DS outsells PSP by 2.9 MILLION UNITS in Japan


170 (100%)
Enterbrain, the publishing company behind the Famitsu magazines, has released sales stats for the first half of the year, covering 12/26/2005 to 6/25/2006. Three portable systems topped hardware sales for the period. DS Lite took the top spot, with the standard DS coming in second. Together, the two DS variations reached sales of 3.9 million units, far above the third place PSP, which managed 1 million.



Expect another 10 page DS vs PSP debacle.

I can pretty much predict who is going to come in with the Sony bashing already.
What I find more amazing is how close the race is in the US. I think the DS is only up a mil units or so (probably more now that the lite came out.) With everyone saying how Japan has a HUGE sony bias, I think the handheld wars are showing that's not necessarily the case.
[quote name='omegaweapon7']*yawn*...DS came out first..etc etc, most DS users exchanged their DS unit for a lite...etc etc[/QUOTE]

How do either of these things contribute to the sales in this period? Maybe there was a decent amount of people that wanted a DS Lite in addition to/instead of their standard DS, but still, they did buy a new system.
Well, in Japan the DS actually gets more decent games released too. In Japan they also have older people buying DS's just for the Brain Age line of games, which is not happening here in the US to the same extent. . Good luck getting that crowd to buy anything else.
[quote name='omegaweapon7']*yawn*...DS came out first..etc etc, most DS users exchanged their DS unit for a lite...etc etc[/QUOTE]
If you're going to get that analytical about it, might as well find out how many people have sold their PSP after buying it. The PSP will get a redesign soon, and then it will have one less excuse.

And the game lineup in Japan is definitely stronger, since I don't think there are many games that Japanese DS owners are eager about importing from the US, while there's already a couple I'm planning on buying this month (Daigasso and Ouendan, finally).
This is not news... we already know that the DS is owning the PSP in Japan.

Now what would be news is if the PSP outsells the DS there or the DS outsells the PSP here.
Expect another 10 page DS vs PSP debacle.

I'm with you on that one, and I'd like to point out that Roufus meant that it would be a BAD THING.

Having said that, although I could hardly call it a surprise that DS has "won," the number was a bit larger than what I've anticipated.

Does anyone have the actual numbers from a trustworthy source for the US market?
[quote name='evanft']Well, this just proves that having a better game library will often lead to greater success.[/quote]

It worked for Sony with the PS2.
[quote name='evanft']Well, this just proves that having a better game library will often lead to greater success.[/QUOTE]

Or the opposite depending on your taste. :D
[quote name='MarioColbert']Does anyone have the actual numbers from a trustworthy source for the US market?[/quote] DS total Hardware sales: about 4,593,000
PSP total Hardware sales: about 4,491,000


June sales numbers aren't out yet. If I were to guess though, I think the Lite would push the DS to 5 million or close to it.
All I know is... in Japan the DS Lite sales are crazy.

The DS Lite outsells the top ten spots #2-#9 COMBINED during the most recent weekly sales. That's some shit right there.
[quote name='botticus']If you're going to get that analytical about it, might as well find out how many people have sold their PSP after buying it. The PSP will get a redesign soon, and then it will have one less excuse.

And the game lineup in Japan is definitely stronger, since I don't think there are many games that Japanese DS owners are eager about importing from the US, while there's already a couple I'm planning on buying this month (Daigasso and Ouendan, finally).[/QUOTE]

i just bought ouendon yesterday from J&L in Chinatown...i can tell you it was worth every penny..
Well you really can't beat that deal since the DS lite is just auwsome. I mean it's almost smaller then a GBA SP and is wireless plus has the raw power to chug out games and is easy to emulate.

So is the PSP but the fact is ou get 3d gaming, two screens, one touchable, and a humongous libarary of games unincludin GBC and GB.

The PSP might have the overall advantage in a typical game system but the NDS is a whol new ball game and with Lite and light that is just amazing
I got rid of my PSP after a good year ago because the game lineup was weaksauce. That was over a year ago. But at that time I was playing my DS alot more then my PSP, so I figured I would trade in my PSP after I wasn't using it much, and guess what? I got almost all my money back via trade in credit and spent it on XBox 360 games.

The PSP is gaining ground with better games as of late, but imho the DS is still the better product with more entertaining games and of course a cheaper price which both matter the most to me and alot of other people.

Just my two cents of course.
Could this be a sign of things to come for Nintendo? The DS took portable gaming in a whole new direction. The PSP tried to take what was currently done in the handheld market and make things more powerful and add extra features not related to gaming. Sounds kinda similar to Nintendo and Sony's strategies for their next generation consoles, doesn't it?

I've been playing my DS a ton lately. Meanwhile, my Gamecube has gotten basically ignored. And it's not because there aren't still games I want to play on the Gamecube because I still have a long list of games I want to play. But I'm not as interested in them because they offer basically the same experience as has been around for a long time while the DS is offering something completly new and it has me much more captivated.
So will the PSP2 have a touch screen? Sony is pretty innovative. They thought of the Rumble Pack First. And Tilt Motion. And Analog sticks
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