Duke Nukem Forever may have finally gone...forever

You really, really, really need to change the topic title before I go off on a tangent about sentence structure and grammar.

Anyways...that PR announcement was harsh. Just saying that the DS/PSP remakes of the first 3 games aren't affected by 3d Realms closing (not mentioned, but heavily implied) is cold.
Duke Nukem Forever publisher Take-Two confirmed to Shacknews that it has pulled funding from Duke Nukem Forever.

"We can confirm that our relationship with 3D Realms for Duke Nukem Forever was a publishing arrangement, which did not include ongoing funds for development of the title," said Take-Two VP of communications Alan Lewis in a prepared statement.

"In addition, Take-Two continues to retain the publishing rights to Duke Nukem Forever," he added.




What the fuck.

Take-Two just pulled the fucking rug out from under 3D Realms, and is keeping the fucking IP and the rights to everything to themselves, leaving 3D Realms for dead, with nothing to show for 13 years of work. Holy shit. I am fucking stunned. Unless something changes fast, that tears it. I am permanently personally boycotting Take-Two.


It just can not end this way.
You take 13 years and all you have to show for it was a 30 second trailer? Take two should have done this at least 5 years ago.
See, I would have no problem with Take-Two pulling funding and dropping out from being the publisher.

What really steams me is the way they're KEEPING THE IP.

What the fuck.
Isn't that business as normal in this industry? I'm betting it is part of the contract. Tim Shafer/Doublefine have had this exact issue before, which is why they have some issues getting publishers to begin with - they always work their contracts such that their work/IPs remain with them, regardless of funding and so forth.
It's hard for me to feel pity for them when they had 13 years. I don't know what happened behind the scenes, and no need to say to me "Where's your game you developed and released, FoS?" but it was thirteen years. It took me thirteen years to go through a life altering experience where my body went through changes, forever (puberty) They had a puberty's worth of time to make a FPS and they couldn't? gtfo
[quote name='Strell']Isn't that business as normal in this industry? I'm betting it is part of the contract. Tim Shafer/Doublefine have had this exact issue before, which is why they have some issues getting publishers to begin with - they always work their contracts such that their work/IPs remain with them, regardless of funding and so forth.[/QUOTE]

I hope you can understand, that I consider DNF a special case.
Wait... the 3D Realms devs can't spend all their time smoking pot and staring blankly at computer monitors anymore? Say it ain't so!
This may be for the best....After 13 years of development, the Game can't be good.

I agree with hhhdx4, they should of pulled funding a long time ago.
The whole point was for the game to be in development limbo forever, and now that Take-Two has the IP but no official developer, they have made sure that there will never be a date when it's finally finished. Expect this to be on the scheduled release date each month... forever!
Did you guys miss this....

[Update: We got in touch with MMPR, the PR firm for Duke Nukem Triology. Here's what they had to say on the matter:
"Deep Silver and Apogee Software are not affected by the situation at 3D Realms. Development on the Duke Nukem Trilogy is continuing as planned."
So Apogee is still alive and kicking and no one from Apogee has been laid off.]
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I hope you can understand, that I consider DNF a special case.[/QUOTE]

Allow me put this in a way I'll understand:

This is your Mother 3, in a manner of speaking.

The circumstances are different, but the outcome is the same.
I'm not a PC gamer, and pretty much nothing runs on this laptop, but I was actually planning to buy DNF just...because.

It still seems like Take 2 owns the rights to it, so...maybe...someday. I've got a crazy idea. The first Big Daddy is actually Duke Nukem. Yeah....worst idea ever.
Someone on here posted a pre-order slip from EB that they got back in 2001 for DNF.

I hope that person reads this thread. EB owes 'em five bucks.
Good point. Although, I'm sure Gamestop has a 3 years and your money is ours policy. Also, considering EB merged with Gamestop, he probably lost his $5 then.
[quote name='Strell']Allow me put this in a way I'll understand:

This is your Mother 3, in a manner of speaking.

