DS, is it for girls?


Ok, first, I'm a girl. So be nice. In this blog it lists the DS as the "girl's best gaming toy". Is the DS known to be for girls? Why? What gives? Did you agree with the points in the blog?
It's for everyone, including the drummer for Def Leppard. Well, Phantom Hourglass anyway.
Take out the words "girl's" and "toy" and it's about right.

The rest of the points are more or less accurate (even though this "blog" reads more like an ad), although I wouldn't buy it for surfing the web. Many places it won't work at all, and it's only good as a browser of last resort.

That said, the DS/i is awesome for just about anyone.
[quote name='billyweed']Ok, first, I'm a girl. So be nice. In this blog it lists the DS as the "girl's best gaming toy". Is the DS known to be for girls? Why? What gives? Did you agree with the points in the blog?[/QUOTE]

No I dont. Saying something like a game system is best for boys or girls is pretty much just a weird form of sexism.

Gaming is just a hobbie, no system or game is better suited for men or women. Gaming is a activity that anyone regardless of age or gender can enjoy. And its stupid to try and dice gamers up into groups, you either play games or you dont, there is no differentiation beyond that.
I'd like to see what the other contenders are for "girl's best gaming toy". I think the category is a bit biased. The only other legitimate item I could see on the list is the Rez Trance Youknowwhat.

To answer your question: No, I will not click on your blog link to give you hits.
As a female gamer, I can say that the DS has been a far more approachable system for women and new gamers than past systems, simply due to the easy stylus gameplay of some games. By showing simpler titles such as Nintendogs and Zoo Keeper early on, I was able to get my female friend and also my stepmother into gaming more, and each person went on to get a DS of their own.

Still, a think a person drawn to such devices, regardless of sex, will have some interest in games already. Play Facebook games or online flash games? Then some DS games will appeal naturally due to the already familiar point-and-click gameplay.
[quote name='utopianmachine']As a female gamer, I can say that the DS has been a far more approachable system for women and new gamers than past systems, simply due to the easy stylus gameplay of some games. By showing simpler titles such as Nintendogs and Zoo Keeper early on, I was able to get my female friend and also my stepmother into gaming more, and each person went on to get a DS of their own.

Still, a think a person drawn to such devices, regardless of sex, will have some interest in games already. Play Facebook games or online flash games? Then some DS games will appeal naturally due to the already familiar point-and-click gameplay.[/QUOTE]

That maybe why the DS has enjoyed greater success than the PSP, as I have seen other ladies playing the DS, and yet I have not yet seen one with a PSP. The ladies were playing Nintendogs, New Super Mario Brothers, and Pokemon (of course!).
[quote name='skyknight']That maybe why the DS has enjoyed greater success than the PSP, as I have seen other ladies playing the DS, and yet I have not yet seen one with a PSP. The ladies were playing Nintendogs, New Super Mario Brothers, and Pokemon (of course!).[/QUOTE]

While I'm actually currently in the market (maybe) for a PSP, I can say that that device is no where near as approachable a handheld as the DS. The DS interface is easy for anyone to understand, while the PSP/Sony one takes a little getting used to.

I will admit that Nintendogs is what fired me up to completely abandon my Gameboy Advance SP and completely switch over to DS gameplay. Nintendogs was amazing when it came out, with puppies that seemed so real compared to other games. I also play Pokemon, and I absolutely adore the Animal Crossing franchise. I believe Nintendo games tend to appeal to female gamers.
I agree that the DS (and PSP for that matter) are for both genders and different age groups inasmuch as nobody should feel excluded from playing them. However, it is true that the DS, with its cutesy style and disproportionately large library of E-rated games, does appeal more for kids and yes, girls.

Case in point: When I turn on my PS3, my girlfriend pulls out her DS.

(ps: sorry if that sounds dirty and let's get our minds out of the gutter together.)
I've been carrying my DSLite around since the launch years ago pretty much everywhere I go; it's probably my favorite out of all of my consoles, portable or not (although the PSP I'm getting might give it some competition).

In accordance with what a few other people are saying, the gameplay and games available for the DS make it shine as a more gender neutral handheld console than its' competition. There's such a wide range of games (and things that don't really count as games, more like FB applications) that you're sure to find something you're interested in.

Also, in terms of why it's got a huge female fan following in the country mentioned on the blog post, I think I understand why it's recommended. It's the most easily...prettified. Is that even a freaking word? Anyway. I've seen more 'designer' cases/skins for the DS available in Japan than for any other console out there. They don't make a rose pink PSP. And some female gamers (myself included, whateva, whateva, I do what I want!) enjoy the aesthetic value of their consoles alongside its technical feature. If you're getting one and this applies to you as well, I'd suggest checking Play Asia to see if there's any infem.in items in stock. :D

That said, I don't think a console should be promoted as being specifically better for girls than any other console. There's no gender discrimination in the design. Of the console, at least.
It's a very female friendly system with "non-games and casual" games like zoo keeper, bejeweled, Cooking Mama, Hell's Kitchen, Brain Age.

Interface is easy to use. It even comes in pink!
My daughters, 7 & 10, don't care for those cutesy games like Nintendogs, Zoo Keeper, Imagine ...,. etc.
They currently are playing Dragon Quest IX, Puzzle Quest Challenge of the Warlord, Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver. They do have a preference for games that have girl characters (They don't want to be a boy!).
[quote name='gtmtnbiker']My daughters, 7 & 10, don't care for those cutesy games like Nintendogs, Zoo Keeper, Imagine ...,. etc.
They currently are playing Dragon Quest IX, Puzzle Quest Challenge of the Warlord, Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver. They do have a preference for games that have girl characters (They don't want to be a boy!).[/QUOTE]

That's pretty hardcore.
bread's done