Duke Nukem Forever Reveal Trailer

Wow... when they said 'next year', I never expected it so soon. It must've been way further along than I thought when Gearbox announced they were working on it.

Looks great so far, and they seem to have captured the cheesy machismo well in the trailer, which bodes well for the game.

Seriously, though... I have complete faith in Gearbox with this. Borderlands was great and, frankly, I don't think they would've bothered resurrecting this game just to release something shitty. Can't wait.
I really wanted to hate on this when I saw the thread title, but I actually chuckled a bit during the trailer. Looks over the top a stupid in a completely fun way.
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Not sure why,but I get the same vibe as what happened with Haze. Them saying how good it was and then it ended up being terrible. If this gets trashed by the reviewers it won't shock me. I'm still interested in it no matter what and the ending was extremely funny. After 12 fucking years it better be. haha.
[quote name='javeryh']This can't possibly be good, can it?[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is going to fucking rock.

Despite the discontinuation of internal game development at 3D Realms, development of the game did not cease entirely. Nine ex-employees including key personnel like Allen Blum, continued game development throughout 2009 from their homes. These employees would later become Triptych Games, an independent studio that is currently housed in the same building as Gearbox and is collaborating with them on the project.

After ceasing internal game development, 3D Realms approached noted game developers Gearbox Software and asked them if they were interested in helping Triptych Games polish the nearly finished PC version and port it to the consoles. Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford, who had worked on an expansion to Duke Nukem 3D and very briefly on Forever before he left to found Gearbox, felt that "Duke can't die" and decided that he was going to help "in Duke’s time of need". He started providing funding for the game and contacted 2K Games' president to persuade his company that Gearbox and Triptych can complete the development of the game and get it released on all platforms in time. Piranha Games was contracted to build the multiplayer of the game and help with the console ports.
Wow, I know Im psyched. What could be better than kicking ass, talking some shit, and taking names...oh yeah, and see some hot chicks and burly monsters along the way. This game has it all!

Despite the discontinuation of internal game development at 3D Realms, development of the game did not cease entirely. Nine ex-employees including key personnel like Allen Blum, continued game development throughout 2009 from their homes. These employees would later become Triptych Games, an independent studio that is currently housed in the same building as Gearbox and is collaborating with them on the project.

After ceasing internal game development, 3D Realms approached noted game developers Gearbox Software and asked them if they were interested in helping Triptych Games polish the nearly finished PC version and port it to the consoles. Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford, who had worked on an expansion to Duke Nukem 3D and very briefly on Forever before he left to found Gearbox, felt that "Duke can't die" and decided that he was going to help "in Duke’s time of need". He started providing funding for the game and contacted 2K Games' president to persuade his company that Gearbox and Triptych can complete the development of the game and get it released on all platforms in time. Piranha Games was contracted to build the multiplayer of the game and help with the console ports.
^^ From Sporadic's post...Awesome!
That trailer was hilarious. When this comes out, I'm buying two. Probably PC and PS3. I always said I was going to buy two.
I'll probably buy it, but I'm honestly waiting to see the review scores. If reviewers did them based on hype and wait alone, every one of them would rate it a 1/10.
I was skeptical about this but I think that trailer might have converted me.. I actually want the game now. The game looks like it'll be classic Duke, but just 3D. This is at least seems kinda different from other FPSes in that it doesn't take itself so seriously.
The box art is goofy, but it works so well.

I can't wait to play it... I have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to be a very run-of-the-mill shooter, but I gotta play it if only for the experience. The idea of another company sorta picking up the reigns to finish production has me a bit concerned that maybe the game might be a bit lopsided, like we'll get some really amazing polished levels scattered throughout some largely under-developed stuff that Gearbox maybe just sorta spit-shined. I'd like to think it'll be good... the whole reason the game was supposedly held up was because of (3D Realms Boss name here)'s obsession with perfection, so hopefully there will be some interesting gameplay mechanics. I guess we'll have to see.

EDIT: I really hope there's a Collector's Edition, the making-of documentary would be worth the price of admission alone.
[quote name='Ilikecoldbeverages']

EDIT: I really hope there's a Collector's Edition, the making-of documentary would be worth the price of admission alone.[/QUOTE]

The "making of" documentary would probably fill several blurays.

Not expecting anything groundbreaking but if the enjoyment level is on par with what was done with Wolfenstein, in that it didn't take itself too seriously and was just some mindless fun, I'll be more than happy.
I've watched the trailer 12 times. The last part still isn't getting old. I really want this game now no matter what the reviews say. I really don't think the game will get rated to well.
When I first heard the game was coming out, I did not really care much. After I saw the trailer, it reminded me when I played Duke Nukem on the N64. (now I want it badly lol)
HOLY fuck! Thats my birthday! The Duke has chosen the day I was born to release the most epic, manly game of 2011!
[quote name='FroMann']HOLY fuck! Thats my birthday! The Duke has chosen the day I was born to release the most epic, manly game of 2011![/QUOTE]

Me and a couple game industry buddies have that birthday too oddly enough.

An editor friend from GamePro
One of the former PR reps/translators from Square Enix
and even one of the PR reps from 2K

Christina Hendricks
Machiavelli (sp?)

On a more serious note, I'm thinking of running a contest to track down the oldest ACTIVE pre-order for the game. I just might be able to get an early review copy for the winner.
I heard Gearbox or 2K has something special in store for somebody with the oldest or some of the oldest pre-order reciepts.
I will get the game no doubt, I trust Gearbox after the great work they did on Boarderlands.

The only question is will I be a CAG about the game and wait till it hits $20 bucks? I waited this long maybe I'll be able to wait till it drops in price.
[quote name='keithp']Bring it ON!!!!

But I'm not impressed with the new Duke's voice.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure it's the same guy that's been doing it from day 1.
[quote name='keithp']Bring it ON!!!!

But I'm not impressed with the new Duke's voice.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that John St. John was doing the voice as always.

Edit: Beaten to it.
bread's done