The circumstances are different, but the outcome is the same.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and I didn't talk down to anyone as though they were naive and didn't understand the first thing about the realities of the business, in regards to Mother 3.

Also, what do you mean this is "[my] Mother 3"? Mother 3 was mine, as well. Perhaps I've never talked about it, but I like to think that I'm just about as big a Mother fan as anyone. I was waiting for it ever since it was called "Forest of the Chimera." Back in 1997 or so, when I was trying to choose between a PS1 and an N64, the promise of EarthBound 64 was one of the biggest factors in my decision-making process. I remember in late 1999, when the Spaceworld 1999 footage of EB64 was posted online, breathlessly waiting for the 5 meg video to finish downloading, which of course, took about a half-hour at the time, and then watching the clip about a million times, wishing that I could understand just what the heck was going on in that trailer. And then, of course, all the bad news about it started coming in. I clearly remember all the heartache over that one. And then, I was there for every step of development news for the GBA resurrection.

So, yeah. This isn't "my Mother 3." It's my "next Mother 3," except this one probably won't actually have a happy ending.

[quote name='Strell']Someone on here posted a pre-order slip from EB that they got back in 2001 for DNF.

I hope that person reads this thread. EB owes 'em five bucks.[/QUOTE]

I don't see why. The game isn't canceled.
I've been pretty pissed about this announcement. Judging by George's twitter, they finally had all the groundwork done and at this point, they were getting some minor things done (music and such). I remember it like it was yesterday that they were talking about putting this out on the Gamecube!

In any case, I REALLY hope the game gets released. Take 2 couldn't take it any more and cut the funding (remember in 2007 when they offered 3D Realms big money to get the game out THAT year?!?!)
I think all of you are missing the point. We weren't supposed to wait for Duke Nukem Forever to be given to us, it was inside of all of us this whole time.
[quote name='Luftwaffles08']I think all of you are missing the point. We weren't supposed to wait for Duke Nukem Forever to be given to us, it was inside of all of us this whole time.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Luftwaffles08']I think all of you are missing the point. We weren't supposed to wait for Duke Nukem Forever to be given to us, it was inside of all of us this whole time.[/quote]

I was going to spew something witty entering this thread, but I can't beat this. :applause:
I'm not talking down to you, CE. It's pretty sad that you think I am/was. You engaged me first with your emotional trip, and I was merely comparing it to something I've held over the years. I also pointed out that it's business as usual in the industry.

We get your schtick. You don't have to bear it down in every thread you are in.
[quote name='Strell']We get your schtick. You don't have to bear it down in every thread you are in.[/QUOTE]

Do you seriously not get that that's part of the schtick?

PS, your mom will get my schtick.
[quote name='Luftwaffles08']I think all of you are missing the point. We weren't supposed to wait for Duke Nukem Forever to be given to us, it was inside of all of us this whole time.[/QUOTE]

Damn son.

That's some shit.
This is depressing the shit out of me. I still remember back when I was 13 years old that I was telling my friends Duke Nukem Forever is going to be the best video game ever made.
[quote name='Luftwaffles08']I think all of you are missing the point. We weren't supposed to wait for Duke Nukem Forever to be given to us, it was inside of all of us this whole time.[/QUOTE]

You're saying DNF is guts, black stuff, and about fifty slim jims?
[quote name='Strell']You're saying DNF is guts, black stuff, and about fifty slim jims?[/quote]

That does sort of sound like what I expected Duke Nukem to be made of.
DNF matters? *really*?

REALLY really?

A decent shooter with humor about as clever as you'd find in a 'Maxim' magazine is that revered?

DNF was 'abandon all hope, ye who enter here' territory before George Bush 2 was President.

There was simply nothing unique about the franchise - so good riddance to something that simply doesn't matter, I say.

Let me put it another way: DN3D was a fun game. I'll give you that. But I'm of the opinion that not a single thing would be any different in the games industry as we know it had this particular game never been released.

