DS touch screen cover


I just bought a pack of covers for the screens on the DS and I can tell you that it is a pretty good investment. The top screen cover blends right in and has a coating to prevent glare. The bottom screen protector is pretty good as well since well...it prevents scratches. Right after I bought them i was playing Feel the Magic when I must have picked up a small piece of glass (I work at a furniture store) and it scratched into the protector..had there not been the protector I would have cursed up a storm. I just wanted to let everyone know its a great idea to get these since scratches are a pain on the DS. I picked mine up from EB for $6 (yeah I know...expensive but it was worth it). And...they are reusable. I've washed (yes...under the sink) the bottom one since it got dust under it the 1st time.
[quote name='Epic Wolf']I think your talking about this one...
I have the same one on my PSP, Hori make's quality products...[/QUOTE]

Yep. Thats them. I thought they were kinda expensive, but after washing the bottom screen cover I realized I wouldn't have to buy another unless I scratched it deep....then....I scratched it...deep. Still worth the protection.
You should go work for EGM...they love mutilating new stuff, I still cant get over them sticking a DS in the Toilet :shock: & stepping on a PSP :shock:...btw key's dont work better than the stylus lol
lol...yeah...I'm always afraid of something falling in my toilet. I've saved my cell phone plenty of times from the clutches of the dreaded blue water. Besides...my keys arent sharp enough to screw anything up. lol.
[quote name='banpeikun']Actually, I've been using skin oil and recommending the same to my friends and family who buy the DS. It works like a charm. There's a whole thread on nintendo's DS forum about it:

"the perfect natural screen protector"[/QUOTE]

Umm...yeah and we also have chemicals in our skin which can corrode the screen. I'd rather spend 6 bucks, thanks. Also...someone was recommending Acetone....yeah...nice...lets eat the plastic away. Yay!
[quote name='s3v3n777']Umm...yeah and we also have chemicals in our skin which can corrode the screen. I'd rather spend 6 bucks, thanks. Also...someone was recommending Acetone....yeah...nice...lets eat the plastic away. Yay![/QUOTE]

really? maybe you aint human at all. Ever think 'bout that? Chemical in our hands that can corrode the screen? LOL where did you hear that? (you sound totally uneducated) Lol.
There's oil on our skin, but nothing I've ever touched has corroded.

Maybe when they spliced the egg and sperm in the petri dish they accidentally spilled some chemicals. Sorry for your bad genetic luck, dude.
My bro's DS get about 20+ hr. of play a week for almost a yr. now... it's still as sensitive as the day he picked it up at launch... just don't jab at the touch screen like bloddy murder...
[quote name='praystation']really? maybe you aint human at all. Ever think 'bout that? Chemical in our hands that can corrode the screen? LOL where did you hear that? (you sound totally uneducated) Lol.[/QUOTE]

Well, I am a graduating Chemist. So I can tell you there are chemicals we secrete from our sebaceous glands that aren't made for a touch screen. In case you are interested, we secrete urea (a main ingredient in urine). I'm not saying you're going to eat away at the screen after the 1st touch or even after a while. However, I wouldn't recommend using your finger. I've seen this from the touch screens we use at my job. Everyone touches those screens with their finger and the screens are hella nasty. I'm not saying it is ALL due to the hands, but dirty fingers also has to do with it. Fact of the matter is, not everyone's hands are as immaculate as (apparently everyone that is on this thread's are) and we have crap in our hands. The DS is a handheld, and we are usually doing other things when we play it. Using your fingers isn't going to kill your DS. I certainly touch the screen when I don't want to pull out the stylus. I'm just saying I'd rather use my thumbstrap and the stylus over my finger. Besides...Advance Wars is almost impossible to play with anything other than the stylus for me. Those characters are just too damn small.
[quote name='s3v3n777']Well, I am a graduating Chemist. So I can tell you there are chemicals we secrete from our sebaceous glands that aren't made for a touch screen. In case you are interested, we secrete urea (a main ingredient in urine). I'm not saying you're going to eat away at the screen after the 1st touch or even after a while. However, I wouldn't recommend using your finger. I've seen this from the touch screens we use at my job. Everyone touches those screens with their finger and the screens are hella nasty. I'm not saying it is ALL due to the hands, but dirty fingers also has to do with it. Fact of the matter is, not everyone's hands are as immaculate as (apparently everyone that is on this thread's are) and we have crap in our hands. The DS is a handheld, and we are usually doing other things when we play it. Using your fingers isn't going to kill your DS. I certainly touch the screen when I don't want to pull out the stylus. I'm just saying I'd rather use my thumbstrap and the stylus over my finger. Besides...Advance Wars is almost impossible to play with anything other than the stylus for me. Those characters are just too damn small.[/QUOTE]

BUt the way you are saying in the first post sounds like as if the touchscreen would be "corroded." I'm also an RN and a med student. and I don't think touching the touchscreen for 100 years constantly would corrode 0.1 mm of the touchscreen.
Maybe not at 100 years but what happens AFTER 100 years? Hmmm...lol. Yeah, that last post did look like I was saying we have like acid in our hands, my apologies. Well, to be fair, I tried the finger method...and for me it wasn't as precise as I needed it to be. I tried it for a few games and I didn't really dig it, but hey...to each their own. I'd rather just spend the money and scratch the shit out of the protector.
[quote name='s3v3n777']Maybe not at 100 years but what happens AFTER 100 years? Hmmm...lol. Yeah, that last post did look like I was saying we have like acid in our hands, my apologies. Well, to be fair, I tried the finger method...and for me it wasn't as precise as I needed it to be. I tried it for a few games and I didn't really dig it, but hey...to each their own. I'd rather just spend the money and scratch the shit out of the protector.[/QUOTE]The thread was not saying to use your finger to play the games, but to keep the smudges from your finger on the touch screen while you use your stylus. You can wipe the smudges off after you play, too. I have two import DS's and after putting a screen protector on the first one, I decided to try the skin oil on the other one and have had good results.
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