Dreamcast Question


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Yeah so I sold my Dreamcast and my 45 games a long time ago and I have missed them all. So I broke down and bought another one today with Shenmue and Seaman. My question is this how loud is the thing suppose to be when loading games? I seem to remember it being noisy but I dunno if it was this loud. Another question is how rare are the 3 Resident Evil games? Can I find them cheap anywhere? I guess ebay will be my only option. Thanks to everyone.
It's fairly loud.

I haven't seen RE3 recently, but RE2 is uncommon (NOT RARE, though with a lot of stores dropping DC games, it might become rare), RE:CV can be had at GameCrazy for 2.99 (that's where I bought mine).
I own 3 dreamcast and all of them makes a loud sound when it's spininng the game disk.I hope your shenmue work on your dreamcast.Several models can't detect certain games.The best for finding dreamcast games for cheap is to pirate it.Most stores are geting rid of all their dreamcast games and only place to buy them is off ebay.I generally look at ebay auctions with system bundles.Snipe them,then sell the rest you don't want
Thanks to both of you. I loaded Shenmue up when I got home and watched the opening cinema again. It seem to work fine so I guess it is ok. There isnt alot of Gamecrazy's in Northeast TN so I guess Im out of luck with that. Thanks though.
One of the first things that I remember with my launch DC was how loud it was when reading the games. The PS2 is also very loud when it is reading the blue bottomed games.
bread's done