks great, as does Jet Grind Radio.

I also agree that Shenmue has...not aged too well. Back then, it was the best looking game next to Final Fantasy X. But that didn't last too long. Phantasy Star Online's definitely showing its age. Especially when compared to its later ports on the GC, Xbox and PC which had upped the visuals a bit (especially NPC models). You look at a tree in PSO, you'll notice its leaves are just two flat textures slapped across eachother.[/QUOTE]
Ah yes, thanks for the correction. 2 had Thpawn, HEY! and Who-the-hell-hachi.

Agree with JGR and CT as well
Every once in a while I connect up my Dreamcast. From my experience 2D fighters usually age pretty well. I still play Marvel Vs Capcom 2 with people from time to time.

Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves is still one of my favorite fighters.
I think most of the games have aged pretty well graphically since it seems that we've hit a plateau in that area and since Nintendo has successfully taken the non-HD route in its games.
Jet Grind Radio! Definitely still worth a look, as it has been mentioned a few times already.

Also, MDK2 is another extremely entertaining game. The humor should make you chuckle at least a little bit.

Hydro Thunder should be a gimme if you haven't played it. The water physics and creative level design are still to this day great.
Spawn: In the Demon's Hand is a game that I still play with my friends quite often, it's not really that known of but it's one of if not my favorite multiplayer game on the Dreamcast and I think more people should try it out.
I think many games for the DC have aged well. Maybe not graphically compare to some of the HD era games, but mine's still hooked up to an older CRT TV. Although admittedly I only ever play it a few times a year, but I did get into a big Record of Lodoss War kick in 2008 playing nothing but that for weeks.
[quote name='Nikadimas']Although there's a bunch of sequels and different versions, my wife and I still swear that Unreal Tournament on the Dreamcast is the best FPSs we've played. In fact, she just played through it again last month. It's the only game she's better than me in, and we've both beaten it on Master difficulty.

I still have a ton of Dreamcast games, but to be honest the only two I've played in the last few years have been Unreal Tournament and Marvel vs. Capcom 2. But now that they have MvC2 on Xbox Live and PS3, that title found it's way back on the shelf.[/QUOTE]

your been playing UT99 on the wrong platform the whole time its still alive and kicking on the pc

my japanese dreamcast from launch is still going strong while my 9/9/99 DC laser is dieing and i played my Imported DC a hell of lot more
Games that age well: 2D games

Games that don't age well: 3D games

There are exceptions of course. Some 3D DC games still look good, like Soul Caliber.

You ever try to play a 3D PS1 games lately? Yuck!
Resident Evil Code Veronica. still one of the best looking games in the system.

Powerstone 2 and of course Street Fighter 3: Third Strike.
hmm....I think a lot of the major ones are covered but maybe also rez and ikaruga if you don't have a 360. If you're playing a lot of multiplayer maybe the rush series? i think san francisco rush was out on dc.

Oh, and there's also seaman...that's...well that's something all right.
Super Runabout has aged pretty well...

Just kidding. Seriously though, I still play that one sometimes. It's one of the most bizarre Dreamcast games around, and that's saying a lot.
Try Maken X if you can get a hold of it. I used to have that game and the amount of endings and pathways to take through the game was absolutely amazing for its time. Very good stuff
I remember reading a lot about maken x. Something like a first-person samurai game where you can take over people?
You can't go wrong with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 IMO. (except N64 version)
Honestly I'd rather play it than any other skateboarding game that's come out in the last decade.
[quote name='Puffa469']You ever try to play a 3D PS1 games lately? Yuck![/QUOTE]
Actually, I have!


Still holds up to this day.
[quote name='Rooster752']I remember reading a lot about maken x. Something like a first-person samurai game where you can take over people?[/QUOTE]

Not really a samurai game, but it is a FPS where your main weapon is a sword. You control some Japanese school girl who ends up wielding a crazy mind control sword which is alive. Through the course of the game you can take over their minds of the bosses you beat along with all their abilities. I really like the art style and atmosphere. The game in general is different than anything else.

I actually own the PS2 import version (Maken Shao) which is an enhanced remake. The big difference being that it's in 3rd person instead of 1st person. Still, I recommend Maken X for the DC. The game is fairly difficult. Fitting since it's made by the same team who did the Shin Megami Tensei & Persona games.
it Maken X, you play as the weapon that controls the host user. as you beat bosses, you can choose to take another form (change weapons) and be weilded by a new host
[quote name='Rodimus']Not really a samurai game, but it is a FPS where your main weapon is a sword. You control some Japanese school girl who ends up wielding a crazy mind control sword which is alive. Through the course of the game you can take over their minds of the bosses you beat along with all their abilities. I really like the art style and atmosphere. The game in general is different than anything else.