Duke Nukem is as relevant as "Smuggler's Run" is.
[quote name='mykevermin']DNF matters? *really*?

REALLY really?

A decent shooter with humor about as clever as you'd find in a 'Maxim' magazine is that revered?

DNF was 'abandon all hope, ye who enter here' territory before George Bush 2 was President.

There was simply nothing unique about the franchise - so good riddance to something that simply doesn't matter, I say.

Let me put it another way: DN3D was a fun game. I'll give you that. But I'm of the opinion that not a single thing would be any different in the games industry as we know it had this particular game never been released.

Duke Nukem is as relevant as "Smuggler's Run" is.[/quote]

How dare you. How fucking dare. Get the fuck out of here. Quit playing videogames you prick. Duke Nukem Forever WILL BE THE GREATEST GAME EVER! yeah thats right. And if you don't think that, then you are not a gamer. DNF is gonna be so far advanced for its time that you won't get it. Your mind cannot and wil not concieve how great this game will become. 12 years of development bro. 12 years. It's gonna be the next Sega Dreamcast. So far advanced you won't be able to comprehend how great this game will be. Get out of here you terrorist. Don't bad mouth Duke Nukem.
its not that big of a loss. better games/game ideas have come and gone just like this. and as many have said 13 years is a hell of a long time to work on a game and have nothing to show for. id like to see how much money was put into this game and where it all went. who knows 10 years from now someone will probably sell an illegal copy of the game on ebay or put it up for dl online. better to always wonder what if than to get the game and it sucks.
Speaking of pre-orders, in hindsight, if a lot of people preordered that game IN FULL when it was announced, then got their money back now, could we have financially crippled the monster that is now Gamestop?
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']Speaking of pre-orders, in hindsight, if a lot of people preordered that game IN FULL when it was announced, then got their money back now, could we have financially crippled the monster that is now Gamestop?[/QUOTE]

No. They would have earned hella interest.
[quote name='mykevermin']DNF matters? *really*?

REALLY really?

A decent shooter with humor about as clever as you'd find in a 'Maxim' magazine is that revered?

DNF was 'abandon all hope, ye who enter here' territory before George Bush 2 was President.

There was simply nothing unique about the franchise - so good riddance to something that simply doesn't matter, I say.

Let me put it another way: DN3D was a fun game. I'll give you that. But I'm of the opinion that not a single thing would be any different in the games industry as we know it had this particular game never been released.

Duke Nukem is as relevant as "Smuggler's Run" is.[/QUOTE]

So, games "don't matter," unless they're unique, or transform the industry? Interesting.

Anyways, I don't think you're giving 3D Realms any of the credit they deserve. For all their faults, they were visionaries, in the FPS genre. Just look at Shadow Warrior. Juvenile? Yes. Vehicles, a half-decade before pretty much any other FPS had them? Also yes. And look at the 2001 trailer for DNF. Had that version of the game arrived around that time, I have little doubt that it would have been one of the most innovative FPSes ever, for the time. Free roaming, varied gameplay, vehicles, the works.

Eh, whatever.
I deliberately omitted Shadow Warrior for a reason.

I directly spoke solely of the Duke Nukem franchise for a reason.

Because when I say "Duke Nukem," I mean solely that product line, not 3D Realms. Just as one might mock Daikatana and similarly (with no disagreement from me) proclaim its irrelevance to the industry, they can do so without critiquing all of John Romero's work.

Duke Nukem is not a franchise that impresses me, and DN3D did not contain gameplay that stood out to me. That's all I'm saying.

Alternately, the best thing about DNF over its history is well...its history. The bs "chair story" linked above is only plausible because of the legendary status of the title's development. It, as a marketing tool, has wheels. I'm simply saying that behind the curtain of this title's infamous development most likely lies an incredibly underwhelming and largely irrelevant game. The "Chinese Democracy" of gaming, if you will.
bread's done