I actually own the PS2 import version (Maken Shao) which is an enhanced remake. The big difference being that it's in 3rd person instead of 1st person. Still, I recommend Maken X for the DC. The game is fairly difficult. Fitting since it's made by the same team who did the Shin Megami Tensei & Persona games.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kurrptsenate']it Maken X, you play as the weapon that controls the host user. as you beat bosses, you can choose to take another form (change weapons) and be weilded by a new host[/QUOTE]
Now I definitely have to track this down. Don't know why I skipped playing the game.
I loved the PowerStone games. Those were actually pretty fun. Record of Lodoss War was pretty fun during that time. NBA 2k was an amazing basketball game at the time too it was the beginning of a 2k dominance with NBA games over Live. Then there's Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
[quote name='Rodimus']Fitting since it's made by the same team who did the Shin Megami Tensei & Persona games.[/QUOTE]

It isn't just the "same team" who made the Megaten series, it is considered a part of the Megaten series itself along with Persona.

If you like fighting games, I suggest Project Justice, the sequel to Rival Schools. It looks pretty fine to me when I went back to play it a few days ago.

Gigawing 2 was a pretty good shmup that had 4 player support.

While there's Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, you can always get Street Fighter 3: Double Impact. It might be an older game but it's a completely different beast when compared to 3S. Sean being top tier? No silly Yun Genei-Jin tricks? No Makoto/Chun-Li/Overpowered Ken? :D Interesting experience if I do say so myself.

And... There's always Phantasy Star Online. >.>;
Soul Calibur is an easy choice.
Hydro Thunder is a lot of fun still.
Project Justice, Space Channel 5 and Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 still looks amazing.
But I just remembered that I still haven't finished Slave Zero!
And I wish I still had Giant Gram 2000:cry:.

Not aged well: F1 for Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure and Sword of the Berserker: Gut's Rage.
I got Slave Zero for my birthday and beat it in like 2 days. I was disappointed as I thought you would have a sense that your mech is absolutely gigantic but the scale of the game never translated well
[quote name='lupinckc']Bangai-O[/QUOTE]

I second that. That game SHOULD come out on a system with two analog sticks...that would be perfect. Instead it comes out on DC and DS?
[quote name='jousley']I second that. That game SHOULD come out on a system with two analog sticks...that would be perfect. Instead it comes out on DC and DS?[/QUOTE]

I've played Bangai-O in the arcade, but I don't remember if it had two sticks or not.
[quote name='MogKnight']It isn't just the "same team" who made the Megaten series, it is considered a part of the Megaten series itself along with Persona.[/QUOTE]

It's an interesting topic of discussion. I didn't mean to discredit Maken X as not being a Megaten game. However I've never seen a Megaten pentagram seal or the SMT name slapped on any of the versions. I realize most Megaten games have very little to do with one another, but there are elements that connect them ie: Jack Frost. Is there anything in Maken X that ties it to other Megaten games other than the "same team?"
[quote name='MogKnight']And... There's always Phantasy Star Online. >.>;[/QUOTE]
While PSO is fun as hell, it's visually outdated. Even worse on the DC. The looks have not aged well.
I played the crap out of NBA Showtime -which was basically NBA Jam in 3-D. The graphics aren't great, but the game was still a blast.

And, I agree with a previous poster that Tony Hawk 2 was definitely my favorite in the series.
[quote name='Rodimus']It's an interesting topic of discussion. I didn't mean to discredit Maken X as not being a Megaten game. However I've never seen a Megaten pentagram seal or the SMT name slapped on any of the versions. I realize most Megaten games have very little to do with one another, but there are elements that connect them ie: Jack Frost. Is there anything in Maken X that ties it to other Megaten games other than the "same team?"[/QUOTE]

Hmm, time for research in old Gamefan magazines. I remember getting excited over the game's censored swastikas for some reason.

Man, I just popped in Zombie Revenge (which seemed innovative at the time) but now I'm thinking, "Did I buy this solely for the bust-size of Aya Brea's clone?" Or maybe it had to do with the manly narration when one picked up ROCK DRILL.

Your name is Stick Breitling, and your mission is stop ZED (You're all fools!).
[quote name='dafoomie']I finally got my Dreamcast hooked up to my HDTV via the VGA adapter (looks beautiful).[/QUOTE]

Please explain this! I want my dreamcast to look less blurry on my HDTV!
bread's done